Release notes v0.1.1
Change-Id: Ifaa083a54fb72cb5c195c80da064ec91032292d7
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
Rally v0.1.0
| Commits | **355** |
| Bug fixes | **90** |
| Dev cycle | **132 days** |
| Release date | **25/September/2015** |
This release contains new features, new 42 plugins, 90 bug fixes,
various code and API improvements.
New Features & API changes
* **Improved installation script**
* Add parameters:
* ``--develop`` parameter to install rally in editable (develop) mode
* ``--no-color`` to switch off output colorizing
useful for automated output parsing and terminals that don't
support colors.
* Puts rally.conf under virtualenv etc/rally/ so you can have several
rally installations in virtualenv
* Many fixes related to access of different file, like: rally.conf,
rally db file in case of sqlite
* Update pip before Rally installation
* Fix reinstallation
* **Separated Rally plugins & framework**
Now plugins are here:
Plugins are as well separated common/* for common plugins
that can be use no matter what is tested and OpenStack related
* **New Rally Task framework**
* All plugins has the same Plugin base:
rally.common.plugin.pluing.Plugin They have the same mechanisms for:
discovering, providing information based on docstrings, and in future
they will use the same deprecation/rename mechanism.
* Some of files are moved:
* rally/benchmark -> rally/task
*This was done to unify naming of rally task command and
actually code that implements it.*
* rally/benchmark/sla/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/context/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/scenarios/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/runners/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/scenarios/ -> rally/task/
This was done to:
* avoid doing rally.benchamrk.scenarios import base as scenario_base
* remove one level of nesting
* simplify framework structure
* Some of classes and methods were renamed
* Plugin configuration:
* context.context() -> context.configure()
* scenario.scenario() -> scenario.configure()
* Introduced runner.configure()
* Introduced sla.configure()
This resolves 3 problems:
* Unifies configuration of different types of plugins
* Simplifies plugin interface
* Looks nice with new modules path:
>>> from rally.task import scenario
>>> @scenario.configure()
* Atomic Actions were changed:
* New rally.task.atomic module
This allow us in future to reuse atomic actions in Context plugins
* Renames:
-> rally.task.atomic.ActionTimer
-> rally.task.atomic.action_timer()
* **Context plugins decide how to map their data for scenario**
Now Context.map_for_scenario method can be override to decide
how to pass context object to each iteration of scenario.
* Samples of NEW vs OLD context, sla, scenario and runner plugins:
* Context
.. code-block:: python
# Old
from rally.benchmark.context import base
@base.context(name="users", order=100)
class YourContext(base.Context):
def setup(self):
# ...
def cleanup(self):
# ...
# New
from rally.task import context
@context.configure(name="users", order=100)
class YourContext(context.Context):
def setup(self):
# ...
def cleanup(self):
# ...
def map_for_scenario(self):
# Maps context object to the scenario context object
# like context["users"] -> context["user"] and so on.
* Scenario
.. code-block:: python
# Old Scenario
from rally.benchmark.scenarios import base
from rally.benchmark import validation
class ScenarioPlugin(base.Scenario):
def some(self):
def _do_some_action(self):
# ...
# New Scenario
from rally.task import atomic
from rally.task import scenario
from rally.task import validation
# OpenStack scenario has different base now:
# rally.plugins.openstack.scenario.OpenStackScenario
class ScenarioPlugin(scenario.Scenario):
def some(self):
def _do_some_action(self):
# ...
* Runner
.. code-block:: python
## Old
from rally.benchmark.runners import base
class SomeRunner(base.ScenarioRunner):
__execution_type__ = "some_runner"
def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
# Load generation
def abort(self):
# Method that aborts load generation
## New
from rally.task import runner
class SomeRunner(runner.ScenarioRunner):
def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
# Load generation
def abort(self):
# Method that aborts load generation
.. code-block:: python
# Old
from rally.benchmark import sla
class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
# ...
# New
from rally.task import sla
class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
# ...
* **Rally Task aborted command**
Finally you can gracefully shutdown running task by calling:
.. code:: bash
rally task abort <task_uuid>
* **Rally CLI changes**
* [add] ``rally --plugin-paths`` specify the list of directories with plugins
* [add] ``rally task report --junit`` - generate a JUnit report
This allows users to feed reports to tools such as Jenkins.
* [add] ``rally task abort`` - aborts running Rally task
when run with the ``--soft`` key, the ``rally task abort`` command is
waiting until the currently running subtask is finished, otherwise the
command interrupts subtask immediately after current scenario iterations
are finished.
* [add] ``rally plugin show`` prints detailed information about plugin
* [add] ``rally plugin list`` prints table with rally plugin names and titles
* [add] ``rally verify genconfig`` generates tempest.conf without running it.
* [add] ``rally verify install`` install tempest for specified deployment
* [add] ``rally verify reinstall`` removes tempest for specified deployment
* [add] ``rally verify uninstall`` uninstall tempest of specified deployment
* [fix] ``rally verify start --no-use`` --no-use was always turned on
* [remove] ``rally use`` now each command has subcommand ``use``
* [remove] ``rally info``
* [remove] ``rally-manage tempest`` now it is covered by ``rally verify``
* **New Rally task reports**
* New code is based on OOP style which is base step to make plugable Reports
* Reports are now generated for only one iteration over the resulting data
which resolves scalability issues when we are working with large
amount of iterations.
* New Load profiler plot that shows amount of iterations that are working
in parallel
* Failed iterations are shown as a red areas on stacked are graphic.
Non backward compatible changes
* [remove] ``rally use`` cli command
* [remove] ``rally info`` cli command
* [remove] ``--uuid`` parameter from ``rally deployment <any>``
* [remove ``--deploy-id`` parameter from:
``rally task <any>``, ``rally verify <any>``, ``rally show <any>``
Specs & Feature requests
[feature request] Explicitly specify existing users for scenarios
[feature request] Improve install script and add --unistall and --version
[feature request] Allows specific repos & packages in
[feature request] Add abbility to caputre logs from tested services
[feature request] Check RPC queue perfdata
[spec] Refactoring Rally cleanup
[spec] Consistent resource names
* **Scenarios**:
[new] CinderVolumes.create_volume_backup
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_restore_volume_backup
[new] KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles
[new] FuelEnvironments.list_environments
[new] CinderVolumes.modify_volume_metadata
[new] NovaServers.boot_and_delete_multiple_servers
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_pool
[new] ManilaShares.list_shares
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_get_event
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_event_types
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_events
[new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_trait_descriptions
[new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_traits
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_pools
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_pools
[new] ManilaShares.create_and_delete_share
[new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_delete
[new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_list
[new] HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack
[new] ManilaShares.list_share_servers
[new] HeatStacks.create_snapshot_restore_delete_stack
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_ec2credential
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_ec2credentials
[new] HeatStacks.create_stack_and_scale
[new] ManilaShares.create_security_service_and_delete
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_user_set_enabled_and_delete
[new] ManilaShares.attach_security_service_to_share_network
[new] IronicNodes.create_and_delete_node
[new] IronicNodes.create_and_list_node
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume_backups
[new] NovaNetworks.create_and_list_networks
[new] NovaNetworks.create_and_delete_network
[new] EC2Servers.list_servers
[new] VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete_custom_imagea
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_update_volume
* **Contexts**:
[new] ManilaQuotas
Add context for setting up Manila quotas:
shares, gigabytes, snapshots, snapshot_gigabytes, share_networks
[new] ManilaShareNetworks
Context for share networks that will be used in case of usage
deployment with existing users. Provided share networks via context
option "share_networks" will be balanced between all share creations
of scenarios.
[new] Lbaas
Context to create LBaaS-v1 resources
[new] ImageCommandCustomizerContext
Allows image customization using side effects of a command execution.
E.g. one can install an application to the image and use these image
for 'boot_runcommand_delete' scenario afterwards.
[new] EC2ServerGenerator
Context that creates servers using EC2 api
[new] ExistingNetwork
This context lets you use existing networks that have already been
created instead of creating new networks with Rally. This is useful
when, for instance, you are using Neutron with a dumb router that is
not capable of creating new networks on the fly.
* **SLA**:
[remove] max_failure_rate - use failure_rate instead
Bug fixes
**90 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
* Many fixes related that fixes access of rally.conf and DB files
* Incorrect apt-get "-yes" parameter in script
* Rally bash completion doesn't exist in a virtualenv
* Rally show networks CLI command worked only with nova networks
* RPS runner was not properly generating load
* Check is dhcp_agent_scheduler support or not in network cleanup
* NetworkContext doesn't work with Nova V2.1
* Rally task input file was not able to use jinja2 include directive
* Rally in docker image was not able to
* Rally docker image didn't contain samples
* Do not update the average duration when iteration failed
* **Add plugin reference page**
:ref:`Rally Plugins Reference page <plugin_reference>` page contains a
full list with
* **Add maintainers section on project info page**
:ref:`Rally Maintainers section <project_info>` contains information
about core contributors of OpenStack Rally their responsibilities and
contacts. This will help us to make our community more transparent and open
for newbies.
* **Added who is using section in docs**
* **Many small fixes**
@ -1,510 +1,131 @@
Rally v0.1.0
Rally v0.1.1
| Commits | **355** |
| Commits | **32** |
| Bug fixes | **90** |
| Bug fixes | **9** |
| Dev cycle | **132 days** |
| Dev cycle | **11 days** |
| Release date | **25/September/2015** |
| Release date | **6/October/2015** |
This release contains new features, new 42 plugins, 90 bug fixes,
This release contains new features, new 6 plugins, 9 bug fixes,
various code and API improvements.
various code and API improvements.
New Features & API changes
New Features
* **Improved installation script**
* Add parameters:
* **Rally verify generates proper tempest.conf file now**
* ``--develop`` parameter to install rally in editable (develop) mode
Improved script that generates tempest.conf, now it works out of box for
most of the clouds and most of Tempest tests will pass without hacking it.
* ``--no-color`` to switch off output colorizing
* **Import Tempest results to Rally DB**
useful for automated output parsing and terminals that don't
support colors.
* Puts rally.conf under virtualenv etc/rally/ so you can have several
``rally verify import`` command allows you to import already existing Tempest
rally installations in virtualenv
results and work with them as regular "rally verify start" results:
generate HTML/CSV reports & compare different runs.
* Many fixes related to access of different file, like: rally.conf,
rally db file in case of sqlite
* Update pip before Rally installation
API Changes
* Fix reinstallation
**Rally CLI changes**
* [add] ``rally verify import`` imports raw Tempest results to Rally
* **Separated Rally plugins & framework**
Now plugins are here:
Plugins are as well separated common/* for common plugins
that can be use no matter what is tested and OpenStack related
* **New Rally Task framework**
* All plugins has the same Plugin base:
rally.common.plugin.pluing.Plugin They have the same mechanisms for:
discovering, providing information based on docstrings, and in future
they will use the same deprecation/rename mechanism.
* Some of files are moved:
* rally/benchmark -> rally/task
*This was done to unify naming of rally task command and
actually code that implements it.*
* rally/benchmark/sla/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/context/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/scenarios/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/runners/ -> rally/task/
* rally/benchmark/scenarios/ -> rally/task/
This was done to:
* avoid doing rally.benchamrk.scenarios import base as scenario_base
* remove one level of nesting
* simplify framework structure
* Some of classes and methods were renamed
* Plugin configuration:
* context.context() -> context.configure()
* scenario.scenario() -> scenario.configure()
* Introduced runner.configure()
* Introduced sla.configure()
This resolves 3 problems:
* Unifies configuration of different types of plugins
* Simplifies plugin interface
* Looks nice with new modules path:
>>> from rally.task import scenario
>>> @scenario.configure()
* Atomic Actions were changed:
* New rally.task.atomic module
This allow us in future to reuse atomic actions in Context plugins
* Renames:
-> rally.task.atomic.ActionTimer
-> rally.task.atomic.action_timer()
* **Context plugins decide how to map their data for scenario**
Now Context.map_for_scenario method can be override to decide
how to pass context object to each iteration of scenario.
* Samples of NEW vs OLD context, sla, scenario and runner plugins:
* Context
.. code-block:: python
# Old
from rally.benchmark.context import base
@base.context(name="users", order=100)
class YourContext(base.Context):
def setup(self):
# ...
def cleanup(self):
# ...
# New
from rally.task import context
@context.configure(name="users", order=100)
class YourContext(context.Context):
def setup(self):
# ...
def cleanup(self):
# ...
def map_for_scenario(self):
# Maps context object to the scenario context object
# like context["users"] -> context["user"] and so on.
* Scenario
.. code-block:: python
# Old Scenario
from rally.benchmark.scenarios import base
from rally.benchmark import validation
class ScenarioPlugin(base.Scenario):
def some(self):
def _do_some_action(self):
# ...
# New Scenario
from rally.task import atomic
from rally.task import scenario
from rally.task import validation
# OpenStack scenario has different base now:
# rally.plugins.openstack.scenario.OpenStackScenario
class ScenarioPlugin(scenario.Scenario):
def some(self):
def _do_some_action(self):
# ...
* Runner
.. code-block:: python
## Old
from rally.benchmark.runners import base
class SomeRunner(base.ScenarioRunner):
__execution_type__ = "some_runner"
def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
# Load generation
def abort(self):
# Method that aborts load generation
## New
from rally.task import runner
class SomeRunner(runner.ScenarioRunner):
def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
# Load generation
def abort(self):
# Method that aborts load generation
.. code-block:: python
# Old
from rally.benchmark import sla
class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
# ...
# New
from rally.task import sla
class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
# ...
* **Rally Task aborted command**
Finally you can gracefully shutdown running task by calling:
.. code:: bash
rally task abort <task_uuid>
* **Rally CLI changes**
* [add] ``rally --plugin-paths`` specify the list of directories with plugins
* [add] ``rally task report --junit`` - generate a JUnit report
This allows users to feed reports to tools such as Jenkins.
* [add] ``rally task abort`` - aborts running Rally task
when run with the ``--soft`` key, the ``rally task abort`` command is
waiting until the currently running subtask is finished, otherwise the
command interrupts subtask immediately after current scenario iterations
are finished.
* [add] ``rally plugin show`` prints detailed information about plugin
* [add] ``rally plugin list`` prints table with rally plugin names and titles
* [add] ``rally verify genconfig`` generates tempest.conf without running it.
* [add] ``rally verify install`` install tempest for specified deployment
* [add] ``rally verify reinstall`` removes tempest for specified deployment
* [add] ``rally verify uninstall`` uninstall tempest of specified deployment
* [fix] ``rally verify start --no-use`` --no-use was always turned on
* [remove] ``rally use`` now each command has subcommand ``use``
* [remove] ``rally info``
* [remove] ``rally-manage tempest`` now it is covered by ``rally verify``
* **New Rally task reports**
* New code is based on OOP style which is base step to make plugable Reports
* Reports are now generated for only one iteration over the resulting data
which resolves scalability issues when we are working with large
amount of iterations.
* New Load profiler plot that shows amount of iterations that are working
in parallel
* Failed iterations are shown as a red areas on stacked are graphic.
Non backward compatible changes
* [remove] ``rally use`` cli command
* [remove] ``rally info`` cli command
* [remove] ``--uuid`` parameter from ``rally deployment <any>``
* [remove ``--deploy-id`` parameter from:
``rally task <any>``, ``rally verify <any>``, ``rally show <any>``
Specs & Feature requests
Specs & Feature requests
[feature request] Explicitly specify existing users for scenarios
There is no new specs and feature requests.
[feature request] Improve install script and add --unistall and --version
[feature request] Allows specific repos & packages in
[feature request] Add abbility to caputre logs from tested services
[feature request] Check RPC queue perfdata
[spec] Refactoring Rally cleanup
[spec] Consistent resource names
* **Scenarios**:
* **Scenarios**:
[new] CinderVolumes.create_volume_backup
[new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_floating_ips
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_restore_volume_backup
[new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_floating_ips
[new] KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role
[new] MuranoPackages.import_and_list_packages
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role
[new] MuranoPackages.import_and_delete_package
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles
[new] MuranoPackages.import_and_filter_applications
[new] FuelEnvironments.list_environments
[new] MuranoPackages.package_lifecycle
[new] CinderVolumes.modify_volume_metadata
[improved] NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair
[new] NovaServers.boot_and_delete_multiple_servers
New argument ``server_kwargs``, these kwargs are used to boot server.
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_pool
[fix] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_vips
[new] ManilaShares.list_shares
Now it works in case of concurrency > 1
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_get_event
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_event_types
[new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_events
[new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_trait_descriptions
[new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_traits
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_pools
[new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_pools
[new] ManilaShares.create_and_delete_share
[new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_delete
[new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_list
[new] HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack
[new] ManilaShares.list_share_servers
[new] HeatStacks.create_snapshot_restore_delete_stack
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_ec2credential
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_ec2credentials
[new] HeatStacks.create_stack_and_scale
[new] ManilaShares.create_security_service_and_delete
[new] KeystoneBasic.create_user_set_enabled_and_delete
[new] ManilaShares.attach_security_service_to_share_network
[new] IronicNodes.create_and_delete_node
[new] IronicNodes.create_and_list_node
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume_backups
[new] NovaNetworks.create_and_list_networks
[new] NovaNetworks.create_and_delete_network
[new] EC2Servers.list_servers
[new] VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete_custom_imagea
[new] CinderVolumes.create_and_update_volume
* **Contexts**:
* **Contexts**:
[new] ManilaQuotas
[improved] network
Add context for setting up Manila quotas:
Network context accepts two new arguments:
shares, gigabytes, snapshots, snapshot_gigabytes, share_networks
``subnets_per_network`` and ``network_create_args``.
[new] ManilaShareNetworks
[fix] network
Context for share networks that will be used in case of usage
Fix cleanup if nova-network is used. Networks should be dissociate from
deployment with existing users. Provided share networks via context
project before deletion
option "share_networks" will be balanced between all share creations
of scenarios.
[new] Lbaas
[fix] custom_image
Context to create LBaaS-v1 resources
Nova server that is used to create custom image was not deleted if
script that prepares server failed.
[new] ImageCommandCustomizerContext
Allows image customization using side effects of a command execution.
E.g. one can install an application to the image and use these image
for 'boot_runcommand_delete' scenario afterwards.
[new] EC2ServerGenerator
Context that creates servers using EC2 api
[new] ExistingNetwork
This context lets you use existing networks that have already been
created instead of creating new networks with Rally. This is useful
when, for instance, you are using Neutron with a dumb router that is
not capable of creating new networks on the fly.
* **SLA**:
[remove] max_failure_rate - use failure_rate instead
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
**90 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
**9 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
* Many fixes related that fixes access of rally.conf and DB files
* Fix script
* Incorrect apt-get "-yes" parameter in script
Set 777 access to /var/lib/rally/database file if system-wide method of
installation is used.
* Rally bash completion doesn't exist in a virtualenv
* Rally HTML reports Overview table had few mistakes
* Rally show networks CLI command worked only with nova networks
* Success rate was always 100%
* RPS runner was not properly generating load
* Percentiles were wrongly calculated
* Check is dhcp_agent_scheduler support or not in network cleanup
* Missing Ironic, Murano and Workload(vm) options in default config file
* NetworkContext doesn't work with Nova V2.1
* ``rally verify start`` failed while getting network_id
* Rally task input file was not able to use jinja2 include directive
* ``rally verify genconfig`` hangs forever if Horizon is not available
* Rally in docker image was not able to
* Rally docker image didn't contain samples
* Do not update the average duration when iteration failed
* **Add plugin reference page**
* **Fix project maintainers page**
:ref:`Rally Plugins Reference page <plugin_reference>` page contains a
Update the information about Rally maintainers
full list with
* **Add maintainers section on project info page**
* **Document rally --plugin-paths CLI argument**
:ref:`Rally Maintainers section <project_info>` contains information
* **Code blocks in documentation looks prettier now**
about core contributors of OpenStack Rally their responsibilities and
contacts. This will help us to make our community more transparent and open
for newbies.
* **Added who is using section in docs**
* **Many small fixes**
Reference in New Issue
Block a user