[ci] Clean ignored warnings as some libs pushed fixes

Change-Id: I77a3c1ec184a097ece24d563cd2e28d469d4b61e
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Kurilin 2020-04-10 15:56:41 +03:00
parent 5b1c5d4fcc
commit d43dfdf2c0

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@ -117,18 +117,13 @@ commands = {toxinidir}/tests/ci/rally_self_job.sh {toxinidir}/rally-jobs/self-ra
[pytest] [pytest]
filterwarnings = filterwarnings =
error error
ignore:.*EngineFacade is deprecated; please use oslo_db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade*:
# instead of ignoring all modules, let's list only libraries that are failing
ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*netaddr.*
ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*prettytable ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*prettytable
ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*subunit.* ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*subunit.*
ignore:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning:.*testtools.* ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:unittest2.*
# new to rally-openstack ignore:::.*netaddr.strategy.*
ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:.*oslo_context.* ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:.*oslo_context.*
ignore:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib.*:DeprecationWarning ignore:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib.*:DeprecationWarning
# should be fixed soon # should be fixed soon (raised by functional job)
ignore:Module rally_openstack.credential is deprecated.*: ignore:Module rally_openstack.credential is deprecated.*:
# python 3.7 # should be fixed at rally framework (raised by functional job)
ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:unittest2.* ignore:.*EngineFacade is deprecated; please use oslo_db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade*:
# python 3.8