- hosts: all vars: html_report: "{% if non_default_html_report is defined %}{{ non_default_html_report }}{% else %}{{ tox_env | default('self') }}_report.html{% endif %}" json_report: "{{ tox_env | default('self') }}_report.json" tasks: - shell: "ls {{ rally_results_dir }}" register: results_dir_stat ignore_errors: True - name: Save results become: yes when: results_dir_stat.rc == 0 synchronize: src: "{{ rally_results_dir }}{% if not rally_results_dir.endswith('/')%}/{% endif %}" dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/' mode: pull copy_links: true verify_host: true rsync_opts: - --include=/** - --include=*/ - --exclude=* - --prune-empty-dirs - name: "Return artifact to Zuul - {{ html_report }}" zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: "HTML report" url: "{{ html_report }}" when: html_report in results_dir_stat.stdout - name: "Return artifact to Zuul - {{ json_report}}" zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: "JSON report" url: "{{ json_report }}" when: json_report in results_dir_stat.stdout