#!/usr/bin/env python # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Synchronizes, formats and prepares requirements to release(obtains and adds maximum allowed version). """ import collections import logging import re import sys import textwrap import pkg_resources import requests LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not LOG.handlers: LOG.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO) GLOBAL_REQUIREMENTS_LOCATIONS = ( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/requirements/master/", "http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/" ) RALLY_REQUIREMENTS_FILES = ( "requirements.txt", "test-requirements.txt" ) DO_NOT_TOUCH_TAG = "[do-not-touch]" class Comment(object): def __init__(self, s=None, finished=False): self._comments = [] self.is_finished = finished if s: self.append(s) def finish_him(self): self.is_finished = True def append(self, s): self._comments.append(s[1:].strip()) def __str__(self): return textwrap.fill("\n".join(self._comments), width=80, initial_indent="# ", subsequent_indent="# ") _PYPI_CACHE = {} class PYPIPackage(object): # NOTE(andreykurilin): one license can have different labels. Let's use # unified variant. LICENSE_MAP = {"MIT license": "MIT", "MIT License": "MIT", "BSD License": "BSD", "Apache 2.0": "Apache License, Version 2.0"} def __init__(self, package_name): self.package_name = package_name self._pypi_info = None self._pypi_license = None @property def pypi_info(self): if self._pypi_info is None: if self.package_name in _PYPI_CACHE: self._pypi_info = _PYPI_CACHE[self.package_name] else: resp = requests.get("https://pypi.org/pypi/%s/json" % self.package_name) if resp.status_code != 200: print("An error occurred while checking '%s' package at " "pypi." % self.package_name) raise Exception(resp.text) self._pypi_info = resp.json() # let's cache it for the case when we need to sync requirements # and update upper constrains _PYPI_CACHE[self.package_name] = self._pypi_info return self._pypi_info @property def pypi_version(self): return self.pypi_info["info"]["version"] @property def pypi_license(self): if self._pypi_license is None: if self.pypi_info["info"]["license"]: self._pypi_license = self.pypi_info["info"]["license"] else: # try to parse classifiers prefix = "License :: OSI Approved :: " classifiers = [c[len(prefix):] for c in self.pypi_info["info"]["classifiers"] if c.startswith(prefix)] self._pypi_license = "/".join(classifiers) self._license = self.LICENSE_MAP.get(self._pypi_license, self._pypi_license) if self._pypi_license == "UNKNOWN": self._pypi_license = None return self._license def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, PYPIPackage) and self.package_name == other.package_name) class Requirement(PYPIPackage): RE_NAME = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9-._]+") RE_CONST_VERSION = re.compile(r"==[a-zA-Z0-9.]+") RE_MIN_VERSION = re.compile(r">=?[a-zA-Z0-9.]+") RE_MAX_VERSION = re.compile(r"<=?[a-zA-Z0-9.]+") RE_NE_VERSIONS = re.compile(r"!=[a-zA-Z0-9.]+") def __init__(self, package_name, version): super(Requirement, self).__init__(package_name) self.version = version self.do_not_touch = False def sync_max_version_with_pypy(self): if isinstance(self.version, dict) and not self.do_not_touch: self.version["max"] = "<=%s" % self.pypi_version @classmethod def parse_line(cls, line): match = cls.RE_NAME.match(line) if match: name = match.group() # remove name versions = line.replace(name, "") # remove comments versions = versions.split("#")[0] # remove python classifiers versions = versions.split(";")[0].strip() if not cls.RE_CONST_VERSION.match(versions): versions = versions.strip().split(",") min_version = None max_version = None ne_versions = [] for version in versions: if cls.RE_MIN_VERSION.match(version): if min_version: raise Exception("Found several min versions for " "%s package." % name) min_version = version elif cls.RE_MAX_VERSION.match(version): if max_version: raise Exception("Found several max versions for " "%s package." % name) max_version = version elif cls.RE_NE_VERSIONS.match(version): ne_versions.append(version) versions = {"min": min_version, "max": max_version, "ne": ne_versions} return cls(name, versions) def __str__(self): if isinstance(self.version, dict): version = [] min_equal_to_max = False if self.version["min"] and self.version["max"]: if ( self.version["min"].startswith(">=") and self.version["max"].startswith("<=") and self.version["min"][2:] == self.version["max"][2:] ): # min and max versions are equal there is no need to write # both of them min_equal_to_max = True version.append("==%s" % self.version["min"][2:]) if not min_equal_to_max and self.version["min"]: version.append(self.version["min"]) if not min_equal_to_max and self.version["ne"]: version.extend(self.version["ne"]) if not min_equal_to_max and self.version["max"]: version.append(self.version["max"]) version = ",".join(version) else: if self.do_not_touch: version = self.version else: # remove const version version = ">=%s" % self.version[2:] string = "%s%s" % (self.package_name, version) if self.pypi_license: # NOTE(andreykurilin): When I start implementation of this script, # python-keystoneclient dependency string took around ~45-55 # chars, so let's use this length as indent. Feel free to modify # it to lower or greater value. magic_number = 55 if len(string) < magic_number: indent = magic_number - len(string) else: indent = 2 string += " " * indent + "# " + self.pypi_license return string def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.package_name == other.package_name) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class UpperConstraint(PYPIPackage): RE_LINE = re.compile( r"(?P[a-zA-Z0-9-._]+)===(?P[a-zA-Z0-9.]+)") def __init__(self, package_name, version=None): super(UpperConstraint, self).__init__(package_name) self._version = version def __str__(self): return "%s===%s" % (self.package_name, self.version) @property def version(self): if self._version is None: self._version = self.pypi_version return self._version @classmethod def parse_line(cls, line): match = cls.RE_LINE.match(line) if match: return cls(**match.groupdict()) def update(self, version): self._version = version def fetch_version(self): self._version = None return self.version def parse_data(raw_data, include_comments=True, dependency_cls=Requirement): # first elem is None to simplify checks of last elem in requirements requirements = [None] for line in raw_data.split("\n"): if line.startswith("#"): if not include_comments: continue if getattr(requirements[-1], "is_finished", True): requirements.append(Comment()) requirements[-1].append(line) elif line == "": # just empty line if isinstance(requirements[-1], Comment): requirements[-1].finish_him() requirements.append(Comment(finished=True)) else: if (isinstance(requirements[-1], Comment) and not requirements[-1].is_finished): requirements[-1].finish_him() # parse_line dep = dependency_cls.parse_line(line) if dep: if (isinstance(requirements[-1], Comment) and DO_NOT_TOUCH_TAG in str(requirements[-1])): dep.do_not_touch = True requirements.append(dep) for i in range(len(requirements) - 1, 0, -1): # remove empty lines at the end of file if isinstance(requirements[i], Comment): if str(requirements[i]) == "": requirements.pop(i) else: break return collections.OrderedDict( (v if isinstance(v, Comment) else v.package_name, v) for v in requirements if v) def _fetch_from_gr(filename): """Try to fetch data from OpenStack global-requirements repo""" for i in range(0, len(GLOBAL_REQUIREMENTS_LOCATIONS)): url = GLOBAL_REQUIREMENTS_LOCATIONS[i] + filename LOG.debug("Try to obtain %s from %s" % (filename, url)) try: return requests.get(url).text except requests.ConnectionError as e: LOG.exception(e) raise Exception("Unable to obtain %s" % filename) def _write_requirements(filename, requirements): """Saves requirements to file.""" if isinstance(requirements, dict): requirements = requirements.values() LOG.info("Saving requirements to %s." % filename) with open(filename, "w") as f: for entity in requirements: f.write(str(entity)) f.write("\n") def sync_requirements(): """Synchronizes Rally requirements with OpenStack global-requirements.""" LOG.info("Obtaining global-requirements of OpenStack...") raw_gr = _fetch_from_gr("global-requirements.txt") # NOTE(andreykurilin): global-requirements includes comments which can be # unrelated to Rally project, so let's just ignore them gr = parse_data(raw_gr, include_comments=False) for file_name in RALLY_REQUIREMENTS_FILES: LOG.debug("Processing '%s'." % file_name) with open(file_name) as f: requirements = parse_data(f.read()) for name, req in requirements.items(): if isinstance(req, Requirement) and not req.do_not_touch: if name in gr: req.version = gr[req.package_name].version else: # it not g-r requirements if isinstance(req.version, dict): req.version["max"] = None _write_requirements(file_name, requirements) def update_upper_constraints(): """Obtains latest version of packages and put them to upper-constraints.""" LOG.info("Obtaining upper-constrains from OpenStack...") raw_g_uc = _fetch_from_gr("upper-constraints.txt") # NOTE(andreykurilin): global OpenStack upper-constraints file includes # comments which can be unrelated to Rally project, so let's just ignore # them. global_uc = parse_data(raw_g_uc, include_comments=False, dependency_cls=UpperConstraint) our_uc = [UpperConstraint(package_name=p.project_name, version=p.version) for p in pkg_resources.working_set # do not include the current package at u-c if p.project_name != "rally-openstack"] for package in our_uc: if package.package_name in global_uc: # we cannot use whatever we want versions in CI. OpenStack CI # ignores versions listed in requirements of # particular project and use versions from global u-c file. # It means that we need to suggest to use the same versions package.update(global_uc[package.package_name].version) our_uc = sorted(our_uc, key=lambda o: o.package_name.upper()) _write_requirements("upper-constraints.txt", our_uc) def main(): sync_requirements() update_upper_constraints() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())