############################################################################### # Welcome to Rally Docker container! # # # # WARNING: DO NOT OVERRIDE /home/rally DIRECTORY # # # # /home/rally/data - a default place with rally database. Use it for # # mounting own directories and synchronizing rally database. # # /home/rally/source - a directory with documentation, pre created tasks, # # sampes and source code # # /etc/rally/rally.conf - a default configuration file of rally. To override # # it, mount custom configuration file to /home/rally/.rally/rally.conf # # # # Rally at readthedocs - http://rally.readthedocs.org # # How to contribute - http://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contribute.html # # If you have any questions, you can reach the Rally team by: # # * e-mail - openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org with tag [Rally] in # # subject # # * gitter - https://gitter.im/xRally/Lobby room # # * irc - "#openstack-rally" channel at freenode.net # ###############################################################################