#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import gzip import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import uuid import yaml from rally.cli import envutils from rally.common import objects from rally import osclients from rally.ui import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) MODES_PARAMETERS = { "full": "--set full", "light": "--set smoke" } BASE_DIR = "rally-verify" EXPECTED_FAILURES_FILE = "expected_failures.yaml" EXPECTED_FAILURES = { "tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON." "test_get_vnc_console[id-c6bc11bf-592e-4015-9319-1c98dc64daf5]": "This test fails because 'novnc' console type is unavailable." } TEMPEST_PLUGIN = "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/keystone" # NOTE(andreykurilin): this variable is used to generate output file names # with prefix ${CALL_COUNT}_ . _call_count = 0 # NOTE(andreykurilin): if some command fails, script should end with # error status _return_status = 0 def call_rally(cmd, print_output=False, output_type=None): global _return_status global _call_count _call_count += 1 data = {"cmd": "rally --rally-debug %s" % cmd} stdout_file = "{base}/{prefix}_{cmd}.txt.gz" if "--xfails-file" in cmd or "--source" in cmd: cmd_items = cmd.split() for num, item in enumerate(cmd_items): if EXPECTED_FAILURES_FILE in item or TEMPEST_PLUGIN in item: cmd_items[num] = os.path.basename(item) break cmd = " ".join(cmd_items) data.update({"stdout_file": stdout_file.format(base=BASE_DIR, prefix=_call_count, cmd=cmd.replace(" ", "_"))}) if output_type: data["output_file"] = data["stdout_file"].replace( ".txt.", ".%s." % output_type) data["cmd"] += " --%(type)s --output-file %(file)s" % { "type": output_type, "file": data["output_file"]} try: LOG.info("Try to launch `%s`." % data["cmd"]) stdout = subprocess.check_output(data["cmd"], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error("Command `%s` is failed." % data["cmd"]) stdout = e.output data["status"] = "fail" _return_status = 1 else: data["status"] = "pass" if output_type: # lets gzip results with open(data["output_file"]) as f: output = f.read() with gzip.open(data["output_file"], "wb") as f: f.write(output) stdout = "$ %s\n%s" % (data["cmd"], stdout) with gzip.open(data["stdout_file"], "wb") as f: f.write(stdout) if print_output: print(stdout) return data def create_file_with_xfails(): """Create a YAML file with a list of tests that are expected to fail.""" with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, EXPECTED_FAILURES_FILE), "wb") as f: yaml.dump(EXPECTED_FAILURES, f, default_flow_style=False) return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), BASE_DIR, EXPECTED_FAILURES_FILE) def launch_verification_once(launch_parameters): """Launch verification and show results in different formats.""" results = call_rally("verify start %s" % launch_parameters) results["uuid"] = envutils.get_global(envutils.ENV_VERIFICATION) results["result_in_html"] = call_rally("verify results", output_type="html") results["result_in_json"] = call_rally("verify results", output_type="json") results["show"] = call_rally("verify show") results["show_detailed"] = call_rally("verify show --detailed") # NOTE(andreykurilin): we need to clean verification uuid from global # environment to be able to load it next time(for another verification). envutils.clear_global(envutils.ENV_VERIFICATION) return results def do_compare(uuid_1, uuid_2): """Compare and save results in different formats.""" results = {} for output_format in ("csv", "html", "json"): cmd = "verify results --uuid %(uuid-1)s %(uuid-2)s" % { "uuid-1": uuid_1, "uuid-2": uuid_2 } results[output_format] = call_rally(cmd, output_type=output_format) return results def render_page(**render_vars): template = utils.get_template("ci/index_verify.html") with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "extra/index.html"), "w") as f: f.write(template.render(**render_vars)) def main(): # NOTE(andreykurilin): We need to stop checking verification component to # be able to split forthcoming redesign by several patches. return 0 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Launch rally-verify job.") parser.add_argument( "--mode", type=str, default="light", help="Mode of job. The 'full' mode corresponds to the full set of " "Tempest tests. The 'light' mode corresponds to the smoke set " "of Tempest tests.", choices=MODES_PARAMETERS.keys()) parser.add_argument( "--compare", action="store_true", help="Launch 2 verifications and compare them.") parser.add_argument( "--ctx-create-resources", action="store_true", help="Make Tempest context create needed resources for the tests.") args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists("%s/extra" % BASE_DIR): os.makedirs("%s/extra" % BASE_DIR) # Check deployment call_rally("deployment use --deployment devstack", print_output=True) call_rally("deployment check", print_output=True) config = json.loads( subprocess.check_output(["rally", "deployment", "config"])) config.update(config.pop("admin")) del config["type"] clients = osclients.Clients(objects.Credential(**config)) if args.ctx_create_resources: # If the 'ctx-create-resources' arg is provided, delete images and # flavors, and also create a shared network to make Tempest context # create needed resources. LOG.info("The 'ctx-create-resources' arg is provided. Deleting " "images and flavors, and also creating a shared network " "to make Tempest context create needed resources.") LOG.info("Deleting images.") for image in clients.glance().images.list(): clients.glance().images.delete(image.id) LOG.info("Deleting flavors.") for flavor in clients.nova().flavors.list(): clients.nova().flavors.delete(flavor.id) LOG.info("Creating a shared network.") net_body = { "network": { "name": "shared-net-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()), "tenant_id": clients.keystone.auth_ref.project_id, "shared": True } } clients.neutron().create_network(net_body) else: # Otherwise, just in case create only flavors with the following # properties: RAM = 64MB and 128MB, VCPUs = 1, disk = 0GB to make # Tempest context discover them. LOG.info("The 'ctx-create-resources' arg is not provided. " "Creating flavors to make Tempest context discover them.") for flv_ram in [64, 128]: params = { "name": "flavor-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()), "ram": flv_ram, "vcpus": 1, "disk": 0 } LOG.info( "Creating flavor '%s' with the following properties: RAM " "= %dMB, VCPUs = 1, disk = 0GB" % (params["name"], flv_ram)) clients.nova().flavors.create(**params) render_vars = {"verifications": []} # Install the latest Tempest version render_vars["install"] = call_rally("verify install") # Get Rally deployment ID rally_deployment_id = envutils.get_global(envutils.ENV_DEPLOYMENT) # Get the penultimate Tempest commit ID tempest_dir = ( "/home/jenkins/.rally/tempest/for-deployment-%s" % rally_deployment_id) tempest_commit_id = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "log", "-n", "1", "--pretty=format:'%H'"], cwd=tempest_dir).strip() # Install the penultimate Tempest version render_vars["reinstall"] = call_rally( "verify reinstall --version %s" % tempest_commit_id) # Install a Tempest plugin render_vars["installplugin"] = call_rally( "verify installplugin --source %s" % TEMPEST_PLUGIN) # List installed Tempest plugins render_vars["listplugins"] = call_rally("verify listplugins") # Discover tests depending on Tempest suite discover_cmd = "verify discover" if args.mode == "light": discover_cmd += " --pattern smoke" render_vars["discover"] = call_rally(discover_cmd) # Generate and show Tempest config file render_vars["genconfig"] = call_rally("verify genconfig") render_vars["showconfig"] = call_rally("verify showconfig") # Create a file with a list of tests that are expected to fail xfails_file_path = create_file_with_xfails() # Launch verification launch_params = "%s --xfails-file %s" % ( MODES_PARAMETERS[args.mode], xfails_file_path) render_vars["verifications"].append( launch_verification_once(launch_params)) if args.compare: render_vars["verifications"].append( launch_verification_once(launch_params)) render_vars["compare"] = do_compare( render_vars["verifications"][-2]["uuid"], render_vars["verifications"][-1]["uuid"]) render_vars["list"] = call_rally("verify list") render_page(**render_vars) return _return_status if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())