#!/usr/bin/env bash RALLY_DIR=$BASE/new/rally RALLY_PLUGINS_DIR=~/.rally/plugins RALLY_EXTRA_DIR=~/.rally/extra function setUp () { set -x JOB_DIR=$1 mkdir -p $RALLY_PLUGINS_DIR mkdir -p $RALLY_EXTRA_DIR if [ -n "$JOB_DIR" ]; then PLUGINS_DIR=${JOB_DIR}/plugins EXTRA_DIR=${JOB_DIR}/extra if [ -d $PLUGINS_DIR ]; then cp -r $PLUGINS_DIR/ $RALLY_PLUGINS_DIR fi if [ -d $EXTRA_DIR ]; then cp -r $EXTRA_DIR/* ~/.rally/extra/ fi fi touch ~/.rally/extra/fake-image.img env set -o pipefail rally deployment use --deployment devstack source ~/.rally/openrc admin admin OPENSTACK_SERVICES=$(openstack service list) if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"glance"* ]]; then openstack image list fi if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"cinder"* ]]; then openstack volume list --all-projects fi if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"neutron"* ]]; then openstack network list fi # NOTE(ikhudoshyn): Create additional users and register a new env # so that we could run scenarios using 'existing_users' context if [ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_PREPOPULATE_USERS" = "1" ]; then openstack --version openstack project create rally-test-project-1 openstack user create --project rally-test-project-1 --password rally-test-password-1 rally-test-user-1 openstack role add --project rally-test-project-1 --user rally-test-user-1 Member openstack project create rally-test-project-2 openstack user create --project rally-test-project-2 --password rally-test-password-2 rally-test-user-2 openstack role add --project rally-test-project-2 --user rally-test-user-2 Member set +e NEUTRON_EXISTS=$(openstack --os-interface admin service list | grep neutron) set -e if [ "$NEUTRON_EXISTS" ]; then OS_QUOTA_STR="--networks -1 --subnets -1 --routers -1 --floating-ips -1 --subnetpools -1 --secgroups -1 --secgroup-rules -1 --ports -1" openstack --debug quota set $OS_QUOTA_STR rally-test-project-1 openstack --debug quota show rally-test-project-1 openstack --debug quota set $OS_QUOTA_STR rally-test-project-2 openstack --debug quota show rally-test-project-2 fi DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE=~/.rally/with-existing-users-config echo ' { "type": "ExistingCloud", "creds": { "openstack": { "users": [ {"username": "rally-test-user-1", "password": "rally-test-password-1", "project_name": "rally-test-project-1", "user_domain_name": "Default", "project_domain_name": "Default" }, {"username": "rally-test-user-2", "password": "rally-test-password-2", "project_name": "rally-test-project-2", "user_domain_name": "Default", "project_domain_name": "Default" }], "auth_url": "'$OS_AUTH_URL'", "region_name": "RegionOne" } } } ' > $DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE rally deployment create --name devstask-with-users --filename $DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE fi rally deployment config rally --debug deployment check if rally deployment check | grep 'nova' | grep 'Available' > /dev/null; then nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 64 0 1 fi } function run () { set -x TASK=$1 TASK_ARGS="$2 $3" if [ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_USE_PYTHON3" = "True" ]; then PYTHON=python3 else PYTHON=python fi $PYTHON $RALLY_DIR/tests/ci/osresources.py --dump-list resources_at_start.txt rally --rally-debug task start --task $TASK $TASK_ARGS mkdir -p rally-plot/extra $PYTHON $RALLY_DIR/tests/ci/render.py ci/index.html > rally-plot/extra/index.html cp $TASK rally-plot/task.txt tar -czf rally-plot/plugins.tar.gz -C $RALLY_PLUGINS_DIR . rally task results | python -m json.tool > rally-plot/results.json rally task import --file rally-plot/results.json gzip -9 rally-plot/results.json rally task detailed > rally-plot/detailed.txt gzip -9 rally-plot/detailed.txt rally task detailed --iterations-data > rally-plot/detailed_with_iterations.txt gzip -9 rally-plot/detailed_with_iterations.txt rally task report --html --out rally-plot/results.html gzip -9 rally-plot/results.html rally task export --type junit-xml --to rally-plot/junit.xml gzip -9 rally-plot/junit.xml # NOTE(stpierre): if the sla check fails, we still want osresources.py # to run, so we turn off -e and save the return value set +e rally task sla-check | tee rally-plot/sla.txt retval=$? set -e cp resources_at_start.txt rally-plot/ if [ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" == "openstack/rally" ];then $PYTHON $RALLY_DIR/tests/ci/osresources.py\ --compare-with-list resources_at_start.txt else $PYTHON $RALLY_DIR/tests/ci/osresources.py\ --compare-with-list resources_at_start.txt\ | gzip > rally-plot/resources_diff.txt.gz fi exit $retval }