============ Rally v0.1.1 ============ Information ----------- +------------------+-----------------------+ | Commits | **32** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Bug fixes | **9** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Dev cycle | **11 days** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Release date | **6/October/2015** | +------------------+-----------------------+ Details ------- This release contains new features, new 6 plugins, 9 bug fixes, various code and API improvements. New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Rally verify generates proper tempest.conf file now** Improved script that generates tempest.conf, now it works out of box for most of the clouds and most of Tempest tests will pass without hacking it. * **Import Tempest results to Rally DB** ``rally verify import`` command allows you to import already existing Tempest results and work with them as regular "rally verify start" results: generate HTML/CSV reports & compare different runs. API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Rally CLI changes** * [add] ``rally verify import`` imports raw Tempest results to Rally Specs & Feature requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is no new specs and feature requests. Plugins ~~~~~~~ * **Scenarios**: [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_floating_ips [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_floating_ips [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_list_packages [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_delete_package [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_filter_applications [new] MuranoPackages.package_lifecycle [improved] NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair New argument ``server_kwargs``, these kwargs are used to boot server. [fix] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_vips Now it works in case of concurrency > 1 * **Contexts**: [improved] network Network context accepts two new arguments: ``subnets_per_network`` and ``network_create_args``. [fix] network Fix cleanup if nova-network is used. Networks should be dissociate from project before deletion [fix] custom_image Nova server that is used to create custom image was not deleted if script that prepares server failed. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ **9 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**: * Fix install_rally.sh script Set 777 access to /var/lib/rally/database file if system-wide method of installation is used. * Rally HTML reports Overview table had few mistakes * Success rate was always 100% * Percentiles were wrongly calculated * Missing Ironic, Murano and Workload(vm) options in default config file * ``rally verify start`` failed while getting network_id * ``rally verify genconfig`` hangs forever if Horizon is not available Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Fix project maintainers page** Update the information about Rally maintainers * **Document rally --plugin-paths CLI argument** * **Code blocks in documentation looks prettier now**