FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --yes sudo python python-pip vim git-core && \ pip install --upgrade pip && \ useradd -u 65500 -m rally && \ usermod -aG sudo rally && \ echo "rally ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/00-rally-user COPY . /home/rally/source WORKDIR /home/rally/source RUN pip install . --constraint upper-constraints.txt && \ mkdir /etc/rally && \ echo "[database]" > /etc/rally/rally.conf && \ echo "connection=sqlite:////home/rally/data/rally.db" >> /etc/rally/rally.conf RUN echo '[ ! -z "$TERM" -a -r /etc/motd ] && cat /etc/motd' \ >> /etc/bash.bashrc; echo '\ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n\ ║ Welcome to Rally Docker container! ║\n\ ║ ║\n\ ║ WARNING: DO NOT OVERRIDE /home/rally DIRECTORY ║\n\ ║ ║\n\ ║ /home/rally/data - a default place with rally database. Use it for ║\n\ ║ mounting own directories and synchronizing rally database. ║\n\ ║ /home/rally/source - a directory with documentation, pre created tasks, ║\n\ ║ sampes and source code ║\n\ ║ /etc/rally/rally.conf - a default configuration file of rally. To override ║\n\ ║ it, mount custom configuration file to /home/rally/.rally/rally.conf ║\n\ ║ ║\n\ ║ Rally at readthedocs - ║\n\ ║ How to contribute - ║\n\ ║ If you have any questions, you can reach the Rally team by: ║\n\ ║ * e-mail - with tag [Rally] in subject ║\n\ ║ * gitter - room ║\n\ ║ * irc - "#openstack-rally" channel at ║\n\ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\n' > /etc/motd USER rally ENV HOME /home/rally RUN mkdir /home/rally/data && rally db recreate # Docker volumes have specific behavior that allows this construction to work. # Data generated during the image creation is copied to volume only when it's # attached for the first time (volume initialization) VOLUME ["/home/rally/data"] ENTRYPOINT ["rally"]