* Moved credential class from rally.objects to rally.deployment. * Added OpenStackCredential plugin. * Simplified getting of osclients. * Enabled client caching on OpenStackCredential plugin. spec: deployment_type.rst Change-Id: I9ac8c4989c681885534683bd4ee4bc34fcfabaac
302 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
302 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
from rally.cli import envutils
from rally.plugins.openstack import credential
from rally.ui import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BASE_DIR = "rally-verify"
MODES = {"full": "--pattern set=full", "light": "--pattern set=smoke"}
DEPLOYMENT_NAME = "devstack"
VERIFIER_TYPE = "tempest"
VERIFIER_SOURCE = "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest"
VERIFIER_EXT_REPO = "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/keystone"
VERIFIER_EXT_NAME = "keystone_tests"
"test_get_flavor[id-1f12046b-753d-40d2-abb6-d8eb8b30cb2f,smoke]: "
"This test was skipped intentionally")
"test_get_vnc_console[id-c6bc11bf-592e-4015-9319-1c98dc64daf5]: "
"This test fails because 'novnc' console type is unavailable")
TEST_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_.0-9]+(\[[a-zA-Z-,=0-9]*\])?$")
# NOTE(andreykurilin): this variable is used to generate output file names
# with prefix ${CALL_COUNT}_ .
_call_count = 0
# NOTE(andreykurilin): if some command fails, script should end with
# error status
_return_status = 0
def call_rally(cmd, print_output=False, output_type=None):
"""Execute a Rally command and write result in files."""
global _return_status
global _call_count
_call_count += 1
data = {"cmd": "rally --rally-debug %s" % cmd}
stdout_file = "{base_dir}/{prefix}_{cmd}.txt.gz"
cmd = cmd.replace("/", "_")
data.update({"stdout_file": stdout_file.format(base_dir=BASE_DIR,
cmd=cmd.replace(" ", "_"))})
if output_type:
data["output_file"] = data["stdout_file"].replace(
".txt.", ".%s." % output_type)
data["cmd"] += " --to %s" % data["output_file"]
data["cmd"] += " --type %s" % output_type
LOG.info("Try to execute `%s`." % data["cmd"])
stdout = subprocess.check_output(data["cmd"].split(),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error("Command `%s` failed." % data["cmd"])
stdout = e.output
data["status"] = "fail"
_return_status = 1
data["status"] = "success"
if output_type:
# let's gzip results
with open(data["output_file"]) as f:
output = f.read()
with gzip.open(data["output_file"], "wb") as f:
stdout = "$ %s\n%s" % (data["cmd"], stdout)
with gzip.open(data["stdout_file"], "wb") as f:
if print_output:
return data
def start_verification(args):
"""Start a verification, show results and generate reports."""
results = call_rally("verify start %s" % args)
results["uuid"] = envutils.get_global(envutils.ENV_VERIFICATION)
results["show"] = call_rally("verify show")
results["show_detailed"] = call_rally("verify show --detailed")
for output_type in ("json", "html", "junit-xml"):
results[output_type.replace("-", "_")] = call_rally(
"verify report", output_type=output_type)
# NOTE(andreykurilin): we need to clean verification uuid from global
# environment to be able to load it next time(for another verification).
return results
def write_file(filename, data):
"""Create a file and write some data to it."""
path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, filename)
with open(path, "wb") as f:
return path
def generate_trends_reports(uuid_1, uuid_2):
"""Generate trends reports."""
results = {}
for output_type in ("json", "html", "junit-xml"):
results[output_type.replace("-", "_")] = call_rally(
"verify report --uuid %s %s" % (uuid_1, uuid_2),
return results
def render_page(**render_vars):
template = utils.get_template("ci/index_verify.html")
with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "extra/index.html"), "w") as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Launch rally-verify job.")
parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="light",
help="Mode of job. The 'full' mode corresponds to the "
"full set of verifier tests. The 'light' mode "
"corresponds to the smoke set of verifier tests.",
parser.add_argument("--compare", action="store_true",
help="Start the second verification to generate a "
"trends report for two verifications.")
# TODO(ylobankov): Remove hard-coded Tempest related things and make it
# configurable.
parser.add_argument("--ctx-create-resources", action="store_true",
help="Make Tempest context create needed resources "
"for the tests.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists("%s/extra" % BASE_DIR):
os.makedirs("%s/extra" % BASE_DIR)
# Choose and check the deployment
call_rally("deployment use --deployment %s" % DEPLOYMENT_NAME)
call_rally("deployment check")
config = json.loads(
subprocess.check_output(["rally", "deployment", "config"]))
config = config["creds"]["openstack"]
clients = credential.OpenStackCredential(**config).clients()
if args.ctx_create_resources:
# If the 'ctx-create-resources' arg is provided, delete images and
# flavors, and also create a shared network to make Tempest context
# create needed resources.
LOG.info("The 'ctx-create-resources' arg is provided. Deleting "
"images and flavors, and also creating a shared network "
"to make Tempest context create needed resources.")
LOG.info("Deleting images.")
for image in clients.glance().images.list():
LOG.info("Deleting flavors.")
for flavor in clients.nova().flavors.list():
LOG.info("Creating a shared network.")
net_body = {
"network": {
"name": "shared-net-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()),
"tenant_id": clients.keystone.auth_ref.project_id,
"shared": True
# Otherwise, just in case create only flavors with the following
# properties: RAM = 64MB and 128MB, VCPUs = 1, disk = 0GB to make
# Tempest context discover them.
LOG.info("The 'ctx-create-resources' arg is not provided. "
"Creating flavors to make Tempest context discover them.")
for flv_ram in [64, 128]:
params = {
"name": "flavor-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()),
"ram": flv_ram,
"vcpus": 1,
"disk": 0
"Creating flavor '%s' with the following properties: RAM "
"= %dMB, VCPUs = 1, disk = 0GB" % (params["name"], flv_ram))
render_vars = dict(verifications=[])
# List plugins for verifiers management
render_vars["list_plugins"] = call_rally("verify list-plugins")
# Create a verifier
render_vars["create_verifier"] = call_rally(
"verify create-verifier --type %s --name my-verifier --source %s"
# Show the verifier
render_vars["show_verifier"] = call_rally("verify show-verifier")
# List verifiers
render_vars["list_verifiers"] = call_rally("verify list-verifiers")
# Get verifier ID
verifier_id = envutils.get_global(envutils.ENV_VERIFIER)
# Get the penultimate verifier commit ID
repo_dir = os.path.join(
".rally/verification/verifier-%s/repo" % verifier_id)
p_commit_id = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "log", "-n", "1", "--pretty=format:%H"], cwd=repo_dir).strip()
# Switch the verifier to the penultimate version
render_vars["update_verifier"] = call_rally(
"verify update-verifier --version %s --update-venv" % p_commit_id)
# Generate and show the verifier config file
render_vars["configure_verifier"] = call_rally(
"verify configure-verifier --show")
# Add a verifier extension
render_vars["add_verifier_ext"] = call_rally(
"verify add-verifier-ext --source %s" % VERIFIER_EXT_REPO)
# List verifier extensions
render_vars["list_verifier_exts"] = call_rally("verify list-verifier-exts")
# List verifier tests
render_vars["list_verifier_tests"] = call_rally(
"verify list-verifier-tests %s" % MODES[args.mode])
# Start a verification, show results and generate reports
skip_list_path = write_file("skip-list.yaml", SKIP_TESTS)
xfail_list_path = write_file("xfail-list.yaml", XFAIL_TESTS)
run_args = ("%s --skip-list %s --xfail-list %s --tag first-run %s-set "
"--detailed" % (MODES[args.mode], skip_list_path,
xfail_list_path, args.mode))
if args.compare:
# Start another verification, show results and generate reports
with gzip.open(render_vars["list_verifier_tests"]["stdout_file"]) as f:
tests = [t for t in f.read().split("\n") if TEST_NAME_RE.match(t)]
load_list_path = write_file("load-list.txt", "\n".join(tests))
run_args = "--load-list %s --tag second-run %s-set --detailed" % (
load_list_path, args.mode)
# Generate trends reports for two verifications
render_vars["compare"] = generate_trends_reports(
# List verifications
render_vars["list"] = call_rally("verify list")
# Delete the verifier extension
render_vars["delete_verifier_ext"] = call_rally(
"verify delete-verifier-ext --name %s" % VERIFIER_EXT_NAME)
# Delete the verifier and all verifications
render_vars["delete_verifier"] = call_rally(
"verify delete-verifier --id %s --force" % verifier_id)
return _return_status
if __name__ == "__main__":