Modify Rally docs (for readthedocs), sticking to the following principles: * Make the docs structure as simple as possible: 1. Overview 2. Install Rally 3. Rally step-by-step 4. User stories 5. Plugins 6. Contribute to Rally 7. Rally OS Gates 8. Request a New Feature 9. Project Info * Keep in mind what questions different target groups usually have about Rally. The new structure relates to these groups as follows: 1 -> Managers 2, 3, 4 -> QA 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -> QA & Developers * Make each docs page to be easy to get through; * Prefer pictures over text; * Use hyperlinks to easily navigate from page to page; * Fix incorrect English & typos. Also add a sample for SLA plugins. Change-Id: I720d87be851c273689a21aaba87fc67eacf0f161
Content of doc directory
This directory contains everything that is related to documentation and bureaucracy. You can find here 4 subdirectories:
If some use case is not covered by Rally, it is the right place to request it. To request new feature you should just explain use case on high level. Technical details and writing code are not required at all.
If you are looking for samples of deployments and benchmarks configuration you are on the right way
Source of documentation. Latest version of documentation.
Place where you can share any of Rally user experience. E.g. fixing some bugs, measuring performance of different architectures or comparing different hardware and so on..