Andrey Kurilin 6a20317433 Fix pep8 failures due to new rules
Change-Id: If5e171a1b1e925ad4d5ed14f1f25e9342b7f34a8
2019-12-31 00:14:43 +02:00

217 lines
9.0 KiB

# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from rally.common import yamlutils as yaml
from rally import exceptions
from rally.plugins.common.verification import testr
from rally.verification import manager
from rally.verification import utils
from rally_openstack.verification.tempest import config
from rally_openstack.verification.tempest import consts
AVAILABLE_SETS = (list(consts.TempestTestSets)
+ list(consts.TempestApiTestSets)
+ list(consts.TempestScenarioTestSets))
@manager.configure(name="tempest", platform="openstack",
context={"tempest": {}, "testr": {}})
class TempestManager(testr.TestrLauncher):
"""Tempest verifier.
Quote from official documentation:
This is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack
cluster. Tempest has batteries of tests for OpenStack API validation,
Scenarios, and other specific tests useful in validating an OpenStack
Rally supports features listed below:
* *cloning Tempest*: repository and version can be specified
* *installation*: system-wide with checking existence of required
packages or in virtual environment
* *configuration*: options are discovered via OpenStack API, but you can
override them if you need
* *running*: pre-creating all required resources(i.e images, tenants,
etc), prepare arguments, launching Tempest, live-progress output
* *results*: all verifications are stored in db, you can built reports,
compare verification at whatever you want time.
Appeared in Rally 0.8.0 *(actually, it appeared long time ago with first
revision of Verification Component, but 0.8.0 is mentioned since it is
first release after Verification Component redesign)*
RUN_ARGS = {"set": "Name of predefined set of tests. Known names: %s"
% ", ".join(AVAILABLE_SETS)}
def run_environ(self):
env = super(TempestManager, self).run_environ
env["TEMPEST_CONFIG_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(self.configfile)
env["TEMPEST_CONFIG"] = os.path.basename(self.configfile)
# TODO(andreykurilin): move it to Testr base class
env["OS_TEST_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.repo_dir,
return env
def configfile(self):
return os.path.join(self.home_dir, "tempest.conf")
def validate_args(self, args):
"""Validate given arguments."""
super(TempestManager, self).validate_args(args)
if args.get("pattern"):
pattern = args["pattern"].split("=", 1)
if len(pattern) == 1:
pass # it is just a regex
elif pattern[0] == "set":
if pattern[1] not in AVAILABLE_SETS:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"Test set '%s' not found in available "
"Tempest test sets. Available sets are '%s'."
% (pattern[1], "', '".join(AVAILABLE_SETS)))
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"'pattern' argument should be a regexp or set name "
"(format: 'tempest.api.identity.v3', 'set=smoke').")
def configure(self, extra_options=None):
"""Configure Tempest."""
tcm = config.TempestConfigfileManager(self.verifier.deployment)
return tcm.create(self.configfile, extra_options)
def is_configured(self):
"""Check whether Tempest is configured or not."""
return os.path.exists(self.configfile)
def get_configuration(self):
"""Get Tempest configuration."""
with open(self.configfile) as f:
def extend_configuration(self, extra_options):
"""Extend Tempest configuration with extra options."""
return utils.extend_configfile(extra_options, self.configfile)
def override_configuration(self, new_configuration):
"""Override Tempest configuration by new configuration."""
with open(self.configfile, "w") as f:
def install_extension(self, source, version=None, extra_settings=None):
"""Install a Tempest plugin."""
if extra_settings:
raise NotImplementedError(
"'%s' verifiers don't support extra installation settings "
"for extensions." % self.get_name())
version = version or "master"
egg = re.sub(r"\.git$", "", os.path.basename(source.strip("/")))
full_source = "git+{0}@{1}#egg={2}".format(source, version, egg)
# NOTE(ylobankov): Use 'develop mode' installation to provide an
# ability to advanced users to change tests or
# develop new ones in verifier repo on the fly.
cmd = ["pip", "install",
"--src", os.path.join(self.base_dir, "extensions"),
"-e", full_source]
if self.verifier.system_wide:
cmd.insert(2, "--no-deps")
utils.check_output(cmd, cwd=self.base_dir, env=self.environ)
# Very often Tempest plugins are inside projects and requirements
# for plugins are listed in the test-requirements.txt file.
test_reqs_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "extensions",
egg, "test-requirements.txt")
if os.path.exists(test_reqs_path):
if not self.verifier.system_wide:
utils.check_output(["pip", "install", "-r", test_reqs_path],
cwd=self.base_dir, env=self.environ)
def list_extensions(self):
"""List all installed Tempest plugins."""
# TODO(andreykurilin): find a better way to list tempest plugins
cmd = ("from tempest.test_discover import plugins; "
"plugins_manager = plugins.TempestTestPluginManager(); "
"plugins_map = plugins_manager.get_plugin_load_tests_tuple(); "
"plugins_list = ["
" {'name':, "
" 'entry_point': p.entry_point_target, "
" 'location': plugins_map[][1]} "
" for p in plugins_manager.ext_plugins.extensions]; "
output = utils.check_output(["python", "-c", cmd],
cwd=self.base_dir, env=self.environ,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"Cannot list installed Tempest plugins for verifier %s." %
return yaml.safe_load(output)
def uninstall_extension(self, name):
"""Uninstall a Tempest plugin."""
for ext in self.list_extensions():
if ext["name"] == name and os.path.exists(ext["location"]):
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"There is no Tempest plugin with name '%s'. "
"Are you sure that it was installed?" % name)
def list_tests(self, pattern=""):
"""List all Tempest tests."""
if pattern:
pattern = self._transform_pattern(pattern)
return super(TempestManager, self).list_tests(pattern)
def prepare_run_args(self, run_args):
"""Prepare 'run_args' for testr context."""
if run_args.get("pattern"):
run_args["pattern"] = self._transform_pattern(run_args["pattern"])
return run_args
def _transform_pattern(pattern):
"""Transform pattern into Tempest-specific pattern."""
parsed_pattern = pattern.split("=", 1)
if len(parsed_pattern) == 2:
if parsed_pattern[0] == "set":
if parsed_pattern[1] in consts.TempestTestSets:
return "smoke" if parsed_pattern[1] == "smoke" else ""
elif parsed_pattern[1] in consts.TempestApiTestSets:
return "tempest.api.%s" % parsed_pattern[1]
return "tempest.%s" % parsed_pattern[1]
return pattern # it is just a regex