Rally repository includes openstack.common module with modules from oslo-incubator(modules are listed in openstack-common.conf file). All those modules can be splitted by 4 categories: 1. logging modules 2. aas related modules 3. cliutils 4. config Modules from first category were graduated to separate lib, so we can remove them and use `oslo.log`. Modules from second category are not really used and will be not used, because Rally-as-a-Service will use flask microframework instead of pecan(modules from oslo-incubator are designed for pecan). Since oslo core team did not plan to graduate `cliutils` module from oslo-incubator, so there are no reasons to sync this module with oslo, we can copy needed functions and maintain them in our repo. Additional to rally.openstack dir, modules from oslo incubator are located in tools dir. tools/config modules works pretty bad, opts from rally.osclients always lost during automated config generator. `oslo.config` lib provides a better way to autogenerate config sample of Rally. It requires new entry point, which returns a list with all opts(look at 'rally.common.opts', 'setup.cfg' for more details). Since all opts are used in one place, their names were unified. Also config was updated(via `tox -egenconfig`). tools/rally.bash_completion file is moved to etc dir, because etc dir corresponds better and it gave us ability to remove whole tools dir Closes-Bug: #1378960 Change-Id: Ic127269c367275d3adcfc9f40d9144fce8295391
418 lines
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418 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Guidelines for writing new hacking checks
- Use only for Rally specific tests. OpenStack general tests
should be submitted to the common 'hacking' module.
- Pick numbers in the range N3xx. Find the current test with
the highest allocated number and then pick the next value.
- Keep the test method code in the source file ordered based
on the N3xx value.
- List the new rule in the top level HACKING.rst file
- Add test cases for each new rule to tests/test_hacking.py
import re
re_assert_true_instance = re.compile(
r"(.)*assertTrue\(isinstance\((\w|\.|\'|\"|\[|\])+, "
re_assert_equal_type = re.compile(
r"(.)*assertEqual\(type\((\w|\.|\'|\"|\[|\])+\), "
re_assert_equal_end_with_none = re.compile(r"assertEqual\(.*?,\s+None\)$")
re_assert_equal_start_with_none = re.compile(r"assertEqual\(None,")
re_assert_true_false_with_in_or_not_in = re.compile(
r"(\w|[][.'\"])+( not)? in (\w|[][.'\",])+(, .*)?\)")
re_assert_true_false_with_in_or_not_in_spaces = re.compile(
r"assert(True|False)\((\w|[][.'\"])+( not)? in [\[|'|\"](\w|[][.'\", ])+"
r"[\[|'|\"](, .*)?\)")
re_assert_equal_in_end_with_true_or_false = re.compile(
r"assertEqual\((\w|[][.'\"])+( not)? in (\w|[][.'\", ])+, (True|False)\)")
re_assert_equal_in_start_with_true_or_false = re.compile(
r"assertEqual\((True|False), (\w|[][.'\"])+( not)? in (\w|[][.'\", ])+\)")
re_basestring_method = re.compile(r"(^|[\s,(\[=])basestring([\s,)\]]|$)")
re_StringIO_method = re.compile(r"StringIO\.StringIO\(")
re_urlparse_method = re.compile(r"(^|[\s=])urlparse\.")
re_itertools_imap_method = re.compile(r"(^|[\s=])itertools\.imap\(")
re_xrange_method = re.compile(r"(^|[\s=])xrange\(")
re_string_lower_upper_case_method = re.compile(
re_next_on_iterator_method = re.compile(r"\.next\(\)")
re_concatenate_dict = re.compile(
def _parse_assert_mock_str(line):
point = line.find(".assert_")
if point != -1:
end_pos = line[point:].find("(") + point
return point, line[point + 1: end_pos], line[: point]
return None, None, None
def check_assert_methods_from_mock(logical_line, filename):
"""Ensure that ``assert_*`` methods from ``mock`` library is used correctly
N301 - base error number
N302 - related to nonexistent "assert_called"
N303 - related to nonexistent "assert_called_once"
correct_names = ["assert_any_call", "assert_called_once_with",
"assert_called_with", "assert_has_calls"]
ignored_files = ["./tests/unit/test_hacking.py"]
if filename.startswith("./tests") and filename not in ignored_files:
pos, method_name, obj_name = _parse_assert_mock_str(logical_line)
if pos:
if method_name not in correct_names:
error_number = "N301"
msg = ("%(error_number)s:'%(method)s' is not present in `mock`"
" library. %(custom_msg)s For more details, visit "
"http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/ .")
if method_name == "assert_called":
error_number = "N302"
custom_msg = ("Maybe, you should try to use "
"'assertTrue(%s.called)' instead." %
elif method_name == "assert_called_once":
# For more details, see a bug in Rally:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/rally/+bug/1305991
error_number = "N303"
custom_msg = ("Maybe, you should try to use "
"'assertEqual(1, %(obj_name)s.call_count)' "
"or '%(obj_name)s.assert_called_once_with()'"
" instead." % {"obj_name": obj_name})
custom_msg = ("Correct 'assert_*' methods: '%s'."
% "', '".join(correct_names))
yield (pos, msg % {
"error_number": error_number,
"method": method_name,
"custom_msg": custom_msg})
def check_import_of_logging(logical_line, filename):
"""Check correctness import of logging module
excluded_files = ["./rally/common/log.py", "./tests/unit/test_log.py"]
forbidden_imports = ["from oslo_log",
"import oslo_log",
"import logging"]
if filename not in excluded_files:
for forbidden_import in forbidden_imports:
if logical_line.startswith(forbidden_import):
yield (0, "N310 Wrong module for logging is imported. Please "
"use `rally.common.log` instead.")
def no_translate_debug_logs(logical_line):
"""Check for "LOG.debug(_("
As per our translation policy,
we shouldn't translate debug level logs.
* This check assumes that 'LOG' is a logger.
* Use filename so we can start enforcing this in specific folders instead
of needing to do so all at once.
if logical_line.startswith("LOG.debug(_("):
yield(0, "N311 Don't translate debug level logs")
def no_use_conf_debug_check(logical_line, filename):
"""Check for "cfg.CONF.debug"
Rally has two DEBUG level:
- Full DEBUG, which include all debug-messages from all OpenStack services
- Rally DEBUG, which include only Rally debug-messages
so we should use custom check to know debug-mode, instead of CONF.debug
excluded_files = ["./rally/common/log.py"]
point = logical_line.find("CONF.debug")
if point != -1 and filename not in excluded_files:
yield(point, "N312 Don't use `CONF.debug`. "
"Function `rally.common.log.is_debug` "
"should be used instead.")
def assert_true_instance(logical_line):
"""Check for assertTrue(isinstance(a, b)) sentences
if re_assert_true_instance.match(logical_line):
yield (0, "N320 assertTrue(isinstance(a, b)) sentences not allowed, "
"you should use assertIsInstance(a, b) instead.")
def assert_equal_type(logical_line):
"""Check for assertEqual(type(A), B) sentences
if re_assert_equal_type.match(logical_line):
yield (0, "N321 assertEqual(type(A), B) sentences not allowed, "
"you should use assertIsInstance(a, b) instead.")
def assert_equal_none(logical_line):
"""Check for assertEqual(A, None) or assertEqual(None, A) sentences
res = (re_assert_equal_start_with_none.search(logical_line) or
if res:
yield (0, "N322 assertEqual(A, None) or assertEqual(None, A) "
"sentences not allowed, you should use assertIsNone(A) "
def assert_true_or_false_with_in(logical_line):
"""Check assertTrue/False(A in/not in B) with collection contents
Check for assertTrue/False(A in B), assertTrue/False(A not in B),
assertTrue/False(A in B, message) or assertTrue/False(A not in B, message)
res = (re_assert_true_false_with_in_or_not_in.search(logical_line) or
if res:
yield (0, "N323 assertTrue/assertFalse(A in/not in B)sentences not "
"allowed, you should use assertIn(A, B) or assertNotIn(A, B)"
" instead.")
def assert_equal_in(logical_line):
"""Check assertEqual(A in/not in B, True/False) with collection contents
Check for assertEqual(A in B, True/False), assertEqual(True/False, A in B),
assertEqual(A not in B, True/False) or assertEqual(True/False, A not in B)
res = (re_assert_equal_in_end_with_true_or_false.search(logical_line) or
if res:
yield (0, "N324: Use assertIn/NotIn(A, B) rather than "
"assertEqual(A in/not in B, True/False) when checking "
"collection contents.")
def check_iteritems_method(logical_line):
"""Check that collections are iterated in Python 3 compatible way
The correct forms:
iter_functions = ["iterkeys()", "itervalues()",
"iteritems()", "iterlist()"]
for func in iter_functions:
pos = logical_line.find(func)
if pos != -1:
yield (pos, "N330: Use six.%(func)s(dict) rather than "
"dict.%(func)s() to iterate a collection." %
{"func": func[:-2]})
def check_basestring_method(logical_line):
"""Check if basestring is properly called for compatibility with Python 3
There is no global variable "basestring" in Python 3.The correct form
is six.string_types, instead of basestring.
res = re_basestring_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N331: Use six.string_types rather than basestring.")
def check_StringIO_method(logical_line):
"""Check if StringIO is properly called for compatibility with Python 3
In Python 3, StringIO module is gone. The correct form is
six.moves.StringIO instead of StringIO.StringIO.
res = re_StringIO_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N332: Use six.moves.StringIO "
"rather than StringIO.StringIO.")
def check_urlparse_method(logical_line):
"""Check if urlparse is properly called for compatibility with Python 3
The correct form is six.moves.urllib.parse instead of "urlparse".
res = re_urlparse_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N333: Use six.moves.urllib.parse rather than urlparse.")
def check_itertools_imap_method(logical_line):
"""Check if itertools.imap is properly called for compatibility with Python 3
The correct form is six.moves.map instead of itertools.imap.
res = re_itertools_imap_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N334: Use six.moves.map rather than itertools.imap.")
def check_xrange_method(logical_line):
"""Check if xrange is properly called for compatibility with Python 3
The correct form is six.moves.range instead of xrange.
res = re_xrange_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N335: Use six.moves.range rather than xrange.")
def check_string_lower_upper_case_method(logical_line):
"""Check if string.lowercase and string.uppercase are properly called
In Python 3, string.lowercase and string.uppercase are gone.
The correct form is "string.ascii_lowercase" and "string.ascii_uppercase".
res = re_string_lower_upper_case_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N336: Use string.ascii_lowercase or string.ascii_uppercase "
"rather than string.lowercase or string.uppercase.")
def check_next_on_iterator_method(logical_line):
"""Check if next() method on iterator objects are properly called
Python 3 introduced a next() function to replace the next() method on
iterator objects. Rather than calling the method on the iterator,
the next() function is called with the iterable object as it's sole
parameter, which calls the underlying __next__() method.
res = re_next_on_iterator_method.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N337: Use next(iterator) rather than iterator.next().")
def check_concatenate_dict_with_plus_operand(logical_line):
"""Check if a dict is being sum with + operator
Python 3 dict.items() return a dict_items object instead of a list, and
this object, doesn't support + operator. Need to use the update method
instead in order to concatenate two dictionaries.
res = re_concatenate_dict.search(logical_line)
if res:
yield (0, "N338: Use update() method instead of '+'' operand to "
"concatenate dictionaries")
def check_no_direct_rally_objects_import(logical_line, filename):
"""Check if rally.objects are properly imported.
If you import "from rally import objects" you are able to use objects
directly like objects.Task.
if filename == "./rally/objects/__init__.py":
if (logical_line.startswith("from rally.objects")
or logical_line.startswith("import rally.objects.")):
yield (0, "N340: Import objects module: `from rally import objects`. "
"After that you can use directly objects e.g. objects.Task")
def check_no_oslo_deprecated_import(logical_line, filename):
"""Check if oslo.foo packages are not imported instead of oslo_foo ones.
Libraries from oslo.foo namespace are deprecated because of namespace
if (logical_line.startswith("from oslo.")
or logical_line.startswith("import oslo.")):
yield (0, "N341: Import oslo module: `from oslo_xyz import ...`. "
"The oslo.xyz namespace was deprecated, use oslo_xyz "
def factory(register):