There is upgoing work related to deployment refactoring. The bunch of different enitities will be removed and inner code will be rewritten almost from scratch. This patch introduces a new simpler dedployment config format. Despite the fact that it requires several workarounds, we need to merge it before actual refactoring is done, since we want to provide a good deprecation period and as quicker we introduce a new format as quicker we will able to remove deprecated stuff:) An example of old deployment config: { "type": "ExistingCloud", "creds": { "openstack": { "auth_url": "https://example.com", "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "pass", "project_name": "admin" } } } } An example of a new format: { "openstack": { "auth_url": "https://example.com", "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "pass", "project_name": "admin" } } } Change-Id: If88317a0aefdd3d1adc6c380672d83e2bad11f15
Rally Deployments
Rally needs to have information about OpenStack Cloud before you actually can run any tests against it.
You need create a deployment input file and run use command bellow:
rally deployment create --file <one_of_files_from_this_dir> --name my_cloud
Below you can find samples of supported configurations.
Register existing OpenStack cluster.
Register existing OpenStack cluster that uses Keystone v3.
If you are using read-only backend in Keystone like LDAP, AD then you need this sample. If you don't specify "users" rally will use already existing users that you provide.
Register existing OpenStack cluster, with parameter "endpoint" specified to explicitly set keystone management_url. Use this parameter if keystone fails to setup management_url correctly. For example, this parameter must be specified for FUEL cluster and has value "http://<identity-public-url-ip>:35357/v2.0/"