The issue: functional job fails sometimes with the following error: > Invalid Task: KeyError: 'platforms' The debug gave me a next traceback: > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/task/engine.py", line 396, in validate > self._validate_config_semantic(self.config) > File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/common/logging.py", line 248, in wrapper > result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) > File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/task/engine.py", line 369, in _validate_config_semantic > env_data = self.env.data > File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/env/env_mgr.py", line 180, in data > return self.cached_data > File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rally/env/env_mgr.py", line 157, in cached_data > for p in self._env["platforms"]: > KeyError: 'platforms' A possible reason: to speed up checking samples, the special workaround was added[1]. It is designed to initialize OpenStack credentials with OSClients once and share it between all checks for separate samples, which resulted in decreasing auth-calls. The design of this hack includes mocking the result of obtaining Deployment object. After replacing Deployment component with Environment, the same environment manager is shared across all checks. The hack was not adopted after such change which resulted in obtaining platform data (credentials in our case) from database[2][3][4] in each sample-check. Since these checks are launched in parallel and the one env manager object is used, there is a possible race condition when one thread already "obtained" data from database and contined validation, another check rewrote self._env obj[3] which doesn't contain 'platforms' by-default (it is done at the next line[4]). Since switching from line[3] to line[4] takes ms, this race condition happens not often. This patch removes the workaround. Anyway it stopped working after switching to Environment component. [1] - https://github.com/openstack/rally-openstack/blob/1.2.0/tests/check_samples/test_task_samples.py#L97-L115 [2] - https://github.com/openstack/rally/blob/1.1.0/rally/task/engine.py#L369 [3] - https://github.com/openstack/rally/blob/1.1.0/rally/env/env_mgr.py#L178 [4] - https://github.com/openstack/rally/blob/1.1.0/rally/env/env_mgr.py#L179 Change-Id: I298533390fe3115c20310e7758a1548e62d5560f
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# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc.
# Copyright 2014: Catalyst IT Ltd.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import traceback
import unittest
import six
from rally import api
from rally.common import broker
from rally.common import yamlutils as yaml
from rally import plugins
import rally_openstack as rally_openstack_module
from tests.functional import utils
class TestTaskSamples(unittest.TestCase):
def _skip(self, validation_output):
"""Help to decide do we want to skip this result or not.
:param validation_output: string representation of the
error that we want to check
:return: True if we want to skip this error
of task sample validation, otherwise False.
skip_lst = ["[Ss]ervice is not available",
"is not installed. To install it run",
"extension.* is not configured"]
for check_str in skip_lst:
if re.search(check_str, validation_output) is not None:
return True
return False
def test_task_samples_are_valid(self):
from rally_openstack.contexts.keystone import users
rally = utils.Rally(force_new_db=True)
# let's use pre-created users to make TestTaskSamples quicker
rapi = api.API(config_file=rally.config_filename)
deployment = rapi.deployment._get("MAIN")
admin_cred = deployment.get_credentials_for("openstack")["admin"]
ctx = {
"env": {
"platforms": {
"openstack": {
"admin": admin_cred.to_dict(),
"users": []}}},
"task": {"uuid": self.__class__.__name__,
"deployment_uuid": deployment["uuid"]}}
user_ctx = users.UserGenerator(ctx)
os_creds = deployment["config"]["openstack"]
user = copy.copy(os_creds["admin"])
user["username"] = ctx["users"][0]["credential"].username
user["password"] = ctx["users"][0]["credential"].password
if "project_name" in os_creds["admin"]:
# it is Keystone
user["project_name"] = ctx["users"][0]["credential"].tenant_name
user["tenant_name"] = ctx["users"][0]["credential"].tenant_name
os_creds["users"] = [user]
rally("deployment destroy MAIN", write_report=False)
deployment_cfg = os.path.join(rally.tmp_dir, "new_deployment.json")
with open(deployment_cfg, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps({"openstack": os_creds}))
rally("deployment create --name MAIN --filename %s" % deployment_cfg,
# store all failures and print them at once
failed_samples = {}
def publisher(queue):
"""List all samples and render task configs"""
samples_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(rally_openstack_module.__file__), os.pardir,
"samples", "tasks")
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(samples_path):
# NOTE(rvasilets): Skip by suggest of boris-42 because in
# future we don't what to maintain this dir
if dirname.find("tempest-do-not-run-against-production") != -1:
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
# NOTE(hughsaunders): Skip non config files
# (bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/rally/+bug/1314369)
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != ".json":
with open(full_path) as task_file:
input_task = task_file.read()
rendered_task = rapi.task.render_template(
queue.append((full_path, rendered_task))
def consumer(_cache, sample):
"""Validate one sample"""
full_path, rendered_task = sample
task_config = yaml.safe_load(rendered_task)
except Exception as e:
if not self._skip(six.text_type(e)):
failed_samples[full_path] = traceback.format_exc()
broker.run(publisher, consumer, self.NUMBER_OF_THREADS)
if failed_samples:
self.fail("Validation failed on the one or several samples. "
"See details below:\n%s" %
"".join(["\n======\n%s\n\n%s\n" % (k, v)
for k, v in failed_samples.items()]))