Tempest installation requires gcc package Change-Id: I5ca00303a90ca8da71e9ee92d6c54e27cab18371
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FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER Sergey Skripnick <sskripnick@mirantis.com>
# install prereqs
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --yes wget python vim bash-completion gcc
# ubuntu's pip is too old to work with the version of requests we
# require, so get pip with get-pip.py
RUN wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && \
python get-pip.py && \
rm -f get-pip.py
# create rally user
RUN apt-get install sudo && \
useradd -u 65500 -m rally && \
usermod -aG sudo rally && \
echo "rally ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/00-rally-user && \
ln -s /opt/rally/doc /home/rally/rally-docs
# install rally. the COPY command below frequently invalidates
# subsequent cache
COPY . /tmp/rally
WORKDIR /tmp/rally
RUN ./install_rally.sh --system --verbose --yes \
--db-name /home/rally/.rally.sqlite && \
pip install -r optional-requirements.txt && \
mkdir /opt/rally/ && \
# TODO(andreykurilin): build docs to rst before move, since we have several
# extensions.
mv certification/ samples/ doc/ /opt/rally/ && \
chown -R rally /opt/rally /etc/rally && \
rm -rf /tmp/* && \
apt-get -y remove \
build-essential \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt1-dev \
python3 \
&& \
apt-get -y autoremove && \
apt-get clean
RUN echo '[ ! -z "$TERM" -a -r /etc/motd ] && cat /etc/motd' \
>> /etc/bash.bashrc; echo '\
║ Welcome to Rally Docker container! ║\n\
║ Rally certification tasks, samples and docs are located at /opt/rally/ ║\n\
║ Rally at readthedocs - http://rally.readthedocs.org ║\n\
║ How to contribute - http://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contribute.html ║\n\
║ If you have any questions, you can reach the Rally team by: ║\n\
║ * e-mail - openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org with tag [Rally] in subject ║\n\
║ * irc - "#openstack-rally" channel at freenode.net ║\n\
╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\n' > /etc/motd
VOLUME ["/home/rally"]
WORKDIR /home/rally/
USER rally
ENV HOME /home/rally/
CMD ["bash", "--login"]
RUN rally-manage db recreate
# TODO(stpierre): Find a way to use `rally` as the
# entrypoint. Currently this is complicated by the need to run
# rally-manage to create the database.