* Rename zuul.yaml -> .zuul.yaml to hide this file from the top level of root directory * Remove all redundant scripts which were used in the old CI * Modify devstack plugin to print information about Rally-OpenStack * Add simple task file with one workload to check the single job * Add an index html page for the new job. It is quite simple, doesn't use template, so no need to special script which will make this file. Also, we do not need to ship this file with python package since it is located in proper place. * Add a basic job which launchs Rally task based on input arguments: - rally_task_file - a patch to Rally task file in relative way to project path (project which where the job is launched) - rally_task_args_file - an optional path to a file with arguments to Rally task. It is also relative to the project path - use_existing_users - Defaults to False. Whethere to create and put existing users to Rally deployment/enviroment or not. Change-Id: Ib3b021914ac7d565df05c5397b378037ca0c0b00
Rally with DevStack all-in-one installation
It is also possible to install Rally with DevStack. First, clone the corresponding repositories:
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
git clone https://github.com/openstack/rally
Then, configure DevStack to run Rally. First, create your
cd devstack
cp samples/local.conf local.conf
Next, edit local.conf: add the following line to the
enable_plugin rally https://github.com/openstack/rally master
Finally, run DevStack as usually: