Jingwei.Zhang 513d2cb526 test: Update e2e case
1. Add setting case
2. Update ironic case: repaire flavor by ironic create
3. Update flavor case: remove given name by custom flavor
4. Update virutal adapater case: assocate fip in detail page

Change-Id: If5c23b6c69bf4fd19506d3b68e69a4a8ae0ac056
2021-09-28 15:50:29 +08:00
2021-09-28 11:36:20 +08:00
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2021-08-26 14:27:05 +08:00


简体中文| English


  • node: lts/erbium (v12.*)
  • yarn: 1.22.4 +

Local Environment

Take CentOS as an example

  • Install nvm ( version control system for nodejs )

    wget -P /root/ --tries=10 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=60 --no-dns-cache --no-cache  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh
    bash /root/install.sh
    . /root/.nvm/nvm.sh
  • Install nodejs

    nvm install --lts=$NODE_VERSION
    nvm alias default lts/$NODE_VERSION
    nvm use default
  • Verify nodejs and npm versions

    node -v
    # v12.*.*
    npm -v
    # 6.*.*
  • Install yarn

    npm install -g yarn
  • Install the project dependency under the root directory, with package.jsonin the same place.

    yarn install

    After those steps, please just wait until the installation is complete.


Under the root directory, with package.json in the same place.

  • yarn run mock: Use the mock interface of rap2
  • yarn run dev: To use the actual interfaceplease change the "http://pre.xxx.com" in line 47 into the real address in file webpack.dev.js.
  • yarn run build: Build packages and then you can hand over the contents of the generated dist directory to the back end.


How to develop

How to test

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