1. add skyline-console-devstack-e2etests-compute into check and gate job 2. add skyline-console-devstack-e2etests-network into check and gate job 3. add skyline-console-devstack-e2etests-other into check and gate job 4. add skyline-console-devstack-e2etests-storage into check and gate job 5. add e2e into Makefile Change-Id: Ida9542129231f7a61d796495d826fc05ddee0abf
111 lines
2.5 KiB
111 lines
2.5 KiB
SOURCES := src
ROOT_DIR ?= $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# Color
no_color = \033[0m
black = \033[0;30m
red = \033[0;31m
green = \033[0;32m
yellow = \033[0;33m
blue = \033[0;34m
purple = \033[0;35m
cyan = \033[0;36m
white = \033[0;37m
# Params
MODE ?= prod
BUILD_ENGINE ?= docker
# Version
RELEASE_VERSION ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)_$(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)
GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
GIT_COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
.PHONY: all
all: install fmt lint test package e2e
.PHONY: help
@echo "Skyline console development makefile"
@echo "Usage: make <TARGET>"
@echo "Target:"
@echo " git_config Initialize git configuration."
@echo " install Installs the project dependencies."
@echo " package Build package from source code."
@echo " lint Check JavaScript code."
@echo " test Run unit tests."
@echo " e2e Run e2e tests."
.PHONY: git_config
user_name = $(shell git config --get user.name)
user_email = $(shell git config --get user.email)
commit_template = $(shell git config --get commit.template)
ifeq ($(user_name),)
@printf "$(cyan)\n"
@read -p "Set your git user name: " user_name; \
git config --local user.name $$user_name; \
printf "$(green)User name was set.\n$(cyan)"
ifeq ($(user_email),)
@printf "$(cyan)\n"
@read -p "Set your git email address: " user_email; \
git config --local user.email $$user_email; \
printf "$(green)User email address was set.\n$(no_color)"
ifeq ($(commit_template),)
@git config --local commit.template $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/git_config/commit_message.txt
@printf "$(green)Project git config was successfully set.\n$(no_color)"
@printf "${yellow}You may need to run 'pip install git-review' install git review tools.\n\n${no_color}"
.PHONY: install
yarn install
.PHONY: package
package: install
rm -rf $(ROOT_DIR)/skyline_console/static
yarn run build
poetry build
.PHONY: fmt
# yarn run lint-staged
.PHONY: lint
# yarn run lint
.PHONY: test
# yarn run test:unit
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf .venv node_modules dist
.PHONY: e2e
e2e: install
rm -rf test/e2e/results/*; \
rm -rf test/e2e/report; \
mkdir test/e2e/report; \
CODE=0; \
yarn cypress run || CODE=1; \
yarn mochawesome-merge test/e2e/results/*.json -o test/e2e/report/merge-report.json; \
yarn marge test/e2e/report/merge-report.json -o test/e2e/report; \
exit $$CODE