In-process swift server for functional tests

Provide a way to run the functional tests using a p/a/c/o server setup
in the same process running the nosetests infrastructure.

By setting the environment variable, SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS, to a true
value, the functional test framework will construct a set of proxy,
account, container and object servers running in the same process that
is running the functional tests, ignoring any external swift
service. This in-process swift environment is akin to the one used in

Setting that same environment variable to a false value will ensure the
in-process servers are not used.

When the above environment variable is not present, and the
/etc/swift/test.conf is _not_ present (or present but empty) on the
system where the functional tests are executing, the in-process
environment will be used. Previously, if no /etc/swift/test.conf file
was found, the tests would just be marked as skipped.

Using this in-process method allows one to gather code coverage using
the functional tests to exercise code paths, in addition to the unit
tests, or more easily debug existing functional tests, or even write new

There are two constraints that are changed for use with the in-process
functional tests: max_file_size is lowered to roughly 8 MB, and
client_timeout is set to 4s.

Change-Id: I5acd65e3068868d6509feae1d1954237d37fad45
This commit is contained in:
Peter Portante 2014-01-11 00:18:04 -05:00
parent 032f0bfc7c
commit 067b41e854
4 changed files with 321 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ def get_config(section_name=None, defaults=None):
:param section_name: the section to read (all sections if not defined)
:param defaults: an optional dictionary namespace of defaults
config_file = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE',
config = {}
if defaults is not None:
config_file = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE',
config = readconf(config_file, section_name)
except SystemExit:

View File

@ -15,20 +15,50 @@
import os
import sys
import pickle
import socket
import locale
import eventlet
import eventlet.debug
import functools
from time import sleep
from time import time, sleep
from httplib import HTTPException
from urlparse import urlparse
from nose import SkipTest
from swift.common import constraints
from swiftclient import get_auth, http_connection
from contextlib import closing
from gzip import GzipFile
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from test import get_config
from test.functional.swift_test_client import Connection, ResponseError
# This has the side effect of mocking out the xattr module so that unit tests
# (and in this case, when in-process functional tests are called for) can run
# on file systems that don't support extended attributes.
from test.unit import debug_logger, FakeMemcache
from swift.common import constraints, utils, ring
from swift.common.wsgi import monkey_patch_mimetools
from swift.common.middleware import catch_errors, gatekeeper, healthcheck, \
proxy_logging, container_sync, bulk, tempurl, slo, dlo, ratelimit, \
tempauth, container_quotas, account_quotas
from swift.proxy import server as proxy_server
from swift.account import server as account_server
from swift.container import server as container_server
from swift.obj import server as object_server
import swift.proxy.controllers.obj
# In order to get the proper blocking behavior of sockets without using
# threads, where we can set an arbitrary timeout for some piece of code under
# test, we use eventlet with the standard socket library patched. We have to
# perform this setup at module import time, since all the socket module
# bindings in the swiftclient code will have been made by the time nose
# invokes the package or class setup methods.
eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(all=False, socket=True)
from swiftclient import get_auth, http_connection
config = {}
@ -46,6 +76,238 @@ swift_test_perm = ['', '', '']
skip, skip2, skip3 = False, False, False
orig_collate = ''
orig_hash_path_suff_pref = ('', '')
orig_swift_conf_name = None
in_process = False
_testdir = _test_servers = _test_sockets = _test_coros = None
class FakeMemcacheMiddleware(object):
Caching middleware that fakes out caching in swift.
def __init__(self, app, conf): = app
self.memcache = FakeMemcache()
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
env['swift.cache'] = self.memcache
return, start_response)
def fake_memcache_filter_factory(conf):
def filter_app(app):
return FakeMemcacheMiddleware(app, conf)
return filter_app
# swift.conf contents for in-process functional test runs
functests_swift_conf = '''
swift_hash_path_suffix = inprocfunctests
swift_hash_path_prefix = inprocfunctests
max_file_size = %d
''' % ((8 * 1024 * 1024) + 2) # 8 MB + 2
def in_process_setup(the_object_server=object_server):
global _testdir
_testdir = os.path.join(mkdtemp(), 'tmp_functional')
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1', 'tmp'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sdb1'))
utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sdb1', 'tmp'))
swift_conf = os.path.join(_testdir, "swift.conf")
with open(swift_conf, "w") as scfp:
global orig_swift_conf_name
orig_swift_conf_name = utils.SWIFT_CONF_FILE
utils.SWIFT_CONF_FILE = swift_conf
global config
# Use the swift constraints that are loaded for the test framework
# configuration
# In-process swift constraints were not loaded, somethings wrong
raise SkipTest
global orig_hash_path_suff_pref
orig_hash_path_suff_pref = utils.HASH_PATH_PREFIX, utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX
# We create the proxy server listening socket to get its port number so
# that we can add it as the "auth_port" value for the functional test
# clients.
prolis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
# The following set of configuration values is used both for the
# functional test frame work and for the various proxy, account, container
# and object servers.
# Values needed by the various in-process swift servers
'devices': _testdir,
'swift_dir': _testdir,
'mount_check': 'false',
'client_timeout': 4,
'allow_account_management': 'true',
'account_autocreate': 'true',
'content-disposition, content-encoding, x-delete-at,'
' x-object-manifest, x-static-large-object',
'allow_versions': 'True',
# Below are values used by the functional test framework, as well as
# by the various in-process swift servers
'auth_host': '',
'auth_port': str(prolis.getsockname()[1]),
'auth_ssl': 'no',
'auth_prefix': '/auth/',
# Primary functional test account (needs admin access to the
# account)
'account': 'test',
'username': 'tester',
'password': 'testing',
# User on a second account (needs admin access to the account)
'account2': 'test2',
'username2': 'tester2',
'password2': 'testing2',
# User on same account as first, but without admin access
'username3': 'tester3',
'password3': 'testing3',
# For tempauth middleware
'user_admin_admin': 'admin .admin .reseller_admin',
'user_test_tester': 'testing .admin',
'user_test2_tester2': 'testing2 .admin',
'user_test_tester3': 'testing3'
acc1lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
acc2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
con1lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
con2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
obj1lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
obj2lis = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 0))
global _test_sockets
_test_sockets = \
(prolis, acc1lis, acc2lis, con1lis, con2lis, obj1lis, obj2lis)
account_ring_path = os.path.join(_testdir, 'account.ring.gz')
with closing(GzipFile(account_ring_path, 'wb')) as f:
pickle.dump(ring.RingData([[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
[{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
'port': acc1lis.getsockname()[1]},
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': acc2lis.getsockname()[1]}], 30),
container_ring_path = os.path.join(_testdir, 'container.ring.gz')
with closing(GzipFile(container_ring_path, 'wb')) as f:
pickle.dump(ring.RingData([[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
[{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
'port': con1lis.getsockname()[1]},
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': con2lis.getsockname()[1]}], 30),
object_ring_path = os.path.join(_testdir, 'object.ring.gz')
with closing(GzipFile(object_ring_path, 'wb')) as f:
pickle.dump(ring.RingData([[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
[{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj1lis.getsockname()[1]},
{'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
'port': obj2lis.getsockname()[1]}], 30),
eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.default_request_version = "HTTP/1.0"
# Turn off logging requests by the underlying WSGI software.
eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.log_request = lambda *a: None
logger = utils.get_logger(config, 'wsgi-server', log_route='wsgi')
# Redirect logging other messages by the underlying WSGI software.
eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.log_message = \
lambda s, f, *a: logger.error('ERROR WSGI: ' + f % a)
# Default to only 4 seconds for in-process functional test runs
eventlet.wsgi.WRITE_TIMEOUT = 4
prosrv = proxy_server.Application(config, logger=debug_logger('proxy'))
acc1srv = account_server.AccountController(
config, logger=debug_logger('acct1'))
acc2srv = account_server.AccountController(
config, logger=debug_logger('acct2'))
con1srv = container_server.ContainerController(
config, logger=debug_logger('cont1'))
con2srv = container_server.ContainerController(
config, logger=debug_logger('cont2'))
obj1srv = the_object_server.ObjectController(
config, logger=debug_logger('obj1'))
obj2srv = the_object_server.ObjectController(
config, logger=debug_logger('obj2'))
global _test_servers
_test_servers = \
(prosrv, acc1srv, acc2srv, con1srv, con2srv, obj1srv, obj2srv)
pipeline = [
app = prosrv
import mock
for filter_factory in reversed(pipeline):
app_filter = filter_factory(config)
with mock.patch('swift.common.utils') as mock_utils:
mock_utils.get_logger.return_value = None
app = app_filter(app)
app.logger = prosrv.logger
nl = utils.NullLogger()
prospa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, prolis, app, nl)
acc1spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, acc1lis, acc1srv, nl)
acc2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, acc2lis, acc2srv, nl)
con1spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, con1lis, con1srv, nl)
con2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, con2lis, con2srv, nl)
obj1spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, obj1lis, obj1srv, nl)
obj2spa = eventlet.spawn(eventlet.wsgi.server, obj2lis, obj2srv, nl)
global _test_coros
_test_coros = \
(prospa, acc1spa, acc2spa, con1spa, con2spa, obj1spa, obj2spa)
# Create accounts "test" and "test2"
def create_account(act):
ts = utils.normalize_timestamp(time())
partition, nodes = prosrv.account_ring.get_nodes(act)
for node in nodes:
# Note: we are just using the http_connect method in the object
# controller here to talk to the account server nodes.
conn = swift.proxy.controllers.obj.http_connect(
node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'], partition, 'PUT',
'/' + act, {'X-Timestamp': ts, 'x-trans-id': act})
resp = conn.getresponse()
assert(resp.status == 201)
cluster_info = {}
@ -90,8 +352,38 @@ def get_cluster_info():
def setup_package():
global config
in_process_env = os.environ.get('SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS')
if in_process_env is not None:
use_in_process = utils.config_true_value(in_process_env)
use_in_process = None
global in_process
if use_in_process:
# Explicitly set to True, so barrel on ahead with in-process
# functional test setup.
in_process = True
# NOTE: No attempt is made to a read local test.conf file.
if use_in_process is None:
# Not explicitly set, default to using in-process functional tests
# if the test.conf file is not found, or does not provide a usable
# configuration.
if config:
in_process = False
in_process = True
# Explicitly set to False, do not attempt to use in-process
# functional tests, be sure we attempt to read from local
# test.conf file.
in_process = False
if in_process:
global web_front_end
web_front_end = config.get('web_front_end', 'integral')
@ -194,6 +486,22 @@ def teardown_package():
global orig_collate
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, orig_collate)
global in_process
if in_process:
for server in _test_coros:
except Exception:
except Exception:
utils.SWIFT_CONF_FILE = orig_swift_conf_name
class AuthError(Exception):
@ -302,6 +610,7 @@ def reset_acl():
def requires_acls(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global skip, cluster_info
if skip or not cluster_info:
raise SkipTest
# Determine whether this cluster has account ACLs; if not, skip test

View File

@ -26,28 +26,14 @@ import unittest
import urllib
import uuid
import eventlet
import eventlet.debug
from nose import SkipTest
from swift.common.utils import get_hub
from test.functional import normalized_urls, load_constraint, cluster_info
import test.functional as tf
from test.functional.swift_test_client import Account, Connection, File, \
# In order to get the proper blocking behavior of sockets without using
# threads, where we can set an arbitrary timeout for some piece of code under
# test, we use eventlet with the standard socket library patched. We have to
# perform this setup at module import time, since all the socket module
# bindings in the swiftclient code will have been made by the time nose
# invokes the package or class setup methods.
eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(all=False, socket=True)
class Utils(object):
def create_ascii_name(cls, length=None):

View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ commands =
flake8 swift test doc
flake8 --filename=swift* bin
commands = nosetests {posargs:test/functional}
commands = {posargs}