Spread handoffs out better around zones.
Before, you'd get your 3* primary nodes in 3 different zones, and then get_more_nodes would give you everything it could from a non-primary zone, and then finish up with stuff from the primary zones. It would sort of look like this: P: device in a primary node's zone N: device not in a primary node's zone PPPNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNPPP...PPPPPP (The first three Ps are the primary nodes; they don't actually come out of get_more_nodes(), but they're included for clarity.) Now, the first few handoffs from get_more_nodes are in non-primary zones, but only one per zone, and then the rest of the handoffs ignore zones. It's still sampling the ring, so it's still taking weights into consideration, but the zone distribution is more even early in the handoff chain. It looks like this, assuming 10 zones: P: device in a primary node's zone N: device not in a primary node's zone D: zone doesn't matter PPPNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDD...DDD * or whatever your replica count is Change-Id: I31d2a2bc2cd6038386a2df85cd4fa37ccf2f650e
This commit is contained in:
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ class Ring(object):
if dev_id not in used and dev['zone'] not in same_zones:
yield dev
except IndexError: # Happens with partial replicas
for handoff_part in chain(xrange(start, parts, inc),
@ -274,14 +274,15 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
exp_part = 6
exp_devs = [48, 93, 96]
exp_zones = set([5, 8, 9])
exp_handoffs = [11, 47, 25, 76, 69, 23, 64, 43, 34, 3, 30, 83, 31, 16,
27, 39, 32, 60, 77, 24, 0, 42, 8, 72, 19, 71, 26, 9,
20, 35, 13, 5, 38, 14, 28, 41, 18, 66, 61, 21, 81, 1,
78, 74, 46, 4, 68, 40, 80, 75, 45, 79, 44, 62, 29, 7,
15, 70, 65, 12, 82, 17, 22, 6, 2, 67, 37, 63, 33, 73,
36, 10, 99, 59, 106, 107, 50, 88, 57, 103, 100, 56, 91,
84, 94, 102, 52, 101, 95, 105, 58, 90, 86, 54, 49, 87,
104, 97, 55, 89, 53, 92, 85, 51, 98]
exp_handoffs = [11, 47, 25, 76, 69, 23, 99, 59, 106, 64, 107, 43, 50,
34, 88, 3, 57, 30, 83, 31, 16, 27, 103, 39, 32, 60, 77,
24, 0, 42, 8, 100, 72, 56, 19, 71, 26, 9, 20, 35, 91,
13, 84, 5, 38, 14, 94, 28, 41, 18, 66, 102, 52, 101,
61, 95, 21, 81, 1, 78, 105, 58, 74, 90, 86, 46, 4, 68,
40, 80, 54, 75, 45, 79, 44, 49, 62, 29, 7, 15, 70, 87,
65, 12, 82, 17, 104, 97, 55, 22, 6, 89, 2, 67, 37, 63,
53, 92, 33, 85, 73, 51, 98, 36, 10]
exp_first_handoffs = [1, 37, 48, 68, 84, 75, 11, 101, 14, 73, 100, 75,
29, 19, 18, 101, 15, 99, 95, 24, 46, 82, 73, 62,
24, 89, 9, 22, 107, 74, 54, 63, 40, 106, 99, 83,
@ -324,11 +325,14 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
devs = list(r.get_more_nodes(part))
self.assertEquals([d['id'] for d in devs], exp_handoffs)
seen_shared_zone = False
for dev in devs:
if dev['zone'] in primary_zones:
seen_shared_zone = True
# The first 6 replicas plus the 3 primary nodes should cover all 9
# zones in this test
seen_zones = set(primary_zones)
seen_zones.update(d['zone'] for d in devs[:6])
self.assertEquals(seen_zones, set(range(1, 10)))
# The first handoff nodes for each partition in the ring
devs = []
for part in xrange(r.partition_count):
@ -359,12 +363,12 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
dev, exp_handoffs[index],
'handoff differs at position %d\n%s\n%s' % (
index, dev_ids[index:], exp_handoffs[index:]))
seen_shared_zone = False
for dev in devs:
if dev['zone'] in primary_zones:
seen_shared_zone = True
# The handoffs still cover all the non-primary zones first
seen_zones = set(primary_zones)
seen_zones.update(d['zone'] for d in devs[:6])
self.assertEquals(seen_zones, set(range(1, 10)))
devs = []
for part in xrange(r.partition_count):
@ -383,14 +387,16 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
# Change expectations
# The long string of handoff nodes for the partition were the same for
# the first 20, which is pretty good.
exp_handoffs[20:] = [42, 8, 72, 19, 71, 26, 9, 20, 35, 13, 5, 38, 14,
28, 41, 18, 66, 61, 21, 81, 1, 78, 74, 46, 4, 68,
40, 80, 75, 45, 79, 44, 62, 29, 7, 15, 70, 65, 12,
82, 17, 22, 6, 2, 67, 37, 63, 33, 73, 36, 10, 99,
59, 106, 107, 50, 88, 57, 103, 108, 100, 56, 91,
84, 94, 102, 52, 101, 95, 105, 58, 90, 86, 54, 49,
87, 104, 97, 55, 89, 53, 92, 85, 51, 98]
# Just 4 of the first handoffs changed
exp_handoffs[20:] = [16, 27, 103, 39, 32, 60, 77, 24, 108, 42, 8, 100,
72, 56, 19, 71, 26, 9, 20, 35, 91, 13, 84, 5, 38,
14, 94, 28, 41, 18, 66, 102, 52, 101, 61, 95, 21,
81, 1, 78, 105, 58, 74, 90, 86, 46, 4, 68, 40, 80,
54, 75, 45, 79, 44, 49, 62, 29, 7, 15, 70, 87, 65,
12, 82, 17, 104, 97, 55, 22, 6, 89, 2, 67, 37, 63,
53, 92, 33, 85, 73, 51, 98, 36, 10]
# Just a few of the first handoffs changed
exp_first_handoffs[3] = 68
exp_first_handoffs[55] = 104
exp_first_handoffs[116] = 6
exp_first_handoffs[181] = 15
@ -409,12 +415,11 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
dev, exp_handoffs[index],
'handoff differs at position %d\n%s\n%s' % (
index, dev_ids[index:], exp_handoffs[index:]))
seen_shared_zone = False
for dev in devs:
if dev['zone'] in primary_zones:
seen_shared_zone = True
seen_zones = set(primary_zones)
seen_zones.update(d['zone'] for d in devs[:6])
self.assertEquals(seen_zones, set(range(1, 10)))
devs = []
for part in xrange(r.partition_count):
@ -435,15 +440,16 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
# Caused some major changes in the sequence of handoffs for our test
# partition, but at least the first stayed the same.
exp_handoffs[1:] = [81, 25, 76, 3, 69, 23, 64, 13, 34, 30, 16, 83, 31,
27, 74, 32, 60, 77, 24, 63, 8, 72, 19, 71, 7, 26,
9, 20, 35, 5, 14, 62, 28, 18, 66, 82, 22, 61, 21,
1, 67, 78, 4, 79, 68, 80, 75, 6, 29, 15, 70, 65,
12, 17, 2, 33, 73, 10, 99, 59, 106, 45, 107, 43,
50, 88, 57, 46, 103, 39, 108, 42, 100, 56, 91, 52,
84, 87, 38, 94, 41, 90, 102, 101, 85, 95, 98, 105,
58, 86, 40, 54, 44, 49, 104, 97, 55, 89, 37, 53,
92, 51, 36]
exp_handoffs[1:] = [81, 25, 69, 23, 99, 59, 76, 3, 106, 45, 64, 107,
43, 13, 50, 34, 88, 57, 30, 16, 83, 31, 46, 27,
103, 39, 74, 32, 60, 77, 24, 108, 42, 63, 8, 100,
72, 56, 19, 71, 7, 26, 9, 20, 35, 91, 52, 84, 5,
87, 38, 14, 94, 62, 28, 41, 90, 18, 66, 82, 102,
22, 101, 61, 85, 95, 21, 98, 1, 67, 78, 105, 58,
86, 4, 79, 68, 40, 80, 54, 75, 44, 49, 6, 29, 15,
70, 65, 12, 17, 104, 97, 55, 89, 2, 37, 53, 92,
33, 73, 51, 36, 10]
# Lots of first handoffs changed, but 30 of 256 is still just 11.72%.
exp_first_handoffs[1] = 6
exp_first_handoffs[4] = 104
@ -484,17 +490,17 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
devs = list(r.get_more_nodes(part))
dev_ids = [d['id'] for d in devs]
self.assertEquals(len(dev_ids), len(exp_handoffs))
for index, dev in enumerate(dev_ids):
dev, exp_handoffs[index],
'handoff differs at position %d\n%s\n%s' % (
index, dev_ids[index:], exp_handoffs[index:]))
seen_shared_zone = False
for dev in devs:
if dev['zone'] in primary_zones:
seen_shared_zone = True
seen_zones = set(primary_zones)
seen_zones.update(d['zone'] for d in devs[:6])
self.assertEquals(seen_zones, set(range(1, 10)))
devs = []
for part in xrange(r.partition_count):
@ -508,14 +514,15 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
exp_part2 = 136
exp_devs2 = [52, 76, 97]
exp_zones2 = set([9, 5, 7])
exp_handoffs2 = [2, 67, 37, 63, 44, 92, 33, 23, 85, 42, 35, 36, 10, 89,
84, 43, 4, 17, 32, 12, 41, 31, 65, 20, 25, 61, 1, 40,
9, 94, 47, 69, 95, 45, 5, 71, 86, 30, 93, 28, 91, 15,
88, 39, 18, 70, 27, 16, 24, 21, 14, 11, 8, 62, 6, 26,
29, 60, 34, 13, 87, 38, 3, 66, 7, 46, 64, 22, 68, 19,
90, 107, 96, 53, 103, 108, 73, 51, 98, 80, 49, 104,
58, 56, 74, 101, 78, 48, 57, 83, 72, 54, 77, 50, 105,
55, 59, 99, 75, 106, 82, 79, 81, 102, 100]
exp_handoffs2 = [2, 67, 37, 92, 33, 23, 107, 96, 63, 53, 44, 103, 108,
85, 73, 51, 42, 98, 35, 36, 10, 89, 80, 84, 43, 4, 17,
49, 104, 32, 12, 41, 58, 31, 65, 20, 25, 61, 1, 40, 9,
94, 47, 69, 56, 74, 101, 95, 45, 5, 71, 86, 78, 30, 93,
48, 28, 91, 15, 88, 39, 18, 57, 83, 72, 70, 27, 54, 16,
24, 21, 14, 11, 8, 77, 62, 50, 6, 105, 26, 55, 29, 60,
34, 13, 87, 59, 38, 99, 75, 106, 3, 82, 66, 79, 7, 46,
64, 81, 22, 68, 19, 102, 90, 100]
part2, devs2 = r.get_nodes('a', 'c', 'o2')
primary_zones2 = set(d['zone'] for d in devs2)
self.assertEquals(part2, exp_part2)
@ -523,18 +530,17 @@ class TestRing(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(primary_zones2, exp_zones2)
devs2 = list(r.get_more_nodes(part2))
dev_ids2 = [d['id'] for d in devs2]
self.assertEquals(len(dev_ids2), len(exp_handoffs2))
for index, dev in enumerate(dev_ids2):
dev, exp_handoffs2[index],
'handoff differs at position %d\n%s\n%s' % (
index, dev_ids2[index:], exp_handoffs2[index:]))
seen_shared_zone = False
for dev in devs2:
if dev['zone'] in primary_zones2:
seen_shared_zone = True
seen_zones = set(primary_zones2)
seen_zones.update(d['zone'] for d in devs2[:6])
self.assertEquals(seen_zones, set(range(1, 10)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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