Support multi-range GETs for static large objects.

Bonus consistency: 416 responses now always have a body. Before, if
you had "swob.HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable()", you'd get a body,
but if you had "swob.Response(..., conditional_response=True)", then
you'd get a length-0 response body. Now you always get a response
body. It's just the default <html><h1>..., but at it's always there.

Bonus efficiency: do a little caching of sub-SLO manifests to avoid
needless re-fetches. This kicks in when there are multiple references
to the same sub-SLO in a given manifest. The caching only holds 20
sub-SLOs so that a malicious user can't build a giant SLO tree and use
it to run the proxy out of memory (we're already holding up to 10
manifests in memory at a time since a SLO can include another SLO to a
depth of 10; this doesn't make the situation too much worse).

Change-Id: I24716e3271cf3370642e3755447e717fd7d9957c
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Merritt 2016-08-08 17:57:49 -07:00
parent e42567f14f
commit 4bcd3d7f6d
8 changed files with 357 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -213,12 +213,11 @@ from swift.common.exceptions import ListingIterError, SegmentError
from swift.common.swob import Request, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPServerError, \
HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, HTTPLengthRequired, \
HTTPOk, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPException, HTTPNotFound, \
HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPConflict, HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,\
Response, Range
HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPConflict, Response, Range
from swift.common.utils import get_logger, config_true_value, \
get_valid_utf8_str, override_bytes_from_content_type, split_path, \
register_swift_info, RateLimitedIterator, quote, close_if_possible, \
closing_if_possible, LRUCache
from swift.common.request_helpers import SegmentedIterable
from swift.common.constraints import check_utf8, MAX_BUFFERED_SLO_SEGMENTS
from swift.common.http import HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, is_success
@ -386,8 +385,6 @@ class SloGetContext(WSGIContext):
def __init__(self, slo):
self.slo = slo
self.first_byte = None
self.last_byte = None
super(SloGetContext, self).__init__(
def _fetch_sub_slo_segments(self, req, version, acc, con, obj):
@ -434,7 +431,7 @@ class SloGetContext(WSGIContext):
return int(seg_dict['bytes'])
def _segment_listing_iterator(self, req, version, account, segments,
for seg_dict in segments:
if config_true_value(seg_dict.get('sub_slo')):
@ -448,23 +445,46 @@ class SloGetContext(WSGIContext):
# If we were to make SegmentedIterable handle all the range
# calculations, we would be unable to make this optimization.
total_length = sum(self._segment_length(seg) for seg in segments)
if self.first_byte is None:
self.first_byte = 0
if self.last_byte is None:
self.last_byte = total_length - 1
if not byteranges:
byteranges = [(0, total_length - 1)]
# Cache segments from sub-SLOs in case more than one byterange
# includes data from a particular sub-SLO. We only cache a few sets
# of segments so that a malicious user cannot build a giant SLO tree
# and then GET it to run the proxy out of memory.
# LRUCache is a little awkward to use this way, but it beats doing
# things manually.
# 20 is sort of an arbitrary choice; it's twice our max recursion
# depth, so we know this won't expand memory requirements by too
# much.
cached_fetch_sub_slo_segments = \
for first_byte, last_byte in byteranges:
byterange_listing_iter = self._byterange_listing_iterator(
req, version, account, segments, first_byte, last_byte,
for seg_info in byterange_listing_iter:
yield seg_info
def _byterange_listing_iterator(self, req, version, account, segments,
first_byte, last_byte,
last_sub_path = None
for seg_dict in segments:
seg_length = self._segment_length(seg_dict)
if self.first_byte >= seg_length:
if first_byte >= seg_length:
# don't need any bytes from this segment
self.first_byte -= seg_length
self.last_byte -= seg_length
first_byte -= seg_length
last_byte -= seg_length
if self.last_byte < 0:
if last_byte < 0:
# no bytes are needed from this or any future segment
seg_range = seg_dict.get('range')
if seg_range is None:
@ -483,33 +503,30 @@ class SloGetContext(WSGIContext):
sub_path = get_valid_utf8_str(seg_dict['name'])
sub_cont, sub_obj = split_path(sub_path, 2, 2, True)
if last_sub_path != sub_path:
sub_segments = self._fetch_sub_slo_segments(
sub_segments = cached_fetch_sub_slo_segments(
req, version, account, sub_cont, sub_obj)
last_sub_path = sub_path
# Use the existing machinery to slice into the sub-SLO.
# This requires that we save off our current state, and
# restore at the other end.
orig_start, orig_end = self.first_byte, self.last_byte
self.first_byte = range_start + max(0, self.first_byte)
self.last_byte = min(range_end, range_start + self.last_byte)
for sub_seg_dict, sb, eb in self._segment_listing_iterator(
for sub_seg_dict, sb, eb in self._byterange_listing_iterator(
req, version, account, sub_segments,
# This adjusts first_byte and last_byte to be
# relative to the sub-SLO.
range_start + max(0, first_byte),
min(range_end, range_start + last_byte),
recursion_depth=recursion_depth + 1):
yield sub_seg_dict, sb, eb
# Restore the first/last state
self.first_byte, self.last_byte = orig_start, orig_end
if isinstance(seg_dict['name'], six.text_type):
seg_dict['name'] = seg_dict['name'].encode("utf-8")
yield (seg_dict,
max(0, self.first_byte) + range_start,
min(range_end, range_start + self.last_byte))
max(0, first_byte) + range_start,
min(range_end, range_start + last_byte))
self.first_byte -= seg_length
self.last_byte -= seg_length
first_byte -= seg_length
last_byte -= seg_length
def _need_to_refetch_manifest(self, req):
@ -692,22 +709,18 @@ class SloGetContext(WSGIContext):
def _manifest_get_response(self, req, content_length, response_headers,
self.first_byte, self.last_byte = None, None
if req.range:
byteranges = req.range.ranges_for_length(content_length)
if len(byteranges) == 0:
return HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(request=req)
elif len(byteranges) == 1:
self.first_byte, self.last_byte = byteranges[0]
byteranges = [
# For some reason, swob.Range.ranges_for_length adds 1 to the
# last byte's position.
self.last_byte -= 1
(start, end - 1) for start, end
in req.range.ranges_for_length(content_length)]
req.range = None
byteranges = []
ver, account, _junk = req.split_path(3, 3, rest_with_last=True)
plain_listing_iter = self._segment_listing_iterator(
req, ver, account, segments)
req, ver, account, segments, byteranges)
def is_small_segment((seg_dict, start_byte, end_byte)):
start = 0 if start_byte is None else start_byte

View File

@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ from swift.common.constraints import FORMAT2CONTENT_TYPE
from swift.common.exceptions import ListingIterError, SegmentError
from swift.common.http import is_success
from swift.common.swob import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotAcceptable, \
HTTPServiceUnavailable, Range, is_chunked
HTTPServiceUnavailable, Range, is_chunked, multi_range_iterator
from swift.common.utils import split_path, validate_device_partition, \
close_if_possible, maybe_multipart_byteranges_to_document_iters, \
multipart_byteranges_to_document_iters, parse_content_type, \
parse_content_range, csv_append, list_from_csv
parse_content_range, csv_append, list_from_csv, Spliterator
from swift.common.wsgi import make_subrequest
@ -520,6 +520,25 @@ class SegmentedIterable(object):
return self
def app_iter_ranges(self, ranges, content_type, boundary, content_size):
This method assumes that iter(self) yields all the data bytes that
go into the response, but none of the MIME stuff. For example, if
the response will contain three MIME docs with data "abcd", "efgh",
and "ijkl", then iter(self) will give out the bytes "abcdefghijkl".
This method inserts the MIME stuff around the data bytes.
si = Spliterator(self)
mri = multi_range_iterator(
ranges, content_type, boundary, content_size,
lambda start, end_plus_one: si.take(end_plus_one - start))
for x in mri:
yield x
def validate_first_segment(self):
Start fetching object data to ensure that the first segment (if any) is

View File

@ -1245,9 +1245,9 @@ class Response(object):
ranges = self.request.range.ranges_for_length(self.content_length)
if ranges == []:
self.status = 416
self.content_length = 0
return ['']
body = None
app_iter = None
elif ranges:
range_size = len(ranges)
if range_size > 0:

View File

@ -3292,6 +3292,80 @@ class LRUCache(object):
return LRUCacheWrapped()
class Spliterator(object):
Takes an iterator yielding sliceable things (e.g. strings or lists) and
yields subiterators, each yielding up to the requested number of items
from the source.
>>> si = Spliterator(["abcde", "fg", "hijkl"])
>>> ''.join(si.take(4))
>>> ''.join(si.take(3))
>>> ''.join(si.take(1))
>>> ''.join(si.take(3))
>>> ''.join(si.take(3))
"l" # shorter than requested; this can happen with the last iterator
def __init__(self, source_iterable):
self.input_iterator = iter(source_iterable)
self.leftovers = None
self.leftovers_index = 0
self._iterator_in_progress = False
def take(self, n):
if self._iterator_in_progress:
raise ValueError("cannot call take() again until the first"
" iterator is exhausted")
self._iterator_in_progress = True
if self.leftovers:
# All this string slicing is a little awkward, but it's for
# a good reason. Consider a length N string that someone is
# taking k bytes at a time.
# With this implementation, we create one new string of
# length k (copying the bytes) on each call to take(). Once
# the whole input has been consumed, each byte has been
# copied exactly once, giving O(N) bytes copied.
# If, instead of this, we were to set leftovers =
# leftovers[k:] and omit leftovers_index, then each call to
# take() would copy k bytes to create the desired substring,
# then copy all the remaining bytes to reset leftovers,
# resulting in an overall O(N^2) bytes copied.
llen = len(self.leftovers) - self.leftovers_index
if llen <= n:
n -= llen
yield self.leftovers[self.leftovers_index:]
self.leftovers = None
self.leftovers_index = 0
yield self.leftovers[
self.leftovers_index:(self.leftovers_index + n)]
self.leftovers_index += n
n = 0
while n > 0:
chunk = next(self.input_iterator)
cl = len(chunk)
if cl <= n:
n -= cl
yield chunk
yield chunk[:n]
self.leftovers = chunk
self.leftovers_index = n
n = 0
self._iterator_in_progress = False
def tpool_reraise(func, *args, **kwargs):
Hack to work around Eventlet's tpool not catching and reraising Timeouts.

View File

@ -3097,6 +3097,34 @@ class TestSlo(Base):
self.assertEqual('b', file_contents[-2])
self.assertEqual('c', file_contents[-1])
def test_slo_multi_ranged_get(self):
file_item = self.env.container.file('manifest-abcde')
file_contents =
hdrs={"Range": "bytes=1048571-1048580,2097147-2097156"})
# See testMultiRangeGets for explanation
parser = email.parser.FeedParser()
parser.feed("Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n" % file_item.content_type)
root_message = parser.close()
self.assertTrue(root_message.is_multipart()) # sanity check
byteranges = root_message.get_payload()
self.assertEqual(len(byteranges), 2)
byteranges[0]['Content-Range'], "bytes 1048571-1048580/4194305")
self.assertEqual(byteranges[0].get_payload(), "aaaaabbbbb")
byteranges[1]['Content-Range'], "bytes 2097147-2097156/4194305")
self.assertEqual(byteranges[1].get_payload(), "bbbbbccccc")
def test_slo_ranged_submanifest(self):
file_item = self.env.container.file('manifest-abcde-submanifest')
file_contents = * 1024 + 2,

View File

@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ import time
import unittest
from mock import patch
from hashlib import md5
from StringIO import StringIO
from swift.common import swob, utils
from swift.common.exceptions import ListingIterError, SegmentError
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.middleware import slo
from swift.common.swob import Request, HTTPException
from swift.common.utils import quote, closing_if_possible, close_if_possible
from swift.common.utils import quote, closing_if_possible, close_if_possible, \
parse_content_type, iter_multipart_mime_documents, parse_mime_headers
from test.unit.common.middleware.helpers import FakeSwift
@ -1735,6 +1737,116 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
['SLO'] * (len( - 1))
def test_multiple_ranges_get_manifest(self):
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Range': 'bytes=3-17,20-24,35-999999'})
status, headers, body = self.call_slo(req)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
self.assertEqual(status, '206 Partial Content')
ct, params = parse_content_type(headers['Content-Type'])
params = dict(params)
self.assertEqual(ct, 'multipart/byteranges')
boundary = params.get('boundary')
self.assertTrue(boundary is not None)
self.assertEqual(len(body), int(headers['Content-Length']))
got_mime_docs = []
for mime_doc_fh in iter_multipart_mime_documents(
StringIO(body), boundary):
headers = parse_mime_headers(mime_doc_fh)
body =
got_mime_docs.append((headers, body))
self.assertEqual(len(got_mime_docs), 3)
first_range_headers = got_mime_docs[0][0]
first_range_body = got_mime_docs[0][1]
'bytes 3-17/50')
self.assertEqual(first_range_body, 'aabbbbbbbbbbccc')
second_range_headers = got_mime_docs[1][0]
second_range_body = got_mime_docs[1][1]
'bytes 20-24/50')
self.assertEqual(second_range_body, 'ccccc')
third_range_headers = got_mime_docs[2][0]
third_range_body = got_mime_docs[2][1]
'bytes 35-49/50')
self.assertEqual(third_range_body, 'ddddddddddddddd')
[('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-abcd'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-abcd'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/a_5?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/b_10?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/c_15?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/d_20?multipart-manifest=get')])
ranges = [c[2].get('Range') for c in]
self.assertEqual(ranges, [
'bytes=3-17,20-24,35-999999', # initial GET
None, # re-fetch top-level manifest
None, # fetch manifest-bc as sub-slo
'bytes=3-', # a_5
None, # b_10
'bytes=0-2,5-9', # c_15
'bytes=5-']) # d_20
# we set swift.source for everything but the first request
['SLO'] * (len( - 1))
def test_multiple_ranges_including_suffix_get_manifest(self):
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Range': 'bytes=3-17,-21'})
status, headers, body = self.call_slo(req)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
self.assertEqual(status, '206 Partial Content')
ct, params = parse_content_type(headers['Content-Type'])
params = dict(params)
self.assertEqual(ct, 'multipart/byteranges')
boundary = params.get('boundary')
self.assertTrue(boundary is not None)
got_mime_docs = []
for mime_doc_fh in iter_multipart_mime_documents(
StringIO(body), boundary):
headers = parse_mime_headers(mime_doc_fh)
body =
got_mime_docs.append((headers, body))
self.assertEqual(len(got_mime_docs), 2)
first_range_headers = got_mime_docs[0][0]
first_range_body = got_mime_docs[0][1]
'bytes 3-17/50')
self.assertEqual(first_range_body, 'aabbbbbbbbbbccc')
second_range_headers = got_mime_docs[1][0]
second_range_body = got_mime_docs[1][1]
'bytes 29-49/50')
self.assertEqual(second_range_body, 'cdddddddddddddddddddd')
def test_range_get_includes_whole_manifest(self):
# If the first range GET results in retrieval of the entire manifest
# body (which we can detect by looking at Content-Range), then we
@ -1924,21 +2036,6 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
status, headers, body = self.call_slo(req)
self.assertEqual(status, '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable')
def test_multi_range_get_manifest(self):
# SLO doesn't support multi-range GETs. The way that you express
# "unsupported" in HTTP is to return a 200 and the whole entity.
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-0,2-2'})
status, headers, body = self.call_slo(req)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK')
self.assertEqual(headers['Content-Length'], '50')
body, 'aaaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccdddddddddddddddddddd')
def test_get_segment_with_non_ascii_path(self):
segment_body = u"a møøse once bit my sister".encode("utf-8")
@ -2027,11 +2124,9 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/a_5?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/c_15?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/d_20?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/c_15?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/b_10?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/a_5?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/b_10?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/d_20?multipart-manifest=get')])
@ -2043,11 +2138,9 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
@ -2114,11 +2207,9 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-abcd-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/c_15?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/d_20?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/c_15?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/b_10?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/manifest-bc-ranges'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/a_5?multipart-manifest=get'),
('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/gettest/b_10?multipart-manifest=get')])
@ -2129,11 +2220,9 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
# we set swift.source for everything but the first request
@ -2180,23 +2269,6 @@ class TestSloGetManifest(SloTestCase):
['SLO'] * (len( - 1))
def test_multi_range_get_range_manifest(self):
# SLO doesn't support multi-range GETs. The way that you express
# "unsupported" in HTTP is to return a 200 and the whole entity.
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-0,2-2'})
status, headers, body = self.call_slo(req)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK')
self.assertEqual(headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json')
self.assertEqual(body, 'aaaaaaaaccccccccbbbbbbbbdddddddd')
self.assertNotIn('Transfer-Encoding', headers)
self.assertNotIn('Content-Range', headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['Content-Length'], '32')
def test_get_bogus_manifest(self):
req = Request.blank(

View File

@ -1298,16 +1298,16 @@ class TestResponse(unittest.TestCase):
resp = req.get_response(test_app)
resp.conditional_response = True
body = ''.join(resp([], start_response))
self.assertEqual(body, '')
self.assertEqual(resp.content_length, 0)
self.assertIn('The Range requested is not available', body)
self.assertEqual(resp.content_length, len(body))
self.assertEqual(resp.status, '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable')
resp = swift.common.swob.Response(
body='1234567890', request=req,
body = ''.join(resp([], start_response))
self.assertEqual(body, '')
self.assertEqual(resp.content_length, 0)
self.assertIn('The Range requested is not available', body)
self.assertEqual(resp.content_length, len(body))
self.assertEqual(resp.status, '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable')
# Syntactically-invalid Range headers "MUST" be ignored

View File

@ -5335,6 +5335,68 @@ class TestLRUCache(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(f.size(), 4)
class TestSpliterator(unittest.TestCase):
def test_string(self):
input_chunks = ["coun", "ter-", "b", "ra", "nch-mater",
"nit", "y-fungusy", "-nummular"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(8)), "counter-")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(7)), "branch-")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(10)), "maternity-")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(8)), "fungusy-")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(8)), "nummular")
def test_big_input_string(self):
input_chunks = ["iridium"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(2)), "ir")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(1)), "i")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(2)), "di")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(1)), "u")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(1)), "m")
def test_chunk_boundaries(self):
input_chunks = ["soylent", "green", "is", "people"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(7)), "soylent")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(5)), "green")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(2)), "is")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(6)), "people")
def test_no_empty_strings(self):
input_chunks = ["soylent", "green", "is", "people"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
outputs = (list(si.take(7)) # starts and ends on chunk boundary
+ list(si.take(2)) # spans two chunks
+ list(si.take(3)) # begins but does not end chunk
+ list(si.take(2)) # ends but does not begin chunk
+ list(si.take(6))) # whole chunk + EOF
self.assertNotIn('', outputs)
def test_running_out(self):
input_chunks = ["not much"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(4)), "not ")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(99)), "much") # short
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(4)), "")
self.assertEqual(''.join(si.take(4)), "")
def test_overlap(self):
input_chunks = ["one fish", "two fish", "red fish", "blue fish"]
si = utils.Spliterator(input_chunks)
t1 = si.take(20) # longer than first chunk
self.assertLess(len(next(t1)), 20) # it's not exhausted
t2 = si.take(20)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, next, t2)
class TestParseContentRange(unittest.TestCase):
def test_good(self):
start, end, total = utils.parse_content_range("bytes 100-200/300")