Merge "Add ring-builder analyzer."
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Copyright (c) 2015 Samuel Merritt <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from swift.cli.ring_builder_analyzer import main
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -237,6 +237,12 @@ when the balance doesn't improve by at least 1% (indicating we probably can't
get perfect balance due to wildly imbalanced zones or too many partitions
recently moved).
Ring Builder Analyzer
.. automodule:: swift.cli.ring_builder_analyzer
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ scripts =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 Samuel Merritt <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This is a tool for analyzing how well the ring builder performs its job
in a particular scenario. It is intended to help developers quantify any
improvements or regressions in the ring builder; it is probably not useful
to others.
The ring builder analyzer takes a scenario file containing some initial
parameters for a ring builder plus a certain number of rounds. In each
round, some modifications are made to the builder, e.g. add a device, remove
a device, change a device's weight. Then, the builder is repeatedly
rebalanced until it settles down. Data about that round is printed, and the
next round begins.
Scenarios are specified in JSON. Example scenario for a gradual device
"part_power": 12,
"replicas": 3,
"overload": 0.1,
"random_seed": 203488,
"rounds": [
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000],
["add", "r1z2-", 8000]
], [
["add", "r1z2-", 1000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 2000]
], [
["remove", 3],
["set_weight", 15, 3000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 4000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 5000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 6000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 7000]
], [
["set_weight", 15, 8000]
import argparse
import json
import sys
from swift.common.ring import builder
from swift.common.ring.utils import parse_add_value
ARG_PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Put the ring builder through its paces')
'--check', '-c', action='store_true',
help="Just check the scenario, don't execute it.")
help="Path to the scenario file")
def _parse_weight(round_index, command_index, weight_str):
weight = float(weight_str)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid weight %r (round %d, command %d): %s"
% (weight_str, round_index, command_index, err))
if weight < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Negative weight (round %d, command %d)"
% (round_index, command_index))
return weight
def _parse_add_command(round_index, command_index, command):
if len(command) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid add command (round %d, command %d): expected array of "
"length 3, but got %d"
% (round_index, command_index, len(command)))
dev_str = command[1]
weight_str = command[2]
dev = parse_add_value(dev_str)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid device specifier '%s' in add (round %d, command %d): %s"
% (dev_str, round_index, command_index, err))
dev['weight'] = _parse_weight(round_index, command_index, weight_str)
if dev['region'] is None:
dev['region'] = 1
return ['add', dev]
def _parse_remove_command(round_index, command_index, command):
if len(command) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid remove command (round %d, command %d): expected array of "
"length 2, but got %d"
% (round_index, command_index, len(command)))
dev_str = command[1]
dev_id = int(dev_str)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid device ID '%s' in remove (round %d, command %d): %s"
% (dev_str, round_index, command_index, err))
return ['remove', dev_id]
def _parse_set_weight_command(round_index, command_index, command):
if len(command) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid remove command (round %d, command %d): expected array of "
"length 3, but got %d"
% (round_index, command_index, len(command)))
dev_str = command[1]
weight_str = command[2]
dev_id = int(dev_str)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid device ID '%s' in set_weight (round %d, command %d): %s"
% (dev_str, round_index, command_index, err))
weight = _parse_weight(round_index, command_index, weight_str)
return ['set_weight', dev_id, weight]
def parse_scenario(scenario_data):
Takes a serialized scenario and turns it into a data structure suitable
for feeding to run_scenario().
:returns: scenario
:raises: ValueError on invalid scenario
parsed_scenario = {}
raw_scenario = json.loads(scenario_data)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("Invalid JSON in scenario file: %s" % err)
if not isinstance(raw_scenario, dict):
raise ValueError("Scenario must be a JSON object, not array or string")
if 'part_power' not in raw_scenario:
raise ValueError("part_power missing")
parsed_scenario['part_power'] = int(raw_scenario['part_power'])
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("part_power not an integer: %s" % err)
if not 1 <= parsed_scenario['part_power'] <= 32:
raise ValueError("part_power must be between 1 and 32, but was %d"
% raw_scenario['part_power'])
if 'replicas' not in raw_scenario:
raise ValueError("replicas missing")
parsed_scenario['replicas'] = float(raw_scenario['replicas'])
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("replicas not a float: %s" % err)
if parsed_scenario['replicas'] < 1:
raise ValueError("replicas must be at least 1, but is %f"
% parsed_scenario['replicas'])
if 'overload' not in raw_scenario:
raise ValueError("overload missing")
parsed_scenario['overload'] = float(raw_scenario['overload'])
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("overload not a float: %s" % err)
if parsed_scenario['overload'] < 0:
raise ValueError("overload must be non-negative, but is %f"
% parsed_scenario['overload'])
if 'random_seed' not in raw_scenario:
raise ValueError("random_seed missing")
parsed_scenario['random_seed'] = int(raw_scenario['random_seed'])
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("replicas not an integer: %s" % err)
if 'rounds' not in raw_scenario:
raise ValueError("rounds missing")
if not isinstance(raw_scenario['rounds'], list):
raise ValueError("rounds must be an array")
parser_for_command = {'add': _parse_add_command,
'remove': _parse_remove_command,
'set_weight': _parse_set_weight_command}
parsed_scenario['rounds'] = []
for round_index, raw_round in enumerate(raw_scenario['rounds']):
if not isinstance(raw_round, list):
raise ValueError("round %d not an array" % round_index)
parsed_round = []
for command_index, command in enumerate(raw_round):
if command[0] not in parser_for_command:
raise ValueError(
"Unknown command (round %d, command %d): "
"'%s' should be one of %s" %
(round_index, command_index, command[0],
round_index, command_index, command))
return parsed_scenario
def run_scenario(scenario):
Takes a parsed scenario (like from parse_scenario()) and runs it.
seed = scenario['random_seed']
rb = builder.RingBuilder(scenario['part_power'], scenario['replicas'], 1)
for round_index, commands in enumerate(scenario['rounds']):
print "Round %d" % (round_index + 1)
for command in commands:
if command[0] == 'add':
elif command[0] == 'remove':
elif command[0] == 'set_weight':
rb.set_dev_weight(command[1], command[2])
raise ValueError("unknown command %r" % (command[0],))
rebalance_number = 1
parts_moved, old_balance = rb.rebalance(seed=seed)
print "\tRebalance 1: moved %d parts, balance is %.6f" % (
parts_moved, old_balance)
while True:
rebalance_number += 1
parts_moved, new_balance = rb.rebalance(seed=seed)
print "\tRebalance %d: moved %d parts, balance is %.6f" % (
rebalance_number, parts_moved, new_balance)
if parts_moved == 0:
if abs(new_balance - old_balance) < 1 and not (
old_balance == builder.MAX_BALANCE and
new_balance == builder.MAX_BALANCE):
old_balance = new_balance
def main(argv=None):
args = ARG_PARSER.parse_args(argv)
with open(args.scenario_path) as sfh:
scenario_data =
except OSError as err:
sys.stderr.write("Error opening scenario %s: %s\n" %
(args.scenario_path, err))
return 1
scenario = parse_scenario(scenario_data)
except ValueError as err:
sys.stderr.write("Invalid scenario %s: %s\n" %
(args.scenario_path, err))
return 1
if not args.check:
return 0
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from swift.common.ring.utils import validate_args, \
validate_and_normalize_ip, build_dev_from_opts, \
parse_builder_ring_filename_args, parse_search_value, \
parse_search_values_from_opts, parse_change_values_from_opts, \
dispersion_report, validate_device_name
dispersion_report, parse_add_value
from swift.common.utils import lock_parent_directory
@ -129,37 +129,6 @@ def _parse_list_parts_values(argvish):
def _parse_address(rest):
if rest.startswith('['):
# remove first [] for ip
rest = rest.replace('[', '', 1).replace(']', '', 1)
pos = 0
while (pos < len(rest) and
not (rest[pos] == 'R' or rest[pos] == '/')):
pos += 1
address = rest[:pos]
rest = rest[pos:]
port_start = address.rfind(':')
if port_start == -1:
raise ValueError('Invalid port in add value')
ip = address[:port_start]
port = int(address[(port_start + 1):])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid port %s in add value' % address[port_start:])
# if this is an ipv6 address then we want to convert it
# to all lowercase and use its fully expanded representation
# to make searches easier
ip = validate_and_normalize_ip(ip)
return (ip, port, rest)
def _parse_add_values(argvish):
Parse devices to add as specified on the command line.
@ -183,62 +152,25 @@ def _parse_add_values(argvish):
islice(args, 1, len(args), 2))
for devstr, weightstr in devs_and_weights:
region = 1
rest = devstr
if devstr.startswith('r'):
i = 1
while i < len(devstr) and devstr[i].isdigit():
i += 1
region = int(devstr[1:i])
rest = devstr[i:]
dev_dict = parse_add_value(devstr)
if dev_dict['region'] is None:
stderr.write('WARNING: No region specified for %s. '
'Defaulting to region 1.\n' % devstr)
dev_dict['region'] = 1
if not rest.startswith('z'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % devstr)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i].isdigit():
i += 1
zone = int(rest[1:i])
rest = rest[i:]
if dev_dict['replication_ip'] is None:
dev_dict['replication_ip'] = dev_dict['ip']
if not rest.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % devstr)
ip, port, rest = _parse_address(rest[1:])
replication_ip = ip
replication_port = port
if rest.startswith('R'):
replication_ip, replication_port, rest = \
if not rest.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid add value: %s' % devstr)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i] != '_':
i += 1
device_name = rest[1:i]
if not validate_device_name(device_name):
raise ValueError('Invalid device name')
rest = rest[i:]
meta = ''
if rest.startswith('_'):
meta = rest[1:]
if dev_dict['replication_port'] is None:
dev_dict['replication_port'] = dev_dict['port']
weight = float(weightstr)
if weight < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid weight value: %s' % devstr)
dev_dict['weight'] = weight
parsed_devs.append({'region': region, 'zone': zone, 'ip': ip,
'port': port, 'device': device_name,
'replication_ip': replication_ip,
'replication_port': replication_port,
'weight': weight, 'meta': meta})
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ def parse_search_values_from_opts(opts):
Convert optparse style options into a dictionary for searching.
:param opts: optparse style options
:returns: a dictonary with search values to filter devices,
:returns: a dictionary with search values to filter devices,
supported parameters are id, region, zone, ip, port,
replication_ip, replication_port, device, weight, meta
@ -440,6 +440,100 @@ def parse_change_values_from_opts(opts):
return change_values
def parse_add_value(add_value):
Convert an add value, like 'r1z2-', to a dictionary.
If the string does not start with 'r<N>', then the value of 'region' in
the returned dictionary will be None. Callers should check for this and
set a reasonable default. This is done so callers can emit errors or
warnings if desired.
Similarly, 'replication_ip' and 'replication_port' will be None if not
:returns: dictionary with keys 'region', 'zone', 'ip', 'port', 'device',
'replication_ip', 'replication_port', 'meta'
:raises: ValueError if add_value is malformed
region = None
rest = add_value
if add_value.startswith('r'):
i = 1
while i < len(add_value) and add_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
region = int(add_value[1:i])
rest = add_value[i:]
if not rest.startswith('z'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i].isdigit():
i += 1
zone = int(rest[1:i])
rest = rest[i:]
if not rest.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
ip, port, rest = parse_address(rest[1:])
replication_ip = replication_port = None
if rest.startswith('R'):
replication_ip, replication_port, rest = \
if not rest.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i] != '_':
i += 1
device_name = rest[1:i]
if not validate_device_name(device_name):
raise ValueError('Invalid device name')
rest = rest[i:]
meta = ''
if rest.startswith('_'):
meta = rest[1:]
return {'region': region, 'zone': zone, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,
'device': device_name, 'replication_ip': replication_ip,
'replication_port': replication_port, 'meta': meta}
def parse_address(rest):
if rest.startswith('['):
# remove first [] for ip
rest = rest.replace('[', '', 1).replace(']', '', 1)
pos = 0
while (pos < len(rest) and
not (rest[pos] == 'R' or rest[pos] == '/')):
pos += 1
address = rest[:pos]
rest = rest[pos:]
port_start = address.rfind(':')
if port_start == -1:
raise ValueError('Invalid port in add value')
ip = address[:port_start]
port = int(address[(port_start + 1):])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid port %s in add value' % address[port_start:])
# if this is an ipv6 address then we want to convert it
# to all lowercase and use its fully expanded representation
# to make searches easier
ip = validate_and_normalize_ip(ip)
return (ip, port, rest)
def validate_args(argvish):
Build OptionParse and validate it whether the format is new command-line
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 Samuel Merritt <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import mock
import unittest
from StringIO import StringIO
from swift.cli.ring_builder_analyzer import parse_scenario, run_scenario
class TestRunScenario(unittest.TestCase):
def test_it_runs(self):
scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100],
['add', 'z2-', 200]],
[['set_weight', 0, 150]],
[['remove', 1]]]}
parsed = parse_scenario(json.dumps(scenario))
fake_stdout = StringIO()
with mock.patch('sys.stdout', fake_stdout):
# Just test that it produced some output as it ran; the fact that
# this doesn't crash and produces output that resembles something
# useful is good enough.
self.assertTrue('Rebalance' in fake_stdout.getvalue())
class TestParseScenario(unittest.TestCase):
def test_good(self):
scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100],
['add', 'z2-', 200]],
[['set_weight', 0, 150]],
[['remove', 1]]]}
parsed = parse_scenario(json.dumps(scenario))
self.assertEqual(parsed['replicas'], 3)
self.assertEqual(parsed['part_power'], 8)
self.assertEqual(parsed['random_seed'], 123)
self.assertEqual(parsed['overload'], 0)
self.assertEqual(parsed['rounds'], [
[['add', {'device': 'sda8',
'ip': '',
'meta': '',
'port': 7,
'region': 1,
'replication_ip': None,
'replication_port': None,
'weight': 100.0,
'zone': 2}],
['add', {'device': u'sda9',
'ip': u'',
'meta': '',
'port': 7,
'region': 1,
'replication_ip': None,
'replication_port': None,
'weight': 200.0,
'zone': 2}]],
[['set_weight', 0, 150.0]],
[['remove', 1]]])
# The rest of this test class is just a catalog of the myriad ways that
# the input can be malformed.
def test_invalid_json(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, "{")
def test_json_not_object(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, "[]")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, "\"stuff\"")
def test_bad_replicas(self):
working_scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100]]]}
busted = dict(working_scenario)
del busted['replicas']
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, replicas='blahblah')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, replicas=-1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_part_power(self):
working_scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100]]]}
busted = dict(working_scenario)
del busted['part_power']
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, part_power='blahblah')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, part_power=0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, part_power=33)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_random_seed(self):
working_scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100]]]}
busted = dict(working_scenario)
del busted['random_seed']
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, random_seed='blahblah')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_overload(self):
working_scenario = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0,
'rounds': [[['add', 'r1z2-', 100]]]}
busted = dict(working_scenario)
del busted['overload']
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, overload='blahblah')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(working_scenario, overload=-0.01)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_rounds(self):
base = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0}
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(base))
busted = dict(base, rounds={})
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(base, rounds=[{}])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['bork']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_add(self):
base = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0}
# no dev
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['add']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# no weight
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['add', 'r1z2-']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# too many fields
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['add', 'r1z2-', 1, 2]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# can't parse
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['add', 'not a good value', 100]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# negative weight
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['add', 'r1z2-', -1]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_remove(self):
base = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0}
# no dev
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['remove']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# bad dev id
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['remove', 'not an int']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# too many fields
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['remove', 1, 2]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
def test_bad_set_weight(self):
base = {
'replicas': 3, 'part_power': 8, 'random_seed': 123, 'overload': 0}
# no dev
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['set_weight']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# no weight
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['set_weight', 0]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# bad dev id
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['set_weight', 'not an int', 90]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# negative weight
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['set_weight', 1, -1]]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
# bogus weight
busted = dict(base, rounds=[[['set_weight', 1, 'bogus']]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_scenario, json.dumps(busted))
@ -180,14 +180,6 @@ class TestCommands(unittest.TestCase, RunSwiftRingBuilderMixin):
err = e
self.assertEquals(err.code, 2)
def test_parse_address_old_format(self):
# Test old format
argv = " meta data"
ip, port, rest = ringbuilder._parse_address(argv)
self.assertEqual(ip, '')
self.assertEqual(port, 6000)
self.assertEqual(rest, 'R127.0.0.1:6000/sda1_some meta data')
def test_parse_add_values_number_of_arguments(self):
# Test Number of arguments abnormal
argv = ["--region", "2", "test"]
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ from swift.common.ring.utils import (tiers_for_dev, build_tier_tree,
validate_args, parse_args,
build_dev_from_opts, dispersion_report)
build_dev_from_opts, dispersion_report,
class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
@ -694,6 +695,14 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z0-')
self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 30.078125)
def test_parse_address_old_format(self):
# Test old format
argv = " meta data"
ip, port, rest = parse_address(argv)
self.assertEqual(ip, '')
self.assertEqual(port, 6000)
self.assertEqual(rest, 'R127.0.0.1:6000/sda1_some meta data')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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