DRY out probe.common

Specifically to facilitate the reuse of the retry check server
function to fill in the creds for the test2 account which is required
for probetests after the related change.

Change-Id: I9729faa4c8c8d6d65a481bc2ea3f0566d511034c
Related-Change: I8d503419b7996721a671ed6b2795224775a7d8c6
This commit is contained in:
Clay Gerrard 2016-09-14 10:12:38 -07:00
parent f679ed0cc8
commit d062af836c

View File

@ -67,6 +67,43 @@ def start_server(ipport, ipport2server):
return check_server(ipport, ipport2server)
def _check_storage(ipport, path):
conn = HTTPConnection(*ipport)
conn.request('GET', path)
resp = conn.getresponse()
# 404 because it's a nonsense path (and mount_check is false)
# 507 in case the test target is a VM using mount_check
if resp.status not in (404, 507):
raise Exception(
'Unexpected status %s' % resp.status)
return resp
def _check_proxy(ipport, user, key):
url, token = get_auth('http://%s:%d/auth/v1.0' % ipport,
user, key)
account = url.split('/')[-1]
head_account(url, token)
return url, token, account
def _retry_timeout(f, args=None, kwargs=None, timeout=CHECK_SERVER_TIMEOUT):
args = args or ()
kwargs = kwargs or {}
try_until = time() + timeout
while True:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as err:
if time() > try_until:
fsignature = '%s(*%r, **%r)' % (f.__name__, args, kwargs)
print('Giving up on %s after %s seconds.' % (
fsignature, timeout))
raise err
def check_server(ipport, ipport2server):
server = ipport2server[ipport]
if server[:-1] in ('account', 'container', 'object'):
@ -77,41 +114,11 @@ def check_server(ipport, ipport2server):
path += '/3'
elif server[:-1] == 'object':
path += '/3/4'
try_until = time() + CHECK_SERVER_TIMEOUT
while True:
conn = HTTPConnection(*ipport)
conn.request('GET', path)
resp = conn.getresponse()
# 404 because it's a nonsense path (and mount_check is false)
# 507 in case the test target is a VM using mount_check
if resp.status not in (404, 507):
raise Exception(
'Unexpected status %s' % resp.status)
except Exception as err:
if time() > try_until:
print('Giving up on %s:%s after %s seconds.' % (
server, ipport, CHECK_SERVER_TIMEOUT))
raise err
rv = _retry_timeout(_check_storage, args=(ipport, path))
try_until = time() + CHECK_SERVER_TIMEOUT
while True:
url, token = get_auth('http://%s:%d/auth/v1.0' % ipport,
'test:tester', 'testing')
account = url.split('/')[-1]
head_account(url, token)
return url, token, account
except Exception as err:
if time() > try_until:
print('Giving up on proxy:8080 after 30 seconds.')
raise err
return None
rv = _retry_timeout(_check_proxy, args=(
ipport, 'test:tester', 'testing'))
return rv
def kill_server(ipport, ipport2server):
@ -364,12 +371,10 @@ class ProbeTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.account_1 = {
'url': self.url, 'token': self.token, 'account': self.account}
url2, token2 = get_auth(
'http://%s:%d/auth/v1.0' % proxy_ipport,
'test2:tester2', 'testing2')
rv = _retry_timeout(_check_proxy, args=(
proxy_ipport, 'test2:tester2', 'testing2'))
self.account_2 = {
'url': url2, 'token': token2, 'account': url2.split('/')[-1]}
head_account(url2, token2) # sanity check
k: v for (k, v) in zip(('url', 'token', 'account'), rv)}
self.replicators = Manager(
['account-replicator', 'container-replicator',