# Copyright (c) 2010 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib import httplib import os import random import socket import StringIO import time import urllib import simplejson as json from xml.dom import minidom class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): pass class RequestError(Exception): pass class ResponseError(Exception): def __init__(self, response): self.status = response.status self.reason = response.reason Exception.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return '%d: %s' % (self.status, self.reason) def __repr__(self): return '%d: %s' % (self.status, self.reason) def listing_empty(method): for i in xrange(0, 6): if len(method()) == 0: return True time.sleep(2**i) return False def listing_items(method): marker = None once = True items = [] while once or items: for i in items: yield i if once or marker: if marker: items = method(parms={'marker':marker}) else: items = method() if len(items) == 10000: marker = items[-1] else: marker = None once = False else: items = [] class Connection(object): def __init__(self, config): self.auth_host = config['auth_host'] self.auth_port = int(config['auth_port']) self.auth_ssl = config['auth_ssl'] in ('on', 'true', 'yes', '1') self.account = config['account'] self.username = config['username'] self.password = config['password'] self.storage_host = None self.storage_port = None self.conn_class = None def get_account(self): return Account(self, self.account) def authenticate(self, clone_conn=None): if clone_conn: self.conn_class = clone_conn.conn_class self.storage_host = clone_conn.storage_host self.storage_url = clone_conn.storage_url self.storage_port = clone_conn.storage_port self.storage_token = clone_conn.storage_token return headers = { 'x-storage-user': self.username, 'x-storage-pass': self.password, } path = '/v1/%s/auth' % (self.account) if self.auth_ssl: connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.auth_host, port=self.auth_port) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.auth_host, port=self.auth_port) #connection.set_debuglevel(3) connection.request('GET', path, '', headers) response = connection.getresponse() connection.close() if response.status == 401: raise AuthenticationFailed() if response.status not in (200, 204): raise ResponseError(response) for hdr in response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == "x-storage-url": storage_url = hdr[1] elif hdr[0].lower() == "x-storage-token": storage_token = hdr[1] if not (storage_url and storage_token): raise AuthenticationFailed() x = storage_url.split('/') if x[0] == 'http:': self.conn_class = httplib.HTTPConnection self.storage_port = 80 elif x[0] == 'https:': self.conn_class = httplib.HTTPSConnection self.storage_port = 443 else: raise ValueError, 'unexpected protocol %s' % (x[0]) self.storage_host = x[2].split(':')[0] if ':' in x[2]: self.storage_port = int(x[2].split(':')[1]) self.storage_url = '/%s/%s' % (x[3], x[4]) self.storage_token = storage_token self.http_connect() return self.storage_url, self.storage_token def http_connect(self): self.connection = self.conn_class(self.storage_host, port=self.storage_port) #self.connection.set_debuglevel(3) def make_path(self, path=[], cfg={}): if cfg.get('version_only_path'): return '/' + self.storage_url.split('/')[1] if path: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_path_quote'): quote = lambda x: x return '%s/%s' % (self.storage_url, '/'.join([quote(i) for i in path])) else: return self.storage_url def make_headers(self, hdrs, cfg={}): headers = {} if not cfg.get('no_auth_token'): headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.storage_token if isinstance(hdrs, dict): headers.update(hdrs) return headers def make_request(self, method, path=[], data='', hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): path = self.make_path(path, cfg=cfg) headers = self.make_headers(hdrs, cfg=cfg) if isinstance(parms, dict) and parms: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_parms_quote'): quote = lambda x: x query_args = ['%s=%s' % (quote(x), quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = cfg.get('set_content_length') else: headers['Content-Length'] = len(data) def try_request(): self.http_connect() self.connection.request(method, path, data, headers) return self.connection.getresponse() self.response = None try_count = 0 while try_count < 5: try_count += 1 try: self.response = try_request() except httplib.HTTPException: continue if self.response.status == 401: self.authenticate() continue elif self.response.status == 503: if try_count != 5: time.sleep(5) continue break if self.response: return self.response.status raise RequestError('Unable to compelte http request') def put_start(self, path, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}, chunked=False): self.http_connect() path = self.make_path(path, cfg) headers = self.make_headers(hdrs, cfg=cfg) if chunked: headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' headers.pop('Content-Length', None) if isinstance(parms, dict) and parms: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_parms_quote'): quote = lambda x: x query_args = ['%s=%s' % (quote(x), quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) query_args = ['%s=%s' % (urllib.quote(x), urllib.quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) self.connection = self.conn_class(self.storage_host, port=self.storage_port) #self.connection.set_debuglevel(3) self.connection.putrequest('PUT', path) for key, value in headers.iteritems(): self.connection.putheader(key, value) self.connection.endheaders() def put_data(self, data, chunked=False): if chunked: self.connection.send('%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (hex(len(data)), data)) else: self.connection.send(data) def put_end(self, chunked=False): if chunked: self.connection.send('0\r\n\r\n') self.response = self.connection.getresponse() self.connection.close() return self.response.status class Base: def __str__(self): return self.name def header_fields(self, fields): headers = dict(self.conn.response.getheaders()) ret = {} for field in fields: if not headers.has_key(field[1]): raise ValueError("%s was not found in response header" % (field[1])) try: ret[field[0]] = int(headers[field[1]]) except ValueError: ret[field[0]] = headers[field[1]] return ret class Account(Base): def __init__(self, conn, name): self.conn = conn self.name = str(name) def container(self, container_name): return Container(self.conn, self.name, container_name) def containers(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): format = parms.get('format', None) if format not in [None, 'json', 'xml']: raise RequestError('Invalid format: %s' % format) if format == None and parms.has_key('format'): del parms['format'] status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if status == 200: if format == 'json': conts = json.loads(self.conn.response.read()) for cont in conts: cont['name'] = cont['name'].encode('utf-8') return conts elif format == 'xml': conts = [] tree = minidom.parseString(self.conn.response.read()) for x in tree.getElementsByTagName('container'): cont = {} for key in ['name', 'count', 'bytes']: cont[key] = x.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].\ childNodes[0].nodeValue conts.append(cont) for cont in conts: cont['name'] = cont['name'].encode('utf-8') return conts else: lines = self.conn.response.read().split('\n') if lines and not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] return lines elif status == 204: return [] raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) def delete_containers(self): for c in listing_items(self.containers): cont = self.container(c) if not cont.delete_recursive(): return False return listing_empty(self.containers) def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) != 204: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) fields = [['object_count', 'x-account-object-count'], ['container_count', 'x-account-container-count'], ['bytes_used', 'x-account-bytes-used']] return self.header_fields(fields) @property def path(self): return [] class Container(Base): def __init__(self, conn, account, name): self.conn = conn self.account = str(account) self.name = str(name) def create(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): return self.conn.make_request('PUT', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) in (201, 202) def delete(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): return self.conn.make_request('DELETE', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) == 204 def delete_files(self): for f in listing_items(self.files): file = self.file(f) if not file.delete(): return False return listing_empty(self.files) def delete_recursive(self): return self.delete_files() and self.delete() def file(self, file_name): return File(self.conn, self.account, self.name, file_name) def files(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): format = parms.get('format', None) if format not in [None, 'json', 'xml']: raise RequestError('Invalid format: %s' % format) if format == None and parms.has_key('format'): del parms['format'] status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if status == 200: if format == 'json': files = json.loads(self.conn.response.read()) for file in files: file['name'] = file['name'].encode('utf-8') file['content_type'] = file['content_type'].encode('utf-8') return files elif format == 'xml': files = [] tree = minidom.parseString(self.conn.response.read()) for x in tree.getElementsByTagName('object'): file = {} for key in ['name', 'hash', 'bytes', 'content_type', 'last_modified']: file[key] = x.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].\ childNodes[0].nodeValue files.append(file) for file in files: file['name'] = file['name'].encode('utf-8') file['content_type'] = file['content_type'].encode('utf-8') return files else: content = self.conn.response.read() if content: lines = content.split('\n') if lines and not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] return lines else: return [] elif status == 204: return [] raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): status = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if self.conn.response.status == 204: fields = [['bytes_used', 'x-container-bytes-used'], ['object_count', 'x-container-object-count']] return self.header_fields(fields) raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) @property def path(self): return [self.name] class File(Base): def __init__(self, conn, account, container, name): self.conn = conn self.account = str(account) self.container = str(container) self.name = str(name) self.chunked_write_in_progress = False self.content_type = None self.size = None self.metadata = {} def make_headers(self, cfg={}): headers = {} if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = cfg.get('set_content_length') elif self.size: headers['Content-Length'] = self.size else: headers['Content-Length'] = 0 if cfg.get('no_content_type'): pass elif self.content_type: headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type else: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' for key in self.metadata: headers['X-Object-Meta-'+key] = self.metadata[key] return headers @classmethod def compute_md5sum(cls, data): block_size = 4096 if isinstance(data, str): data = StringIO.StringIO(data) checksum = hashlib.md5() buff = data.read(block_size) while buff: checksum.update(buff) buff = data.read(block_size) data.seek(0) return checksum.hexdigest() def copy(self, dest_cont, dest_file, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if cfg.has_key('destination'): headers = {'Destination': cfg['destination']} elif cfg.get('no_destination'): headers = {} else: headers = {'Destination': '%s/%s' % (dest_cont, dest_file)} headers.update(hdrs) if headers.has_key('Destination'): headers['Destination'] = urllib.quote(headers['Destination']) return self.conn.make_request('COPY', self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms) == 201 def delete(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): if self.conn.make_request('DELETE', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) != 204: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) return True def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) != 200: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) fields = [['content_length', 'content-length'], ['content_type', 'content-type'], ['last_modified', 'last-modified'], ['etag', 'etag']] header_fields = self.header_fields(fields) header_fields['etag'] = header_fields['etag'].strip('"') return header_fields def initialize(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): if not self.name: return False status = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) if status == 404: return False elif (status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) for hdr in self.conn.response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-type': self.content_type = hdr[1] if hdr[0].lower().startswith('x-object-meta-'): self.metadata[hdr[0][14:]] = hdr[1] if hdr[0].lower() == 'etag': self.etag = hdr[1].strip('"') if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-length': self.size = int(hdr[1]) if hdr[0].lower() == 'last-modified': self.last_modified = hdr[1] return True def load_from_filename(self, filename, callback=None): fobj = open(filename, 'rb') self.write(fobj, callback=callback) fobj.close() @property def path(self): return [self.container, self.name] @classmethod def random_data(cls, size=None): if size == None: size = random.randint(1, 32768) fd = open('/dev/urandom', 'r') data = fd.read(size) fd.close() return data def read(self, size=-1, offset=0, hdrs=None, buffer=None, callback=None, cfg={}): if size > 0: range = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (offset, (offset + size) - 1) if hdrs: hdrs['Range'] = range else: hdrs = {'Range': range} status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, cfg=cfg) if(status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) for hdr in self.conn.response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-type': self.content_type = hdr[1] if hasattr(buffer, 'write'): scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) transferred = 0 while len(scratch) > 0: buffer.write(scratch) transferred += len(scratch) if callable(callback): callback(transferred, self.size) scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) return None else: return self.conn.response.read() def read_md5(self): status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path) if(status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) checksum = hashlib.md5() scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) while len(scratch) > 0: checksum.update(scratch) scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) return checksum.hexdigest() def save_to_filename(self, filename, callback=None): try: fobj = open(filename, 'wb') self.read(buffer=fobj, callback=callback) finally: fobj.close() def sync_metadata(self, metadata={}, cfg={}): self.metadata.update(metadata) if self.metadata: headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = \ cfg.get('set_content_length') else: headers['Content-Length'] = 0 self.conn.make_request('POST', self.path, hdrs=headers, cfg=cfg) if self.conn.response.status != 202: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) return True def chunked_write(self, data=None, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if data != None and self.chunked_write_in_progress: self.conn.put_data(data, True) elif data != None: self.chunked_write_in_progress = True headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) headers.update(hdrs) self.conn.put_start(self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms, cfg=cfg, chunked=True) self.conn.put_data(data, True) elif self.chunked_write_in_progress: self.chunked_write_in_progress = False return self.conn.put_end(True) == 201 else: raise RuntimeError def write(self, data='', hdrs={}, parms={}, callback=None, cfg={}): block_size = 2**20 if isinstance(data, file): try: data.flush() data.seek(0) except IOError: pass self.size = int(os.fstat(data.fileno())[6]) else: data = StringIO.StringIO(data) self.size = data.len headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) headers.update(hdrs) self.conn.put_start(self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) transfered = 0 buff = data.read(block_size) try: while len(buff) > 0: self.conn.put_data(buff) buff = data.read(block_size) transfered += len(buff) if callable(callback): callback(transfered, self.size) self.conn.put_end() except socket.timeout, err: raise err if (self.conn.response.status < 200) or \ (self.conn.response.status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) self.md5 = self.compute_md5sum(data) return True def write_random(self, size=None, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): data = self.random_data(size) if not self.write(data, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) self.md5 = self.compute_md5sum(StringIO.StringIO(data)) return data