#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys from urllib import quote from hashlib import md5 import getopt from itertools import chain import simplejson from eventlet.greenpool import GreenPool from eventlet.event import Event from swift.common.ring import Ring from swift.common.utils import split_path from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect usage = """ Usage! %(cmd)s [options] [url 1] [url 2] ... -c [concurrency] Set the concurrency, default 50 -r [ring dir] Ring locations, default /etc/swift -e [filename] File for writing a list of inconsistent urls -d Also download files and verify md5 You can also feed a list of urls to the script through stdin. Examples! %(cmd)s SOSO_88ad0b83-b2c5-4fa1-b2d6-60c597202076 %(cmd)s SOSO_88ad0b83-b2c5-4fa1-b2d6-60c597202076/container/object %(cmd)s -e errors.txt SOSO_88ad0b83-b2c5-4fa1-b2d6-60c597202076/container %(cmd)s < errors.txt %(cmd)s -c 25 -d < errors.txt """ % {'cmd': sys.argv[0]} class Auditor(object): def __init__(self, swift_dir='/etc/swift', concurrency=50, deep=False, error_file=None): self.pool = GreenPool(concurrency) self.object_ring = Ring(os.path.join(swift_dir, 'object.ring.gz')) self.container_ring = Ring(os.path.join(swift_dir, 'container.ring.gz')) self.account_ring = Ring(os.path.join(swift_dir, 'account.ring.gz')) self.deep = deep self.error_file = error_file # zero out stats self.accounts_checked = self.account_exceptions = \ self.account_not_found = self.account_container_mismatch = \ self.account_object_mismatch = self.objects_checked = \ self.object_exceptions = self.object_not_found = \ self.object_checksum_mismatch = self.containers_checked = \ self.container_exceptions = self.container_count_mismatch = \ self.container_not_found = self.container_obj_mismatch = 0 self.list_cache = {} self.in_progress = {} def audit_object(self, account, container, name): path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, name) part, nodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes(account, container, name) container_listing = self.audit_container(account, container) consistent = True if name not in container_listing: print " Object %s missing in container listing!" % path consistent = False hash = None else: hash = container_listing[name]['hash'] etags = [] for node in nodes: try: if self.deep: conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'], part, 'GET', path, {}) resp = conn.getresponse() calc_hash = md5() chunk = True while chunk: chunk = resp.read(8192) calc_hash.update(chunk) calc_hash = calc_hash.hexdigest() if resp.status // 100 != 2: self.object_not_found += 1 consistent = False print ' Bad status GETting object "%s" on %s/%s' \ % (path, node['ip'], node['device']) continue if resp.getheader('ETag').strip('"') != calc_hash: self.object_checksum_mismatch += 1 consistent = False print ' MD5 doesnt match etag for "%s" on %s/%s' \ % (path, node['ip'], node['device']) etags.append(resp.getheader('ETag')) else: conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'], part, 'HEAD', path, {}) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status // 100 != 2: self.object_not_found += 1 consistent = False print ' Bad status HEADing object "%s" on %s/%s' \ % (path, node['ip'], node['device']) continue etags.append(resp.getheader('ETag')) except Exception: self.object_exceptions += 1 consistent = False print ' Exception fetching object "%s" on %s/%s' \ % (path, node['ip'], node['device']) continue if not etags: consistent = False print " Failed fo fetch object %s at all!" % path elif hash: for etag in etags: if resp.getheader('ETag').strip('"') != hash: consistent = False self.object_checksum_mismatch += 1 print ' ETag mismatch for "%s" on %s/%s' \ % (path, node['ip'], node['device']) if not consistent and self.error_file: print >>open(self.error_file, 'a'), path self.objects_checked += 1 def audit_container(self, account, name, recurse=False): if (account, name) in self.in_progress: self.in_progress[(account, name)].wait() if (account, name) in self.list_cache: return self.list_cache[(account, name)] self.in_progress[(account, name)] = Event() print 'Auditing container "%s"...' % name path = '/%s/%s' % (account, name) account_listing = self.audit_account(account) consistent = True if name not in account_listing: consistent = False print " Container %s not in account listing!" % path part, nodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(account, name) rec_d = {} responses = {} for node in nodes: marker = '' results = True while results: node_id = node['id'] try: conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'], part, 'GET', path, {}, 'format=json&marker=%s' % quote(marker)) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status // 100 != 2: self.container_not_found += 1 consistent = False print ' Bad status GETting container "%s" on %s/%s' % \ (path, node['ip'], node['device']) break if node['id'] not in responses: responses[node['id']] = dict(resp.getheaders()) results = simplejson.loads(resp.read()) except Exception: self.container_exceptions += 1 consistent = False print ' Exception GETting container "%s" on %s/%s' % \ (path, node['ip'], node['device']) break if results: marker = results[-1]['name'] for obj in results: obj_name = obj['name'] if obj_name not in rec_d: rec_d[obj_name] = obj if obj['last_modified'] != rec_d[obj_name]['last_modified']: self.container_obj_mismatch += 1 consistent = False print " Different versions of %s/%s in container dbs." % \ name, obj['name'] if obj['last_modified'] > rec_d[obj_name]['last_modified']: rec_d[obj_name] = obj obj_counts = [int(header['x-container-object-count']) for header in responses.values()] if not obj_counts: consistent = False print " Failed to fetch container %s at all!" % path else: if len(set(obj_counts)) != 1: self.container_count_mismatch += 1 consistent = False print " Container databases don't agree on number of objects." print " Max: %s, Min: %s" % (max(obj_counts), min(obj_counts)) self.containers_checked += 1 self.list_cache[(account, name)] = rec_d self.in_progress[(account, name)].send(True) del self.in_progress[(account, name)] if recurse: for obj in rec_d.keys(): self.pool.spawn_n(self.audit_object, account, name, obj) if not consistent and self.error_file: print >>open(self.error_file, 'a'), path return rec_d def audit_account(self, account, recurse=False): if account in self.in_progress: self.in_progress[account].wait() if account in self.list_cache: return self.list_cache[account] self.in_progress[account] = Event() print "Auditing account %s..." % account consistent = True path = '/%s' % account part, nodes = self.account_ring.get_nodes(account) responses = {} for node in nodes: marker = '' results = True while results: node_id = node['id'] try: conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'], part, 'GET', path, {}, 'format=json&marker=%s' % quote(marker)) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status // 100 != 2: self.account_not_found += 1 consistent = False print " Bad status GETting account %(ip)s:%(device)s" \ % node break results = simplejson.loads(resp.read()) except Exception: self.account_exceptions += 1 consistent = False print " Exception GETting account %(ip)s:%(device)s" % node break if node_id not in responses: responses[node_id] = [dict(resp.getheaders()), []] responses[node_id][1].extend(results) if results: marker = results[-1]['name'] headers = [resp[0] for resp in responses.values()] cont_counts = [int(header['x-account-container-count']) for header in headers] if len(set(cont_counts)) != 1: self.account_container_mismatch += 1 consistent = False print " Account databases don't agree on number of containers." print " Max: %s, Min: %s" % (max(cont_counts), min(cont_counts)) obj_counts = [int(header['x-account-object-count']) for header in headers] if len(set(obj_counts)) != 1: self.account_object_mismatch += 1 consistent = False print " Account databases don't agree on number of objects." print " Max: %s, Min: %s" % (max(obj_counts), min(obj_counts)) containers = set() for resp in responses.values(): containers.update(container['name'] for container in resp[1]) self.list_cache[account] = containers self.in_progress[account].send(True) del self.in_progress[account] self.accounts_checked += 1 if recurse: for container in containers: self.pool.spawn_n(self.audit_container, account, container, True) if not consistent and self.error_file: print >>open(self.error_file, 'a'), path return containers def audit(self, account, container=None, obj=None): if obj and container: self.pool.spawn_n(self.audit_object, account, container, obj) elif container: self.pool.spawn_n(self.audit_container, account, container, True) else: self.pool.spawn_n(self.audit_account, account, True) def wait(self): self.pool.waitall() def print_stats(self): print print " Accounts checked: %d" % self.accounts_checked if self.account_not_found: print " Missing Replicas: %d" % self.account_not_found if self.account_exceptions: print " Exceptions: %d" % self.account_exceptions if self.account_container_mismatch: print " Cntainer mismatch: %d" % self.account_container_mismatch if self.account_object_mismatch: print " Object mismatch: %d" % self.account_object_mismatch print print "Containers checked: %d" % self.containers_checked if self.container_not_found: print " Missing Replicas: %d" % self.container_not_found if self.container_exceptions: print " Exceptions: %d" % self.container_exceptions if self.container_count_mismatch: print " Count mismatch: %d" % self.container_count_mismatch if self.container_obj_mismatch: print " Obj mismatch: %d" % self.container_obj_mismatch print print " Objects checked: %d" % self.objects_checked if self.object_not_found: print " Missing Replicas: %d" % self.object_not_found if self.object_exceptions: print " Exceptions: %d" % self.object_exceptions if self.object_checksum_mismatch: print " MD5 Mismatch: %d" % self.object_checksum_mismatch if __name__ == '__main__': try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:r:e:d') except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) print usage sys.exit(2) if not args and os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): print usage sys.exit() opts = dict(optlist) options = { 'concurrency': int(opts.get('-c', 50)), 'error_file': opts.get('-e', None), 'swift_dir': opts.get('-r', '/etc/swift'), 'deep': '-d' in opts, } auditor = Auditor(**options) if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): args = chain(args, sys.stdin) for path in args: path = '/' + path.rstrip('\r\n').lstrip('/') auditor.audit(*split_path(path, 1, 3, True)) auditor.wait() auditor.print_stats()