# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import unittest import mock from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from swift.common.exceptions import EncryptionException from swift.common.middleware.crypto import crypto_utils from swift.common.middleware.crypto.crypto_utils import ( CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK, Crypto, CryptoWSGIContext) from swift.common.swob import HTTPException from test.unit import FakeLogger from test.unit.common.middleware.crypto.crypto_helpers import fetch_crypto_keys class TestCryptoWsgiContext(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): class FakeFilter(object): app = None crypto = Crypto({}) self.fake_logger = FakeLogger() self.crypto_context = CryptoWSGIContext( FakeFilter(), 'object', self.fake_logger) def test_get_keys(self): # ok env = {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: fetch_crypto_keys} keys = self.crypto_context.get_keys(env) self.assertDictEqual(fetch_crypto_keys(), keys) # only default required keys are checked subset_keys = {'object': fetch_crypto_keys()['object']} env = {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: subset_keys} keys = self.crypto_context.get_keys(env) self.assertDictEqual(subset_keys, keys) # only specified required keys are checked subset_keys = {'container': fetch_crypto_keys()['container']} env = {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: subset_keys} keys = self.crypto_context.get_keys(env, required=['container']) self.assertDictEqual(subset_keys, keys) subset_keys = {'object': fetch_crypto_keys()['object'], 'container': fetch_crypto_keys()['container']} env = {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: subset_keys} keys = self.crypto_context.get_keys( env, required=['object', 'container']) self.assertDictEqual(subset_keys, keys) def test_get_keys_missing_callback(self): with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys({}) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn('missing callback', self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_get_keys_callback_exception(self): def callback(): raise Exception('boom') with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys({CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: callback}) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn('from callback: boom', self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_get_keys_missing_key_for_default_required_list(self): bad_keys = dict(fetch_crypto_keys()) bad_keys.pop('object') with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: bad_keys}) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Missing key for 'object'", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_get_keys_missing_object_key_for_specified_required_list(self): bad_keys = dict(fetch_crypto_keys()) bad_keys.pop('object') with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: bad_keys}, required=['object', 'container']) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Missing key for 'object'", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_get_keys_missing_container_key_for_specified_required_list(self): bad_keys = dict(fetch_crypto_keys()) bad_keys.pop('container') with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: bad_keys}, required=['object', 'container']) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Missing key for 'container'", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_bad_object_key_for_default_required_list(self): bad_keys = dict(fetch_crypto_keys()) bad_keys['object'] = 'the minor key' with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: bad_keys}) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Bad key for 'object'", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_bad_container_key_for_default_required_list(self): bad_keys = dict(fetch_crypto_keys()) bad_keys['container'] = 'the major key' with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: bad_keys}, required=['object', 'container']) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Bad key for 'container'", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) def test_get_keys_not_a_dict(self): with self.assertRaises(HTTPException) as cm: self.crypto_context.get_keys( {CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK: lambda: ['key', 'quay', 'qui']}) self.assertIn('500 Internal Error', cm.exception.message) self.assertIn("Did not get a keys dict", self.fake_logger.get_lines_for_level('error')[0]) self.assertIn('Unable to retrieve encryption keys.', cm.exception.body) class TestModuleMethods(unittest.TestCase): meta = {'iv': '0123456789abcdef', 'cipher': 'AES_CTR_256'} serialized_meta = '%7B%22cipher%22%3A+%22AES_CTR_256%22%2C+%22' \ 'iv%22%3A+%22MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg%3D%3D%22%7D' meta_with_key = {'iv': '0123456789abcdef', 'cipher': 'AES_CTR_256', 'body_key': {'key': 'fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210', 'iv': 'fedcba9876543210'}} serialized_meta_with_key = '%7B%22body_key%22%3A+%7B%22iv%22%3A+%22ZmVkY' \ '2JhOTg3NjU0MzIxMA%3D%3D%22%2C+%22key%22%3A+%' \ '22ZmVkY2JhOTg3NjU0MzIxMGZlZGNiYTk4NzY1NDMyMT' \ 'A%3D%22%7D%2C+%22cipher%22%3A+%22AES_CTR_256' \ '%22%2C+%22iv%22%3A+%22MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg' \ '%3D%3D%22%7D' def test_dump_crypto_meta(self): actual = crypto_utils.dump_crypto_meta(self.meta) self.assertEqual(self.serialized_meta, actual) actual = crypto_utils.dump_crypto_meta(self.meta_with_key) self.assertEqual(self.serialized_meta_with_key, actual) def test_load_crypto_meta(self): actual = crypto_utils.load_crypto_meta(self.serialized_meta) self.assertEqual(self.meta, actual) actual = crypto_utils.load_crypto_meta(self.serialized_meta_with_key) self.assertEqual(self.meta_with_key, actual) def assert_raises(value, message): with self.assertRaises(EncryptionException) as cm: crypto_utils.load_crypto_meta(value) self.assertIn('Bad crypto meta %r' % value, cm.exception.message) self.assertIn(message, cm.exception.message) assert_raises(None, 'crypto meta not a string') assert_raises(99, 'crypto meta not a string') assert_raises('', 'No JSON object could be decoded') assert_raises('abc', 'No JSON object could be decoded') assert_raises('[]', 'crypto meta not a Mapping') assert_raises('{"iv": "abcdef"}', 'Incorrect padding') assert_raises('{"iv": []}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"iv": {}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"iv": 99}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"key": "abcdef"}', 'Incorrect padding') assert_raises('{"key": []}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"key": {}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"key": 99}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"iv": "abcdef"}}', 'Incorrect padding') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"iv": []}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"iv": {}}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"iv": 99}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"key": "abcdef"}}', 'Incorrect padding') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"key": []}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"key": {}}}', 'must be string or buffer') assert_raises('{"body_key": {"key": 99}}', 'must be string or buffer') def test_dump_then_load_crypto_meta(self): actual = crypto_utils.load_crypto_meta( crypto_utils.dump_crypto_meta(self.meta)) self.assertEqual(self.meta, actual) actual = crypto_utils.load_crypto_meta( crypto_utils.dump_crypto_meta(self.meta_with_key)) self.assertEqual(self.meta_with_key, actual) def test_append_crypto_meta(self): actual = crypto_utils.append_crypto_meta('abc', self.meta) expected = 'abc; swift_meta=%s' % self.serialized_meta self.assertEqual(actual, expected) actual = crypto_utils.append_crypto_meta('abc', self.meta_with_key) expected = 'abc; swift_meta=%s' % self.serialized_meta_with_key self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_extract_crypto_meta(self): val, meta = crypto_utils.extract_crypto_meta( 'abc; swift_meta=%s' % self.serialized_meta) self.assertEqual('abc', val) self.assertDictEqual(self.meta, meta) val, meta = crypto_utils.extract_crypto_meta( 'abc; swift_meta=%s' % self.serialized_meta_with_key) self.assertEqual('abc', val) self.assertDictEqual(self.meta_with_key, meta) val, meta = crypto_utils.extract_crypto_meta('abc') self.assertEqual('abc', val) self.assertIsNone(meta) # other param names will be ignored val, meta = crypto_utils.extract_crypto_meta('abc; foo=bar') self.assertEqual('abc', val) self.assertIsNone(meta) def test_append_then_extract_crypto_meta(self): val = 'abc' actual = crypto_utils.extract_crypto_meta( crypto_utils.append_crypto_meta(val, self.meta)) self.assertEqual((val, self.meta), actual) class TestCrypto(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.crypto = Crypto({}) def test_create_encryption_context(self): value = 'encrypt me' * 100 # more than one cipher block key = os.urandom(32) iv = os.urandom(16) ctxt = self.crypto.create_encryption_ctxt(key, iv) expected = Cipher( algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(iv), backend=default_backend()).encryptor().update(value) self.assertEqual(expected, ctxt.update(value)) for bad_iv in ('a little too long', 'too short'): self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.crypto.create_encryption_ctxt, key, bad_iv) for bad_key in ('objKey', 'a' * 31, 'a' * 33, 'a' * 16, 'a' * 24): self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.crypto.create_encryption_ctxt, bad_key, iv) def test_create_decryption_context(self): value = 'decrypt me' * 100 # more than one cipher block key = os.urandom(32) iv = os.urandom(16) ctxt = self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt(key, iv, 0) expected = Cipher( algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(iv), backend=default_backend()).decryptor().update(value) self.assertEqual(expected, ctxt.update(value)) for bad_iv in ('a little too long', 'too short'): self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt, key, bad_iv, 0) for bad_key in ('objKey', 'a' * 31, 'a' * 33, 'a' * 16, 'a' * 24): self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt, bad_key, iv, 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt(key, iv, -1) self.assertEqual("Offset must not be negative", cm.exception.message) def test_enc_dec_small_chunks(self): self.enc_dec_chunks(['encrypt me', 'because I', 'am sensitive']) def test_enc_dec_large_chunks(self): self.enc_dec_chunks([os.urandom(65536), os.urandom(65536)]) def enc_dec_chunks(self, chunks): key = 'objL7wjV6L79Sfs4y7dy41273l0k6Wki' iv = self.crypto.create_iv() enc_ctxt = self.crypto.create_encryption_ctxt(key, iv) enc_val = [enc_ctxt.update(chunk) for chunk in chunks] self.assertTrue(''.join(enc_val) != chunks) dec_ctxt = self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt(key, iv, 0) dec_val = [dec_ctxt.update(chunk) for chunk in enc_val] self.assertEqual(''.join(chunks), ''.join(dec_val), 'Expected value {%s} but got {%s}' % (''.join(chunks), ''.join(dec_val))) def test_decrypt_range(self): chunks = ['0123456789abcdef', 'ghijklmnopqrstuv'] key = 'objL7wjV6L79Sfs4y7dy41273l0k6Wki' iv = self.crypto.create_iv() enc_ctxt = self.crypto.create_encryption_ctxt(key, iv) enc_val = [enc_ctxt.update(chunk) for chunk in chunks] self.assertTrue(''.join(enc_val) != chunks) # Simulate a ranged GET from byte 19 to 32 : 'jklmnopqrstuv' dec_ctxt = self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt(key, iv, 19) ranged_chunks = [enc_val[1][3:]] dec_val = [dec_ctxt.update(chunk) for chunk in ranged_chunks] self.assertEqual('jklmnopqrstuv', ''.join(dec_val), 'Expected value {%s} but got {%s}' % ('jklmnopqrstuv', ''.join(dec_val))) def test_create_decryption_context_non_zero_offset(self): # Verify that iv increments for each 16 bytes of offset. # For a ranged GET we pass a non-zero offset so that the decrypter # counter is incremented to the correct value to start decrypting at # that offset into the object body. The counter should increment by one # from the starting IV value for every 16 bytes offset into the object # body, until it reaches 2^128 -1 when it should wrap to zero. We check # that is happening by verifying a decrypted value using various # offsets. key = 'objL7wjV6L79Sfs4y7dy41273l0k6Wki' def do_test(): for offset, exp_iv in mappings.items(): dec_ctxt = self.crypto.create_decryption_ctxt(key, iv, offset) offset_in_block = offset % 16 cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(exp_iv), backend=default_backend()) expected = cipher.decryptor().update( 'p' * offset_in_block + 'ciphertext') actual = dec_ctxt.update('ciphertext') expected = expected[offset % 16:] self.assertEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %r but got %r, iv=%s and offset=%s' % (expected, actual, iv, offset)) iv = '0000000010000000' mappings = { 2: '0000000010000000', 16: '0000000010000001', 19: '0000000010000001', 48: '0000000010000003', 1024: '000000001000000p', 5119: '000000001000001o' } do_test() # choose max iv value and test that it wraps to zero iv = chr(0xff) * 16 mappings = { 2: iv, 16: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 16)), # iv wraps to 0 19: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 16)), 48: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '02')), 1024: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '3f')), 5119: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 14 + '013E')) } do_test() iv = chr(0x0) * 16 mappings = { 2: iv, 16: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '01')), 19: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '01')), 48: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '03')), 1024: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 15 + '40')), 5119: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 14 + '013F')) } do_test() iv = chr(0x0) * 8 + chr(0xff) * 8 mappings = { 2: iv, 16: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 7 + '01' + '00' * 8)), 19: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 7 + '01' + '00' * 8)), 48: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 7 + '01' + '00' * 7 + '02')), 1024: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 7 + '01' + '00' * 7 + '3F')), 5119: str(bytearray.fromhex('00' * 7 + '01' + '00' * 6 + '013E')) } do_test() def test_check_key(self): for key in ('objKey', 'a' * 31, 'a' * 33, 'a' * 16, 'a' * 24): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: self.crypto.check_key(key) self.assertEqual("Key must be length 32 bytes", cm.exception.message) def test_check_crypto_meta(self): meta = {'cipher': 'AES_CTR_256'} with self.assertRaises(EncryptionException) as cm: self.crypto.check_crypto_meta(meta) self.assertEqual("Bad crypto meta: Missing 'iv'", cm.exception.message) for bad_iv in ('a little too long', 'too short'): meta['iv'] = bad_iv with self.assertRaises(EncryptionException) as cm: self.crypto.check_crypto_meta(meta) self.assertEqual("Bad crypto meta: IV must be length 16 bytes", cm.exception.message) meta = {'iv': os.urandom(16)} with self.assertRaises(EncryptionException) as cm: self.crypto.check_crypto_meta(meta) self.assertEqual("Bad crypto meta: Missing 'cipher'", cm.exception.message) meta['cipher'] = 'Mystery cipher' with self.assertRaises(EncryptionException) as cm: self.crypto.check_crypto_meta(meta) self.assertEqual("Bad crypto meta: Cipher must be AES_CTR_256", cm.exception.message) def test_create_iv(self): self.assertEqual(16, len(self.crypto.create_iv())) # crude check that we get back different values on each call self.assertNotEqual(self.crypto.create_iv(), self.crypto.create_iv()) def test_get_crypto_meta(self): meta = self.crypto.create_crypto_meta() self.assertIsInstance(meta, dict) # this is deliberately brittle so that if new items are added then the # test will need to be updated self.assertEqual(2, len(meta)) self.assertIn('iv', meta) self.assertEqual(16, len(meta['iv'])) self.assertIn('cipher', meta) self.assertEqual('AES_CTR_256', meta['cipher']) self.crypto.check_crypto_meta(meta) # sanity check meta2 = self.crypto.create_crypto_meta() self.assertNotEqual(meta['iv'], meta2['iv']) # crude sanity check def test_create_random_key(self): # crude check that we get unique keys on each call keys = set() for i in range(10): key = self.crypto.create_random_key() self.assertEqual(32, len(key)) keys.add(key) self.assertEqual(10, len(keys)) def test_wrap_unwrap_key(self): wrapping_key = os.urandom(32) key_to_wrap = os.urandom(32) iv = os.urandom(16) with mock.patch( 'swift.common.middleware.crypto.crypto_utils.Crypto.create_iv', return_value=iv): wrapped = self.crypto.wrap_key(wrapping_key, key_to_wrap) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(wrapping_key), modes.CTR(iv), backend=default_backend()) expected = {'key': cipher.encryptor().update(key_to_wrap), 'iv': iv} self.assertEqual(expected, wrapped) unwrapped = self.crypto.unwrap_key(wrapping_key, wrapped) self.assertEqual(key_to_wrap, unwrapped) def test_unwrap_bad_key(self): # verify that ValueError is raised if unwrapped key is invalid wrapping_key = os.urandom(32) for length in (0, 16, 24, 31, 33): key_to_wrap = os.urandom(length) wrapped = self.crypto.wrap_key(wrapping_key, key_to_wrap) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: self.crypto.unwrap_key(wrapping_key, wrapped) self.assertEqual( cm.exception.message, 'Key must be length 32 bytes') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()