# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools import unittest import os from hashlib import md5 import mock import six.moves.cPickle as pickle import tempfile import time import shutil import re import random import struct from eventlet import Timeout, sleep from contextlib import closing, contextmanager from gzip import GzipFile from shutil import rmtree from swift.common import utils from swift.common.swob import HeaderKeyDict from swift.common.exceptions import DiskFileError from swift.obj import diskfile, reconstructor as object_reconstructor from swift.common import ring from swift.common.storage_policy import (StoragePolicy, ECStoragePolicy, POLICIES, EC_POLICY) from swift.obj.reconstructor import REVERT from test.unit import (patch_policies, debug_logger, mocked_http_conn, FabricatedRing, make_timestamp_iter, DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE) @contextmanager def mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls=None, response_callback=None, **kwargs): def fake_ssync(daemon, node, job, suffixes): if ssync_calls is not None: ssync_calls.append( {'node': node, 'job': job, 'suffixes': suffixes}) def fake_call(): if response_callback: response = response_callback(node, job, suffixes) else: response = True, {} return response return fake_call with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.ssync_sender', fake_ssync): yield fake_ssync def make_ec_archive_bodies(policy, test_body): segment_size = policy.ec_segment_size # split up the body into buffers chunks = [test_body[x:x + segment_size] for x in range(0, len(test_body), segment_size)] # encode the buffers into fragment payloads fragment_payloads = [] for chunk in chunks: fragments = policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(chunk) if not fragments: break fragment_payloads.append(fragments) # join up the fragment payloads per node ec_archive_bodies = [''.join(frags) for frags in zip(*fragment_payloads)] return ec_archive_bodies def _create_test_rings(path): testgz = os.path.join(path, 'object.ring.gz') intended_replica2part2dev_id = [ [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 0] ] intended_devs = [ {'id': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'port': 6000}, {'id': 1, 'device': 'sda1', 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'port': 6000}, {'id': 2, 'device': 'sda1', 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'port': 6000}, {'id': 3, 'device': 'sda1', 'zone': 4, 'ip': '', 'port': 6000} ] intended_part_shift = 30 with closing(GzipFile(testgz, 'wb')) as f: pickle.dump( ring.RingData(intended_replica2part2dev_id, intended_devs, intended_part_shift), f) testgz = os.path.join(path, 'object-1.ring.gz') with closing(GzipFile(testgz, 'wb')) as f: pickle.dump( ring.RingData(intended_replica2part2dev_id, intended_devs, intended_part_shift), f) def count_stats(logger, key, metric): count = 0 for record in logger.log_dict[key]: log_args, log_kwargs = record m = log_args[0] if re.match(metric, m): count += 1 return count def get_header_frag_index(self, body): metadata = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.get_metadata(body) frag_index = struct.unpack('h', metadata[:2])[0] return { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': frag_index, } @patch_policies([StoragePolicy(0, name='zero', is_default=True), ECStoragePolicy(1, name='one', ec_type=DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE, ec_ndata=2, ec_nparity=1)]) class TestGlobalSetupObjectReconstructor(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() _create_test_rings(self.testdir) POLICIES[0].object_ring = ring.Ring(self.testdir, ring_name='object') POLICIES[1].object_ring = ring.Ring(self.testdir, ring_name='object-1') utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX = 'endcap' utils.HASH_PATH_PREFIX = '' self.devices = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'node') os.makedirs(self.devices) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.devices, 'sda1')) self.objects = os.path.join(self.devices, 'sda1', diskfile.get_data_dir(POLICIES[0])) self.objects_1 = os.path.join(self.devices, 'sda1', diskfile.get_data_dir(POLICIES[1])) os.mkdir(self.objects) os.mkdir(self.objects_1) self.parts = {} self.parts_1 = {} self.part_nums = ['0', '1', '2'] for part in self.part_nums: self.parts[part] = os.path.join(self.objects, part) os.mkdir(self.parts[part]) self.parts_1[part] = os.path.join(self.objects_1, part) os.mkdir(self.parts_1[part]) self.conf = dict( swift_dir=self.testdir, devices=self.devices, mount_check='false', timeout='300', stats_interval='1') self.logger = debug_logger('test-reconstructor') self.reconstructor = object_reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor( self.conf, logger=self.logger) self.policy = POLICIES[1] # most of the reconstructor test methods require that there be # real objects in place, not just part dirs, so we'll create them # all here.... # part 0: 3C1/hash/xxx-1.data <-- job: sync_only - parnters (FI 1) # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier job (FI 1) # 061/hash/xxx-1.data <-- included in earlier job (FI 1) # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier job (FI 1) # /xxx-2.data <-- job: sync_revert to index 2 # part 1: 3C1/hash/xxx-0.data <-- job: sync_only - parnters (FI 0) # /xxx-1.data <-- job: sync_revert to index 1 # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier jobs (FI 0, 1) # 061/hash/xxx-1.data <-- included in earlier job (FI 1) # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier job (FI 1) # part 2: 3C1/hash/xxx-2.data <-- job: sync_revert to index 2 # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier job (FI 2) # 061/hash/xxx-0.data <-- job: sync_revert to index 0 # /xxx.durable <-- included in earlier job (FI 0) def _create_frag_archives(policy, obj_path, local_id, obj_set): # we'll create 2 sets of objects in different suffix dirs # so we cover all the scenarios we want (3 of them) # 1) part dir with all FI's matching the local node index # 2) part dir with one local and mix of others # 3) part dir with no local FI and one or more others def part_0(set): if set == 0: # just the local return local_id else: # onde local and all of another if obj_num == 0: return local_id else: return (local_id + 1) % 3 def part_1(set): if set == 0: # one local and all of another if obj_num == 0: return local_id else: return (local_id + 2) % 3 else: # just the local node return local_id def part_2(set): # this part is a handoff in our config (always) # so lets do a set with indices from different nodes if set == 0: return (local_id + 1) % 3 else: return (local_id + 2) % 3 # function dictionary for defining test scenarios base on set # scenarios = {'0': part_0, '1': part_1, '2': part_2} def _create_df(obj_num, part_num): self._create_diskfile( part=part_num, object_name='o' + str(obj_set), policy=policy, frag_index=scenarios[part_num](obj_set), timestamp=utils.Timestamp(t)) for part_num in self.part_nums: # create 3 unique objcets per part, each part # will then have a unique mix of FIs for the # possible scenarios for obj_num in range(0, 3): _create_df(obj_num, part_num) ips = utils.whataremyips() for policy in [p for p in POLICIES if p.policy_type == EC_POLICY]: self.ec_policy = policy self.ec_obj_ring = self.reconstructor.load_object_ring( self.ec_policy) data_dir = diskfile.get_data_dir(self.ec_policy) for local_dev in [dev for dev in self.ec_obj_ring.devs if dev and dev['replication_ip'] in ips and dev['replication_port'] == self.reconstructor.port]: self.ec_local_dev = local_dev dev_path = os.path.join(self.reconstructor.devices_dir, self.ec_local_dev['device']) self.ec_obj_path = os.path.join(dev_path, data_dir) # create a bunch of FA's to test t = 1421181937.70054 # time.time() with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.time') as mock_time: # since (a) we are using a fixed time here to create # frags which corresponds to all the hardcoded hashes and # (b) the EC diskfile will delete its .data file right # after creating if it has expired, use this horrible hack # to prevent the reclaim happening mock_time.time.return_value = 0.0 _create_frag_archives(self.ec_policy, self.ec_obj_path, self.ec_local_dev['id'], 0) _create_frag_archives(self.ec_policy, self.ec_obj_path, self.ec_local_dev['id'], 1) break break def tearDown(self): rmtree(self.testdir, ignore_errors=1) def _create_diskfile(self, policy=None, part=0, object_name='o', frag_index=0, timestamp=None, test_data=None): policy = policy or self.policy df_mgr = self.reconstructor._df_router[policy] df = df_mgr.get_diskfile('sda1', part, 'a', 'c', object_name, policy=policy) with df.create() as writer: timestamp = timestamp or utils.Timestamp(time.time()) test_data = test_data or 'test data' writer.write(test_data) metadata = { 'X-Timestamp': timestamp.internal, 'Content-Length': len(test_data), 'Etag': md5(test_data).hexdigest(), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': frag_index, } writer.put(metadata) writer.commit(timestamp) return df def assert_expected_jobs(self, part_num, jobs): for job in jobs: del job['path'] del job['policy'] if 'local_index' in job: del job['local_index'] job['suffixes'].sort() expected = [] # part num 0 expected.append( [{ 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 2, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 2, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'suffixes': ['061'], 'partition': 0, 'frag_index': 2, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000, }, 'hashes': { '061': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 2: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, '3c1': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, }, }, { 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 0, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 0, }, { 'index': 2, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 2, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'sync_diskfile_builder': self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa, 'suffixes': ['061', '3c1'], 'partition': 0, 'frag_index': 1, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000, }, 'hashes': { '061': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 2: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229' }, '3c1': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, }, }] ) # part num 1 expected.append( [{ 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 1, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 2, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'suffixes': ['061', '3c1'], 'partition': 1, 'frag_index': 1, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000, }, 'hashes': { '061': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, '3c1': { 0: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, }, }, { 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 2, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 4, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 3, }, { 'index': 1, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 2, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'sync_diskfile_builder': self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa, 'suffixes': ['3c1'], 'partition': 1, 'frag_index': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000, }, 'hashes': { '061': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, '3c1': { 0: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 1: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', }, }, }] ) # part num 2 expected.append( [{ 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 0, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 2, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 2, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'suffixes': ['061'], 'partition': 2, 'frag_index': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000, }, 'hashes': { '061': { 0: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5' }, '3c1': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 2: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229' }, }, }, { 'sync_to': [{ 'index': 2, 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'port': 6000, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'id': 0, }], 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'suffixes': ['3c1'], 'partition': 2, 'frag_index': 2, 'device': 'sda1', 'local_dev': { 'replication_port': 6000, 'zone': 1, 'ip': '', 'region': 1, 'id': 1, 'replication_ip': '', 'device': 'sda1', 'port': 6000 }, 'hashes': { '061': { 0: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229', None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5' }, '3c1': { None: '85b02a5283704292a511078a5c483da5', 2: '0e6e8d48d801dc89fd31904ae3b31229' }, }, }] ) def check_jobs(part_num): try: expected_jobs = expected[int(part_num)] except (IndexError, ValueError): self.fail('Unknown part number %r' % part_num) expected_by_part_frag_index = dict( ((j['partition'], j['frag_index']), j) for j in expected_jobs) for job in jobs: job_key = (job['partition'], job['frag_index']) if job_key in expected_by_part_frag_index: for k, value in job.items(): expected_value = \ expected_by_part_frag_index[job_key][k] try: if isinstance(value, list): value.sort() expected_value.sort() self.assertEqual(value, expected_value) except AssertionError as e: extra_info = \ '\n\n... for %r in part num %s job %r' % ( k, part_num, job_key) raise AssertionError(str(e) + extra_info) else: self.fail( 'Unexpected job %r for part num %s - ' 'expected jobs where %r' % ( job_key, part_num, expected_by_part_frag_index.keys())) for expected_job in expected_jobs: if expected_job in jobs: jobs.remove(expected_job) self.assertFalse(jobs) # that should be all of them check_jobs(part_num) def _run_once(self, http_count, extra_devices, override_devices=None): ring_devs = list(self.policy.object_ring.devs) for device, parts in extra_devices.items(): device_path = os.path.join(self.devices, device) os.mkdir(device_path) for part in range(parts): os.makedirs(os.path.join(device_path, 'objects-1', str(part))) # we update the ring to make is_local happy devs = [dict(d) for d in ring_devs] for d in devs: d['device'] = device self.policy.object_ring.devs.extend(devs) self.reconstructor.stats_interval = 0 self.process_job = lambda j: sleep(0) with mocked_http_conn(*[200] * http_count, body=pickle.dumps({})): with mock_ssync_sender(): self.reconstructor.run_once(devices=override_devices) def test_run_once(self): # sda1: 3 is done in setup extra_devices = { 'sdb1': 4, 'sdc1': 1, 'sdd1': 0, } self._run_once(18, extra_devices) stats_lines = set() for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level('info'): if 'devices reconstructed in' not in line: continue stat_line = line.split('of', 1)[0].strip() stats_lines.add(stat_line) acceptable = set([ '0/3 (0.00%) partitions', '8/8 (100.00%) partitions', ]) matched = stats_lines & acceptable self.assertEqual(matched, acceptable, 'missing some expected acceptable:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join(sorted(acceptable - matched)))) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.reconstruction_device_count, 4) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.reconstruction_part_count, 8) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.part_count, 8) def test_run_once_override_devices(self): # sda1: 3 is done in setup extra_devices = { 'sdb1': 4, 'sdc1': 1, 'sdd1': 0, } self._run_once(2, extra_devices, 'sdc1') stats_lines = set() for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level('info'): if 'devices reconstructed in' not in line: continue stat_line = line.split('of', 1)[0].strip() stats_lines.add(stat_line) acceptable = set([ '1/1 (100.00%) partitions', ]) matched = stats_lines & acceptable self.assertEqual(matched, acceptable, 'missing some expected acceptable:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join(sorted(acceptable - matched)))) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.reconstruction_device_count, 1) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.reconstruction_part_count, 1) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.part_count, 1) def test_get_response(self): part = self.part_nums[0] node = POLICIES[0].object_ring.get_part_nodes(int(part))[0] for stat_code in (200, 400): with mocked_http_conn(stat_code): resp = self.reconstructor._get_response(node, part, path='nada', headers={}, policy=POLICIES[0]) if resp: self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200) else: self.assertEqual( len(self.reconstructor.logger.log_dict['warning']), 1) def test_reconstructor_does_not_log_on_404(self): part = self.part_nums[0] node = POLICIES[0].object_ring.get_part_nodes(int(part))[0] with mocked_http_conn(404): self.reconstructor._get_response(node, part, path='some_path', headers={}, policy=POLICIES[0]) # Make sure that no warnings are emitted for a 404 len_warning_lines = len(self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning')) self.assertEqual(len_warning_lines, 0) def test_reconstructor_skips_bogus_partition_dirs(self): # A directory in the wrong place shouldn't crash the reconstructor self.reconstructor._reset_stats() rmtree(self.objects_1) os.mkdir(self.objects_1) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.objects_1, "burrito")) jobs = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs += self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 0) def test_check_ring(self): testring = tempfile.mkdtemp() _create_test_rings(testring) obj_ring = ring.Ring(testring, ring_name='object') # noqa self.assertTrue(self.reconstructor.check_ring(obj_ring)) orig_check = self.reconstructor.next_check self.reconstructor.next_check = orig_check - 30 self.assertTrue(self.reconstructor.check_ring(obj_ring)) self.reconstructor.next_check = orig_check orig_ring_time = obj_ring._mtime obj_ring._mtime = orig_ring_time - 30 self.assertTrue(self.reconstructor.check_ring(obj_ring)) self.reconstructor.next_check = orig_check - 30 self.assertFalse(self.reconstructor.check_ring(obj_ring)) rmtree(testring, ignore_errors=1) def test_build_reconstruction_jobs(self): self.reconstructor.handoffs_first = False self.reconstructor._reset_stats() for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertTrue(jobs[0]['job_type'] in (object_reconstructor.SYNC, object_reconstructor.REVERT)) self.assert_expected_jobs(part_info['partition'], jobs) self.reconstructor.handoffs_first = True self.reconstructor._reset_stats() for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertTrue(jobs[0]['job_type'] == object_reconstructor.REVERT) self.assert_expected_jobs(part_info['partition'], jobs) def test_get_partners(self): # we're going to perform an exhaustive test of every possible # combination of partitions and nodes in our custom test ring # format: [dev_id in question, 'part_num', # [part_nodes for the given part], left id, right id...] expected_partners = sorted([ (0, '0', [0, 1, 2], 2, 1), (0, '2', [2, 3, 0], 3, 2), (1, '0', [0, 1, 2], 0, 2), (1, '1', [1, 2, 3], 3, 2), (2, '0', [0, 1, 2], 1, 0), (2, '1', [1, 2, 3], 1, 3), (2, '2', [2, 3, 0], 0, 3), (3, '1', [1, 2, 3], 2, 1), (3, '2', [2, 3, 0], 2, 0), (0, '0', [0, 1, 2], 2, 1), (0, '2', [2, 3, 0], 3, 2), (1, '0', [0, 1, 2], 0, 2), (1, '1', [1, 2, 3], 3, 2), (2, '0', [0, 1, 2], 1, 0), (2, '1', [1, 2, 3], 1, 3), (2, '2', [2, 3, 0], 0, 3), (3, '1', [1, 2, 3], 2, 1), (3, '2', [2, 3, 0], 2, 0), ]) got_partners = [] for pol in POLICIES: obj_ring = pol.object_ring for part_num in self.part_nums: part_nodes = obj_ring.get_part_nodes(int(part_num)) primary_ids = [n['id'] for n in part_nodes] for node in part_nodes: partners = object_reconstructor._get_partners( node['index'], part_nodes) left = partners[0]['id'] right = partners[1]['id'] got_partners.append(( node['id'], part_num, primary_ids, left, right)) self.assertEqual(expected_partners, sorted(got_partners)) def test_collect_parts(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() parts = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): parts.append(part_info['partition']) self.assertEqual(sorted(parts), [0, 1, 2]) def test_collect_parts_mkdirs_error(self): def blowup_mkdirs(path): raise OSError('Ow!') self.reconstructor._reset_stats() with mock.patch.object(object_reconstructor, 'mkdirs', blowup_mkdirs): rmtree(self.objects_1, ignore_errors=1) parts = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): parts.append(part_info['partition']) error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(len(error_lines), 1) log_args, log_kwargs = self.logger.log_dict['error'][0] self.assertEqual(str(log_kwargs['exc_info'][1]), 'Ow!') def test_removes_zbf(self): # After running xfs_repair, a partition directory could become a # zero-byte file. If this happens, the reconstructor should clean it # up, log something, and move on to the next partition. # Surprise! Partition dir 1 is actually a zero-byte file. pol_1_part_1_path = os.path.join(self.objects_1, '1') rmtree(pol_1_part_1_path) with open(pol_1_part_1_path, 'w'): pass self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(pol_1_part_1_path)) # sanity check # since our collect_parts job is a generator, that yields directly # into build_jobs and then spawns it's safe to do the remove_files # without making reconstructor startup slow self.reconstructor._reset_stats() for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): self.assertNotEqual(pol_1_part_1_path, part_info['part_path']) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pol_1_part_1_path)) warnings = self.reconstructor.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning') self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings)) self.assertTrue('Unexpected entity in data dir:' in warnings[0], 'Warning not found in %s' % warnings) def _make_fake_ssync(self, ssync_calls): class _fake_ssync(object): def __init__(self, daemon, node, job, suffixes, **kwargs): # capture context and generate an available_map of objs context = {} context['node'] = node context['job'] = job context['suffixes'] = suffixes self.suffixes = suffixes self.daemon = daemon self.job = job hash_gen = self.daemon._diskfile_mgr.yield_hashes( self.job['device'], self.job['partition'], self.job['policy'], self.suffixes, frag_index=self.job.get('frag_index')) self.available_map = {} for path, hash_, timestamps in hash_gen: self.available_map[hash_] = timestamps context['available_map'] = self.available_map ssync_calls.append(context) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return True, self.available_map return _fake_ssync def test_delete_reverted(self): # verify reconstructor deletes reverted frag indexes after ssync'ing def visit_obj_dirs(context): for suff in context['suffixes']: suff_dir = os.path.join( context['job']['path'], suff) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(suff_dir): for d in dirs: dirpath = os.path.join(root, d) files = os.listdir(dirpath) yield dirpath, files n_files = n_files_after = 0 # run reconstructor with delete function mocked out to check calls ssync_calls = [] delete_func =\ 'swift.obj.reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor.delete_reverted_objs' with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.ssync_sender', self._make_fake_ssync(ssync_calls)): with mocked_http_conn(*[200] * 12, body=pickle.dumps({})): with mock.patch(delete_func) as mock_delete: self.reconstructor.reconstruct() expected_calls = [] for context in ssync_calls: if context['job']['job_type'] == REVERT: for dirpath, files in visit_obj_dirs(context): # sanity check - expect some files to be in dir, # may not be for the reverted frag index self.assertTrue(files) n_files += len(files) expected_calls.append(mock.call(context['job'], context['available_map'], context['node']['index'])) mock_delete.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=True) ssync_calls = [] with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.ssync_sender', self._make_fake_ssync(ssync_calls)): with mocked_http_conn(*[200] * 12, body=pickle.dumps({})): self.reconstructor.reconstruct() for context in ssync_calls: if context['job']['job_type'] == REVERT: data_file_tail = ('#%s.data' % context['node']['index']) for dirpath, files in visit_obj_dirs(context): n_files_after += len(files) for filename in files: self.assertFalse( filename.endswith(data_file_tail)) # sanity check that some files should were deleted self.assertTrue(n_files > n_files_after) def test_get_part_jobs(self): # yeah, this test code expects a specific setup self.assertEqual(len(self.part_nums), 3) # OK, at this point we should have 4 loaded parts with one jobs = [] for partition in os.listdir(self.ec_obj_path): part_path = os.path.join(self.ec_obj_path, partition) jobs = self.reconstructor._get_part_jobs( self.ec_local_dev, part_path, int(partition), self.ec_policy) self.assert_expected_jobs(partition, jobs) def assertStatCount(self, stat_method, stat_prefix, expected_count): count = count_stats(self.logger, stat_method, stat_prefix) msg = 'expected %s != %s for %s %s' % ( expected_count, count, stat_method, stat_prefix) self.assertEqual(expected_count, count, msg) def test_delete_partition(self): # part 2 is predefined to have all revert jobs part_path = os.path.join(self.objects_1, '2') self.assertTrue(os.access(part_path, os.F_OK)) ssync_calls = [] status = [200] * 2 body = pickle.dumps({}) with mocked_http_conn(*status, body=body) as request_log: with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.ssync_sender', self._make_fake_ssync(ssync_calls)): self.reconstructor.reconstruct(override_partitions=[2]) expected_repliate_calls = set([ ('', '/sda1/2/3c1'), ('', '/sda1/2/061'), ]) found_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_repliate_calls, found_calls) expected_ssync_calls = sorted([ ('', REVERT, 2, ['3c1']), ('', REVERT, 2, ['061']), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_ssync_calls, sorted(( c['node']['ip'], c['job']['job_type'], c['job']['partition'], c['suffixes'], ) for c in ssync_calls)) expected_stats = { ('increment', 'partition.delete.count.'): 2, ('timing_since', 'partition.delete.timing'): 2, } for stat_key, expected in expected_stats.items(): stat_method, stat_prefix = stat_key self.assertStatCount(stat_method, stat_prefix, expected) # part 2 should be totally empty policy = POLICIES[1] hash_gen = self.reconstructor._df_router[policy].yield_hashes( 'sda1', '2', policy) for path, hash_, ts in hash_gen: self.fail('found %s with %s in %s', (hash_, ts, path)) # but the partition directory and hashes pkl still exist self.assertTrue(os.access(part_path, os.F_OK)) hashes_path = os.path.join(self.objects_1, '2', diskfile.HASH_FILE) self.assertTrue(os.access(hashes_path, os.F_OK)) # ... but on next pass ssync_calls = [] with mocked_http_conn() as request_log: with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.ssync_sender', self._make_fake_ssync(ssync_calls)): self.reconstructor.reconstruct(override_partitions=[2]) # reconstruct won't generate any replicate or ssync_calls self.assertFalse(request_log.requests) self.assertFalse(ssync_calls) # and the partition will get removed! self.assertFalse(os.access(part_path, os.F_OK)) def test_process_job_all_success(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() with mock_ssync_sender(): with mocked_http_conn(*[200] * 12, body=pickle.dumps({})): found_jobs = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs( part_info) found_jobs.extend(jobs) for job in jobs: self.logger._clear() node_count = len(job['sync_to']) self.reconstructor.process_job(job) if job['job_type'] == object_reconstructor.REVERT: self.assertEqual(0, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.hashes')) else: self.assertStatCount('update_stats', 'suffix.hashes', node_count) self.assertEqual(node_count, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.hashes')) self.assertEqual(node_count, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.syncs')) self.assertFalse('error' in self.logger.all_log_lines()) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_sync, 8) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_count, 8) self.assertEqual(len(found_jobs), 6) def test_process_job_all_insufficient_storage(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() with mock_ssync_sender(): with mocked_http_conn(*[507] * 8): found_jobs = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs( part_info) found_jobs.extend(jobs) for job in jobs: self.logger._clear() self.reconstructor.process_job(job) for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'): self.assertTrue('responded as unmounted' in line) self.assertEqual(0, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.hashes')) self.assertEqual(0, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.syncs')) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_sync, 0) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_count, 0) self.assertEqual(len(found_jobs), 6) def test_process_job_all_client_error(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() with mock_ssync_sender(): with mocked_http_conn(*[400] * 8): found_jobs = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs( part_info) found_jobs.extend(jobs) for job in jobs: self.logger._clear() self.reconstructor.process_job(job) for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'): self.assertTrue('Invalid response 400' in line) self.assertEqual(0, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.hashes')) self.assertEqual(0, count_stats( self.logger, 'update_stats', 'suffix.syncs')) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_sync, 0) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_count, 0) self.assertEqual(len(found_jobs), 6) def test_process_job_all_timeout(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() with mock_ssync_sender(), mocked_http_conn(*[Timeout()] * 8): found_jobs = [] for part_info in self.reconstructor.collect_parts(): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs( part_info) found_jobs.extend(jobs) for job in jobs: self.logger._clear() self.reconstructor.process_job(job) for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'): self.assertTrue('Timeout (Nones)' in line) self.assertStatCount( 'update_stats', 'suffix.hashes', 0) self.assertStatCount( 'update_stats', 'suffix.syncs', 0) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_sync, 0) self.assertEqual(self.reconstructor.suffix_count, 0) self.assertEqual(len(found_jobs), 6) @patch_policies(with_ec_default=True) class TestObjectReconstructor(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.policy = POLICIES.default self.policy.object_ring._rtime = time.time() + 3600 self.testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.devices = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'devices') self.local_dev = self.policy.object_ring.devs[0] self.ip = self.local_dev['replication_ip'] self.port = self.local_dev['replication_port'] self.conf = { 'devices': self.devices, 'mount_check': False, 'bind_ip': self.ip, 'bind_port': self.port, } self.logger = debug_logger('object-reconstructor') self._configure_reconstructor() self.policy.object_ring.max_more_nodes = \ self.policy.object_ring.replicas self.ts_iter = make_timestamp_iter() def _configure_reconstructor(self, **kwargs): self.conf.update(kwargs) self.reconstructor = object_reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor( self.conf, logger=self.logger) self.reconstructor._reset_stats() # some tests bypass build_reconstruction_jobs and go to process_job # directly, so you end up with a /0 when you try to show the # percentage of complete jobs as ratio of the total job count self.reconstructor.job_count = 1 def tearDown(self): self.reconstructor._reset_stats() self.reconstructor.stats_line() shutil.rmtree(self.testdir) def ts(self): return next(self.ts_iter) def test_collect_parts_skips_non_ec_policy_and_device(self): stub_parts = (371, 78, 419, 834) for policy in POLICIES: datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(policy) for part in stub_parts: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], datadir, str(part))) part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) found_parts = sorted(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos) self.assertEqual(found_parts, sorted(stub_parts)) for part_info in part_infos: self.assertEqual(part_info['local_dev'], self.local_dev) self.assertEqual(part_info['policy'], self.policy) self.assertEqual(part_info['part_path'], os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(part_info['partition']))) def test_collect_parts_skips_non_local_devs_servers_per_port(self): self._configure_reconstructor(devices=self.devices, mount_check=False, bind_ip=self.ip, bind_port=self.port, servers_per_port=2) device_parts = { 'sda': (374,), 'sdb': (179, 807), # w/one-serv-per-port, same IP alone is local 'sdc': (363, 468, 843), 'sdd': (912,), # "not local" via different IP } for policy in POLICIES: datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(policy) for dev, parts in device_parts.items(): for part in parts: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, dev, datadir, str(part))) # we're only going to add sda and sdc into the ring local_devs = ('sda', 'sdb', 'sdc') stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port + 1 if dev == 'sdb' else self.port, } for dev in local_devs] stub_ring_devs.append({ 'device': 'sdd', 'replication_ip': '', # not local via IP 'replication_port': self.port, }) self.reconstructor.bind_ip = '' # use whataremyips with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) found_parts = sorted(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos) expected_parts = sorted(itertools.chain( *(device_parts[d] for d in local_devs))) self.assertEqual(found_parts, expected_parts) for part_info in part_infos: self.assertEqual(part_info['policy'], self.policy) self.assertTrue(part_info['local_dev'] in stub_ring_devs) dev = part_info['local_dev'] self.assertEqual(part_info['part_path'], os.path.join(self.devices, dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(part_info['partition']))) def test_collect_parts_multi_device_skips_non_non_local_devs(self): device_parts = { 'sda': (374,), 'sdb': (179, 807), # "not local" via different port 'sdc': (363, 468, 843), 'sdd': (912,), # "not local" via different IP } for policy in POLICIES: datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(policy) for dev, parts in device_parts.items(): for part in parts: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, dev, datadir, str(part))) # we're only going to add sda and sdc into the ring local_devs = ('sda', 'sdc') stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port, } for dev in local_devs] stub_ring_devs.append({ 'device': 'sdb', 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port + 1, # not local via port }) stub_ring_devs.append({ 'device': 'sdd', 'replication_ip': '', # not local via IP 'replication_port': self.port, }) self.reconstructor.bind_ip = '' # use whataremyips with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) found_parts = sorted(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos) expected_parts = sorted(itertools.chain( *(device_parts[d] for d in local_devs))) self.assertEqual(found_parts, expected_parts) for part_info in part_infos: self.assertEqual(part_info['policy'], self.policy) self.assertTrue(part_info['local_dev'] in stub_ring_devs) dev = part_info['local_dev'] self.assertEqual(part_info['part_path'], os.path.join(self.devices, dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(part_info['partition']))) def test_collect_parts_multi_device_skips_non_ring_devices(self): device_parts = { 'sda': (374,), 'sdc': (363, 468, 843), } for policy in POLICIES: datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(policy) for dev, parts in device_parts.items(): for part in parts: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, dev, datadir, str(part))) # we're only going to add sda and sdc into the ring local_devs = ('sda', 'sdc') stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port, } for dev in local_devs] self.reconstructor.bind_ip = '' # use whataremyips with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) found_parts = sorted(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos) expected_parts = sorted(itertools.chain( *(device_parts[d] for d in local_devs))) self.assertEqual(found_parts, expected_parts) for part_info in part_infos: self.assertEqual(part_info['policy'], self.policy) self.assertTrue(part_info['local_dev'] in stub_ring_devs) dev = part_info['local_dev'] self.assertEqual(part_info['part_path'], os.path.join(self.devices, dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(part_info['partition']))) def test_collect_parts_mount_check(self): # each device has one part in it local_devs = ('sda', 'sdb') for i, dev in enumerate(local_devs): datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy) utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, dev, datadir, str(i))) stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port } for dev in local_devs] with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) self.assertEqual(2, len(part_infos)) # sanity self.assertEqual(set(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos), set([0, 1])) paths = [] def fake_check_mount(devices, device): paths.append(os.path.join(devices, device)) return False with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.check_mount', fake_check_mount): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) self.assertEqual(2, len(part_infos)) # sanity, same jobs self.assertEqual(set(int(p['partition']) for p in part_infos), set([0, 1])) # ... because ismount was not called self.assertEqual(paths, []) # ... now with mount check self._configure_reconstructor(mount_check=True) self.assertTrue(self.reconstructor.mount_check) for policy in POLICIES: self.assertTrue(self.reconstructor._df_router[policy].mount_check) with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.check_mount', fake_check_mount): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) self.assertEqual([], part_infos) # sanity, no jobs # ... because fake_ismount returned False for both paths self.assertEqual(set(paths), set([ os.path.join(self.devices, dev) for dev in local_devs])) def fake_check_mount(devices, device): path = os.path.join(devices, device) if path.endswith('sda'): return True else: return False with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.check_mount', fake_check_mount): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) self.assertEqual(1, len(part_infos)) # only sda picked up (part 0) self.assertEqual(part_infos[0]['partition'], 0) def test_collect_parts_cleans_tmp(self): local_devs = ('sda', 'sdc') stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port } for dev in local_devs] for device in local_devs: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(self.devices, device)) fake_unlink = mock.MagicMock() self.reconstructor.reclaim_age = 1000 now = time.time() with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.time.time', return_value=now), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.unlink_older_than', fake_unlink): self.assertEqual([], list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts())) # each local device hash unlink_older_than called on it, # with now - self.reclaim_age tmpdir = diskfile.get_tmp_dir(self.policy) expected = now - 1000 self.assertEqual(fake_unlink.mock_calls, [ mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices, dev, tmpdir), expected) for dev in local_devs]) def test_collect_parts_creates_datadir(self): # create just the device path dev_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device']) utils.mkdirs(dev_path) with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]): self.assertEqual([], list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts())) datadir_path = os.path.join(dev_path, diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(datadir_path)) def test_collect_parts_creates_datadir_error(self): # create just the device path datadir_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy)) utils.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(datadir_path)) with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.mkdirs', side_effect=OSError('kaboom!')): self.assertEqual([], list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts())) error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(len(error_lines), 1) line = error_lines[0] self.assertTrue('Unable to create' in line) self.assertTrue(datadir_path in line) def test_collect_parts_skips_invalid_paths(self): datadir_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy)) utils.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(datadir_path)) with open(datadir_path, 'w') as f: f.write('junk') with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]): self.assertEqual([], list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts())) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(datadir_path)) error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(len(error_lines), 1) line = error_lines[0] self.assertTrue('Unable to list partitions' in line) self.assertTrue(datadir_path in line) def test_collect_parts_removes_non_partition_files(self): # create some junk next to partitions datadir_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy)) num_parts = 3 for part in range(num_parts): utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(datadir_path, str(part))) junk_file = os.path.join(datadir_path, 'junk') with open(junk_file, 'w') as f: f.write('junk') with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]): part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts()) # the file is not included in the part_infos map self.assertEqual(sorted(p['part_path'] for p in part_infos), sorted([os.path.join(datadir_path, str(i)) for i in range(num_parts)])) # and gets cleaned up self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(junk_file)) def test_collect_parts_overrides(self): # setup multiple devices, with multiple parts device_parts = { 'sda': (374, 843), 'sdb': (179, 807), 'sdc': (363, 468, 843), } datadir = diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy) for dev, parts in device_parts.items(): for part in parts: utils.mkdirs(os.path.join( self.devices, dev, datadir, str(part))) # we're only going to add sda and sdc into the ring local_devs = ('sda', 'sdc') stub_ring_devs = [{ 'device': dev, 'replication_ip': self.ip, 'replication_port': self.port } for dev in local_devs] expected = ( ({}, [ ('sda', 374), ('sda', 843), ('sdc', 363), ('sdc', 468), ('sdc', 843), ]), ({'override_devices': ['sda', 'sdc']}, [ ('sda', 374), ('sda', 843), ('sdc', 363), ('sdc', 468), ('sdc', 843), ]), ({'override_devices': ['sdc']}, [ ('sdc', 363), ('sdc', 468), ('sdc', 843), ]), ({'override_devices': ['sda']}, [ ('sda', 374), ('sda', 843), ]), ({'override_devices': ['sdx']}, []), ({'override_partitions': [374]}, [ ('sda', 374), ]), ({'override_partitions': [843]}, [ ('sda', 843), ('sdc', 843), ]), ({'override_partitions': [843], 'override_devices': ['sda']}, [ ('sda', 843), ]), ) with mock.patch('swift.obj.reconstructor.whataremyips', return_value=[self.ip]), \ mock.patch.object(self.policy.object_ring, '_devs', new=stub_ring_devs): for kwargs, expected_parts in expected: part_infos = list(self.reconstructor.collect_parts(**kwargs)) expected_paths = set( os.path.join(self.devices, dev, datadir, str(part)) for dev, part in expected_parts) found_paths = set(p['part_path'] for p in part_infos) msg = 'expected %r != %r for %r' % ( expected_paths, found_paths, kwargs) self.assertEqual(expected_paths, found_paths, msg) def test_build_jobs_creates_empty_hashes(self): part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), '0') utils.mkdirs(part_path) part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': 0, 'part_path': part_path, } jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs)) job = jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['job_type'], object_reconstructor.SYNC) self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], 0) self.assertEqual(job['suffixes'], []) self.assertEqual(len(job['sync_to']), 2) self.assertEqual(job['partition'], 0) self.assertEqual(job['path'], part_path) self.assertEqual(job['hashes'], {}) self.assertEqual(job['policy'], self.policy) self.assertEqual(job['local_dev'], self.local_dev) self.assertEqual(job['device'], self.local_dev['device']) hashes_file = os.path.join(part_path, diskfile.HASH_FILE) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(hashes_file)) suffixes = self.reconstructor._get_hashes( self.policy, part_path, do_listdir=True) self.assertEqual(suffixes, {}) def test_build_jobs_no_hashes(self): part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), '0') part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': 0, 'part_path': part_path, } stub_hashes = {} with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs)) job = jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['job_type'], object_reconstructor.SYNC) self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], 0) self.assertEqual(job['suffixes'], []) self.assertEqual(len(job['sync_to']), 2) self.assertEqual(job['partition'], 0) self.assertEqual(job['path'], part_path) self.assertEqual(job['hashes'], {}) self.assertEqual(job['policy'], self.policy) self.assertEqual(job['local_dev'], self.local_dev) self.assertEqual(job['device'], self.local_dev['device']) def test_build_jobs_primary(self): ring = self.policy.object_ring = FabricatedRing() # find a partition for which we're a primary for partition in range(2 ** ring.part_power): part_nodes = ring.get_part_nodes(partition) try: frag_index = [n['id'] for n in part_nodes].index( self.local_dev['id']) except ValueError: pass else: break else: self.fail("the ring doesn't work: %r" % ring._replica2part2dev_id) part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': partition, 'part_path': part_path, } stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs)) job = jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['job_type'], object_reconstructor.SYNC) self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], frag_index) self.assertEqual(job['suffixes'], stub_hashes.keys()) self.assertEqual(set([n['index'] for n in job['sync_to']]), set([(frag_index + 1) % ring.replicas, (frag_index - 1) % ring.replicas])) self.assertEqual(job['partition'], partition) self.assertEqual(job['path'], part_path) self.assertEqual(job['hashes'], stub_hashes) self.assertEqual(job['policy'], self.policy) self.assertEqual(job['local_dev'], self.local_dev) self.assertEqual(job['device'], self.local_dev['device']) def test_build_jobs_handoff(self): ring = self.policy.object_ring = FabricatedRing() # find a partition for which we're a handoff for partition in range(2 ** ring.part_power): part_nodes = ring.get_part_nodes(partition) if self.local_dev['id'] not in [n['id'] for n in part_nodes]: break else: self.fail("the ring doesn't work: %r" % ring._replica2part2dev_id) part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': partition, 'part_path': part_path, } # since this part doesn't belong on us it doesn't matter what # frag_index we have frag_index = random.randint(0, ring.replicas - 1) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {None: 'hash'}, } with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(1, len(jobs)) job = jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['job_type'], object_reconstructor.REVERT) self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], frag_index) self.assertEqual(sorted(job['suffixes']), sorted(stub_hashes.keys())) self.assertEqual(len(job['sync_to']), 1) self.assertEqual(job['sync_to'][0]['index'], frag_index) self.assertEqual(job['path'], part_path) self.assertEqual(job['partition'], partition) self.assertEqual(sorted(job['hashes']), sorted(stub_hashes)) self.assertEqual(job['local_dev'], self.local_dev) def test_build_jobs_mixed(self): ring = self.policy.object_ring = FabricatedRing() # find a partition for which we're a primary for partition in range(2 ** ring.part_power): part_nodes = ring.get_part_nodes(partition) try: frag_index = [n['id'] for n in part_nodes].index( self.local_dev['id']) except ValueError: pass else: break else: self.fail("the ring doesn't work: %r" % ring._replica2part2dev_id) part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': partition, 'part_path': part_path, } other_frag_index = random.choice([f for f in range(ring.replicas) if f != frag_index]) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, '456': {other_frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {None: 'hash'}, } with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(2, len(jobs)) sync_jobs, revert_jobs = [], [] for job in jobs: self.assertEqual(job['partition'], partition) self.assertEqual(job['path'], part_path) self.assertEqual(sorted(job['hashes']), sorted(stub_hashes)) self.assertEqual(job['policy'], self.policy) self.assertEqual(job['local_dev'], self.local_dev) self.assertEqual(job['device'], self.local_dev['device']) { object_reconstructor.SYNC: sync_jobs, object_reconstructor.REVERT: revert_jobs, }[job['job_type']].append(job) self.assertEqual(1, len(sync_jobs)) job = sync_jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], frag_index) self.assertEqual(sorted(job['suffixes']), sorted(['123', 'abc'])) self.assertEqual(len(job['sync_to']), 2) self.assertEqual(set([n['index'] for n in job['sync_to']]), set([(frag_index + 1) % ring.replicas, (frag_index - 1) % ring.replicas])) self.assertEqual(1, len(revert_jobs)) job = revert_jobs[0] self.assertEqual(job['frag_index'], other_frag_index) self.assertEqual(job['suffixes'], ['456']) self.assertEqual(len(job['sync_to']), 1) self.assertEqual(job['sync_to'][0]['index'], other_frag_index) def test_build_jobs_revert_only_tombstones(self): ring = self.policy.object_ring = FabricatedRing() # find a partition for which we're a handoff for partition in range(2 ** ring.part_power): part_nodes = ring.get_part_nodes(partition) if self.local_dev['id'] not in [n['id'] for n in part_nodes]: break else: self.fail("the ring doesn't work: %r" % ring._replica2part2dev_id) part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) part_info = { 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'policy': self.policy, 'partition': partition, 'part_path': part_path, } # we have no fragment index to hint the jobs where they belong stub_hashes = { '123': {None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {None: 'hash'}, } with mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)): jobs = self.reconstructor.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1) job = jobs[0] expected = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': None, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, 'device': self.local_dev['device'], } self.assertEqual(ring.replica_count, len(job['sync_to'])) for k, v in expected.items(): msg = 'expected %s != %s for %s' % ( v, job[k], k) self.assertEqual(v, job[k], msg) def test_get_suffix_delta(self): # different local_suff = {'123': {None: 'abc', 0: 'def'}} remote_suff = {'456': {None: 'ghi', 0: 'jkl'}} local_index = 0 remote_index = 0 suffs = self.reconstructor.get_suffix_delta(local_suff, local_index, remote_suff, remote_index) self.assertEqual(suffs, ['123']) # now the same remote_suff = {'123': {None: 'abc', 0: 'def'}} suffs = self.reconstructor.get_suffix_delta(local_suff, local_index, remote_suff, remote_index) self.assertEqual(suffs, []) # now with a mis-matched None key (missing durable) remote_suff = {'123': {None: 'ghi', 0: 'def'}} suffs = self.reconstructor.get_suffix_delta(local_suff, local_index, remote_suff, remote_index) self.assertEqual(suffs, ['123']) # now with bogus local index local_suff = {'123': {None: 'abc', 99: 'def'}} remote_suff = {'456': {None: 'ghi', 0: 'jkl'}} suffs = self.reconstructor.get_suffix_delta(local_suff, local_index, remote_suff, remote_index) self.assertEqual(suffs, ['123']) def test_process_job_primary_in_sync(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev][:2] # setup left and right hashes stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } left_index = sync_to[0]['index'] = (frag_index - 1) % replicas left_hashes = { '123': {left_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {left_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } right_index = sync_to[1]['index'] = (frag_index + 1) % replicas right_hashes = { '123': {right_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {right_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } responses = [(200, pickle.dumps(hashes)) for hashes in ( left_hashes, right_hashes)] codes, body_iter = zip(*responses) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) expected_suffix_calls = set([ ('', '/sdb/0'), ('', '/sdc/0'), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests)) self.assertEqual(len(ssync_calls), 0) def test_process_job_primary_not_in_sync(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev][:2] # setup left and right hashes stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } sync_to[0]['index'] = (frag_index - 1) % replicas left_hashes = {} sync_to[1]['index'] = (frag_index + 1) % replicas right_hashes = {} partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } responses = [(200, pickle.dumps(hashes)) for hashes in ( left_hashes, left_hashes, right_hashes, right_hashes)] codes, body_iter = zip(*responses) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) expected_suffix_calls = set([ ('', '/sdb/0'), ('', '/sdb/0/123-abc'), ('', '/sdc/0'), ('', '/sdc/0/123-abc'), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests)) expected_ssync_calls = sorted([ ('', 0, set(['123', 'abc'])), ('', 0, set(['123', 'abc'])), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_ssync_calls, sorted(( c['node']['ip'], c['job']['partition'], set(c['suffixes']), ) for c in ssync_calls)) def test_process_job_sync_missing_durable(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev][:2] # setup left and right hashes stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } # left hand side is in sync left_index = sync_to[0]['index'] = (frag_index - 1) % replicas left_hashes = { '123': {left_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {left_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } # right hand side has fragment, but no durable (None key is whack) right_index = sync_to[1]['index'] = (frag_index + 1) % replicas right_hashes = { '123': {right_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {right_index: 'hash', None: 'different-because-durable'}, } partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } responses = [(200, pickle.dumps(hashes)) for hashes in ( left_hashes, right_hashes, right_hashes)] codes, body_iter = zip(*responses) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) expected_suffix_calls = set([ ('', '/sdb/0'), ('', '/sdc/0'), ('', '/sdc/0/abc'), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests)) expected_ssync_calls = sorted([ ('', 0, ['abc']), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_ssync_calls, sorted(( c['node']['ip'], c['job']['partition'], c['suffixes'], ) for c in ssync_calls)) def test_process_job_primary_some_in_sync(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev][:2] # setup left and right hashes stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } left_index = sync_to[0]['index'] = (frag_index - 1) % replicas left_hashes = { '123': {left_index: 'hashX', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {left_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } right_index = sync_to[1]['index'] = (frag_index + 1) % replicas right_hashes = { '123': {right_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } responses = [(200, pickle.dumps(hashes)) for hashes in ( left_hashes, left_hashes, right_hashes, right_hashes)] codes, body_iter = zip(*responses) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) expected_suffix_calls = set([ ('', '/sdb/0'), ('', '/sdb/0/123'), ('', '/sdc/0'), ('', '/sdc/0/abc'), ]) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests)) self.assertEqual(len(ssync_calls), 2) self.assertEqual(set(c['node']['index'] for c in ssync_calls), set([left_index, right_index])) for call in ssync_calls: if call['node']['index'] == left_index: self.assertEqual(call['suffixes'], ['123']) elif call['node']['index'] == right_index: self.assertEqual(call['suffixes'], ['abc']) else: self.fail('unexpected call %r' % call) def test_process_job_primary_down(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas partition = 0 frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(partition) sync_to = part_nodes[:2] part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'device': self.local_dev['device'], 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } non_local = {'called': 0} def ssync_response_callback(*args): # in this test, ssync fails on the first (primary sync_to) node if non_local['called'] >= 1: return True, {} non_local['called'] += 1 return False, {} expected_suffix_calls = set() for node in part_nodes[:3]: expected_suffix_calls.update([ (node['replication_ip'], '/%s/0' % node['device']), (node['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/123-abc' % node['device']), ]) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls, response_callback=ssync_response_callback), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*[200] * len(expected_suffix_calls), body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) found_suffix_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, found_suffix_calls) expected_ssync_calls = sorted([ ('', 0, set(['123', 'abc'])), ('', 0, set(['123', 'abc'])), ('', 0, set(['123', 'abc'])), ]) found_ssync_calls = sorted(( c['node']['ip'], c['job']['partition'], set(c['suffixes']), ) for c in ssync_calls) self.assertEqual(expected_ssync_calls, found_ssync_calls) def test_process_job_suffix_call_errors(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas partition = 0 frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(partition) sync_to = part_nodes[:2] part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.SYNC, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'device': self.local_dev['device'], 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } expected_suffix_calls = set(( node['replication_ip'], '/%s/0' % node['device'] ) for node in part_nodes) possible_errors = [404, 507, Timeout(), Exception('kaboom!')] codes = [random.choice(possible_errors) for r in expected_suffix_calls] ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*codes) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) found_suffix_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, found_suffix_calls) self.assertFalse(ssync_calls) def test_process_job_handoff(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [random.choice([n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev])] sync_to[0]['index'] = frag_index stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(200, body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) expected_suffix_calls = set([ (sync_to[0]['ip'], '/%s/0/123-abc' % sync_to[0]['device']), ]) found_suffix_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, found_suffix_calls) self.assertEqual(len(ssync_calls), 1) call = ssync_calls[0] self.assertEqual(call['node'], sync_to[0]) self.assertEqual(set(call['suffixes']), set(['123', 'abc'])) def test_process_job_revert_to_handoff(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [random.choice([n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev])] sync_to[0]['index'] = frag_index partition = 0 handoff = next(self.policy.object_ring.get_more_nodes(partition)) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } non_local = {'called': 0} def ssync_response_callback(*args): # in this test, ssync fails on the first (primary sync_to) node if non_local['called'] >= 1: return True, {} non_local['called'] += 1 return False, {} expected_suffix_calls = set([ (node['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/123-abc' % node['device']) for node in (sync_to[0], handoff) ]) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls, response_callback=ssync_response_callback), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*[200] * len(expected_suffix_calls), body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) found_suffix_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, found_suffix_calls) self.assertEqual(len(ssync_calls), len(expected_suffix_calls)) call = ssync_calls[0] self.assertEqual(call['node'], sync_to[0]) self.assertEqual(set(call['suffixes']), set(['123', 'abc'])) def test_process_job_revert_is_handoff(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [random.choice([n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev])] sync_to[0]['index'] = frag_index partition = 0 handoff_nodes = list(self.policy.object_ring.get_more_nodes(partition)) stub_hashes = { '123': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, 'abc': {frag_index: 'hash', None: 'hash'}, } part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': stub_hashes.keys(), 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': stub_hashes, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': handoff_nodes[-1], } def ssync_response_callback(*args): # in this test ssync always fails, until we encounter ourselves in # the list of possible handoff's to sync to return False, {} expected_suffix_calls = set([ (sync_to[0]['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/123-abc' % sync_to[0]['device']) ] + [ (node['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/123-abc' % node['device']) for node in handoff_nodes[:-1] ]) ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls, response_callback=ssync_response_callback), \ mock.patch('swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager._get_hashes', return_value=(None, stub_hashes)), \ mocked_http_conn(*[200] * len(expected_suffix_calls), body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) found_suffix_calls = set((r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests) self.assertEqual(expected_suffix_calls, found_suffix_calls) # this is ssync call to primary (which fails) plus the ssync call to # all of the handoffs (except the last one - which is the local_dev) self.assertEqual(len(ssync_calls), len(handoff_nodes)) call = ssync_calls[0] self.assertEqual(call['node'], sync_to[0]) self.assertEqual(set(call['suffixes']), set(['123', 'abc'])) def test_process_job_revert_cleanup(self): replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replicas frag_index = random.randint(0, replicas - 1) sync_to = [random.choice([n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev])] sync_to[0]['index'] = frag_index partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) os.makedirs(part_path) df_mgr = self.reconstructor._df_router[self.policy] df = df_mgr.get_diskfile(self.local_dev['device'], partition, 'a', 'c', 'data-obj', policy=self.policy) ts = self.ts() with df.create() as writer: test_data = 'test data' writer.write(test_data) metadata = { 'X-Timestamp': ts.internal, 'Content-Length': len(test_data), 'Etag': md5(test_data).hexdigest(), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': frag_index, } writer.put(metadata) writer.commit(ts) ohash = os.path.basename(df._datadir) suffix = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(df._datadir)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': frag_index, 'suffixes': [suffix], 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': {}, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } def ssync_response_callback(*args): return True, {ohash: {'ts_data': ts}} ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls, response_callback=ssync_response_callback): with mocked_http_conn(200, body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) self.assertEqual([ (sync_to[0]['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/%s' % ( sync_to[0]['device'], suffix)), ], [ (r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests ]) # hashpath is still there, but only the durable remains files = os.listdir(df._datadir) self.assertEqual(1, len(files)) self.assertTrue(files[0].endswith('.durable')) # and more to the point, the next suffix recalc will clean it up df_mgr = self.reconstructor._df_router[self.policy] df_mgr.get_hashes(self.local_dev['device'], str(partition), [], self.policy) self.assertFalse(os.access(df._datadir, os.F_OK)) def test_process_job_revert_cleanup_tombstone(self): sync_to = [random.choice([n for n in self.policy.object_ring.devs if n != self.local_dev])] partition = 0 part_path = os.path.join(self.devices, self.local_dev['device'], diskfile.get_data_dir(self.policy), str(partition)) os.makedirs(part_path) df_mgr = self.reconstructor._df_router[self.policy] df = df_mgr.get_diskfile(self.local_dev['device'], partition, 'a', 'c', 'data-obj', policy=self.policy) ts = self.ts() df.delete(ts) ohash = os.path.basename(df._datadir) suffix = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(df._datadir)) job = { 'job_type': object_reconstructor.REVERT, 'frag_index': None, 'suffixes': [suffix], 'sync_to': sync_to, 'partition': partition, 'path': part_path, 'hashes': {}, 'policy': self.policy, 'local_dev': self.local_dev, } def ssync_response_callback(*args): return True, {ohash: {'ts_data': ts}} ssync_calls = [] with mock_ssync_sender(ssync_calls, response_callback=ssync_response_callback): with mocked_http_conn(200, body=pickle.dumps({})) as request_log: self.reconstructor.process_job(job) self.assertEqual([ (sync_to[0]['replication_ip'], '/%s/0/%s' % ( sync_to[0]['device'], suffix)), ], [ (r['ip'], r['path']) for r in request_log.requests ]) # hashpath is still there, but it's empty self.assertEqual([], os.listdir(df._datadir)) def test_reconstruct_fa_no_errors(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(1) responses = list() for body in ec_archive_bodies: headers = get_header_frag_index(self, body) headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag}) responses.append((200, body, headers)) # make a hook point at # swift.obj.reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor._get_response called_headers = [] orig_func = object_reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor._get_response def _get_response_hook(self, node, part, path, headers, policy): called_headers.append(headers) return orig_func(self, node, part, path, headers, policy) codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) get_response_path = \ 'swift.obj.reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor._get_response' with mock.patch(get_response_path, _get_response_hook): with mocked_http_conn( *codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, metadata) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) for called_header in called_headers: called_header = HeaderKeyDict(called_header) self.assertTrue('Content-Length' in called_header) self.assertEqual(called_header['Content-Length'], '0') self.assertTrue('User-Agent' in called_header) user_agent = called_header['User-Agent'] self.assertTrue(user_agent.startswith('obj-reconstructor')) def test_reconstruct_fa_errors_works(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[4] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(4) base_responses = list() for body in ec_archive_bodies: headers = get_header_frag_index(self, body) headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag}) base_responses.append((200, body, headers)) # since we're already missing a fragment a +2 scheme can only support # one additional failure at a time for error in (Timeout(), 404, Exception('kaboom!')): responses = base_responses error_index = random.randint(0, len(responses) - 1) responses[error_index] = (error, '', '') codes, body_iter, headers_iter = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers_iter): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, dict(metadata)) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) def test_reconstruct_parity_fa_with_data_node_failure(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[-4] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } # make up some data (trim some amount to make it unaligned with # segment size) test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-454] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) # the scheme is 10+4, so this gets a parity node broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(-4) responses = list() for body in ec_archive_bodies: headers = get_header_frag_index(self, body) headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag}) responses.append((200, body, headers)) for error in (Timeout(), 404, Exception('kaboom!')): # grab a data node index error_index = random.randint(0, self.policy.ec_ndata - 1) responses[error_index] = (error, '', '') codes, body_iter, headers_iter = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers_iter): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, dict(metadata)) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) def test_reconstruct_fa_errors_fails(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] policy = self.policy metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } possible_errors = [404, Timeout(), Exception('kaboom!')] codes = [random.choice(possible_errors) for i in range(policy.object_ring.replicas - 1)] with mocked_http_conn(*codes): self.assertRaises(DiskFileError, self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa, job, node, metadata) def test_reconstruct_fa_with_mixed_old_etag(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(1) ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) # bad response bad_headers = { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'some garbage', 'X-Backend-Timestamp': next(ts).internal, } # good responses responses = list() t1 = next(ts).internal for body in ec_archive_bodies: headers = get_header_frag_index(self, body) headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, 'X-Backend-Timestamp': t1}) responses.append((200, body, headers)) # mixed together error_index = random.randint(0, self.policy.ec_ndata) error_headers = get_header_frag_index(self, (responses[error_index])[1]) error_headers.update(bad_headers) bad_response = (200, '', bad_headers) responses[error_index] = bad_response codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, metadata) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) def test_reconstruct_fa_with_mixed_new_etag(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(1) ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) # good responses responses = list() t0 = next(ts).internal for body in ec_archive_bodies: headers = get_header_frag_index(self, body) headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, 'X-Backend-Timestamp': t0}) responses.append((200, body, headers)) # sanity check before negative test codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, dict(metadata)) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) # one newer etag can spoil the bunch new_index = random.randint(0, len(responses) - self.policy.ec_nparity) new_headers = get_header_frag_index(self, (responses[new_index])[1]) new_headers.update({'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'some garbage', 'X-Backend-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) new_response = (200, '', new_headers) responses[new_index] = new_response codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): self.assertRaises(DiskFileError, self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa, job, node, dict(metadata)) def test_reconstruct_fa_finds_itself_does_not_fail(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) # instead of popping the broken body, we'll just leave it in the list # of responses and take away something else. broken_body = ec_archive_bodies[1] ec_archive_bodies = ec_archive_bodies[:-1] def make_header(body): metadata = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.get_metadata(body) frag_index = struct.unpack('h', metadata[:2])[0] return { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': frag_index, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, } responses = [(200, body, make_header(body)) for body in ec_archive_bodies] codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, metadata) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) def test_reconstruct_fa_finds_duplicate_does_not_fail(self): job = { 'partition': 0, 'policy': self.policy, } part_nodes = self.policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(0) node = part_nodes[1] metadata = { 'name': '/a/c/o', 'Content-Length': 0, 'ETag': 'etag', } test_data = ('rebuild' * self.policy.ec_segment_size)[:-777] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = make_ec_archive_bodies(self.policy, test_data) broken_body = ec_archive_bodies.pop(1) # add some duplicates num_duplicates = self.policy.ec_nparity - 1 ec_archive_bodies = (ec_archive_bodies[:num_duplicates] + ec_archive_bodies)[:-num_duplicates] def make_header(body): metadata = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.get_metadata(body) frag_index = struct.unpack('h', metadata[:2])[0] return { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': frag_index, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, } responses = [(200, body, make_header(body)) for body in ec_archive_bodies] codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with mocked_http_conn(*codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): df = self.reconstructor.reconstruct_fa( job, node, metadata) fixed_body = ''.join(df.reader()) self.assertEqual(len(fixed_body), len(broken_body)) self.assertEqual(md5(fixed_body).hexdigest(), md5(broken_body).hexdigest()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()