#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import csv import os import socket from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from httplib import HTTPException from optparse import OptionParser from sys import argv, exit, stdout, stderr from time import time from uuid import uuid4 from eventlet import GreenPool, hubs, patcher, sleep, Timeout from eventlet.pools import Pool from swift.common import direct_client from swift.common.client import ClientException, Connection, get_auth from swift.common.ring import Ring from swift.common.utils import compute_eta, get_time_units unmounted = [] def get_error_log(prefix): def error_log(msg_or_exc): global unmounted if hasattr(msg_or_exc, 'http_status') and \ msg_or_exc.http_status == 507: identifier = '%s:%s/%s' if identifier not in unmounted: unmounted.append(identifier) print >>stderr, 'ERROR: %s:%s/%s is unmounted -- This will ' \ 'cause replicas designated for that device to be ' \ 'considered missing until resolved or the ring is ' \ 'updated.' % (msg_or_exc.http_host, msg_or_exc.http_port, msg_or_exc.http_device) stderr.flush() if not hasattr(msg_or_exc, 'http_status') or \ msg_or_exc.http_status not in (404, 507): print >>stderr, 'ERROR: %s: %s' % (prefix, msg_or_exc) stderr.flush() return error_log def container_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, container_ring, retries): with connpool.item() as conn: containers = [c['name'] for c in conn.get_account(prefix='dispersion_', full_listing=True)[1]] containers_listed = len(containers) if not containers_listed: print >>stderr, 'No containers to query. Has ' \ 'swift-dispersion-populate been run?' stderr.flush() return retries_done = [0] containers_queried = [0] container_copies_found = [0, 0, 0, 0] begun = time() next_report = [time() + 2] def direct(container, part, nodes): found_count = 0 for node in nodes: error_log = get_error_log('%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s' % node) try: attempts, _junk = direct_client.retry( direct_client.direct_head_container, node, part, account, container, error_log=error_log, retries=retries) retries_done[0] += attempts - 1 found_count += 1 except ClientException, err: if err.http_status not in (404, 507): error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account, container, err)) except (Exception, Timeout), err: error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account, container, err)) container_copies_found[found_count] += 1 containers_queried[0] += 1 if time() >= next_report[0]: next_report[0] = time() + 5 eta, eta_unit = compute_eta(begun, containers_queried[0], containers_listed) print '\r\x1B[KQuerying containers: %d of %d, %d%s left, %d ' \ 'retries' % (containers_queried[0], containers_listed, round(eta), eta_unit, retries_done[0]), stdout.flush() container_parts = {} for container in containers: part, nodes = container_ring.get_nodes(account, container) if part not in container_parts: container_parts[part] = part coropool.spawn(direct, container, part, nodes) coropool.waitall() distinct_partitions = len(container_parts) copies_expected = distinct_partitions * container_ring.replica_count copies_found = sum(a * b for a, b in enumerate(container_copies_found)) value = 100.0 * copies_found / copies_expected elapsed, elapsed_unit = get_time_units(time() - begun) print '\r\x1B[KQueried %d containers for dispersion reporting, ' \ '%d%s, %d retries' % (containers_listed, round(elapsed), elapsed_unit, retries_done[0]) if containers_listed - distinct_partitions: print 'There were %d overlapping partitions' % ( containers_listed - distinct_partitions) if container_copies_found[2]: print 'There were %d partitions missing one copy.' % \ container_copies_found[2] if container_copies_found[1]: print '! There were %d partitions missing two copies.' % \ container_copies_found[1] if container_copies_found[0]: print '!!! There were %d partitions missing all copies.' % \ container_copies_found[0] print '%.02f%% of container copies found (%d of %d)' % ( value, copies_found, copies_expected) print 'Sample represents %.02f%% of the container partition space' % ( 100.0 * distinct_partitions / container_ring.partition_count) stdout.flush() def object_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, object_ring, retries): container = 'dispersion_objects' with connpool.item() as conn: try: objects = [o['name'] for o in conn.get_container(container, prefix='dispersion_', full_listing=True)[1]] except ClientException, err: if err.http_status != 404: raise print >>stderr, 'No objects to query. Has ' \ 'swift-dispersion-populate been run?' stderr.flush() return objects_listed = len(objects) if not objects_listed: print >>stderr, 'No objects to query. Has swift-dispersion-populate ' \ 'been run?' stderr.flush() return retries_done = [0] objects_queried = [0] object_copies_found = [0, 0, 0, 0] begun = time() next_report = [time() + 2] def direct(obj, part, nodes): found_count = 0 for node in nodes: error_log = get_error_log('%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s' % node) try: attempts, _junk = direct_client.retry( direct_client.direct_head_object, node, part, account, container, obj, error_log=error_log, retries=retries) retries_done[0] += attempts - 1 found_count += 1 except ClientException, err: if err.http_status not in (404, 507): error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account, container, obj, err)) except (Exception, Timeout), err: error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account, container, obj, err)) object_copies_found[found_count] += 1 objects_queried[0] += 1 if time() >= next_report[0]: next_report[0] = time() + 5 eta, eta_unit = compute_eta(begun, objects_queried[0], objects_listed) print '\r\x1B[KQuerying objects: %d of %d, %d%s left, %d ' \ 'retries' % (objects_queried[0], objects_listed, round(eta), eta_unit, retries_done[0]), stdout.flush() object_parts = {} for obj in objects: part, nodes = object_ring.get_nodes(account, container, obj) if part not in object_parts: object_parts[part] = part coropool.spawn(direct, obj, part, nodes) coropool.waitall() distinct_partitions = len(object_parts) copies_expected = distinct_partitions * object_ring.replica_count copies_found = sum(a * b for a, b in enumerate(object_copies_found)) value = 100.0 * copies_found / copies_expected elapsed, elapsed_unit = get_time_units(time() - begun) print '\r\x1B[KQueried %d objects for dispersion reporting, ' \ '%d%s, %d retries' % (objects_listed, round(elapsed), elapsed_unit, retries_done[0]) if objects_listed - distinct_partitions: print 'There were %d overlapping partitions' % ( objects_listed - distinct_partitions) if object_copies_found[2]: print 'There were %d partitions missing one copy.' % \ object_copies_found[2] if object_copies_found[1]: print '! There were %d partitions missing two copies.' % \ object_copies_found[1] if object_copies_found[0]: print '!!! There were %d partitions missing all copies.' % \ object_copies_found[0] print '%.02f%% of object copies found (%d of %d)' % \ (value, copies_found, copies_expected) print 'Sample represents %.02f%% of the object partition space' % ( 100.0 * distinct_partitions / object_ring.partition_count) stdout.flush() if __name__ == '__main__': patcher.monkey_patch() hubs.get_hub().debug_exceptions = False conffile = '/etc/swift/dispersion.conf' if len(argv) == 2: conffile = argv[1] elif len(argv) > 2: exit('Syntax: %s [conffile]' % argv[0]) c = ConfigParser() if not c.read(conffile): exit('Unable to read config file: %s' % conffile) conf = dict(c.items('dispersion')) swift_dir = conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift') dispersion_coverage = int(conf.get('dispersion_coverage', 1)) retries = int(conf.get('retries', 5)) concurrency = int(conf.get('concurrency', 25)) coropool = GreenPool(size=concurrency) url, token = get_auth(conf['auth_url'], conf['auth_user'], conf['auth_key']) account = url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] connpool = Pool(max_size=concurrency) connpool.create = lambda: Connection(conf['auth_url'], conf['auth_user'], conf['auth_key'], retries=retries, preauthurl=url, preauthtoken=token) container_ring = Ring(os.path.join(swift_dir, 'container.ring.gz')) object_ring = Ring(os.path.join(swift_dir, 'object.ring.gz')) container_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, container_ring, retries) object_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, object_ring, retries)