The proxy_logging middleware needs an X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header to populate the storage policy field in logs, and will look in both request and response headers to find it. Previously, the s3api middleware would indiscriminately copy the X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index from swift backend requests into the S3Request headers [1]. This works for logging but causes the header to leak between backend requests [2] and break mixed policy multipart uploads. This patch sets the X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header on s3api responses rather than requests. Additionally, the middleware now looks for the X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header in the swift backend request *and* response headers, in the same way that proxy_logging would (preferring a response header over a request header). This means that a policy index is now logged for bucket requests, which only have X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header in their response headers. The s3api adds the value from the *final* backend request/response pair to its response headers. Returning the policy index from the final backend request/response is consistent with swift.backend_path being set to that backend request's path i.e. proxy_logging will log the correct policy index for the logged path. The FakeSwift helper no longer looks in registered object responses for an X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header to update an object request. Real Swift object responses do not have an X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header. By default, FakeSwift will now update *all* object requests with an X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index as follows: - If a matching container HEAD response has been registered then any X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index found with that is used. - Otherwise the default policy index is used. Furthermore, FakeSwift now adds the X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header to the request *after* the request has been captured. Tests using FakeSwift.calls_wth_headers() to make assertions about captured headers no longer need to make allowance for the header that FakeSwift added. Co-Authored-By: Clay Gerrard <clay.gerrard@gmail.com> Closes-Bug: #2038459 [1] Related-Change: I5fe5ab31d6b2d9f7b6ecb3bfa246433a78e54808 [2] Related-Change: I40b252446b3a1294a5ca8b531f224ce9c16f9aba Change-Id: I2793e335a08ad373c49cbbe6759d4e97cc420867
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# Copyright (c) 2023 Nvidia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import uuid
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import os.path
import shutil
import random
from hashlib import md5
from swiftclient import client as swiftclient
from test.probe.brain import BrainSplitter
from test.probe.common import ReplProbeTest, ENABLED_POLICIES
from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig
import mock
class TestMixedPolicyMPU(ReplProbeTest):
@unittest.skipIf(len(ENABLED_POLICIES) < 2, "Need more than one policy")
def setUp(self):
self.tempdir = mkdtemp()
super(TestMixedPolicyMPU, self).setUp()
s3api_info = self.cluster_info.get('s3api', {})
if not s3api_info:
raise unittest.SkipTest('s3api not enabled')
# lazy import boto only required if cluster supports s3api
from test.s3api import get_s3_client
self.s3 = get_s3_client(1)
self.bucket_name = 'bucket-%s' % uuid.uuid4()
self.mpu_name = 'mpu-%s' % uuid.uuid4()
self.segment_bucket_name = self.bucket_name + '+segments'
self.bucket_brain = BrainSplitter(self.url, self.token,
self.segments_brain = BrainSplitter(self.url, self.token,
self.other_policy = random.choice([p for p in ENABLED_POLICIES
if p != self.policy])
def make_large_file(self, chunksize, num_chunks):
filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'big.file')
md5_hasher = md5()
slo_etag_hasher = md5()
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
c = 'a'
for i in range(num_chunks):
c = chr(ord(c) + i)
chunk = c.encode() * chunksize
chunk_etag = md5(chunk).hexdigest()
return filename, md5_hasher.hexdigest(), slo_etag_hasher.hexdigest()
def tearDown(self):
super(TestMixedPolicyMPU, self).tearDown()
def _assert_container_storage_policy(self, container_name,
headers = swiftclient.head_container(self.url, self.token,
self.assertEqual(headers['x-storage-policy'], expected_policy.name)
def test_mixed_policy_upload(self):
# Old swift had a cross policy contamination bug
# (https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/2038459) that created
# the SLO manifest with the wrong x-backend-storage-policy-index:
# during the CompleteMultipartUpload it read the upload-id-marker from
# +segments, and applied that policy index to the manifest PUT, so the
# manifest object was stored in the wrong policy and requests for it
# would 404.
self._assert_container_storage_policy(self.bucket_name, self.policy)
# create segments container in another policy
# I think boto has a minimum chunksize that matches AWS, when I do this
# too small I get less chunks in the SLO than I expect
chunksize = 5 * 2 ** 20
config = TransferConfig(multipart_threshold=chunksize,
num_chunks = 3
data_filename, md5_hash, slo_etag = self.make_large_file(chunksize,
expected_size = chunksize * num_chunks
self.s3.upload_file(data_filename, self.bucket_name, self.mpu_name,
# s3 mpu request succeeds
s3_head_resp = self.s3.head_object(Bucket=self.bucket_name,
self.assertEqual(expected_size, int(s3_head_resp['ContentLength']))
self.assertEqual(num_chunks, int(
# swift response is the same
swift_obj_headers, body = swiftclient.get_object(
self.url, self.token, self.bucket_name, self.mpu_name,
self.assertEqual(slo_etag, swift_obj_headers['etag'].strip('"'))
hasher = md5()
for chunk in body:
self.assertEqual(md5_hash, hasher.hexdigest())
# s3 listing has correct bytes
resp = self.s3.list_objects(Bucket=self.bucket_name)
# note: with PY2 the args order (expected, actual) is significant for
# mock.ANY == datetime(...) to be true
u'ETag': s3_head_resp['ETag'],
u'Key': self.mpu_name,
u'LastModified': mock.ANY,
u'Size': expected_size,
u'Owner': {u'DisplayName': 'test:tester', u'ID': 'test:tester'},
u'StorageClass': 'STANDARD',
}], resp['Contents'])
# swift listing is the same
stat, listing = swiftclient.get_container(
self.url, self.token, self.bucket_name)
self.assertEqual(stat['x-storage-policy'], self.policy.name)
self.assertEqual(listing, [{
'bytes': expected_size,
'content_type': 'application/octet-stream',
'hash': swift_obj_headers['x-manifest-etag'],
'last_modified': mock.ANY,
'name': self.mpu_name,
's3_etag': s3_head_resp['ETag'],
'slo_etag': swift_obj_headers['etag'],
# check segments
stat, listing = swiftclient.get_container(
self.url, self.token, self.segment_bucket_name)
self.assertEqual(stat['x-storage-policy'], self.other_policy.name)
self.assertEqual([item['name'].split('/')[0] for item in listing],
[self.mpu_name] * 3)