Reserve the namespace starting with the NULL byte for internal use-cases. Backend services will allow path names to include the NULL byte in urls and validate names in the reserved namespace. Database services will filter all names starting with the NULL byte from responses unless the request includes the header: X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names: true The proxy server will not allow path names to include the NULL byte in urls unless a middlware has set the X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names header. Middlewares can use the reserved namespace to create objects and containers that can not be directly manipulated by clients. Any objects and bytes created in the reserved namespace will be aggregated to the user's account totals. When deploying internal proxys developers and operators may configure the gatekeeper middleware to translate the X-Allow-Reserved-Names header to the Backend header so they can manipulate the reserved namespace directly through the normal API. UpgradeImpact: it's not safe to rollback from this change Change-Id: If912f71d8b0d03369680374e8233da85d8d38f85
270 lines
11 KiB
270 lines
11 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
import time
import unittest
import json
import mock
from swift.account import utils, backend
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES, StoragePolicy
from swift.common.swob import Request
from swift.common.utils import Timestamp
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.request_helpers import get_reserved_name
from test.unit import patch_policies, make_timestamp_iter
class TestFakeAccountBroker(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fake_broker_get_info(self):
broker = utils.FakeAccountBroker()
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
info = broker.get_info()
timestamp = Timestamp(now)
expected = {
'container_count': 0,
'object_count': 0,
'bytes_used': 0,
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'put_timestamp': timestamp.internal,
self.assertEqual(info, expected)
def test_fake_broker_list_containers_iter(self):
broker = utils.FakeAccountBroker()
self.assertEqual(broker.list_containers_iter(), [])
def test_fake_broker_metadata(self):
broker = utils.FakeAccountBroker()
self.assertEqual(broker.metadata, {})
def test_fake_broker_get_policy_stats(self):
broker = utils.FakeAccountBroker()
self.assertEqual(broker.get_policy_stats(), {})
class TestAccountUtils(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ts = make_timestamp_iter()
def test_get_response_headers_fake_broker(self):
broker = utils.FakeAccountBroker()
now = time.time()
expected = {
'X-Account-Container-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Object-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': 0,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
resp_headers = utils.get_response_headers(broker)
self.assertEqual(resp_headers, expected)
def test_get_response_headers_empty_memory_broker(self):
broker = backend.AccountBroker(':memory:', account='a')
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
expected = {
'X-Account-Container-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Object-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': 0,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
resp_headers = utils.get_response_headers(broker)
self.assertEqual(resp_headers, expected)
def test_get_response_headers_with_data(self):
broker = backend.AccountBroker(':memory:', account='a')
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
# add some container data
ts = (Timestamp(t).internal for t in itertools.count(int(now)))
total_containers = 0
total_objects = 0
total_bytes = 0
for policy in POLICIES:
delete_timestamp = next(ts)
put_timestamp = next(ts)
object_count = int(policy)
bytes_used = int(policy) * 10
broker.put_container('c-%s' % policy.name, put_timestamp,
delete_timestamp, object_count, bytes_used,
total_containers += 1
total_objects += object_count
total_bytes += bytes_used
expected = HeaderKeyDict({
'X-Account-Container-Count': total_containers,
'X-Account-Object-Count': total_objects,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': total_bytes,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
for policy in POLICIES:
prefix = 'X-Account-Storage-Policy-%s-' % policy.name
expected[prefix + 'Container-Count'] = 1
expected[prefix + 'Object-Count'] = int(policy)
expected[prefix + 'Bytes-Used'] = int(policy) * 10
resp_headers = utils.get_response_headers(broker)
per_policy_container_headers = [
h for h in resp_headers if
h.lower().startswith('x-account-storage-policy-') and
for key, value in resp_headers.items():
expected_value = expected.pop(key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, str(value),
'value for %r was %r not %r' % (
key, value, expected_value))
def test_get_response_headers_with_legacy_data(self):
broker = backend.AccountBroker(':memory:', account='a')
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
# add some container data
ts = (Timestamp(t).internal for t in itertools.count(int(now)))
total_containers = 0
total_objects = 0
total_bytes = 0
for policy in POLICIES:
delete_timestamp = next(ts)
put_timestamp = next(ts)
object_count = int(policy)
bytes_used = int(policy) * 10
broker.put_container('c-%s' % policy.name, put_timestamp,
delete_timestamp, object_count, bytes_used,
total_containers += 1
total_objects += object_count
total_bytes += bytes_used
expected = HeaderKeyDict({
'X-Account-Container-Count': total_containers,
'X-Account-Object-Count': total_objects,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': total_bytes,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
for policy in POLICIES:
prefix = 'X-Account-Storage-Policy-%s-' % policy.name
expected[prefix + 'Object-Count'] = int(policy)
expected[prefix + 'Bytes-Used'] = int(policy) * 10
orig_policy_stats = broker.get_policy_stats
def stub_policy_stats(*args, **kwargs):
policy_stats = orig_policy_stats(*args, **kwargs)
for stats in policy_stats.values():
# legacy db's won't return container_count
del stats['container_count']
return policy_stats
broker.get_policy_stats = stub_policy_stats
resp_headers = utils.get_response_headers(broker)
per_policy_container_headers = [
h for h in resp_headers if
h.lower().startswith('x-account-storage-policy-') and
for key, value in resp_headers.items():
expected_value = expected.pop(key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, str(value),
'value for %r was %r not %r' % (
key, value, expected_value))
def test_account_listing_response(self):
req = Request.blank('')
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
resp = utils.account_listing_response('a', req, 'text/plain')
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204)
expected = HeaderKeyDict({
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'X-Account-Container-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Object-Count': 0,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': 0,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
self.assertEqual(expected, resp.headers)
self.assertEqual(b'', resp.body)
@patch_policies([StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', is_default=True)])
def test_account_listing_reserved_names(self):
broker = backend.AccountBroker(':memory:', account='a')
put_timestamp = next(self.ts)
now = time.time()
with mock.patch('time.time', new=lambda: now):
container_timestamp = next(self.ts)
container_timestamp.internal, 0, 10, 100, 0)
req = Request.blank('')
resp = utils.account_listing_response(
'a', req, 'application/json', broker)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200)
expected = HeaderKeyDict({
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'Content-Length': 2,
'X-Account-Container-Count': 1,
'X-Account-Object-Count': 10,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': 100,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': put_timestamp.normal,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Container-Count': 1,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Object-Count': 10,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Bytes-Used': 100,
self.assertEqual(expected, resp.headers)
self.assertEqual(b'[]', resp.body)
req = Request.blank('', headers={
'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'})
resp = utils.account_listing_response(
'a', req, 'application/json', broker)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200)
expected = HeaderKeyDict({
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'Content-Length': 97,
'X-Account-Container-Count': 1,
'X-Account-Object-Count': 10,
'X-Account-Bytes-Used': 100,
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(now).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': put_timestamp.normal,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Container-Count': 1,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Object-Count': 10,
'X-Account-Storage-Policy-Zero-Bytes-Used': 100,
self.assertEqual(expected, resp.headers)
expected = [{
"last_modified": container_timestamp.isoformat,
"count": 10,
"bytes": 100,
"name": get_reserved_name('foo'),