Prevent encoding corruption in client's metadata during ssync Closes-Bug: #2020667 Change-Id: I0ea464bcda16678997865667287aa11ea89cdcde
540 lines
24 KiB
540 lines
24 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from eventlet import sleep
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from swift.common import bufferedhttp
from swift.common import exceptions
from swift.common import http
from swift.common import utils
from swift.common.swob import wsgi_to_bytes
def encode_missing(object_hash, ts_data, ts_meta=None, ts_ctype=None,
Returns a string representing the object hash, its data file timestamp,
the delta forwards to its metafile and content-type timestamps, if
non-zero, and its durability, in the form:
``<hash> <ts_data> [m:<hex delta to ts_meta>[,t:<hex delta to ts_ctype>]
The decoder for this line is
msg = ('%s %s'
% (urllib.parse.quote(object_hash),
extra_parts = []
if ts_meta and ts_meta != ts_data:
delta = ts_meta.raw - ts_data.raw
extra_parts.append('m:%x' % delta)
if ts_meta.offset:
extra_parts[-1] += '__%x' % ts_meta.offset
if ts_ctype and ts_ctype != ts_data:
delta = ts_ctype.raw - ts_data.raw
extra_parts.append('t:%x' % delta)
if ts_ctype.offset:
extra_parts[-1] += '__%x' % ts_ctype.offset
if 'durable' in kwargs and kwargs['durable'] is False:
# only send durable in the less common case that it is False
extra_parts.append('durable:%s' % kwargs['durable'])
if extra_parts:
msg = '%s %s' % (msg, ','.join(extra_parts))
return msg.encode('ascii')
def decode_wanted(parts):
Parse missing_check line parts to determine which parts of local
diskfile were wanted by the receiver.
The encoder for parts is
wanted = {}
key_map = {'d': 'data', 'm': 'meta'}
if parts:
# receiver specified data and/or meta wanted, so use those as
# conditions for sending PUT and/or POST subrequests
for k in key_map:
if k in parts[0]:
wanted[key_map[k]] = True
if not wanted:
# assume legacy receiver which will only accept PUTs. There is no
# way to send any meta file content without morphing the timestamp
# of either the data or the metadata, so we just send data file
# content to a legacy receiver. Once the receiver gets updated we
# will be able to send it the meta file content.
wanted['data'] = True
return wanted
class SsyncBufferedHTTPResponse(bufferedhttp.BufferedHTTPResponse, object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SsyncBufferedHTTPResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.ssync_response_buffer = b''
self.ssync_response_chunk_left = 0
def readline(self, size=1024):
Reads a line from the SSYNC response body.
httplib has no readline and will block on read(x) until x is
read, so we have to do the work ourselves. A bit of this is
taken from Python's httplib itself.
data = self.ssync_response_buffer
self.ssync_response_buffer = b''
while b'\n' not in data and len(data) < size:
if self.ssync_response_chunk_left == -1: # EOF-already indicator
if self.ssync_response_chunk_left == 0:
line = self.fp.readline()
i = line.find(b';')
if i >= 0:
line = line[:i] # strip chunk-extensions
self.ssync_response_chunk_left = int(line.strip(), 16)
except ValueError:
# close the connection as protocol synchronisation is
# probably lost
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
if self.ssync_response_chunk_left == 0:
self.ssync_response_chunk_left = -1
chunk = self.fp.read(min(self.ssync_response_chunk_left,
size - len(data)))
if not chunk:
# close the connection as protocol synchronisation is
# probably lost
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
self.ssync_response_chunk_left -= len(chunk)
if self.ssync_response_chunk_left == 0:
self.fp.read(2) # discard the trailing \r\n
data += chunk
if b'\n' in data:
data, self.ssync_response_buffer = data.split(b'\n', 1)
data += b'\n'
return data
class SsyncBufferedHTTPConnection(bufferedhttp.BufferedHTTPConnection):
response_class = SsyncBufferedHTTPResponse
class Sender(object):
Sends SSYNC requests to the object server.
These requests are eventually handled by
:py:mod:`.ssync_receiver` and full documentation about the
process is there.
def __init__(self, daemon, node, job, suffixes, remote_check_objs=None,
include_non_durable=False, max_objects=0):
self.daemon = daemon
self.df_mgr = self.daemon._df_router[job['policy']]
self.node = node
self.job = job
self.suffixes = suffixes
# When remote_check_objs is given in job, ssync_sender trys only to
# make sure those objects exist or not in remote.
self.remote_check_objs = remote_check_objs
self.include_non_durable = include_non_durable
self.max_objects = max_objects
self.limited_by_max_objects = False
def __call__(self):
Perform ssync with remote node.
:returns: a 2-tuple, in the form (success, can_delete_objs) where
success is a boolean and can_delete_objs is the map of
objects that are in sync with the receiver. Each entry in
can_delete_objs maps a hash => timestamp of data file or
tombstone file
if not self.suffixes:
return True, {}
connection = response = None
# Double try blocks in case our main error handler fails.
# The general theme for these functions is that they should
# raise exceptions.MessageTimeout for client timeouts and
# exceptions.ReplicationException for common issues that will
# abort the replication attempt and log a simple error. All
# other exceptions will be logged with a full stack trace.
connection, response = self.connect()
# available_map has an entry for each object in given suffixes
# that is available to be sync'd;
# each entry is a hash => dict of timestamps of data file or
# tombstone file and/or meta file
# send_map has an entry for each object that the receiver wants
# to be sync'ed;
# each entry maps an object hash => dict of wanted parts
available_map, send_map = self.missing_check(connection,
if self.remote_check_objs is None:
self.updates(connection, response, send_map)
can_delete_obj = available_map
# when we are initialized with remote_check_objs we don't
# *send* any requested updates; instead we only collect
# what's already in sync and safe for deletion
in_sync_hashes = (set(available_map.keys()) -
can_delete_obj = dict((hash_, available_map[hash_])
for hash_ in in_sync_hashes)
'ssync completed ok: dev: %s, part: %s, policy: %d, '
'num suffixes: %s, available: %d, sent: %d, deletable: %d',
self.job['device'], self.job['partition'],
self.job['policy'].idx, len(self.suffixes),
len(available_map), len(send_map), len(can_delete_obj))
return True, can_delete_obj
except (exceptions.MessageTimeout,
exceptions.ReplicationException) as err:
node_str = utils.node_to_string(self.node, replication=True)
self.daemon.logger.error('%s/%s %s', node_str,
self.job['partition'], err)
except Exception:
# We don't want any exceptions to escape our code and possibly
# mess up the original replicator code that called us since it
# was originally written to shell out to rsync which would do
# no such thing.
node_str = utils.node_to_string(self.node, replication=True)
'%s/%s EXCEPTION in ssync.Sender',
node_str, self.job['partition'])
except Exception:
# We don't want any exceptions to escape our code and possibly
# mess up the original replicator code that called us since it
# was originally written to shell out to rsync which would do
# no such thing.
# This particular exception handler does the minimal amount as it
# would only get called if the above except Exception handler
# failed (bad node or job data).
self.daemon.logger.exception('EXCEPTION in ssync.Sender')
return False, {}
def connect(self):
Establishes a connection and starts an SSYNC request
with the object server.
connection = response = None
node_addr = '%s:%s' % (self.node['replication_ip'],
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.conn_timeout, 'connect send'):
connection = SsyncBufferedHTTPConnection(node_addr)
connection.putrequest('SSYNC', '/%s/%s' % (
self.node['device'], self.job['partition']))
connection.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
# a sync job must use the node's backend_index for the frag_index
# of the rebuilt fragments instead of the frag_index from the job
# which will be rebuilding them
frag_index = self.node.get('backend_index')
if frag_index is not None:
connection.putheader('X-Backend-Ssync-Frag-Index', frag_index)
# Node-Index header is for backwards compat 2.4.0-2.20.0
connection.putheader('X-Backend-Ssync-Node-Index', frag_index)
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'connect receive'):
response = connection.getresponse()
if response.status != http.HTTP_OK:
err_msg = utils.cap_length(response.read(), 1024)
raise exceptions.ReplicationException(
'Expected status %s; got %s (%s)' %
(http.HTTP_OK, response.status, err_msg))
if self.include_non_durable and not utils.config_true_value(
response.getheader('x-backend-accept-no-commit', False)):
# fall back to legacy behaviour if receiver does not understand
# X-Backend-Commit
'ssync receiver %s does not accept non-durable fragments' %
self.include_non_durable = False
return connection, response
def missing_check(self, connection, response):
Handles the sender-side of the MISSING_CHECK step of a
SSYNC request.
Full documentation of this can be found at
self.limited_by_max_objects = False
available_map = {}
send_map = {}
# First, send our list.
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'missing_check start'):
msg = b':MISSING_CHECK: START\r\n'
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg))
# an empty frag_prefs list is sufficient to get non-durable frags
# yielded, in which case an older durable frag will not be yielded
frag_prefs = [] if self.include_non_durable else None
hash_gen = self.df_mgr.yield_hashes(
self.job['device'], self.job['partition'],
self.job['policy'], self.suffixes,
if self.remote_check_objs is not None:
hash_gen = six.moves.filter(
lambda objhash_timestamps:
objhash_timestamps[0] in
self.remote_check_objs, hash_gen)
nlines = 0
nbytes = 0
object_hash = None
for object_hash, timestamps in hash_gen:
available_map[object_hash] = timestamps
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
'missing_check send line: %d lines (%d bytes) sent'
% (nlines, nbytes)):
msg = b'%s\r\n' % encode_missing(object_hash, **timestamps)
msg = b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg)
if nlines % 5 == 0:
sleep() # Gives a chance for other greenthreads to run
nlines += 1
nbytes += len(msg)
if 0 < self.max_objects <= nlines:
for _ in hash_gen:
# only log truncation if there were more hashes to come...
self.limited_by_max_objects = True
'ssync missing_check truncated after %d objects: '
'device: %s, part: %s, policy: %s, last object hash: '
'%s', nlines, self.job['device'],
self.job['partition'], int(self.job['policy']),
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'missing_check end'):
msg = b':MISSING_CHECK: END\r\n'
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg))
# Now, retrieve the list of what they want.
while True:
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.http_timeout, 'missing_check start wait'):
line = response.readline(size=self.daemon.network_chunk_size)
if not line:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
line = line.strip()
if line == b':MISSING_CHECK: START':
elif line:
if not six.PY2:
line = line.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException(
'Unexpected response: %r' % utils.cap_length(line, 1024))
while True:
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.http_timeout, 'missing_check line wait'):
line = response.readline(size=self.daemon.network_chunk_size)
if not line:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
line = line.strip()
if line == b':MISSING_CHECK: END':
parts = line.decode('ascii').split()
if parts:
send_map[parts[0]] = decode_wanted(parts[1:])
return available_map, send_map
def updates(self, connection, response, send_map):
Handles the sender-side of the UPDATES step of an SSYNC
Full documentation of this can be found at
# First, send all our subrequests based on the send_map.
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'updates start'):
msg = b':UPDATES: START\r\n'
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg))
frag_prefs = [] if self.include_non_durable else None
updates = 0
for object_hash, want in send_map.items():
object_hash = urllib.parse.unquote(object_hash)
df = self.df_mgr.get_diskfile_from_hash(
self.job['device'], self.job['partition'], object_hash,
self.job['policy'], frag_index=self.job.get('frag_index'),
open_expired=True, frag_prefs=frag_prefs)
except exceptions.DiskFileNotExist:
url_path = urllib.parse.quote(
'/%s/%s/%s' % (df.account, df.container, df.obj))
if want.get('data'):
is_durable = (df.durable_timestamp == df.data_timestamp)
# EC reconstructor may have passed a callback to build an
# alternative diskfile - construct it using the metadata
# from the data file only.
df_alt = self.job.get(
'sync_diskfile_builder', lambda *args: df)(
self.job, self.node, df)
self.send_put(connection, url_path, df_alt,
if want.get('meta') and df.data_timestamp != df.timestamp:
self.send_post(connection, url_path, df)
except exceptions.DiskFileDeleted as err:
if want.get('data'):
self.send_delete(connection, url_path, err.timestamp)
except exceptions.DiskFileError:
# DiskFileErrors are expected while opening the diskfile,
# before any data is read and sent. Since there is no partial
# state on the receiver it's ok to ignore this diskfile and
# continue. The diskfile may however be deleted after a
# successful ssync since it remains in the send_map.
if updates % 5 == 0:
sleep() # Gives a chance for other greenthreads to run
updates += 1
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'updates end'):
msg = b':UPDATES: END\r\n'
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg))
# Now, read their response for any issues.
while True:
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.http_timeout, 'updates start wait'):
line = response.readline(size=self.daemon.network_chunk_size)
if not line:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
line = line.strip()
if line == b':UPDATES: START':
elif line:
if not six.PY2:
line = line.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException(
'Unexpected response: %r' % utils.cap_length(line, 1024))
while True:
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.http_timeout, 'updates line wait'):
line = response.readline(size=self.daemon.network_chunk_size)
if not line:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException('Early disconnect')
line = line.strip()
if line == b':UPDATES: END':
elif line:
if not six.PY2:
line = line.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise exceptions.ReplicationException(
'Unexpected response: %r' % utils.cap_length(line, 1024))
def send_subrequest(self, connection, method, url_path, headers, df):
msg = [b'%s %s' % (method.encode('ascii'), url_path.encode('utf8'))]
for key, value in sorted(headers.items()):
msg.append(wsgi_to_bytes('%s: %s' % (key, value)))
msg = b'\r\n'.join(msg) + b'\r\n\r\n'
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(self.daemon.node_timeout,
'send_%s' % method.lower()):
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(msg), msg))
if df:
bytes_read = 0
for chunk in df.reader():
bytes_read += len(chunk)
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(self.daemon.node_timeout,
'send_%s chunk' %
connection.send(b'%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))
if bytes_read != df.content_length:
# Since we may now have partial state on the receiver we have
# to prevent the receiver finalising what may well be a bad or
# partially written diskfile. Unfortunately we have no other
# option than to pull the plug on this ssync session. If ssync
# supported multiphase PUTs like the proxy uses for EC we could
# send a bad etag in a footer of this subrequest, but that is
# not supported.
raise exceptions.ReplicationException(
'Sent data length does not match content-length')
def send_delete(self, connection, url_path, timestamp):
Sends a DELETE subrequest with the given information.
headers = {'X-Timestamp': timestamp.internal}
self.send_subrequest(connection, 'DELETE', url_path, headers, None)
def send_put(self, connection, url_path, df, durable=True):
Sends a PUT subrequest for the url_path using the source df
(DiskFile) and content_length.
headers = {'Content-Length': str(df.content_length)}
if not durable:
# only send this header for the less common case; without this
# header object servers assume default commit behaviour
headers['X-Backend-No-Commit'] = 'True'
for key, value in df.get_datafile_metadata().items():
if key not in ('name', 'Content-Length'):
headers[key] = value
self.send_subrequest(connection, 'PUT', url_path, headers, df)
def send_post(self, connection, url_path, df):
metadata = df.get_metafile_metadata()
if metadata is None:
self.send_subrequest(connection, 'POST', url_path, metadata, None)
def disconnect(self, connection):
Closes down the connection to the object server once done
with the SSYNC request.
if not connection:
with exceptions.MessageTimeout(
self.daemon.node_timeout, 'disconnect'):
except (Exception, exceptions.Timeout):
pass # We're okay with the above failing.