Tim Burke 84b85f03b4 s3api: Include '-' in multipart ETags
Multipart uploads in AWS (seem to) have ETags like:

   '"' + MD5_hex(MD5(part1) + ... + MD5(partN)) + '-' + N + '"'

On the other hand, Swift SLOs have Etags like:

   MD5_hex(MD5_hex(part1) + ... + MD5_hex(partN))

(In both examples, MD5 gets the raw 16-byte digest while MD5_hex
gets the 32-byte hex-encoded digest.)

Some clients (such as aws-sdk-java) use the presence of a dash
to decide whether to perform client-side validation of downloads.

Other clients (like s3cmd) use the presence of a dash *in bucket
listings* to decide whether or not to perform additional HEAD requests
to look for MD5 metadata that can be used to compare against the MD5s
of local files.

Now we include a dash as well, to prevent spurious errors like

> Unable to verify integrity of data download.  Client calculated
> content hash didn't match hash calculated by Amazon S3.  The data
> may be corrupt.

or unnecessary uploads/downloads because the client assumes data has
changed that hasn't.

For new multipart-uploads via the S3 API, the ETag that is stored will
be calculated in the same way that AWS uses. This ETag will be used in
GET/HEAD responses, bucket listings, and conditional requests via the S3
API. Accessing the same object via the Swift API will use the SLO Etag;
however, in JSON container listings the multipart upload etag will be
exposed in a new "s3_etag" key.

New SLOs and pre-existing multipart-uploads will continue to behave as
before; there is no data migration or mitigation as part of this patch.

Change-Id: Ibe68c44bef6c17605863e9084503e8f5dc577fab
Closes-Bug: 1522578
2018-09-13 19:28:59 +09:00

907 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import unittest2
import os
import boto
# For an issue with venv and distutils, disable pylint message here
# pylint: disable-msg=E0611,F0401
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from hashlib import md5
from itertools import izip, izip_longest
import test.functional as tf
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.etree import fromstring, tostring, Element, \
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.utils import mktime
from test.functional.s3api import S3ApiBase
from test.functional.s3api.s3_test_client import Connection
from test.functional.s3api.utils import get_error_code, get_error_msg
def setUpModule():
def tearDownModule():
class TestS3ApiMultiUpload(S3ApiBase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestS3ApiMultiUpload, self).setUp()
if not tf.cluster_info['s3api'].get('allow_multipart_uploads', False):
raise tf.SkipTest('multipart upload is not enebled')
self.min_segment_size = int(tf.cluster_info['s3api'].get(
'min_segment_size', 5242880))
def _gen_comp_xml(self, etags):
elem = Element('CompleteMultipartUpload')
for i, etag in enumerate(etags):
elem_part = SubElement(elem, 'Part')
SubElement(elem_part, 'PartNumber').text = str(i + 1)
SubElement(elem_part, 'ETag').text = etag
return tostring(elem)
def _initiate_multi_uploads_result_generator(self, bucket, keys,
headers=None, trials=1):
if headers is None:
headers = [None] * len(keys)
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
for key, key_headers in izip_longest(keys, headers):
for i in xrange(trials):
status, resp_headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key,
headers=key_headers, query=query)
yield status, resp_headers, body
def _upload_part(self, bucket, key, upload_id, content=None, part_num=1):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (part_num, upload_id)
content = content if content else 'a' * self.min_segment_size
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, body=content,
return status, headers, body
def _upload_part_copy(self, src_bucket, src_obj, dst_bucket, dst_key,
upload_id, part_num=1, src_range=None):
src_path = '%s/%s' % (src_bucket, src_obj)
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (part_num, upload_id)
req_headers = {'X-Amz-Copy-Source': src_path}
if src_range:
req_headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range'] = src_range
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', dst_bucket, dst_key,
elem = fromstring(body, 'CopyPartResult')
etag = elem.find('ETag').text.strip('"')
return status, headers, body, etag
def _complete_multi_upload(self, bucket, key, upload_id, xml):
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
return status, headers, body
def test_object_multi_upload(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
keys = ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3']
headers = [None,
{'Content-MD5': base64.b64encode('a' * 16).strip()},
{'Etag': 'nonsense'}]
uploads = []
results_generator = self._initiate_multi_uploads_result_generator(
bucket, keys, headers=headers)
# Initiate Multipart Upload
for expected_key, (status, headers, body) in \
izip(keys, results_generator):
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Bucket').text, bucket)
key = elem.find('Key').text
self.assertEqual(expected_key, key)
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
self.assertTrue(upload_id is not None)
self.assertTrue((key, upload_id) not in uploads)
uploads.append((key, upload_id))
self.assertEqual(len(uploads), len(keys)) # sanity
# List Multipart Uploads
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, query=query)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListMultipartUploadsResult')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Bucket').text, bucket)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('NextKeyMarker').text, uploads[-1][0])
self.assertEqual(elem.find('NextUploadIdMarker').text, uploads[-1][1])
self.assertEqual(elem.find('MaxUploads').text, '1000')
self.assertTrue(elem.find('EncodingType') is None)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('IsTruncated').text, 'false')
self.assertEqual(len(elem.findall('Upload')), 3)
for (expected_key, expected_upload_id), u in \
izip(uploads, elem.findall('Upload')):
key = u.find('Key').text
upload_id = u.find('UploadId').text
self.assertEqual(expected_key, key)
self.assertEqual(expected_upload_id, upload_id)
self.assertEqual(u.find('Owner/ID').text, self.conn.user_id)
self.assertEqual(u.find('StorageClass').text, 'STANDARD')
self.assertTrue(u.find('Initiated').text is not None)
# Upload Part
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
content = 'a' * self.min_segment_size
etag = md5(content).hexdigest()
status, headers, body = \
self._upload_part(bucket, key, upload_id, content)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertCommonResponseHeaders(headers, etag)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], '0')
expected_parts_list = [(headers['etag'], mktime(headers['date']))]
# Upload Part Copy
key, upload_id = uploads[1]
src_bucket = 'bucket2'
src_obj = 'obj3'
src_content = 'b' * self.min_segment_size
etag = md5(src_content).hexdigest()
# prepare src obj
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket)
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket, src_obj, body=src_content)
_, headers, _ = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', src_bucket, src_obj)
status, headers, body, resp_etag = \
self._upload_part_copy(src_bucket, src_obj, bucket,
key, upload_id)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
self.assertTrue('etag' not in headers)
elem = fromstring(body, 'CopyPartResult')
last_modified = elem.find('LastModified').text
self.assertTrue(last_modified is not None)
self.assertEqual(resp_etag, etag)
# Check last-modified timestamp
key, upload_id = uploads[1]
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(200, status)
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListPartsResult')
# FIXME: COPY result drops milli/microseconds but GET doesn't
last_modified_gets = [p.find('LastModified').text
for p in elem.iterfind('Part')]
last_modified_gets[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0],
last_modified.rsplit('.', 1)[0],
'%r != %r' % (last_modified_gets[0], last_modified))
# There should be *exactly* two parts in the result
self.assertEqual(1, len(last_modified_gets))
# List Parts
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListPartsResult')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Bucket').text, bucket)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Key').text, key)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('UploadId').text, upload_id)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Initiator/ID').text, self.conn.user_id)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Owner/ID').text, self.conn.user_id)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('StorageClass').text, 'STANDARD')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('PartNumberMarker').text, '0')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('NextPartNumberMarker').text, '1')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('MaxParts').text, '1000')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('IsTruncated').text, 'false')
self.assertEqual(len(elem.findall('Part')), 1)
# etags will be used to generate xml for Complete Multipart Upload
etags = []
for (expected_etag, expected_date), p in \
izip(expected_parts_list, elem.findall('Part')):
last_modified = p.find('LastModified').text
self.assertTrue(last_modified is not None)
# TODO: sanity check
# (kota_) How do we check the sanity?
# the last-modified header drops milli-seconds info
# by the constraint of the format.
# For now, we can do either the format check or round check
# last_modified_from_xml = mktime(last_modified)
# self.assertEqual(expected_date,
# last_modified_from_xml)
self.assertEqual(expected_etag, p.find('ETag').text)
self.assertEqual(self.min_segment_size, int(p.find('Size').text))
# Abort Multipart Uploads
# note that uploads[1] has part data while uploads[2] does not
for key, upload_id in uploads[1:]:
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(status, 204)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], '0')
# Complete Multipart Upload
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
status, headers, body = \
self._complete_multi_upload(bucket, key, upload_id, xml)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
elem = fromstring(body, 'CompleteMultipartUploadResult')
# TODO: use tf.config value
'http://%s:%s/bucket/obj1' % (self.conn.host, self.conn.port),
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Bucket').text, bucket)
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Key').text, key)
concatted_etags = ''.join(etag.strip('"') for etag in etags)
exp_etag = '"%s-%s"' % (
md5(concatted_etags.decode('hex')).hexdigest(), len(etags))
etag = elem.find('ETag').text
self.assertEqual(etag, exp_etag)
exp_size = self.min_segment_size * len(etags)
swift_etag = '"%s"' % md5(concatted_etags).hexdigest()
# TODO: GET via swift api, check against swift_etag
# Check object
def check_obj(req_headers, exp_status):
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('HEAD', bucket, key, req_headers)
self.assertEqual(status, exp_status)
self.assertIn('content-length', headers)
if exp_status == 412:
self.assertNotIn('etag', headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], '0')
self.assertIn('etag', headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['etag'], exp_etag)
if exp_status == 304:
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], '0')
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(exp_size))
check_obj({}, 200)
# Sanity check conditionals
check_obj({'If-Match': 'some other thing'}, 412)
check_obj({'If-None-Match': 'some other thing'}, 200)
# More interesting conditional cases
check_obj({'If-Match': exp_etag}, 200)
check_obj({'If-Match': swift_etag}, 412)
check_obj({'If-None-Match': swift_etag}, 200)
check_obj({'If-None-Match': exp_etag}, 304)
# Check listings
status, headers, body = self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListBucketResult')
resp_objects = elem.findall('./Contents')
self.assertEqual(len(list(resp_objects)), 1)
for o in resp_objects:
self.assertEqual(o.find('Key').text, key)
self.assertEqual(o.find('ETag').text, exp_etag)
self.assertEqual(o.find('Size').text, str(exp_size))
self.assertIsNotNone(o.find('StorageClass').text is not None)
self.assertEqual(o.find('Owner/ID').text, self.conn.user_id)
def test_initiate_multi_upload_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
key = 'obj'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, resp_headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', 'nothing', key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
def test_list_multi_uploads_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('GET', bucket, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', 'nothing', query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
def test_upload_part_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
key = 'obj'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (1, upload_id)
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', 'nothing', key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (1, 'nothing')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (0, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'InvalidArgument')
err_msg = 'Part number must be an integer between 1 and'
self.assertTrue(err_msg in get_error_msg(body))
def test_upload_part_copy_error(self):
src_bucket = 'src'
src_obj = 'src'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket)
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket, src_obj)
src_path = '%s/%s' % (src_bucket, src_obj)
bucket = 'bucket'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
key = 'obj'
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (1, upload_id)
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key,
'X-Amz-Copy-Source': src_path
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', 'nothing', key,
headers={'X-Amz-Copy-Source': src_path},
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (1, 'nothing')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key,
headers={'X-Amz-Copy-Source': src_path},
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
src_path = '%s/%s' % (src_bucket, 'nothing')
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (1, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key,
headers={'X-Amz-Copy-Source': src_path},
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchKey')
def test_list_parts_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
key = 'obj'
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', 'nothing', key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
query = 'uploadId=%s' % 'nothing'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
def test_abort_multi_upload_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
key = 'obj'
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
self._upload_part(bucket, key, upload_id)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', 'nothing', key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket, 'nothing', query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
query = 'uploadId=%s' % 'nothing'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket, key, query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
def test_complete_multi_upload_error(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
keys = ['obj', 'obj2']
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
etags = []
for i in xrange(1, 3):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, keys[0], query=query)
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
# part 1 too small
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'EntityTooSmall')
# invalid credentials
auth_error_conn = Connection(aws_secret_key='invalid')
status, headers, body = \
auth_error_conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
# wrong/missing bucket
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', 'nothing', keys[0], query=query)
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchBucket')
# wrong upload ID
query = 'uploadId=%s' % 'nothing'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'NoSuchUpload')
# without Part tag in xml
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
xml = self._gen_comp_xml([])
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'MalformedXML')
# with invalid etag in xml
invalid_etag = 'invalid'
xml = self._gen_comp_xml([invalid_etag])
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[0], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'InvalidPart')
# without part in Swift
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[1], query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
xml = self._gen_comp_xml([etags[0]])
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, keys[1], body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'InvalidPart')
def test_complete_upload_min_segment_size(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
key = 'obj'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
# multi parts with no body
etags = []
for i in xrange(1, 3):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query)
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'EntityTooSmall')
# multi parts with all parts less than min segment size
etags = []
for i in xrange(1, 3):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query,
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'EntityTooSmall')
# one part and less than min segment size
etags = []
query = 'partNumber=1&uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query,
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
# multi parts with all parts except the first part less than min
# segment size
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
etags = []
body_size = [self.min_segment_size, self.min_segment_size - 1, 2]
for i in xrange(1, 3):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query,
body='A' * body_size[i])
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(get_error_code(body), 'EntityTooSmall')
# multi parts with all parts except last part more than min segment
# size
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
etags = []
body_size = [self.min_segment_size, self.min_segment_size, 2]
for i in xrange(1, 3):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key, query=query,
body='A' * body_size[i])
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_complete_upload_with_fewer_etags(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
key = 'obj'
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket)
query = 'uploads'
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
etags = []
for i in xrange(1, 4):
query = 'partNumber=%s&uploadId=%s' % (i, upload_id)
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('PUT', bucket, key,
body='A' * 1024 * 1024 * 5, query=query)
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags[:-1])
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('POST', bucket, key, body=xml,
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_object_multi_upload_part_copy_range(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
keys = ['obj1']
uploads = []
results_generator = self._initiate_multi_uploads_result_generator(
bucket, keys)
# Initiate Multipart Upload
for expected_key, (status, headers, body) in \
izip(keys, results_generator):
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
self.assertEqual(elem.find('Bucket').text, bucket)
key = elem.find('Key').text
self.assertEqual(expected_key, key)
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
self.assertTrue(upload_id is not None)
self.assertTrue((key, upload_id) not in uploads)
uploads.append((key, upload_id))
self.assertEqual(len(uploads), len(keys)) # sanity
# Upload Part Copy Range
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
src_bucket = 'bucket2'
src_obj = 'obj4'
src_content = 'y' * (self.min_segment_size / 2) + 'z' * \
src_range = 'bytes=0-%d' % (self.min_segment_size - 1)
etag = md5(src_content[:self.min_segment_size]).hexdigest()
# prepare src obj
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket)
self.conn.make_request('PUT', src_bucket, src_obj, body=src_content)
_, headers, _ = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', src_bucket, src_obj)
status, headers, body, resp_etag = \
self._upload_part_copy(src_bucket, src_obj, bucket,
key, upload_id, 1, src_range)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'application/xml')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], str(len(body)))
self.assertTrue('etag' not in headers)
elem = fromstring(body, 'CopyPartResult')
last_modified = elem.find('LastModified').text
self.assertTrue(last_modified is not None)
self.assertEqual(resp_etag, etag)
# Check last-modified timestamp
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key, query=query)
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListPartsResult')
# FIXME: COPY result drops milli/microseconds but GET doesn't
last_modified_gets = [p.find('LastModified').text
for p in elem.iterfind('Part')]
last_modified_gets[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0],
last_modified.rsplit('.', 1)[0],
'%r != %r' % (last_modified_gets[0], last_modified))
# There should be *exactly* one parts in the result
self.assertEqual(1, len(last_modified_gets))
# Abort Multipart Upload
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
query = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket, key, query=query)
# sanity checks
self.assertEqual(status, 204)
self.assertTrue('content-type' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-type'], 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.assertTrue('content-length' in headers)
self.assertEqual(headers['content-length'], '0')
class TestS3ApiMultiUploadSigV4(TestS3ApiMultiUpload):
def setUpClass(cls):
os.environ['S3_USE_SIGV4'] = "True"
def tearDownClass(cls):
del os.environ['S3_USE_SIGV4']
def setUp(self):
super(TestS3ApiMultiUploadSigV4, self).setUp()
def test_object_multi_upload_part_copy_range(self):
if StrictVersion(boto.__version__) < StrictVersion('3.0'):
self.skipTest('This stuff got the issue of boto<=2.x')
def test_delete_bucket_multi_upload_object_exisiting(self):
bucket = 'bucket'
keys = ['obj1']
uploads = []
results_generator = self._initiate_multi_uploads_result_generator(
bucket, keys)
# Initiate Multipart Upload
for expected_key, (status, _, body) in \
izip(keys, results_generator):
self.assertEqual(status, 200) # sanity
elem = fromstring(body, 'InitiateMultipartUploadResult')
key = elem.find('Key').text
self.assertEqual(expected_key, key) # sanity
upload_id = elem.find('UploadId').text
self.assertTrue(upload_id is not None) # sanity
self.assertTrue((key, upload_id) not in uploads)
uploads.append((key, upload_id))
self.assertEqual(len(uploads), len(keys)) # sanity
# Upload Part
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
content = 'a' * self.min_segment_size
status, headers, body = \
self._upload_part(bucket, key, upload_id, content)
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
# Complete Multipart Upload
key, upload_id = uploads[0]
etags = [md5(content).hexdigest()]
xml = self._gen_comp_xml(etags)
status, headers, body = \
self._complete_multi_upload(bucket, key, upload_id, xml)
self.assertEqual(status, 200) # sanity
# GET multipart object
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key)
self.assertEqual(status, 200) # sanity
self.assertEqual(content, body) # sanity
# DELETE bucket while the object existing
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('DELETE', bucket)
self.assertEqual(status, 409) # sanity
# The object must still be there.
status, headers, body = \
self.conn.make_request('GET', bucket, key)
self.assertEqual(status, 200) # sanity
self.assertEqual(content, body) # sanity
if __name__ == '__main__':