Tim Burke c7283be4fe Add "history" mode to versioned_writes middleware
This change introduces the concept of a "versioning mode" for
versioned_writes. The following modes are supported:

 * stack

    When deleting, check whether any previous versions exist in the
    versions container. If none is found, the object is deleted. If the
    most-recent version in the versions container is not a delete
    marker, it is copied into the versioned container (overwriting the
    current version if one exists) and then deleted from the versions
    container. This preserves the previous behavior.

    If the most-recent version in the versions container is a delete
    marker and a current version exists in the versioned container, the
    current version is deleted. If the most-recent version in the
    versions container is a delete marker and no current version exists
    in the versioned container, we copy the next-most-recent version
    from the versions container into the versioned container (assuming
    it exists and is not a delete marker) and delete both the
    most-recent version (i.e., the delete marker) and the just-copied
    next-most-recent version from the versions container.

    With this mode, DELETEs to versioned containers "undo" operations
    on containers. Previously this was limited to undoing PUTs, but now
    it will also undo DELETEs performed while in "history" mode.

 * history

    When deleting, check whether a current version exists in the
    versioned container. If one is found, it is copied to the versions
    container. Then an empty "delete marker" object is also put into the
    versions container; this records when the object was deleted.
    Finally, the original current version is deleted from the versioned
    container. As a result, subsequent GETs or HEADs will return a 404,
    and container listings for the versioned container do not include
    the object.

    With this mode, DELETEs to versioned containers behave like DELETEs
    to other containers, but with a history of what has happened.

Clients may specify (via a new X-Versions-Mode header) which mode a
container should use. By default, the existing "stack" mode is used.

Upgrade consideration:

Clients should not use the "history" mode until all proxies in the
cluster have been upgraded. Attempting to use the "history" mode during
a rolling upgrade may result in some requests being served by proxies
running old code (which necessarily uses the "stack" mode), leading to
data loss.

Change-Id: I555dc17fefd0aa9ade681aa156da24e018ebe74b
2016-08-15 21:04:29 -07:00

213 lines
7.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This stuff can't live in test/unit/__init__.py due to its swob dependency.
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from hashlib import md5
from swift.common import swob
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.request_helpers import is_user_meta, \
from swift.common.swob import HTTPNotImplemented
from swift.common.utils import split_path
from test.unit import FakeLogger, FakeRing
class LeakTrackingIter(object):
def __init__(self, inner_iter, fake_swift, path):
self.inner_iter = inner_iter
self.fake_swift = fake_swift
self.path = path
def __iter__(self):
for x in self.inner_iter:
yield x
def close(self):
FakeSwiftCall = namedtuple('FakeSwiftCall', ['method', 'path', 'headers'])
class FakeSwift(object):
A good-enough fake Swift proxy server to use in testing middleware.
def __init__(self):
self._calls = []
self._unclosed_req_paths = defaultdict(int)
self.req_method_paths = []
self.swift_sources = []
self.txn_ids = []
self.uploaded = {}
# mapping of (method, path) --> (response class, headers, body)
self._responses = {}
self.logger = FakeLogger('fake-swift')
self.account_ring = FakeRing()
self.container_ring = FakeRing()
self.get_object_ring = lambda policy_index: FakeRing()
def _find_response(self, method, path):
resp = self._responses[(method, path)]
if isinstance(resp, list):
resp = resp.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("Didn't find any more %r "
"in allowed responses" % (
(method, path),))
return resp
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
if method not in self.ALLOWED_METHODS:
raise HTTPNotImplemented()
path = env['PATH_INFO']
_, acc, cont, obj = split_path(env['PATH_INFO'], 0, 4,
if env.get('QUERY_STRING'):
path += '?' + env['QUERY_STRING']
if 'swift.authorize' in env:
resp = env['swift.authorize'](swob.Request(env))
if resp:
return resp(env, start_response)
req = swob.Request(env)
resp_class, raw_headers, body = self._find_response(method, path)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(raw_headers)
except KeyError:
if (env.get('QUERY_STRING')
and (method, env['PATH_INFO']) in self._responses):
resp_class, raw_headers, body = self._find_response(
method, env['PATH_INFO'])
headers = HeaderKeyDict(raw_headers)
elif method == 'HEAD' and ('GET', path) in self._responses:
resp_class, raw_headers, body = self._find_response(
'GET', path)
body = None
headers = HeaderKeyDict(raw_headers)
elif method == 'GET' and obj and path in self.uploaded:
resp_class = swob.HTTPOk
headers, body = self.uploaded[path]
raise KeyError("Didn't find %r in allowed responses" % (
(method, path),))
# simulate object PUT
if method == 'PUT' and obj:
put_body = ''.join(iter(env['wsgi.input'].read, ''))
if 'swift.callback.update_footers' in env:
footers = HeaderKeyDict()
etag = md5(put_body).hexdigest()
headers.setdefault('Etag', etag)
headers.setdefault('Content-Length', len(put_body))
# keep it for subsequent GET requests later
self.uploaded[path] = (dict(req.headers), put_body)
if "CONTENT_TYPE" in env:
self.uploaded[path][0]['Content-Type'] = env["CONTENT_TYPE"]
# simulate object POST
elif method == 'POST' and obj:
metadata, data = self.uploaded.get(path, ({}, None))
# select items to keep from existing...
new_metadata = dict(
(k, v) for k, v in metadata.items()
if (not is_user_meta('object', k) and not
# apply from new
dict((k, v) for k, v in req.headers.items()
if (is_user_meta('object', k) or
is_object_transient_sysmeta(k) or
k.lower == 'content-type')))
self.uploaded[path] = new_metadata, data
# note: tests may assume this copy of req_headers is case insensitive
# so we deliberately use a HeaderKeyDict
FakeSwiftCall(method, path, HeaderKeyDict(req.headers)))
# range requests ought to work, hence conditional_response=True
if isinstance(body, list):
resp = resp_class(
req=req, headers=headers, app_iter=body,
conditional_response=req.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'))
resp = resp_class(
req=req, headers=headers, body=body,
conditional_response=req.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'))
wsgi_iter = resp(env, start_response)
return LeakTrackingIter(wsgi_iter, self, path)
def mark_opened(self, path):
self._unclosed_req_paths[path] += 1
def mark_closed(self, path):
self._unclosed_req_paths[path] -= 1
def unclosed_requests(self):
return {path: count
for path, count in self._unclosed_req_paths.items()
if count > 0}
def calls(self):
return [(method, path) for method, path, headers in self._calls]
def headers(self):
return [headers for method, path, headers in self._calls]
def calls_with_headers(self):
return self._calls
def call_count(self):
return len(self._calls)
def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body=''):
self._responses[(method, path)] = (response_class, headers, body)
def register_responses(self, method, path, responses):
self._responses[(method, path)] = list(responses)
class FakeAppThatExcepts(object):
MESSAGE = "We take exception to that!"
def __init__(self, exception_class=Exception):
self.exception_class = exception_class
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
raise self.exception_class(self.MESSAGE)