1376 lines
61 KiB
1376 lines
61 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import unittest
from textwrap import dedent
import mock
import errno
from swift.common.utils import Timestamp
from test.debug_logger import debug_logger
from swift.container import sync
from swift.common.db import DatabaseConnectionError
from swift.common import utils
from swift.common.wsgi import ConfigString
from swift.common.exceptions import ClientException
from swift.common.storage_policy import StoragePolicy
import test
from test.unit import patch_policies, with_tempdir
utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX = b'endcap'
utils.HASH_PATH_PREFIX = b'endcap'
class FakeRing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.devs = [{'ip': '10.0.0.%s' % x, 'port': 1000 + x, 'device': 'sda'}
for x in range(3)]
def get_nodes(self, account, container=None, obj=None):
return 1, list(self.devs)
class FakeContainerBroker(object):
def __init__(self, path, metadata=None, info=None, deleted=False,
self.db_file = path
self.db_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
self.metadata = metadata if metadata else {}
self.info = info if info else {}
self.deleted = deleted
self.items_since = items_since if items_since else []
self.sync_point1 = -1
self.sync_point2 = -1
def get_max_row(self):
return 1
def get_info(self):
return self.info
def is_deleted(self):
return self.deleted
def get_items_since(self, sync_point, limit):
if sync_point < 0:
sync_point = 0
return self.items_since[sync_point:sync_point + limit]
def set_x_container_sync_points(self, sync_point1, sync_point2):
self.sync_point1 = sync_point1
self.sync_point2 = sync_point2
@patch_policies([StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', True, object_ring=FakeRing())])
class TestContainerSync(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.logger = debug_logger('test-container-sync')
def test_FileLikeIter(self):
# Retained test to show new FileLikeIter acts just like the removed
# _Iter2FileLikeObject did.
flo = sync.FileLikeIter(iter([b'123', b'4567', b'89', b'0']))
expect = b'1234567890'
got = flo.read(2)
self.assertTrue(len(got) <= 2)
self.assertEqual(got, expect[:len(got)])
expect = expect[len(got):]
got = flo.read(5)
self.assertTrue(len(got) <= 5)
self.assertEqual(got, expect[:len(got)])
expect = expect[len(got):]
self.assertEqual(flo.read(), expect)
self.assertEqual(flo.read(), b'')
self.assertEqual(flo.read(2), b'')
flo = sync.FileLikeIter(iter([b'123', b'4567', b'89', b'0']))
self.assertEqual(flo.read(), b'1234567890')
self.assertEqual(flo.read(), b'')
self.assertEqual(flo.read(2), b'')
def assertLogMessage(self, msg_level, expected, skip=0):
for line in self.logger.get_lines_for_level(msg_level)[skip:]:
msg = 'expected %r not in %r' % (expected, line)
self.assertTrue(expected in line, msg)
def test_init(self, tempdir):
ic_conf_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'internal-client.conf')
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
self.assertTrue(cs.container_ring is cring)
# specified but not exists will not start
conf = {'internal_client_conf_path': ic_conf_path}
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sync.ContainerSync, conf,
container_ring=cring, logger=self.logger)
# not specified will use default conf
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient') as mock_ic:
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring,
self.assertTrue(cs.container_ring is cring)
conf_path, name, retry = mock_ic.call_args[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(conf_path, ConfigString))
self.assertLogMessage('warning', 'internal_client_conf_path')
self.assertLogMessage('warning', 'internal-client.conf-sample')
# correct
contents = dedent(sync.ic_conf_body)
with open(ic_conf_path, 'w') as f:
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient') as mock_ic:
cs = sync.ContainerSync(conf, container_ring=cring)
self.assertTrue(cs.container_ring is cring)
conf_path, name, retry = mock_ic.call_args[0]
self.assertEqual(conf_path, ic_conf_path)
sample_conf_filename = os.path.join(
with open(sample_conf_filename) as sample_conf_file:
sample_conf = sample_conf_file.read()
self.assertEqual(contents, sample_conf)
def test_run_forever(self):
# This runs runs_forever with fakes to succeed for two loops, the first
# causing a report but no interval sleep, the second no report but an
# interval sleep.
time_calls = [0]
sleep_calls = []
def fake_time():
time_calls[0] += 1
returns = [1, # Initialized reported time
1, # Start time
3602, # Is it report time (yes)
3602, # Report time
3602, # Elapsed time for "under interval" (no)
3602, # Start time
3603, # Is it report time (no)
3603] # Elapsed time for "under interval" (yes)
if time_calls[0] == len(returns) + 1:
raise Exception('we are now done')
return returns[time_calls[0] - 1]
def fake_sleep(amount):
gen_func = ('swift.container.sync_store.'
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'), \
mock.patch('swift.container.sync.time', fake_time), \
mock.patch('swift.container.sync.sleep', fake_sleep), \
mock.patch(gen_func) as fake_generator, \
lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(p, info={
'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0})):
fake_generator.side_effect = [iter(['container.db']),
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=FakeRing())
except Exception as err:
if str(err) != 'we are now done':
self.assertEqual(time_calls, [9])
self.assertEqual(len(sleep_calls), 2)
self.assertLessEqual(sleep_calls[0], cs.interval)
self.assertEqual(cs.interval - 1, sleep_calls[1])
self.assertEqual(2, fake_generator.call_count)
self.assertEqual(cs.reported, 3602)
def test_run_once(self):
# This runs runs_once with fakes twice, the first causing an interim
# report, the second with no interim report.
time_calls = [0]
def fake_time():
time_calls[0] += 1
returns = [1, # Initialized reported time
1, # Start time
3602, # Is it report time (yes)
3602, # Report time
3602, # End report time
3602, # For elapsed
3602, # Start time
3603, # Is it report time (no)
3604, # End report time
3605] # For elapsed
if time_calls[0] == len(returns) + 1:
raise Exception('we are now done')
return returns[time_calls[0] - 1]
gen_func = ('swift.container.sync_store.'
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'), \
mock.patch('swift.container.sync.time', fake_time), \
mock.patch(gen_func) as fake_generator, \
lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(p, info={
'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0})):
fake_generator.side_effect = [iter(['container.db']),
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=FakeRing())
self.assertEqual(time_calls, [6])
self.assertEqual(1, fake_generator.call_count)
self.assertEqual(cs.reported, 3602)
except Exception as err:
if str(err) != 'we are now done':
self.assertEqual(time_calls, [10])
self.assertEqual(2, fake_generator.call_count)
self.assertEqual(cs.reported, 3604)
def test_container_sync_not_db(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
def test_container_sync_missing_db(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
broker = 'swift.container.backend.ContainerBroker'
store = 'swift.container.sync_store.ContainerSyncStore'
# In this test we call the container_sync instance several
# times with a missing db in various combinations.
# Since we use the same ContainerSync instance for all tests
# its failures counter increases by one with each call.
# Test the case where get_info returns DatabaseConnectionError
# with DB does not exist, and we succeed in deleting it.
with mock.patch(broker + '.get_info') as fake_get_info:
with mock.patch(store + '.remove_synced_container') as fake_remove:
fake_get_info.side_effect = DatabaseConnectionError(
"DB doesn't exist")
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(1, fake_remove.call_count)
self.assertEqual('isa.db', fake_remove.call_args[0][0].db_file)
# Test the case where get_info returns DatabaseConnectionError
# with DB does not exist, and we fail to delete it.
with mock.patch(broker + '.get_info') as fake_get_info:
with mock.patch(store + '.remove_synced_container') as fake_remove:
fake_get_info.side_effect = DatabaseConnectionError(
"DB doesn't exist")
fake_remove.side_effect = OSError('1')
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 2)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(1, fake_remove.call_count)
self.assertEqual('isa.db', fake_remove.call_args[0][0].db_file)
# Test the case where get_info returns DatabaseConnectionError
# with DB does not exist, and it returns an error != ENOENT.
with mock.patch(broker + '.get_info') as fake_get_info:
with mock.patch(store + '.remove_synced_container') as fake_remove:
fake_get_info.side_effect = DatabaseConnectionError(
"DB doesn't exist")
fake_remove.side_effect = OSError(errno.EPERM, 'a')
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 3)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(1, fake_remove.call_count)
self.assertEqual('isa.db', fake_remove.call_args[0][0].db_file)
# Test the case where get_info returns DatabaseConnectionError
# error different than DB does not exist
with mock.patch(broker + '.get_info') as fake_get_info:
with mock.patch(store + '.remove_synced_container') as fake_remove:
fake_get_info.side_effect = DatabaseConnectionError('a', 'a')
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 4)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(0, fake_remove.call_count)
def test_container_sync_not_my_db(self):
# Db could be there due to handoff replication so test that we ignore
# those.
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({
'bind_ip': '',
}, container_ring=cring)
# Plumbing test for bind_ip and whataremyips()
self.assertEqual([''], cs._myips)
orig_ContainerBroker = sync.ContainerBroker
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0})
cs._myips = [''] # No match
cs._myport = 1 # No match
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1 # No match
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
cs._myips = [''] # No match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
# This complete match will cause the 1 container failure since the
# broker's info doesn't contain sync point keys
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
sync.ContainerBroker = orig_ContainerBroker
def test_container_sync_deleted(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
orig_ContainerBroker = sync.ContainerBroker
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0}, deleted=False)
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
# This complete match will cause the 1 container failure since the
# broker's info doesn't contain sync point keys
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0}, deleted=True)
# This complete match will not cause any more container failures
# since the broker indicates deletion
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
sync.ContainerBroker = orig_ContainerBroker
def test_container_sync_no_to_or_key(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
orig_ContainerBroker = sync.ContainerBroker
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1})
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
# This complete match will be skipped since the broker's metadata
# has no x-container-sync-to or x-container-sync-key
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 1)
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1)})
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
# This complete match will be skipped since the broker's metadata
# has no x-container-sync-key
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 2)
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)})
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
# This complete match will be skipped since the broker's metadata
# has no x-container-sync-to
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 3)
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)})
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = []
# This complete match will cause a container failure since the
# sync-to won't validate as allowed.
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 3)
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)})
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# This complete match will succeed completely since the broker
# get_items_since will return no new rows.
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 3)
sync.ContainerBroker = orig_ContainerBroker
def test_container_stop_at(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
orig_ContainerBroker = sync.ContainerBroker
orig_time = sync.time
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: FakeContainerBroker(
p, info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=['erroneous data'])
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# This sync will fail since the items_since data is bad.
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
# Set up fake times to make the sync short-circuit as having taken
# too long
fake_times = [
1.0, # Compute the time to move on
100000.0, # Compute if it's time to move on from first loop
100000.0] # Compute if it's time to move on from second loop
def fake_time():
return fake_times.pop(0)
sync.time = fake_time
# This same sync won't fail since it will look like it took so long
# as to be time to move on (before it ever actually tries to do
# anything).
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
sync.ContainerBroker = orig_ContainerBroker
sync.time = orig_time
def test_container_first_loop(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring)
def fake_hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=False):
# Ensures that no rows match for full syncing, ordinal is 0 and
# all hashes are 0
return '\x00' * 16
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 2,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o'}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.ContainerBroker',
lambda p, logger: fcb), \
mock.patch('swift.container.sync.hash_path', fake_hash_path):
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Succeeds because no rows match
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point2, -1)
def fake_hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=False):
# Ensures that all rows match for full syncing, ordinal is 0
# and all hashes are 1
return '\x01' * 16
fcb = FakeContainerBroker('path', info={'account': 'a',
'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 1,
'x_container_sync_point2': 1},
('', 1),
('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o'}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.ContainerBroker',
lambda p, logger: fcb), \
mock.patch('swift.container.sync.hash_path', fake_hash_path):
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Succeeds because the two sync points haven't deviated yet
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point1, -1)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point2, -1)
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 2,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o'}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.ContainerBroker',
lambda p, logger: fcb):
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Fails because container_sync_row will fail since the row has no
# 'deleted' key
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 2)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point2, -1)
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 2,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o', 'created_at': '1.2',
'deleted': True}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.ContainerBroker',
lambda p, logger: fcb), \
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Fails because delete_object fails
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 3)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point2, -1)
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 2,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o', 'created_at': '1.2',
'deleted': True}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.ContainerBroker',
lambda p, logger: fcb), \
lambda *x, **y: None):
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Succeeds because delete_object succeeds
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 3)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point2, 1)
def test_container_second_loop(self):
cring = FakeRing()
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring,
orig_ContainerBroker = sync.ContainerBroker
orig_hash_path = sync.hash_path
orig_delete_object = sync.delete_object
# We'll ensure the first loop is always skipped by keeping the two
# sync points equal
def fake_hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=False):
# Ensures that no rows match for second loop, ordinal is 0 and
# all hashes are 1
return b'\x01' * 16
sync.hash_path = fake_hash_path
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o'}])
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: fcb
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Succeeds because no rows match
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 0)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point1, 1)
def fake_hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=False):
# Ensures that all rows match for second loop, ordinal is 0 and
# all hashes are 0
return b'\x00' * 16
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
sync.hash_path = fake_hash_path
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o'}])
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: fcb
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Fails because row is missing 'deleted' key
# Nevertheless the fault is skipped
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point1, 1)
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': -1,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o', 'created_at': '1.2',
'deleted': True}])
sync.ContainerBroker = lambda p, logger: fcb
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
# Succeeds because row now has 'deleted' key and delete_object
# succeeds
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, 1)
self.assertEqual(cs.container_skips, 0)
self.assertEqual(fcb.sync_point1, 1)
sync.ContainerBroker = orig_ContainerBroker
sync.hash_path = orig_hash_path
sync.delete_object = orig_delete_object
def test_container_report(self):
container_stats = {'puts': 0,
'deletes': 0,
'bytes': 0}
def fake_container_sync_row(self, row, sync_to,
user_key, broker, info, realm, realm_key):
if 'deleted' in row:
container_stats['deletes'] += 1
return True
container_stats['puts'] += 1
container_stats['bytes'] += row['size']
return True
def fake_hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=False):
# Ensures that no rows match for second loop, ordinal is 0 and
# all hashes are 1
return '\x01' * 16
fcb = FakeContainerBroker(
info={'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0,
'x_container_sync_point1': 5,
'x_container_sync_point2': -1},
metadata={'x-container-sync-to': ('', 1),
'x-container-sync-key': ('key', 1)},
items_since=[{'ROWID': 1, 'name': 'o1', 'size': 0,
'deleted': True},
{'ROWID': 2, 'name': 'o2', 'size': 1010},
{'ROWID': 3, 'name': 'o3', 'size': 0,
'deleted': True},
{'ROWID': 4, 'name': 'o4', 'size': 90},
{'ROWID': 5, 'name': 'o5', 'size': 0}])
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'), \
fake_hash_path), \
lambda p, logger: fcb):
cring = FakeRing()
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=cring,
cs.container_stats = container_stats
cs._myips = [''] # Match
cs._myport = 1000 # Match
cs.allowed_sync_hosts = ['']
with mock.patch.object(cs, 'container_sync_row',
# Succeeds because no rows match
log_line = cs.logger.get_lines_for_level('info')[0]
lines = log_line.split(',')
self.assertEqual('total_rows: 1', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('sync_point2: None', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('sync_point1: 5', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('bytes: 0', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('deletes: 0', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('posts: 0', lines.pop().strip())
self.assertEqual('puts: 0', lines.pop().strip())
def test_container_sync_row_delete(self):
self._test_container_sync_row_delete(None, None)
def test_container_sync_row_delete_using_realms(self):
self._test_container_sync_row_delete('US', 'realm_key')
def _test_container_sync_row_delete(self, realm, realm_key):
orig_uuid = sync.uuid
orig_delete_object = sync.delete_object
class FakeUUID(object):
class uuid4(object):
hex = 'abcdef'
sync.uuid = FakeUUID
ts_data = Timestamp(1.1)
def fake_delete_object(path, name=None, headers=None, proxy=None,
logger=None, timeout=None):
self.assertEqual(path, 'http://sync/to/path')
self.assertEqual(name, 'object')
if realm:
self.assertEqual(headers, {
'US abcdef a2401ecb1256f469494a0abcb0eb62ffa73eca63',
'x-timestamp': ts_data.internal})
{'x-container-sync-key': 'key',
'x-timestamp': ts_data.internal})
self.assertEqual(proxy, 'http://proxy')
self.assertEqual(timeout, 5.0)
self.assertEqual(logger, self.logger)
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=FakeRing(),
cs.http_proxies = ['http://proxy']
# Success.
# simulate a row with tombstone at 1.1 and later ctype, meta times
created_at = ts_data.internal + '+1388+1388' # last modified = 1.2
{'deleted': True,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': created_at,
'size': '1000'}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_deletes, 1)
exc = []
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
exc.append(Exception('test exception'))
raise exc[-1]
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
# Failure because of delete_object exception
{'deleted': True,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.2'}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_deletes, 1)
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test exception')
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
exc.append(ClientException('test client exception'))
raise exc[-1]
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
# Failure because of delete_object exception
{'deleted': True,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.2'}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_deletes, 1)
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 2)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test client exception')
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
exc.append(ClientException('test client exception',
raise exc[-1]
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
# Success because the object wasn't even found
{'deleted': True,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.2'}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_deletes, 2)
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 3)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test client exception: 404')
def fake_delete_object(*args, **kwargs):
exc.append(ClientException('test client exception',
raise exc[-1]
sync.delete_object = fake_delete_object
# Success because our tombstone is out of date
{'deleted': True,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.2'}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_deletes, 3)
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 4)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test client exception: 409')
sync.uuid = orig_uuid
sync.delete_object = orig_delete_object
def test_container_sync_row_put(self):
self._test_container_sync_row_put(None, None)
def test_container_sync_row_put_using_realms(self):
self._test_container_sync_row_put('US', 'realm_key')
def _test_container_sync_row_put(self, realm, realm_key):
orig_uuid = sync.uuid
orig_put_object = sync.put_object
orig_head_object = sync.head_object
class FakeUUID(object):
class uuid4(object):
hex = 'abcdef'
sync.uuid = FakeUUID
ts_data = Timestamp(1.1)
timestamp = Timestamp(1.2)
put_object_calls = []
def fake_put_object(*args, **kwargs):
put_object_calls.append((args, kwargs))
def check_put_object(extra_headers, sync_to, name=None,
headers=None, contents=None, proxy=None,
logger=None, timeout=None):
self.assertEqual(sync_to, 'http://sync/to/path')
self.assertEqual(name, 'object')
expected_headers = {
'x-timestamp': timestamp.internal,
'etag': 'etagvalue',
'other-header': 'other header value',
'content-type': 'text/plain'}
if realm:
'US abcdef a5fb3cf950738e6e3b364190e246bd7dd21dad3c'})
'x-container-sync-key': 'key'})
self.assertDictEqual(expected_headers, headers)
self.assertEqual(contents.read(), b'contents')
self.assertEqual(proxy, 'http://proxy')
self.assertEqual(timeout, 5.0)
self.assertEqual(logger, self.logger)
sync.put_object = fake_put_object
expected_put_count = 0
excepted_failure_count = 0
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync({}, container_ring=FakeRing(),
cs.http_proxies = ['http://proxy']
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
return (200,
{'other-header': 'other header value',
'etag': '"etagvalue"',
'x-timestamp': timestamp.internal,
'content-type': 'text/plain; swift_bytes=123'},
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
# Success as everything says it worked.
# simulate a row with data at 1.1 and later ctype, meta times
created_at = ts_data.internal + '+1388+1388' # last modified = 1.2
def fake_object_in_rcontainer(row, sync_to, user_key,
broker, realm, realm_key):
return False
orig_object_in_rcontainer = cs._object_in_remote_container
cs._object_in_remote_container = fake_object_in_rcontainer
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': created_at,
'size': 50}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(1, len(put_object_calls))
check_put_object({'etag': 'etagvalue'},
*put_object_calls[0][0], **put_object_calls[0][1])
expected_put_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Newest'], True)
return (200,
{'date': 'date value',
'last-modified': 'last modified value',
'x-timestamp': timestamp.internal,
'other-header': 'other header value',
'etag': '"etagvalue"',
'content-type': 'text/plain; swift_bytes=123'},
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
# Success as everything says it worked, also checks 'date' and
# 'last-modified' headers are removed and that 'etag' header is
# stripped of double quotes.
put_object_calls = []
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 60}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(1, len(put_object_calls))
check_put_object({'etag': 'etagvalue'},
*put_object_calls[0][0], **put_object_calls[0][1])
expected_put_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
# Success as everything says it worked, also check that PUT
# timestamp equals GET timestamp when it is newer than created_at
# value.
put_object_calls = []
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.1',
'size': 60}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(1, len(put_object_calls))
check_put_object({'etag': 'etagvalue'},
*put_object_calls[0][0], **put_object_calls[0][1])
expected_put_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Newest'], True)
return (200,
{'date': 'date value',
'last-modified': 'last modified value',
'x-timestamp': timestamp.internal,
'other-header': 'other header value',
'etag': '"etagvalue"',
'x-static-large-object': 'true',
'content-type': 'text/plain; swift_bytes=123'},
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
# Success as everything says it worked, also check that etag
# header removed in case of SLO
put_object_calls = []
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': '1.1',
'size': 60}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(1, len(put_object_calls))
check_put_object({'x-static-large-object': 'true'},
*put_object_calls[0][0], **put_object_calls[0][1])
expected_put_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
exc = []
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Newest'], True)
exc.append(Exception('test exception'))
raise exc[-1]
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
# Fail due to completely unexpected exception
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 70}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test exception')
exc = []
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Newest'], True)
exc.append(ClientException('test client exception'))
raise exc[-1]
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
# Fail due to all direct_get_object calls failing
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 80}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(len(exc), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(exc[-1]), 'test client exception')
def fake_get_object(acct, con, obj, headers, acceptable_statuses,
self.assertEqual({'symlink': 'get'}, params)
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Newest'], True)
return (200, {'other-header': 'other header value',
'x-timestamp': timestamp.internal,
'etag': '"etagvalue"'},
def fake_put_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException('test client exception', http_status=401)
cs.swift.get_object = fake_get_object
sync.put_object = fake_put_object
# Fail due to 401
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 90}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
self.assertLogMessage('info', 'Unauth')
def fake_put_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException('test client exception', http_status=404)
sync.put_object = fake_put_object
# Fail due to 404
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 50}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
self.assertLogMessage('info', 'Not found', 1)
def fake_put_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException('test client exception', http_status=503)
sync.put_object = fake_put_object
# Fail due to 503
{'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'size': 50}, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
{'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'storage_policy_index': 0},
realm, realm_key))
self.assertEqual(cs.container_puts, expected_put_count)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
self.assertLogMessage('error', 'ERROR Syncing')
# Test the following cases:
# remote has the same date and a put doesn't take place
# remote has more up to date copy and a put doesn't take place
# head_object returns ClientException(404) and a put takes place
# head_object returns other ClientException put doesn't take place
# and we get failure
# head_object returns other Exception put does not take place
# and we get failure
# remote returns old copy and a put takes place
test_row = {'deleted': False,
'name': 'object',
'created_at': timestamp.internal,
'etag': '1111',
'size': 10}
test_info = {'account': 'a',
'container': 'c',
'storage_policy_index': 0}
actual_puts = []
def fake_put_object(*args, **kwargs):
actual_puts.append((args, kwargs))
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
return ({'x-timestamp': '1.2'}, '')
sync.put_object = fake_put_object
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
cs._object_in_remote_container = orig_object_in_rcontainer
test_row, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
realm, realm_key))
# No additional put has taken place
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 0)
# No additional errors
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
return ({'x-timestamp': '1.3'}, '')
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
test_row, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
realm, realm_key))
# No additional put has taken place
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 0)
# No additional errors
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
actual_puts = []
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException('test client exception', http_status=404)
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
test_row, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
test_info, realm, realm_key))
# Additional put has taken place
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 1)
# No additional errors
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise ClientException('test client exception', http_status=401)
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
test_row, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
test_info, realm, realm_key))
# No additional put has taken place, failures increased
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 1)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
raise Exception()
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
test_info, realm, realm_key))
# No additional put has taken place, failures increased
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 1)
excepted_failure_count += 1
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
def fake_head_object(*args, **kwargs):
return ({'x-timestamp': '1.1'}, '')
sync.head_object = fake_head_object
test_row, 'http://sync/to/path',
'key', FakeContainerBroker('broker'),
test_info, realm, realm_key))
# Additional put has taken place
self.assertEqual(len(actual_puts), 2)
# No additional errors
self.assertEqual(cs.container_failures, excepted_failure_count)
sync.uuid = orig_uuid
sync.put_object = orig_put_object
sync.head_object = orig_head_object
def test_select_http_proxy_None(self):
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync(
{'sync_proxy': ''}, container_ring=FakeRing())
def test_select_http_proxy_one(self):
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync(
{'sync_proxy': 'http://one'}, container_ring=FakeRing())
self.assertEqual(cs.select_http_proxy(), 'http://one')
def test_select_http_proxy_multiple(self):
with mock.patch('swift.container.sync.InternalClient'):
cs = sync.ContainerSync(
{'sync_proxy': 'http://one,http://two,http://three'},
set(['http://one', 'http://two', 'http://three']))
if __name__ == '__main__':