Alistair Coles 365db20275 FakeSwift: use HTTPMethodNotAllowed not HTTPNotImplemented
If a method is not allowed, real swift proxy server app will return an
HTTPMethodNotAllowed response, whereas FakeSwift would previously
*raise* HTTPNotImplemented. S3Api deliberately sends requests with
method 'TEST' which is not allowed/implemented. To workaround the
difference in real and fake swift behaviour, FakeSwift was configured
to allow the 'TEST' method, and then in some tests an
HTTPMethodNotAllowed response was registered for 'TEST' requests!

This patch modifies FakeSwift to return an HTTPMethodNotAllowed
response to the incoming request when the request method is not

It is no longer necessary for FakeSwift to support extending the
default list of allowed methods.

Change-Id: I550d0174e14a5d5a05d26e5cbe9d3353f5da4e8a
2023-12-14 17:00:11 +00:00

401 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This stuff can't live in test/unit/ due to its swob dependency.
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from six.moves.urllib import parse
from swift.common import swob
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.request_helpers import is_user_meta, \
is_object_transient_sysmeta, resolve_etag_is_at_header, \
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from swift.common.swob import HTTPMethodNotAllowed
from swift.common.utils import split_path, md5
from test.debug_logger import debug_logger
from test.unit import FakeRing
class LeakTrackingIter(object):
def __init__(self, inner_iter, mark_closed, mark_read, key):
if isinstance(inner_iter, bytes):
inner_iter = (inner_iter, )
self.inner_iter = iter(inner_iter)
self.mark_closed = mark_closed
self.mark_read = mark_read
self.key = key
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return next(self.inner_iter)
except StopIteration:
next = __next__ # for py2
def close(self):
FakeSwiftCall = namedtuple('FakeSwiftCall', ['method', 'path', 'headers'])
def normalize_query_string(qs):
if qs.startswith('?'):
qs = qs[1:]
if not qs:
return ''
# N.B. sort params so asserts can hard code qs
return '?%s' % parse.urlencode(sorted(parse.parse_qsl(qs)))
def normalize_path(path):
parsed = parse.urlparse(path)
return parsed.path + normalize_query_string(parsed.query)
class FakeSwift(object):
A good-enough fake Swift proxy server to use in testing middleware.
Responses for expected requests should be registered using the ``register``
method. Registered requests are keyed by their method and path *including
query string*.
Received requests are matched to registered requests with the same method
as follows, in order of preference:
* A received request matches a registered request if the received
request's path, including query string, is the same as the registered
request's path, including query string.
* A received request matches a registered request if the received
request's path, excluding query string, is the same as the registered
request's path, including query string.
A received ``HEAD`` request will be matched to a registered ``GET``,
according to the same path preferences, if a match cannot be made to a
registered ``HEAD`` request.
A ``PUT`` request that matches a registered ``PUT`` request will create an
entry in the ``uploaded`` object cache that is keyed by the received
request's path, excluding query string. A subsequent ``GET`` or ``HEAD``
request that does not match a registered request will match an ``uploaded``
object based on the ``GET`` or ``HEAD`` request's path, excluding query
A ``POST`` request whose path, excluding query string, matches an object in
the ``uploaded`` cache will modify the metadata of the object in the
``uploaded`` cache. However, the ``POST`` request must first match a
registered ``POST`` request.
* received ``GET /v1/a/c/o`` will match registered ``GET /v1/a/c/o``
* received ``GET /v1/a/c/o?x=y`` will match registered ``GET /v1/a/c/o``
* received ``HEAD /v1/a/c/o?x=y`` will match registered ``GET /v1/a/c/o``
* received ``GET /v1/a/c/o`` will NOT match registered
``GET /v1/a/c/o?x=y``
* received ``PUT /v1/a/c/o?x=y``, if it matches a registered ``PUT``,
will create uploaded ``/v1/a/c/o``
* received ``POST /v1/a/c/o?x=y``, if it matches a registered ``POST``,
will update uploaded ``/v1/a/c/o``
container_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
account_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
def __init__(self):
self._calls = []
self.req_bodies = []
self._unclosed_req_keys = defaultdict(int)
self._unread_req_paths = defaultdict(int)
self.req_method_paths = []
self.swift_sources = []
self.txn_ids = []
self.uploaded = {}
# mapping of (method, path) --> (response class, headers, body)
self._responses = {}
self._sticky_headers = {}
self.logger = debug_logger('fake-swift')
self.account_ring = FakeRing()
self.container_ring = FakeRing()
self.get_object_ring = lambda policy_index: FakeRing()
self.auto_create_account_prefix = '.'
self.backend_user_agent = "fake_swift"
self._pipeline_final_app = self
# Object Servers learned to resolve_ignore_range_header in Jan-2020,
# and although we still maintain some middleware tests that assert
# proper behavior across rolling upgrades, having a FakeSwift not act
# like modern swift is now opt-in.
self.can_ignore_range = True
def _find_response(self, method, path):
path = normalize_path(path)
resps = self._responses[(method, path)]
if len(resps) == 1:
# we'll return the last registered response forever
return resps[0]
return resps.pop(0)
def _select_response(self, env):
# in some cases we can borrow different registered response
# ... the order is brittle and significant
method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
path = self._parse_path(env)[0]
preferences = [(method, path)]
if env.get('QUERY_STRING'):
# we can always reuse response w/o query string
preferences.append((method, env['PATH_INFO']))
if method == 'HEAD':
# any path suitable for GET always works for HEAD
# N.B. list(preferences) to avoid iter+modify/sigkill
preferences.extend(('GET', p) for _, p in list(preferences))
for m, p in preferences:
resp_class, headers, body = self._find_response(m, p)
except KeyError:
# special case for re-reading an uploaded file
# ... uploaded is only objects and always raw path
if method in ('GET', 'HEAD') and env['PATH_INFO'] in self.uploaded:
resp_class = swob.HTTPOk
headers, body = self.uploaded[env['PATH_INFO']]
raise KeyError("Didn't find %r in allowed responses" % (
(method, path),))
if method == 'HEAD':
# HEAD resp never has body
body = None
is_success = resp_class().is_success
except Exception:
# test_reconciler passes in an exploding response
is_success = False
if is_success and method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
# update sticky resp headers with headers from registered resp
sticky_headers = self._sticky_headers.get(env['PATH_INFO'], {})
resp_headers = HeaderKeyDict(sticky_headers)
# error responses don't get sticky resp headers
resp_headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
return resp_class, resp_headers, body
def _get_policy_index(self, acc, cont):
path = '/v1/%s/%s' % (acc, cont)
env = {'PATH_INFO': path,
resp_class, headers, _ = self._select_response(env)
policy_index = headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index')
except KeyError:
policy_index = None
if policy_index is None:
policy_index = str(int(POLICIES.default))
return policy_index
def _parse_path(self, env):
path = env['PATH_INFO']
_, acc, cont, obj = split_path(env['PATH_INFO'], 0, 4,
if env.get('QUERY_STRING'):
path += '?' + env['QUERY_STRING']
path = normalize_path(path)
return path, acc, cont, obj
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
method = env['REQUEST_METHOD']
if method not in self.ALLOWED_METHODS:
return HTTPMethodNotAllowed()(env, start_response)
path, acc, cont, obj = self._parse_path(env)
if 'swift.authorize' in env:
resp = env['swift.authorize'](swob.Request(env))
if resp:
return resp(env, start_response)
req = swob.Request(env)
resp_class, headers, body = self._select_response(env)
# Capture the request before reading the body, in case the iter raises
# an exception.
# note: tests may assume this copy of req_headers is case insensitive
# so we deliberately use a HeaderKeyDict
req_headers_copy = HeaderKeyDict(req.headers)
FakeSwiftCall(method, path, req_headers_copy))
req_body = None # generally, we don't care and let eventlet discard()
if (cont and not obj and method == 'UPDATE') or (
obj and method == 'PUT'):
req_body = b''.join(iter(env['wsgi.input'].read, b''))
# simulate object PUT
if method == 'PUT' and obj:
if 'swift.callback.update_footers' in env:
footers = HeaderKeyDict()
etag = md5(req_body, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
headers.setdefault('Etag', etag)
headers.setdefault('Content-Length', len(req_body))
# keep it for subsequent GET requests later
resp_headers = dict(req.headers)
if "CONTENT_TYPE" in env:
resp_headers['Content-Type'] = env["CONTENT_TYPE"]
self.uploaded[env['PATH_INFO']] = (resp_headers, req_body)
# simulate object POST
elif method == 'POST' and obj:
metadata, data = self.uploaded.get(env['PATH_INFO'], ({}, None))
# select items to keep from existing...
new_metadata = dict(
(k, v) for k, v in metadata.items()
if (not is_user_meta('object', k) and not
# apply from new
dict((k, v) for k, v in req.headers.items()
if (is_user_meta('object', k) or
is_object_transient_sysmeta(k) or
k.lower == 'content-type')))
self.uploaded[env['PATH_INFO']] = new_metadata, data
# Some middlewares (e.g. proxy_logging) inspect the request headers
# after it has been handled, so simulate some request headers updates
# that the real proxy makes. Do this *after* the request has been
# captured in the state it was received.
if obj:
self._get_policy_index(acc, cont))
# Apply conditional etag overrides
conditional_etag = resolve_etag_is_at_header(req, headers)
if self.can_ignore_range:
# avoid popping range from original environ
req = swob.Request(dict(req.environ))
resolve_ignore_range_header(req, headers)
# range requests ought to work, hence conditional_response=True
if isinstance(body, list):
resp = resp_class(
req=req, headers=headers, app_iter=body,
conditional_response=req.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'),
resp = resp_class(
req=req, headers=headers, body=body,
conditional_response=req.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'),
wsgi_iter = resp(req.environ, start_response)
self.mark_opened((method, path))
return LeakTrackingIter(wsgi_iter, self.mark_closed,
self.mark_read, (method, path))
def clear_calls(self):
del self._calls[:]
def mark_opened(self, key):
self._unclosed_req_keys[key] += 1
self._unread_req_paths[key] += 1
def mark_closed(self, key):
self._unclosed_req_keys[key] -= 1
def mark_read(self, key):
self._unread_req_paths[key] -= 1
def unclosed_requests(self):
return {key: count
for key, count in self._unclosed_req_keys.items()
if count > 0}
def unread_requests(self):
return {path: count
for path, count in self._unread_req_paths.items()
if count > 0}
def calls(self):
return [(method, path) for method, path, headers in self._calls]
def headers(self):
return [headers for method, path, headers in self._calls]
def calls_with_headers(self):
return self._calls
def call_count(self):
return len(self._calls)
def update_sticky_response_headers(self, path, headers):
Tests setUp can use this to ensure any successful GET/HEAD response for
a given path will include these headers.
sticky_headers = self._sticky_headers.setdefault(path, {})
def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body=b''):
path = normalize_path(path)
self._responses[(method, path)] = [(response_class, headers, body)]
def register_next_response(self, method, path,
response_class, headers, body=b''):
resp_key = (method, normalize_path(path))
next_resp = (response_class, headers, body)
self._responses.setdefault(resp_key, []).append(next_resp)
class FakeAppThatExcepts(object):
MESSAGE = b"We take exception to that!"
def __init__(self, exception_class=Exception):
self.exception_class = exception_class
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
raise self.exception_class(self.MESSAGE)