This required a bunch of whitespace-poking of the scripts in bin, but that's all. Now every file in swift/ and bin/ is pep8-1.3.3-compliant, so hopefully we can be done with this pep8 stuff for a good long time. Change-Id: I44fdb41d219c57400a4c396ab7eb0ffa9dcd8db8
109 lines
4.0 KiB
Executable File
109 lines
4.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import optparse
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='''%prog [options]
Lists and optionally kills orphaned Swift processes. This is done by scanning
/var/run/swift for .pid files and listing any processes that look like Swift
processes but aren't associated with the pids in those .pid files. Any Swift
processes running with the 'once' parameter are ignored, as those are usually
for full-speed audit scans and such.
Example (sends SIGTERM to all orphaned Swift processes older than two hours):
%prog -a 2 -k TERM
parser.add_option('-a', '--age', dest='hours', type='int', default=24,
help="look for processes at least HOURS old; "
"default: 24")
parser.add_option('-k', '--kill', dest='signal',
help='send SIGNAL to matched processes; default: just '
'list process information')
parser.add_option('-w', '--wide', dest='wide', default=False,
help="don't clip the listing at 80 characters")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
pids = []
for root, directories, files in os.walk('/var/run/swift'):
for name in files:
if name.endswith('.pid'):
pids.append(open(os.path.join(root, name)).read().strip())
['ps', '--ppid', pids[-1], '-o', 'pid', '--no-headers'],
listing = []
for line in subprocess.Popen(
['ps', '-eo', 'etime,pid,args', '--no-headers'],
if not line:
hours = 0
etime, pid, args = line.split(None, 2)
except ValueError:
sys.exit('Could not process ps line %r' % line)
if pid in pids:
if (not args.startswith('/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/swift-') and
not args.startswith('/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/swift-')) or \
'swift-orphans' in args or \
'once' in args.split():
args = args.split('-', 1)[1]
etime = etime.split('-')
if len(etime) == 2:
hours = int(etime[0]) * 24
etime = etime[1]
elif len(etime) == 1:
etime = etime[0]
sys.exit('Could not process etime value from %r' % line)
etime = etime.split(':')
if len(etime) == 3:
hours += int(etime[0])
elif len(etime) != 2:
sys.exit('Could not process etime value from %r' % line)
if hours >= options.hours:
listing.append((str(hours), pid, args))
if not listing:
hours_len = len('Hours')
pid_len = len('PID')
args_len = len('Command')
for hours, pid, args in listing:
hours_len = max(hours_len, len(hours))
pid_len = max(pid_len, len(pid))
args_len = max(args_len, len(args))
args_len = min(args_len, 78 - hours_len - pid_len)
print ('%%%ds %%%ds %%s' % (hours_len, pid_len)) % \
('Hours', 'PID', 'Command')
for hours, pid, args in listing:
print ('%%%ds %%%ds %%s' % (hours_len, pid_len)) % \
(hours, pid, args[:args_len])
if options.signal:
signum = int(options.signal)
except ValueError:
signum = getattr(signal, options.signal.upper(),
getattr(signal, 'SIG' + options.signal.upper(),
if not signum:
sys.exit('Could not translate %r to a signal number.' %
print 'Sending processes %s (%d) signal...' % (options.signal, signum),
for hours, pid, args in listing:
os.kill(int(pid), signum)
print 'Done.'