Thiago da Silva a9964a7fc3 fix barbican integration
Added auth_url to the context we pass to castellan
library. In a change [1] intended to deprecate the use
of auth_endpoint passed as the oslo config, it actually
completely removed the use of it[2], so this change became
necessary or the integration is broken.

[1] - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483457
[2] - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483457/6/castellan/key_manager/barbican_key_manager.py@143

Change-Id: I933367fa46aa0a3dc9aedf078b1be715bfa8c054
2018-01-13 14:40:28 -05:00

77 lines
3.7 KiB

# Sets the root secret from which encryption keys are derived. This must be set
# before first use to a value that is a base64 encoding of at least 32 bytes.
# The security of all encrypted data critically depends on this key, therefore
# it should be set to a high-entropy value. For example, a suitable value may
# be obtained by base-64 encoding a 32 byte (or longer) value generated by a
# cryptographically secure random number generator. Changing the root secret is
# likely to result in data loss. If this option is set, the root secret MUST
# NOT be set in proxy-server.conf.
# encryption_root_secret = changeme
# The kms_keymaster section is used for configuring a keymaster that retrieves
# the encryption root secret from an external key management system (kms),
# using the Castellan abstraction layer. Castellan can support various kms
# backends that use Keystone for authentication. Currently, the only
# implemented backend is for Barbican.
# The api_class tells Castellan which key manager to use to access the external
# key management system. The default value that accesses Barbican is
# castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager.BarbicanKeyManager.
# api_class = castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager.BarbicanKeyManager
# The configuration options below apply to a Barbican KMS being accessed using
# Castellan. If another KMS type is used (by specifying another value for
# api_class), then other configuration options may be required.
# The key_id is the identifier of the root secret stored in the KMS. For
# details of how to store an existing root secret in Barbican, or how to
# generate a new root secret in Barbican, see the 'overview_encryption'
# documentation.
# The key_id is the final part of the secret href returned in the
# output of an 'openstack secret order get' command after an order to store or
# create a key has been successfully completed. See the 'overview_encryption'
# documentation for more information on this command.
# key_id = changeme
# The Keystone username of the user used to access the key from the KMS. The
# username shall be set to match an existing user.
# username = changeme
# The password to go with the Keystone username above.
# password = changeme
# The Keystone project name. For security reasons, it is recommended to set
# the project_name to a project separate from the service project used by
# other OpenStack services. Thereby, if another service is compromised, it will
# not have access to the Swift root encryption secret. It is recommended that
# the swift user is the only one that has a role in this project.
# project_name = changeme
# Instead of the project name, the project id may also be used.
# project_id = changeme
# The Keystone URL to authenticate to. The value of auth_endpoint may be
# set according to the value of auth_uri in [filter:authtoken] in
# proxy-server.conf.
# auth_endpoint = http://keystonehost/identity
# The project and user domain names may optionally be specified. If they are
# not specified, the default values of 'Default' (for *_domain_name) and
# 'default' (for *_domain_id) are used (note the capitalization).
# project_domain_name = Default
# user_domain_name = Default
# Instead of the project domain name and user domain name, the project domain
# id and user domain id may also be specified.
# project_domain_id = default
# user_domain_id = default
# The following configuration options may also be used in addition to/instead
# of the above options. Refer to the Keystone documentation for more details
# on the usage of the options: https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/
# user_id = changeme
# trust_id = changeme
# reauthenticate = changeme
# domain_id = changeme
# domain_name = changeme