Victor Stinner a0db56dcde Fix pep8 E265 warning of hacking 0.10
Fix the warning E265 "block comment should start with '# '" added in pep

Change-Id: Ib57282e958be9c7cddffc7bca34fbbf1d4c460fd
2015-07-30 09:33:18 +02:00

698 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Christian Schwede <christian.schwede@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from contextlib import nested
import json
import mock
import os
import random
import re
import string
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
import urlparse
from eventlet.green import urllib2
from six import StringIO
from swift.cli import recon
from swift.common import utils
from swift.common.ring import builder
class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
def test_seconds2timeunit(self):
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(10), (10, 'seconds'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(600), (10, 'minutes'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(36000), (10, 'hours'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(60 * 60 * 24 * 10),
(10, 'days'))
def test_size_suffix(self):
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 2), '500 bytes')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 3), '5 kB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 6), '5 MB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 9), '5 GB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 12), '5 TB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 15), '5 PB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 18), '5 EB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 21), '5 ZB')
class TestScout(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
self.scout_instance = recon.Scout("type", suppress_errors=True)
self.url = ''
self.server_type_url = ''
def test_scout_ok(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.return_value.read = lambda: json.dumps([])
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertEqual(content, [])
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_scout_url_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.URLError("")
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.URLError))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertEqual(status, -1)
def test_scout_http_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.HTTPError(
self.url, 404, "Internal error", None, None)
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.HTTPError))
self.assertEqual(status, 404)
def test_scout_server_type_ok(self, mock_urlopen):
def getheader(name):
d = {'Server': 'server-type'}
return d.get(name)
mock_urlopen.return_value.info.return_value.getheader = getheader
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertEqual(content, 'server-type')
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_scout_server_type_url_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.URLError("")
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.URLError))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertEqual(status, -1)
def test_scout_server_type_http_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.HTTPError(
self.server_type_url, 404, "Internal error", None, None)
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.HTTPError))
self.assertEqual(status, 404)
class TestRecon(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
self.recon_instance = recon.SwiftRecon()
self.swift_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
self.ring_name = "test_object_%s" % (
''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for x in range(6)))
self.tmpfile_name = "%s/%s.ring.gz" % (self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX = 'endcap'
utils.HASH_PATH_PREFIX = 'startcap'
def tearDown(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
except OSError:
def test_gen_stats(self):
stats = self.recon_instance._gen_stats((1, 4, 10, None), 'Sample')
self.assertEqual(stats.get('name'), 'Sample')
self.assertEqual(stats.get('average'), 5.0)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('high'), 10)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('reported'), 3)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('low'), 1)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('total'), 15)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('number_none'), 1)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('perc_none'), 25.0)
def test_ptime(self):
with mock.patch('time.localtime') as mock_localtime:
mock_localtime.return_value = time.struct_time(
(2013, 12, 17, 10, 0, 0, 1, 351, 0))
timestamp = self.recon_instance._ptime(1387274400)
self.assertEqual(timestamp, "2013-12-17 10:00:00")
timestamp2 = self.recon_instance._ptime()
self.assertEqual(timestamp2, "2013-12-17 10:00:00")
def test_get_devices(self):
ringbuilder = builder.RingBuilder(2, 3, 1)
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10000,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 0})
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10001,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 0})
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 2, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10002,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 1})
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 3, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10003,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 1})
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
None, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
set([('', 10000), ('', 10001),
('', 10002), ('', 10003)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
0, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
set([('', 10000), ('', 10001)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
1, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
set([('', 10002), ('', 10003)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
0, 0, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
self.assertEqual(set([('', 10000)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
1, 1, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
self.assertEqual(set([('', 10003)]), ips)
def test_get_ringmd5(self):
for server_type in ('account', 'container', 'object', 'object-1'):
ring_name = '%s.ring.gz' % server_type
ring_file = os.path.join(self.swift_dir, ring_name)
open(ring_file, 'w')
empty_file_hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
hosts = [("", "8080")]
with mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout') as mock_scout:
scout_instance = mock.MagicMock()
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/ringmd5' % hosts[0]
response = {
'/etc/swift/account.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/container.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/object.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/object-1.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
status = 200
scout_instance.scout.return_value = (url, response, status)
mock_scout.return_value = scout_instance
stdout = StringIO()
mock_hash = mock.MagicMock()
patches = [
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.md5', new=mock_hash),
with nested(*patches):
mock_hash.return_value.hexdigest.return_value = \
self.recon_instance.get_ringmd5(hosts, self.swift_dir)
output = stdout.getvalue()
expected = '1/1 hosts matched'
for line in output.splitlines():
if '!!' in line:
self.fail('Unexpected Error in output: %r' % line)
if expected in line:
self.fail('Did not find expected substring %r '
'in output:\n%s' % (expected, output))
for ring in ('account', 'container', 'object', 'object-1'):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.swift_dir, "%s.ring.gz" % ring))
def test_quarantine_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6020),
('', 6030), ('', 6040),
('', 6050)]
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/recon/quarantined
responses = {6010: {'accounts': 0, 'containers': 0, 'objects': 1,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 0},
'1': {'objects': 1}}},
6020: {'accounts': 1, 'containers': 1, 'objects': 3,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 1},
'1': {'objects': 2}}},
6030: {'accounts': 2, 'containers': 2, 'objects': 5,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 2},
'1': {'objects': 3}}},
6040: {'accounts': 3, 'containers': 3, 'objects': 7,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 3},
'1': {'objects': 4}}},
# A server without storage policies enabled
6050: {'accounts': 0, 'containers': 0, 'objects': 4}}
# <low> <high> <avg> <total> <Failed> <no_result> <reported>
expected = {'objects_0': (0, 3, 1.5, 6, 0.0, 0, 4),
'objects_1': (1, 4, 2.5, 10, 0.0, 0, 4),
'objects': (1, 7, 4.0, 20, 0.0, 0, 5),
'accounts': (0, 3, 1.2, 6, 0.0, 0, 5),
'containers': (0, 3, 1.2, 6, 0.0, 0, 5)}
def mock_scout_quarantine(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/quarantined' % host
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout.scout', mock_scout_quarantine),
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
r = re.compile("\[quarantined_(.*)\](.*)")
for line in output.splitlines():
m = r.match(line)
if m:
ex = expected.pop(m.group(1))
" low: %s, high: %s, avg: %s, total: %s,"
" Failed: %s%%, no_result: %s, reported: %s"
% ex)
def test_drive_audit_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6020),
('', 6030), ('', 6040)]
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/recon/driveaudit
responses = {6010: {'drive_audit_errors': 15},
6020: {'drive_audit_errors': 0},
6030: {'drive_audit_errors': 257},
6040: {'drive_audit_errors': 56}}
# <low> <high> <avg> <total> <Failed> <no_result> <reported>
expected = (0, 257, 82.0, 328, 0.0, 0, 4)
def mock_scout_driveaudit(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/driveaudit' % host
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout.scout', mock_scout_driveaudit),
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
r = re.compile("\[drive_audit_errors(.*)\](.*)")
lines = output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
m = r.match(line)
if m:
" low: %s, high: %s, avg: %s, total: %s,"
" Failed: %s%%, no_result: %s, reported: %s"
% expected)
class TestReconCommands(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.recon = recon.SwiftRecon()
self.hosts = set([('', 10000)])
def mock_responses(self, resps):
def fake_urlopen(url, timeout):
scheme, netloc, path, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(url)
self.assertEqual(scheme, 'http') # can't handle anything else
if ':' in netloc:
host, port = netloc.split(':', 1)
port = int(port)
host = netloc
port = 80
response_body = resps[(host, port, path[7:])]
resp = mock.MagicMock()
resp.read = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[response_body])
return resp
return mock.patch('eventlet.green.urllib2.urlopen', fake_urlopen)
def test_server_type_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6011),
('', 6012)]
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/
responses = {6010: 'object-server', 6011: 'container-server',
6012: 'account-server'}
def mock_scout_server_type(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host[0], host[1])
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
res_object = 'Invalid: is object-server'
res_container = 'Invalid: is container-server'
res_account = 'Invalid: is account-server'
valid = "1/1 hosts ok, 0 error[s] while checking hosts."
# Test for object server type - default
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_container in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_account in output.splitlines())
# Test ok for object server type - default
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
# Test for account server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'account'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_container in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_object in output.splitlines())
# Test ok for account server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'account'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
# Test for container server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'container'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_account in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_object in output.splitlines())
# Test ok for container server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'container'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
def test_get_swiftconfmd5(self):
hosts = set([('', 10000),
('', 10000)])
cksum = '729cf900f2876dead617d088ece7fe8c'
responses = {
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum}),
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum})}
printed = []
with self.mock_responses(responses):
with mock.patch.object(self.recon, '_md5_file', lambda _: cksum):
self.recon.get_swiftconfmd5(hosts, printfn=printed.append)
output = '\n'.join(printed) + '\n'
self.assertTrue("2/2 hosts matched" in output)
def test_get_swiftconfmd5_mismatch(self):
hosts = set([('', 10000),
('', 10000)])
cksum = '29d5912b1fcfcc1066a7f51412769c1d'
responses = {
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum}),
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': 'bogus'})}
printed = []
with self.mock_responses(responses):
with mock.patch.object(self.recon, '_md5_file', lambda _: cksum):
self.recon.get_swiftconfmd5(hosts, printfn=printed.append)
output = '\n'.join(printed) + '\n'
self.assertTrue("1/2 hosts matched" in output)
self.assertTrue(" (bogus) "
"doesn't match on disk md5sum" in output)
def test_object_auditor_check(self):
# Recon middleware response from an object server
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
values = {
'passes': 0, 'errors': 0, 'audit_time': 0,
'start_time': 0, 'quarantined': 0, 'bytes_processed': 0}
return [('', {
'object_auditor_stats_ALL': values,
'object_auditor_stats_ZBF': values,
}, 200)]
response = {}
def catch_print(computed):
response[computed.get('name')] = computed
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
cli._print_stats = catch_print
cli.object_auditor_check([('', 6010)])
# Now check that output contains all keys and names
keys = ['average', 'number_none', 'high',
'reported', 'low', 'total', 'perc_none']
names = [
for name in names:
computed = response.get(name)
for key in keys:
self.assertTrue(key in computed)
def test_disk_usage(self):
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [('', [
{"device": "sdb1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 10, "used": 90, "size": 100},
{"device": "sdc1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 15, "used": 85, "size": 100},
{"device": "sdd1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 15, "used": 85, "size": 100}],
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('Distribution Graph:'),
mock.call(' 85% 2 **********************************' +
mock.call(' 90% 1 **********************************'),
mock.call('Disk usage: space used: 260 of 300'),
mock.call('Disk usage: space free: 40 of 300'),
mock.call('Disk usage: lowest: 85.0%, ' +
'highest: 90.0%, avg: 86.6666666667%'),
mock.call('=' * 79),
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)])
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
expected_calls = default_calls + [
mock.call('LOWEST 5'),
mock.call('85.00% sdc1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdd1'),
mock.call('90.00% sdb1')
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)], 0, 5)
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
expected_calls = default_calls + [
mock.call('TOP 5'),
mock.call('90.00% sdb1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdc1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdd1')
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)], 5, 0)
def test_object_replication_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"object_replication_time": 61,
"object_replication_last": now},
{"object_replication_time": 23,
"object_replication_last": now},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[replication_time] low: 23, high: 61, avg: 42.0, ' +
'total: 84, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('Oldest completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock.call('Most recent completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.object_replication_check([('', 6010),
('', 6020)])
def test_replication_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"replication_last": now,
"replication_stats": {
"no_change": 2, "rsync": 0, "success": 3, "failure": 1,
"attempted": 0, "ts_repl": 0, "remove": 0,
"remote_merge": 0, "diff_capped": 0, "start": now,
"hashmatch": 0, "diff": 0, "empty": 0},
"replication_time": 42},
{"replication_last": now,
"replication_stats": {
"no_change": 0, "rsync": 0, "success": 1, "failure": 0,
"attempted": 0, "ts_repl": 0, "remove": 0,
"remote_merge": 0, "diff_capped": 0, "start": now,
"hashmatch": 0, "diff": 0, "empty": 0},
"replication_time": 23},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[replication_failure] low: 0, high: 1, avg: 0.5, ' +
'total: 1, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_success] low: 1, high: 3, avg: 2.0, ' +
'total: 4, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_time] low: 23, high: 42, avg: 32.5, ' +
'total: 65, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_attempted] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, ' +
'total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('Oldest completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock.call('Most recent completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.replication_check([('', 6011), ('', 6021)])
# We need any_order=True because the order of calls depends on the dict
# that is returned from the recon middleware, thus can't rely on it
mock_print.assert_has_calls(default_calls, any_order=True)
def test_load_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"1m": 0.2, "5m": 0.4, "15m": 0.25,
"processes": 10000, "tasks": "1/128"},
{"1m": 0.4, "5m": 0.8, "15m": 0.75,
"processes": 9000, "tasks": "1/200"},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[5m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.6, total: 1, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[15m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.5, total: 1, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[1m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.3, total: 0, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.load_check([('', 6010), ('', 6020)])
# We need any_order=True because the order of calls depends on the dict
# that is returned from the recon middleware, thus can't rely on it
mock_print.assert_has_calls(default_calls, any_order=True)