swift-bench now honors the environment variables, ST_AUTH, ST_USER, and ST_KEY like python-swiftclient does. Added --lower-object-size (or -l) command-line option which, if specified, will turn a specified --object-size into --upper-object-size. It will raise a ValueError if --object-size is not specified or is <= --lower-object-size. BenchController how handles SIGINT (KeyboardInterrupt) similarly to the swift command-line client: the first Ctrl-C will make it fast-track to completion (no new PUT or GET operations are started, but everything PUT is DELETE'ed). A second Ctrl-C will immediately exit. The behavior for SIGTERM is unchanged (a single SIGTERM will immediately terminate the process). Added a sample configuration file for swift-bench, with documenting comments. Change-Id: I6f394ad995300fc8af3d565d95c3b45559ee510a