Tim Burke 9bc1c008a5 Get rid of pipeline_property
Instead, ensure every middleware gets a reference to the final WSGI
application. Note that this reimplements much of paste.deploy's pipeline
handling, but that code hasn't changed in years, anyway.

Change-Id: I2fbb21cabf72849ce84760a6d2607aa2af67f286
2022-01-27 14:40:27 -08:00

2441 lines
92 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for swift.common.wsgi"""
from argparse import Namespace
import errno
import logging
import socket
import unittest
import os
import types
import eventlet.wsgi
from collections import defaultdict
from io import BytesIO
from textwrap import dedent
import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
import mock
import swift.common.middleware.catch_errors
import swift.common.middleware.gatekeeper
import swift.proxy.server
import swift.obj.server as obj_server
import swift.container.server as container_server
import swift.account.server as account_server
from swift.common.swob import Request, wsgi_to_bytes
from swift.common import wsgi, utils
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from test import listen_zero
from test.debug_logger import debug_logger
from test.unit import (
temptree, with_tempdir, write_fake_ring, patch_policies)
from paste.deploy import loadwsgi
def _fake_rings(tmpdir):
write_fake_ring(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'account.ring.gz'))
write_fake_ring(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'container.ring.gz'))
for policy in POLICIES:
obj_ring_path = \
os.path.join(tmpdir, policy.ring_name + '.ring.gz')
# make sure there's no other ring cached on this policy
policy.object_ring = None
class TestWSGI(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for swift.common.wsgi"""
def test_init_request_processor(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
fallocate_reserve = 1%
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
app, conf, logger, log_name = wsgi.init_request_processor(
conf_file, 'proxy-server')
# verify pipeline is: catch_errors -> gatekeeper -> listing_formats ->
# copy -> dlo -> proxy-server
expected = swift.common.middleware.catch_errors.CatchErrorMiddleware
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = swift.common.middleware.gatekeeper.GatekeeperMiddleware
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = swift.common.middleware.listing_formats.ListingFilter
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = swift.common.middleware.copy.ServerSideCopyMiddleware
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = swift.common.middleware.dlo.DynamicLargeObject
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = \
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
app = app.app
expected = swift.proxy.server.Application
self.assertIsInstance(app, expected)
# config settings applied to app instance
self.assertEqual(0.2, app.conn_timeout)
# appconfig returns values from 'proxy-server' section
expected = {
'__file__': conf_file,
'here': os.path.dirname(conf_file),
'conn_timeout': '0.2',
'fallocate_reserve': '1%',
'swift_dir': t,
'__name__': 'proxy-server'
self.assertEqual(expected, conf)
# logger works
self.assertEqual('proxy-server', log_name)
def test_loadapp_from_file(self, tempdir):
conf_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'object-server.conf')
conf_body = """
use = egg:swift#object
contents = dedent(conf_body)
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
def test_loadapp_from_file_with_global_conf(self, tempdir):
# verify that global_conf items override conf file DEFAULTS...
conf_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'object-server.conf')
conf_body = """
log_name = swift
use = egg:swift#object
log_name = swift-main
contents = dedent(conf_body)
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('swift', app.logger.server)
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path, global_conf={'log_name': 'custom'})
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('custom', app.logger.server)
# and regular section options...
conf_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'object-server.conf')
conf_body = """
use = egg:swift#object
log_name = swift-main
contents = dedent(conf_body)
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('swift-main', app.logger.server)
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path, global_conf={'log_name': 'custom'})
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('custom', app.logger.server)
# ...but global_conf items do not override conf file 'set' options
conf_body = """
log_name = swift
use = egg:swift#object
set log_name = swift-main
contents = dedent(conf_body)
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('swift-main', app.logger.server)
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path, global_conf={'log_name': 'custom'})
self.assertIsInstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController)
self.assertEqual('swift-main', app.logger.server)
def test_loadapp_from_string(self):
conf_body = """
use = egg:swift#object
app = wsgi.loadapp(wsgi.ConfigString(conf_body))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app, obj_server.ObjectController))
def test_load_app_config(self, tempdir):
conf_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file.conf')
def _write_and_load_conf_file(conf):
with open(conf_file, 'wt') as fd:
return wsgi.load_app_config(conf_file)
# typical case - DEFAULT options override same option in other sections
conf_str = """
dflt_option = dflt-value
pipeline = proxy-logging proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#proxy
proxy_option = proxy-value
dflt_option = proxy-dflt-value
proxy_conf = _write_and_load_conf_file(conf_str)
self.assertEqual('proxy-value', proxy_conf['proxy_option'])
self.assertEqual('dflt-value', proxy_conf['dflt_option'])
# 'set' overrides DEFAULT option
conf_str = """
dflt_option = dflt-value
pipeline = proxy-logging proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#proxy
proxy_option = proxy-value
set dflt_option = proxy-dflt-value
proxy_conf = _write_and_load_conf_file(conf_str)
self.assertEqual('proxy-value', proxy_conf['proxy_option'])
self.assertEqual('proxy-dflt-value', proxy_conf['dflt_option'])
# actual proxy server app name is dereferenced
conf_str = """
pipeline = proxy-logging proxyserverapp
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#proxy
proxy_option = proxy-value
dflt_option = proxy-dflt-value
proxy_conf = _write_and_load_conf_file(conf_str)
self.assertEqual('proxy-value', proxy_conf['proxy_option'])
self.assertEqual('proxy-dflt-value', proxy_conf['dflt_option'])
# no pipeline
conf_str = """
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#proxy
proxy_option = proxy-value
proxy_conf = _write_and_load_conf_file(conf_str)
self.assertEqual({}, proxy_conf)
# no matching section
conf_str = """
pipeline = proxy-logging proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
proxy_conf = _write_and_load_conf_file(conf_str)
self.assertEqual({}, proxy_conf)
def test_init_request_processor_from_conf_dir(self):
config_dir = {
'proxy-server.conf.d/pipeline.conf': """
pipeline = catch_errors proxy-server
'proxy-server.conf.d/app.conf': """
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
'proxy-server.conf.d/catch-errors.conf': """
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
# strip indent from test config contents
config_dir = dict((f, dedent(c)) for (f, c) in config_dir.items())
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.Application.modify_wsgi_pipeline'):
with temptree(*zip(*config_dir.items())) as conf_root:
conf_dir = os.path.join(conf_root, 'proxy-server.conf.d')
with open(os.path.join(conf_dir, 'swift.conf'), 'w') as f:
f.write('[DEFAULT]\nswift_dir = %s' % conf_root)
app, conf, logger, log_name = wsgi.init_request_processor(
conf_dir, 'proxy-server')
# verify pipeline is catch_errors -> proxy-server
expected = swift.common.middleware.catch_errors.CatchErrorMiddleware
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app, expected))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app.app, swift.proxy.server.Application))
# config settings applied to app instance
self.assertEqual(0.2, app.app.conn_timeout)
# appconfig returns values from 'proxy-server' section
expected = {
'__file__': conf_dir,
'here': conf_dir,
'conn_timeout': '0.2',
'swift_dir': conf_root,
'__name__': 'proxy-server'
self.assertEqual(expected, conf)
# logger works
self.assertEqual('proxy-server', log_name)
def test_get_socket_bad_values(self):
# first try with no port set
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFilePortError, wsgi.get_socket, {})
# next try with a bad port value set
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFilePortError, wsgi.get_socket,
{'bind_port': 'abc'})
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFilePortError, wsgi.get_socket,
{'bind_port': None})
def test_get_socket(self):
# stubs
conf = {'bind_port': 54321}
ssl_conf = conf.copy()
'cert_file': '',
'key_file': '',
# mocks
class MockSocket(object):
def __init__(self):
self.opts = defaultdict(dict)
def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value):
self.opts[level][optname] = value
def mock_listen(*args, **kwargs):
return MockSocket()
class MockSsl(object):
def __init__(self):
self.wrap_socket_called = []
def wrap_socket(self, sock, **kwargs):
return sock
# patch
old_listen = wsgi.listen
old_ssl = wsgi.ssl
wsgi.listen = mock_listen
wsgi.ssl = MockSsl()
# test
sock = wsgi.get_socket(conf)
# assert
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sock, MockSocket))
expected_socket_opts = {
socket.SOL_SOCKET: {
socket.SO_KEEPALIVE: 1,
socket.IPPROTO_TCP: {
socket.TCP_NODELAY: 1,
if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_KEEPIDLE'):
socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE] = 600
self.assertEqual(sock.opts, expected_socket_opts)
# test ssl
sock = wsgi.get_socket(ssl_conf)
expected_kwargs = {
'certfile': '',
'keyfile': '',
self.assertEqual(wsgi.ssl.wrap_socket_called, [expected_kwargs])
# test keep_idle value
keepIdle_value = 700
conf['keep_idle'] = keepIdle_value
sock = wsgi.get_socket(conf)
# assert
if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_KEEPIDLE'):
socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE] = keepIdle_value
self.assertEqual(sock.opts, expected_socket_opts)
# test keep_idle for str -> int conversion
keepIdle_value = '800'
conf['keep_idle'] = keepIdle_value
sock = wsgi.get_socket(conf)
# assert
if hasattr(socket, 'TCP_KEEPIDLE'):
socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE] = int(keepIdle_value)
self.assertEqual(sock.opts, expected_socket_opts)
# test keep_idle for negative value
conf['keep_idle'] = -600
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFileError, wsgi.get_socket, conf)
# test keep_idle for upperbound value
conf['keep_idle'] = 2 ** 15
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFileError, wsgi.get_socket, conf)
# test keep_idle for Type mismatch
conf['keep_idle'] = 'foobar'
self.assertRaises(wsgi.ConfigFileError, wsgi.get_socket, conf)
wsgi.listen = old_listen
wsgi.ssl = old_ssl
def test_address_in_use(self):
# stubs
conf = {'bind_port': 54321}
# mocks
def mock_listen(*args, **kwargs):
raise socket.error(errno.EADDRINUSE)
def value_error_listen(*args, **kwargs):
raise ValueError('fake')
def mock_sleep(*args):
class MockTime(object):
"""Fast clock advances 10 seconds after every call to time
def __init__(self):
self.current_time = old_time.time()
def time(self, *args, **kwargs):
rv = self.current_time
# advance for next call
self.current_time += 10
return rv
old_listen = wsgi.listen
old_sleep = wsgi.sleep
old_time = wsgi.time
wsgi.listen = mock_listen
wsgi.sleep = mock_sleep
wsgi.time = MockTime()
# test error
self.assertRaises(Exception, wsgi.get_socket, conf)
# different error
wsgi.listen = value_error_listen
self.assertRaises(ValueError, wsgi.get_socket, conf)
wsgi.listen = old_listen
wsgi.sleep = old_sleep
wsgi.time = old_time
def test_run_server(self):
config = """
client_timeout = 30
max_clients = 1000
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
# while "set" values normally override default
set client_timeout = 20
# this section is not in conf during run_server
set max_clients = 10
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi') as _wsgi, \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.eventlet') as _wsgi_evt:
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_file)
logger = logging.getLogger('test')
sock = listen_zero()
wsgi.run_server(conf, logger, sock,
args, kwargs = _wsgi.server.call_args
server_sock, server_app, server_logger = args
self.assertEqual(sock, server_sock)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_app, swift.proxy.server.Application))
self.assertEqual(20, server_app.client_timeout)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_logger, wsgi.NullLogger))
self.assertTrue('custom_pool' in kwargs)
self.assertEqual(1000, kwargs['custom_pool'].size)
self.assertEqual(30, kwargs['socket_timeout'])
proto_class = kwargs['protocol']
self.assertEqual(proto_class, wsgi.SwiftHttpProtocol)
self.assertEqual('HTTP/1.0', proto_class.default_request_version)
def test_run_server_proxied(self):
config = """
client_timeout = 30
max_clients = 1000
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
# these "set" values override defaults
set client_timeout = 2.5
set max_clients = 10
require_proxy_protocol = true
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.Application.'
'modify_wsgi_pipeline'), \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi') as _wsgi, \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.eventlet') as _eventlet:
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_file,
logger = logging.getLogger('test')
sock = listen_zero()
wsgi.run_server(conf, logger, sock)
args, kwargs = _wsgi.server.call_args
server_sock, server_app, server_logger = args
self.assertEqual(sock, server_sock)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_app, swift.proxy.server.Application))
self.assertEqual(2.5, server_app.client_timeout)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_logger, wsgi.NullLogger))
self.assertTrue('custom_pool' in kwargs)
self.assertEqual(10, kwargs['custom_pool'].size)
self.assertEqual(2.5, kwargs['socket_timeout'])
proto_class = kwargs['protocol']
self.assertEqual(proto_class, wsgi.SwiftHttpProxiedProtocol)
self.assertEqual('HTTP/1.0', proto_class.default_request_version)
def test_run_server_with_latest_eventlet(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.Application.'
'modify_wsgi_pipeline'), \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi') as _wsgi, \
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_file)
logger = logging.getLogger('test')
sock = listen_zero()
wsgi.run_server(conf, logger, sock)
args, kwargs = _wsgi.server.call_args
self.assertEqual(kwargs.get('capitalize_response_headers'), False)
self.assertTrue('protocol' in kwargs)
def test_run_server_conf_dir(self):
config_dir = {
'proxy-server.conf.d/pipeline.conf': """
pipeline = proxy-server
'proxy-server.conf.d/app.conf': """
use = egg:swift#proxy
'proxy-server.conf.d/default.conf': """
client_timeout = 30
# strip indent from test config contents
config_dir = dict((f, dedent(c)) for (f, c) in config_dir.items())
with temptree(*zip(*config_dir.items())) as conf_root:
conf_dir = os.path.join(conf_root, 'proxy-server.conf.d')
with open(os.path.join(conf_dir, 'swift.conf'), 'w') as f:
f.write('[DEFAULT]\nswift_dir = %s' % conf_root)
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.Application.'
'modify_wsgi_pipeline'), \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi') as _wsgi, \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.eventlet') as _wsgi_evt, \
mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {'TZ': ''}), \
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_dir)
logger = logging.getLogger('test')
sock = listen_zero()
wsgi.run_server(conf, logger, sock)
self.assertNotEqual(os.environ['TZ'], '')
args, kwargs = _wsgi.server.call_args
server_sock, server_app, server_logger = args
self.assertEqual(sock, server_sock)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_app, swift.proxy.server.Application))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_logger, wsgi.NullLogger))
self.assertTrue('custom_pool' in kwargs)
self.assertEqual(30, kwargs['socket_timeout'])
self.assertTrue('protocol' in kwargs)
def test_run_server_debug(self):
config = """
eventlet_debug = yes
client_timeout = 30
max_clients = 1000
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
# while "set" values normally override default
set client_timeout = 20
# this section is not in conf during run_server
set max_clients = 10
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.Application.'
'modify_wsgi_pipeline'), \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi') as _wsgi, \
mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.eventlet') as _wsgi_evt:
mock_server = _wsgi.server
_wsgi.server = lambda *args, **kwargs: mock_server(
*args, **kwargs)
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_file)
logger = logging.getLogger('test')
sock = listen_zero()
wsgi.run_server(conf, logger, sock)
args, kwargs = mock_server.call_args
server_sock, server_app, server_logger = args
self.assertEqual(sock, server_sock)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(server_app, swift.proxy.server.Application))
self.assertEqual(20, server_app.client_timeout)
self.assertTrue('custom_pool' in kwargs)
self.assertEqual(1000, kwargs['custom_pool'].size)
self.assertEqual(30, kwargs['socket_timeout'])
self.assertTrue('protocol' in kwargs)
def test_appconfig_dir_ignores_hidden_files(self):
config_dir = {
'server.conf.d/01.conf': """
use = egg:swift#proxy
port = 8080
'server.conf.d/.01.conf.swp': """
use = egg:swift#proxy
port = 8081
# strip indent from test config contents
config_dir = dict((f, dedent(c)) for (f, c) in config_dir.items())
with temptree(*zip(*config_dir.items())) as path:
conf_dir = os.path.join(path, 'server.conf.d')
conf = wsgi.appconfig(conf_dir)
expected = {
'__file__': os.path.join(path, 'server.conf.d'),
'here': os.path.join(path, 'server.conf.d'),
'port': '8080', '__name__': 'main'
self.assertEqual(conf, expected)
def test_pre_auth_wsgi_input(self):
oldenv = {}
newenv = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env(oldenv)
self.assertTrue('wsgi.input' in newenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['wsgi.input'].read(), b'')
oldenv = {'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'original wsgi.input')}
newenv = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env(oldenv)
self.assertTrue('wsgi.input' in newenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['wsgi.input'].read(), b'')
oldenv = {'swift.source': 'UT'}
newenv = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env(oldenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['swift.source'], 'UT')
oldenv = {'swift.source': 'UT'}
newenv = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env(oldenv, swift_source='SA')
self.assertEqual(newenv['swift.source'], 'SA')
def test_pre_auth_req(self):
class FakeReq(object):
def fake_blank(cls, path, environ=None, body=b'', headers=None):
if environ is None:
environ = {}
if headers is None:
headers = {}
self.assertFalse('HTTP_X_TRANS_ID' in environ)
was_blank = Request.blank
Request.blank = FakeReq.fake_blank
wsgi.make_pre_authed_request({'HTTP_X_TRANS_ID': '1234'},
'PUT', '/', body=b'tester', headers={})
wsgi.make_pre_authed_request({'HTTP_X_TRANS_ID': '1234'},
'PUT', '/', headers={})
Request.blank = was_blank
def test_pre_auth_req_with_quoted_path(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'HTTP_X_TRANS_ID': '1234'}, 'PUT', path=quote('/a space'),
body=b'tester', headers={})
self.assertEqual(r.path, quote('/a space'))
def test_pre_auth_req_drops_query(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'QUERY_STRING': 'original'}, 'GET', 'path')
self.assertEqual(r.query_string, 'original')
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'QUERY_STRING': 'original'}, 'GET', 'path?replacement')
self.assertEqual(r.query_string, 'replacement')
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'QUERY_STRING': 'original'}, 'GET', 'path?')
self.assertEqual(r.query_string, '')
def test_pre_auth_req_with_body(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'QUERY_STRING': 'original'}, 'GET', 'path', b'the body')
self.assertEqual(r.body, b'the body')
def test_pre_auth_creates_script_name(self):
e = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env({})
self.assertTrue('SCRIPT_NAME' in e)
def test_pre_auth_copies_script_name(self):
e = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env({'SCRIPT_NAME': '/script_name'})
self.assertEqual(e['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/script_name')
def test_pre_auth_copies_script_name_unless_path_overridden(self):
e = wsgi.make_pre_authed_env({'SCRIPT_NAME': '/script_name'},
self.assertEqual(e['SCRIPT_NAME'], '')
self.assertEqual(e['PATH_INFO'], '/override')
def test_pre_auth_req_swift_source(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'QUERY_STRING': 'original'}, 'GET', 'path', b'the body',
self.assertEqual(r.body, b'the body')
self.assertEqual(r.environ['swift.source'], 'UT')
def test_run_server_global_conf_callback(self):
calls = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def _initrp(conf_file, app_section, *args, **kwargs):
return (
{'__file__': 'test', 'workers': 0, 'bind_port': 12345},
loadapp_conf = []
to_inject = object() # replication_timeout injects non-string data
def _global_conf_callback(preloaded_app_conf, global_conf):
calls['_global_conf_callback'] += 1
{'__file__': 'test', 'workers': 0, 'bind_port': 12345})
self.assertEqual(global_conf, {'log_name': 'log_name'})
global_conf['test1'] = to_inject
def _loadapp(uri, name=None, **kwargs):
calls['_loadapp'] += 1
self.assertIn('global_conf', kwargs)
# global_conf_callback hasn't been called yet
self.assertNotIn('test1', kwargs['global_conf'])
def _run_server(*args, **kwargs):
# but by the time that we actually *run* the server, it has
[{'log_name': 'log_name', 'test1': to_inject}])
with mock.patch.object(wsgi, '_initrp', _initrp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'get_socket'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'drop_privileges'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'loadapp', _loadapp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'capture_stdio'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'run_server', _run_server), \
mock.patch('swift.common.utils.eventlet') as _utils_evt:
wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', 'app_section',
self.assertEqual(calls['_global_conf_callback'], 1)
self.assertEqual(calls['_loadapp'], 1)
def test_run_server_success(self):
calls = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def _initrp(conf_file, app_section, *args, **kwargs):
calls['_initrp'] += 1
return (
{'__file__': 'test', 'workers': 0, 'bind_port': 12345},
def _loadapp(uri, name=None, **kwargs):
calls['_loadapp'] += 1
with mock.patch.object(wsgi, '_initrp', _initrp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'get_socket'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'drop_privileges') as _d_privs, \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'clean_up_daemon_hygiene') as _c_hyg, \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'loadapp', _loadapp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'capture_stdio'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'run_server'), \
mock.patch('swift.common.utils.eventlet') as _utils_evt:
rc = wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', 'app_section')
self.assertEqual(calls['_initrp'], 1)
self.assertEqual(calls['_loadapp'], 1)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
# run_wsgi() no longer calls drop_privileges() in the parent process,
# just clean_up_deemon_hygene()
self.assertEqual([], _d_privs.mock_calls)
self.assertEqual([mock.call()], _c_hyg.mock_calls)
def test_run_server_strategy_plumbing(self, mock_per_port, mock_workers,
# Make sure the right strategy gets used in a number of different
# config cases.
class StopAtCreatingSockets(Exception):
'''Dummy exception to make sure we don't actually bind ports'''
mock_per_port().no_fork_sock.return_value = None
mock_per_port().new_worker_socks.side_effect = StopAtCreatingSockets
mock_workers().no_fork_sock.return_value = None
mock_workers().new_worker_socks.side_effect = StopAtCreatingSockets
logger = debug_logger()
stub__initrp = [
{'__file__': 'test', 'workers': 2, 'bind_port': 12345}, # conf
with mock.patch.object(wsgi, '_initrp', return_value=stub__initrp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'loadapp'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'capture_stdio'):
for server_type in ('account-server', 'container-server',
with self.assertRaises(StopAtCreatingSockets):
wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', server_type)
self.assertEqual([], mock_per_port.mock_calls)
mock.call(stub__initrp[0], logger),
], mock_workers.mock_calls)
stub__initrp[0]['servers_per_port'] = 3
for server_type in ('account-server', 'container-server'):
with self.assertRaises(StopAtCreatingSockets):
wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', server_type)
self.assertEqual([], mock_per_port.mock_calls)
mock.call(stub__initrp[0], logger),
], mock_workers.mock_calls)
with self.assertRaises(StopAtCreatingSockets):
wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', 'object-server')
mock.call(stub__initrp[0], logger, servers_per_port=3),
], mock_per_port.mock_calls)
self.assertEqual([], mock_workers.mock_calls)
def test_run_server_failure1(self):
calls = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
def _initrp(conf_file, app_section, *args, **kwargs):
calls['_initrp'] += 1
raise wsgi.ConfigFileError('test exception')
def _loadapp(uri, name=None, **kwargs):
calls['_loadapp'] += 1
with mock.patch.object(wsgi, '_initrp', _initrp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'get_socket'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'drop_privileges'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'loadapp', _loadapp), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'capture_stdio'), \
mock.patch.object(wsgi, 'run_server'):
rc = wsgi.run_wsgi('conf_file', 'app_section')
self.assertEqual(calls['_initrp'], 1)
self.assertEqual(calls['_loadapp'], 0)
self.assertEqual(rc, 1)
def test_pre_auth_req_with_empty_env_no_path(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{}, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, quote(''))
self.assertTrue('SCRIPT_NAME' in r.environ)
self.assertTrue('PATH_INFO' in r.environ)
def test_pre_auth_req_with_env_path(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(
{'PATH_INFO': '/unquoted path with %20'}, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, quote('/unquoted path with %20'))
self.assertEqual(r.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'], '')
def test_pre_auth_req_with_env_script(self):
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request({'SCRIPT_NAME': '/hello'}, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, quote('/hello'))
def test_pre_auth_req_with_env_path_and_script(self):
env = {'PATH_INFO': '/unquoted path with %20',
'SCRIPT_NAME': '/script'}
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(env, 'GET')
expected_path = quote(env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + env['PATH_INFO'])
self.assertEqual(r.path, expected_path)
env = {'PATH_INFO': '', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/script'}
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(env, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, '/script')
env = {'PATH_INFO': '/path', 'SCRIPT_NAME': ''}
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(env, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, '/path')
env = {'PATH_INFO': '', 'SCRIPT_NAME': ''}
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(env, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(r.path, '')
def test_pre_auth_req_path_overrides_env(self):
env = {'PATH_INFO': '/path', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/script'}
r = wsgi.make_pre_authed_request(env, 'GET', '/override')
self.assertEqual(r.path, '/override')
self.assertEqual(r.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'], '')
self.assertEqual(r.environ['PATH_INFO'], '/override')
def test_make_env_keep_user_project_id(self):
oldenv = {'HTTP_X_USER_ID': '1234', 'HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID': '5678'}
newenv = wsgi.make_env(oldenv)
self.assertTrue('HTTP_X_USER_ID' in newenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['HTTP_X_USER_ID'], '1234')
self.assertTrue('HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID' in newenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID'], '5678')
def test_make_env_keeps_referer(self):
oldenv = {'HTTP_REFERER': 'http://blah.example.com'}
newenv = wsgi.make_env(oldenv)
self.assertTrue('HTTP_REFERER' in newenv)
self.assertEqual(newenv['HTTP_REFERER'], 'http://blah.example.com')
def test_make_env_keeps_infocache(self):
oldenv = {'swift.infocache': {}}
newenv = wsgi.make_env(oldenv)
self.assertIs(newenv.get('swift.infocache'), oldenv['swift.infocache'])
class TestSwiftHttpProtocol(unittest.TestCase):
def _proto_obj(self):
# Make an object we can exercise... note the base class's __init__()
# does a bunch of work, so we just new up an object like eventlet.wsgi
# does.
proto_class = wsgi.SwiftHttpProtocol
the_obj = types.InstanceType(proto_class)
except AttributeError:
the_obj = proto_class.__new__(proto_class)
# Install some convenience mocks
the_obj.server = Namespace(app=Namespace(logger=mock.Mock()),
the_obj.send_error = mock.Mock()
return the_obj
def test_swift_http_protocol_log_request(self):
proto_obj = self._proto_obj()
self.assertEqual(None, proto_obj.log_request('ignored'))
def test_swift_http_protocol_log_message(self):
proto_obj = self._proto_obj()
proto_obj.log_message('a%sc', 'b')
self.assertEqual([mock.call.error('ERROR WSGI: a%sc', 'b')],
def test_swift_http_protocol_log_message_no_logger(self):
# If the app somehow had no logger attribute or it was None, don't blow
# up
proto_obj = self._proto_obj()
delattr(proto_obj.server.app, 'logger')
proto_obj.log_message('a%sc', 'b')
self.assertEqual([mock.call.info('ERROR WSGI: a%sc', 'b')],
proto_obj.server.app.logger = None
proto_obj.log_message('a%sc', 'b')
self.assertEqual([mock.call.info('ERROR WSGI: a%sc', 'b')],
def test_swift_http_protocol_parse_request_no_proxy(self):
proto_obj = self._proto_obj()
proto_obj.raw_requestline = b'jimmy jam'
proto_obj.client_address = ('a', '123')
self.assertEqual(False, proto_obj.parse_request())
mock.call(400, "Bad HTTP/0.9 request type ('jimmy')"),
], proto_obj.send_error.mock_calls)
self.assertEqual(('a', '123'), proto_obj.client_address)
def test_request_line_cleanup(self):
def do_test(line_from_socket, expected_line=None):
if expected_line is None:
expected_line = line_from_socket
proto_obj = self._proto_obj()
proto_obj.raw_requestline = line_from_socket
with mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.wsgi.HttpProtocol') \
as mock_super:
self.assertEqual(proto_obj.raw_requestline, expected_line)
do_test(b'GET / HTTP/1.1')
do_test(b'GET /%FF HTTP/1.1')
if not six.PY2:
do_test(b'GET /\xff HTTP/1.1', b'GET /%FF HTTP/1.1')
do_test(b'PUT /Here%20Is%20A%20SnowMan:\xe2\x98\x83 HTTP/1.0',
b'PUT /Here%20Is%20A%20SnowMan%3A%E2%98%83 HTTP/1.0')
b'POST /?and%20it=fixes+params&'
b'PALMTREE=\xf0%9f\x8c%b4 HTTP/1.1',
b'POST /?and+it=fixes+params&PALMTREE=%F0%9F%8C%B4 HTTP/1.1')
class ProtocolTest(unittest.TestCase):
def _run_bytes_through_protocol(self, bytes_from_client):
rfile = BytesIO(bytes_from_client)
wfile = BytesIO()
# All this fakery is needed to make the WSGI server process one
# connection, possibly with multiple requests, in the main
# greenthread. It doesn't hurt correctness if the function is called
# in a separate greenthread, but it makes using the debugger harder.
class FakeGreenthread(object):
def link(self, a_callable, *args):
a_callable(self, *args)
class FakePool(object):
def spawn(self, a_callable, *args, **kwargs):
a_callable(*args, **kwargs)
return FakeGreenthread()
def spawn_n(self, a_callable, *args, **kwargs):
a_callable(*args, **kwargs)
def waitall(self):
addr = ('', 8359)
fake_tcp_socket = mock.Mock(
setsockopt=lambda *a: None,
makefile=lambda mode, bufsize: rfile if 'r' in mode else wfile,
getsockname=lambda *a: addr
fake_listen_socket = mock.Mock(
side_effect=[[fake_tcp_socket, addr],
# KeyboardInterrupt breaks the WSGI server out of
# its infinite accept-process-close loop.
getsockname=lambda *a: addr)
del fake_listen_socket.do_handshake
# If we let the WSGI server close rfile/wfile then we can't access
# their contents any more.
with mock.patch.object(wfile, 'close', lambda: None), \
mock.patch.object(rfile, 'close', lambda: None):
fake_listen_socket, self.app,
log_output=False, # quiet the test run
return wfile.getvalue()
class TestSwiftHttpProtocolSomeMore(ProtocolTest):
protocol_class = wsgi.SwiftHttpProtocol
def app(env, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [])
return [wsgi_to_bytes(env['RAW_PATH_INFO'])]
def test_simple(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertEqual(lines[0], b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # sanity check
self.assertEqual(lines[-1], b'/someurl')
def test_quoted(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"GET /some%fFpath%D8%AA HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertEqual(lines[0], b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # sanity check
self.assertEqual(lines[-1], b'/some%fFpath%D8%AA')
def test_messy(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"GET /oh\xffboy%what$now%E2%80%bd HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertEqual(lines[-1], b'/oh\xffboy%what$now%E2%80%bd')
class TestProxyProtocol(ProtocolTest):
protocol_class = wsgi.SwiftHttpProxiedProtocol
def app(env, start_response):
start_response("200 OK", [])
body = '\r\n'.join([
'got addr: %s %s' % (
env.get("REMOTE_ADDR", "<missing>"),
env.get("REMOTE_PORT", "<missing>")),
'on addr: %s %s' % (
env.get("SERVER_ADDR", "<missing>"),
env.get("SERVER_PORT", "<missing>")),
'https is %s (scheme %s)' % (
env.get("HTTPS", "<missing>"),
env.get("wsgi.url_scheme", "<missing>")),
]) + '\r\n'
return [body.encode("utf-8")]
def test_request_with_proxy(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"PROXY TCP4 56423 4433\r\n"
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertEqual(lines[0], b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # sanity check
self.assertEqual(lines[-3:], [
b"got addr: 56423",
b"on addr: 4433",
b"https is <missing> (scheme http)",
def test_request_with_proxy_https(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"PROXY TCP4 56423 443\r\n"
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertEqual(lines[0], b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # sanity check
self.assertEqual(lines[-3:], [
b"got addr: 56423",
b"on addr: 443",
b"https is on (scheme https)",
def test_multiple_requests_with_proxy(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
b"PROXY TCP4 56423 443\r\n"
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.1\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
b"GET /otherurl HTTP/1.1\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
b"Connection: close\r\n"
lines = bytes_out.split(b"\r\n")
self.assertEqual(lines[0], b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # sanity check
# the address in the PROXY line is applied to every request
addr_lines = [l for l in lines if l.startswith(b"got addr")]
self.assertEqual(addr_lines, [b"got addr: 56423"] * 2)
addr_lines = [l for l in lines if l.startswith(b"on addr")]
self.assertEqual(addr_lines, [b"on addr: 443"] * 2)
addr_lines = [l for l in lines if l.startswith(b"https is")]
self.assertEqual(addr_lines, [b"https is on (scheme https)"] * 2)
def test_missing_proxy_line(self):
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
# whoops, no PROXY line here
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertIn(b"400 Invalid PROXY line", lines[0])
def test_malformed_proxy_lines(self):
for bad_line in [b'PROXY jojo',
b'PROXYjojo a b c d e',
b'PROXY a b c d e', # bad INET protocol and family
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol(bad_line)
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertIn(b"400 Invalid PROXY line", lines[0])
def test_unknown_client_addr(self):
# For "UNKNOWN", the rest of the line before the CRLF may be omitted by
# the sender, and the receiver must ignore anything presented before
# the CRLF is found.
for unknown_line in [b'PROXY UNKNOWN', # mimimal valid unknown
b'PROXY UNKNOWNblahblah', # also valid
b'PROXY UNKNOWN a b c d']:
bytes_out = self._run_bytes_through_protocol((
unknown_line + (b"\r\n"
b"GET /someurl HTTP/1.0\r\n"
b"User-Agent: something or other\r\n"
lines = [l for l in bytes_out.split(b"\r\n") if l]
self.assertIn(b"200 OK", lines[0])
def test_address_and_environ(self):
# Make an object we can exercise... note the base class's __init__()
# does a bunch of work, so we just new up an object like eventlet.wsgi
# does.
dummy_env = {'OTHER_ENV_KEY': 'OTHER_ENV_VALUE'}
mock_protocol = mock.Mock(get_environ=lambda s: dummy_env)
patcher = mock.patch(
'swift.common.wsgi.SwiftHttpProtocol', mock_protocol
self.mock_super = patcher.start()
proto_class = wsgi.SwiftHttpProxiedProtocol
proxy_obj = types.InstanceType(proto_class)
except AttributeError:
proxy_obj = proto_class.__new__(proto_class)
# Install some convenience mocks
proxy_obj.server = Namespace(app=Namespace(logger=mock.Mock()),
proxy_obj.send_error = mock.Mock()
proxy_obj.rfile = BytesIO(
b'PROXY TCP4 111 222'
assert proxy_obj.handle()
self.assertEqual(proxy_obj.client_address, ('', '111'))
self.assertEqual(proxy_obj.proxy_address, ('', '222'))
expected_env = {
'SERVER_PORT': '222',
self.assertEqual(proxy_obj.get_environ(), expected_env)
class CommonTestMixin(object):
def test_post_fork_hook(self, mock_capture):
], self.mock_drop_privileges.mock_calls)
], mock_capture.mock_calls)
class TestServersPerPortStrategy(unittest.TestCase, CommonTestMixin):
def setUp(self):
self.logger = debug_logger()
self.conf = {
'workers': 100, # ignored
'user': 'bob',
'swift_dir': '/jim/cricket',
'ring_check_interval': '76',
'bind_ip': '',
self.servers_per_port = 3
self.sockets = [mock.MagicMock() for _ in range(6)]
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.get_socket',
self.mock_get_socket = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.drop_privileges')
self.mock_drop_privileges = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.BindPortsCache')
self.mock_cache_class = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.os.setsid')
self.mock_setsid = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.os.chdir')
self.mock_chdir = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.os.umask')
self.mock_umask = patcher.start()
self.all_bind_ports_for_node = \
self.ports = (6006, 6007)
self.all_bind_ports_for_node.return_value = set(self.ports)
self.strategy = wsgi.ServersPerPortStrategy(self.conf, self.logger,
def test_loop_timeout(self):
# This strategy should loop every ring_check_interval seconds, even if
# no workers exit.
self.assertEqual(76, self.strategy.loop_timeout())
# Check the default
del self.conf['ring_check_interval']
self.strategy = wsgi.ServersPerPortStrategy(self.conf, self.logger,
self.assertEqual(15, self.strategy.loop_timeout())
def test_no_fork_sock(self):
def test_new_worker_socks(self):
pid = 88
got_si = []
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
got_si.append((s, i))
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, i, pid)
pid += 1
(self.sockets[0], (6006, 0)),
(self.sockets[1], (6006, 1)),
(self.sockets[2], (6006, 2)),
(self.sockets[3], (6007, 0)),
(self.sockets[4], (6007, 1)),
(self.sockets[5], (6007, 2)),
], got_si)
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (0, 88, 6006),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (1, 89, 6006),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (2, 90, 6006),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (0, 91, 6007),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (1, 92, 6007),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (2, 93, 6007),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
# Steady-state...
self.assertEqual([], list(self.strategy.new_worker_socks()))
# Get rid of servers for ports which disappear from the ring
self.ports = (6007,)
self.all_bind_ports_for_node.return_value = set(self.ports)
for s in self.sockets:
with mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.greenio') as mock_greenio:
self.assertEqual([], list(self.strategy.new_worker_socks()))
mock.call(), # ring_check_interval has passed...
], self.all_bind_ports_for_node.mock_calls)
for _ in range(3)
], [s.mock_calls for s in self.sockets[:3]])
('shutdown_safe', (self.sockets[0],)),
('shutdown_safe', (self.sockets[1],)),
('shutdown_safe', (self.sockets[2],)),
}, {call[:2] for call in mock_greenio.mock_calls})
[] for _ in range(3)
], [s.mock_calls for s in self.sockets[3:]]) # not closed
'Closing unnecessary sock for port %d (child pid %d)' % (6006, p)
for p in range(88, 91)
}, set(self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice')))
# Create new socket & workers for new ports that appear in ring
self.ports = (6007, 6009)
self.all_bind_ports_for_node.return_value = set(self.ports)
for s in self.sockets:
self.mock_get_socket.side_effect = Exception('ack')
# But first make sure we handle failure to bind to the requested port!
got_si = []
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
got_si.append((s, i))
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, i, pid)
pid += 1
self.assertEqual([], got_si)
'Unable to bind to port %d: %s' % (6009, Exception('ack')),
'Unable to bind to port %d: %s' % (6009, Exception('ack')),
'Unable to bind to port %d: %s' % (6009, Exception('ack')),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('critical'))
# Will keep trying, so let it succeed again
new_sockets = self.mock_get_socket.side_effect = [
mock.MagicMock() for _ in range(3)]
got_si = []
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
got_si.append((s, i))
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, i, pid)
pid += 1
(s, (6009, i)) for i, s in enumerate(new_sockets)
], got_si)
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (0, 94, 6009),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (1, 95, 6009),
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (2, 96, 6009),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
# Steady-state...
self.assertEqual([], list(self.strategy.new_worker_socks()))
# Restart a guy who died on us
self.strategy.register_worker_exit(95) # server_idx == 1
# TODO: check that the socket got cleaned up
new_socket = mock.MagicMock()
self.mock_get_socket.side_effect = [new_socket]
got_si = []
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
got_si.append((s, i))
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, i, pid)
pid += 1
(new_socket, (6009, 1)),
], got_si)
'Started child %d (PID %d) for port %d' % (1, 97, 6009),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
# Check log_sock_exit
self.strategy.log_sock_exit(self.sockets[5], (6007, 2))
'Child %d (PID %d, port %d) exiting normally' % (
2, os.getpid(), 6007),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
# It's ok to register_worker_exit for a PID that's already had its
# socket closed due to orphaning.
# This is one of the workers for port 6006 that already got reaped.
def test_shutdown_sockets(self):
pid = 88
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, i, pid)
pid += 1
with mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.greenio') as mock_greenio:
for s in self.sockets
], mock_greenio.mock_calls)
for _ in range(3)
], [s.mock_calls for s in self.sockets[:3]])
class TestWorkersStrategy(unittest.TestCase, CommonTestMixin):
def setUp(self):
self.logger = debug_logger()
self.conf = {
'workers': 2,
'user': 'bob',
self.strategy = wsgi.WorkersStrategy(self.conf, self.logger)
self.mock_socket = mock.Mock()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.get_socket',
self.mock_get_socket = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.drop_privileges')
self.mock_drop_privileges = patcher.start()
patcher = mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.clean_up_daemon_hygiene')
self.mock_clean_up_daemon_hygene = patcher.start()
def test_loop_timeout(self):
# This strategy should sit in the green.os.wait() for a bit (to avoid
# busy-waiting) but not forever (so the keep-running flag actually
# gets checked).
self.assertEqual(0.5, self.strategy.loop_timeout())
def test_no_fork_sock(self):
self.conf['workers'] = 0
self.strategy = wsgi.WorkersStrategy(self.conf, self.logger)
self.assertIs(self.mock_socket, self.strategy.no_fork_sock())
def test_new_worker_socks(self):
pid = 88
sock_count = 0
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
self.assertEqual(self.mock_socket, s)
self.assertIsNone(i) # unused for this strategy
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, 'unused', pid)
pid += 1
sock_count += 1
mypid = os.getpid()
'Started child %s from parent %s' % (88, mypid),
'Started child %s from parent %s' % (89, mypid),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
self.assertEqual(2, sock_count)
self.assertEqual([], list(self.strategy.new_worker_socks()))
sock_count = 0
'Removing dead child %s from parent %s' % (88, mypid)
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'))
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
self.assertEqual(self.mock_socket, s)
self.assertIsNone(i) # unused for this strategy
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, 'unused', pid)
pid += 1
sock_count += 1
self.assertEqual(1, sock_count)
'Started child %s from parent %s' % (88, mypid),
'Started child %s from parent %s' % (89, mypid),
'Started child %s from parent %s' % (90, mypid),
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
def test_shutdown_sockets(self):
self.mock_get_socket.side_effect = sockets = [
mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock()]
pid = 88
for s, i in self.strategy.new_worker_socks():
self.strategy.register_worker_start(s, 'unused', pid)
pid += 1
with mock.patch('swift.common.wsgi.greenio') as mock_greenio:
for s in sockets
], mock_greenio.mock_calls)
[mock.call.close()] for _ in range(2)
], [s.mock_calls for s in sockets])
def test_log_sock_exit(self):
self.strategy.log_sock_exit('blahblah', 'blahblah')
my_pid = os.getpid()
'Child %d exiting normally' % my_pid,
], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('notice'))
class TestWSGIContext(unittest.TestCase):
def test_app_call(self):
statuses = ['200 Ok', '404 Not Found']
def app(env, start_response):
start_response(statuses.pop(0), [('Content-Length', '3')])
yield b'Ok\n'
wc = wsgi.WSGIContext(app)
r = Request.blank('/')
it = wc._app_call(r.environ)
self.assertEqual(wc._response_status, '200 Ok')
self.assertEqual(b''.join(it), b'Ok\n')
r = Request.blank('/')
it = wc._app_call(r.environ)
self.assertEqual(wc._response_status, '404 Not Found')
self.assertEqual(b''.join(it), b'Ok\n')
def test_app_iter_is_closable(self):
def app(env, start_response):
yield b''
yield b''
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Length', '25')])
yield b'aaaaa'
yield b'bbbbb'
yield b'ccccc'
yield b'ddddd'
yield b'eeeee'
wc = wsgi.WSGIContext(app)
r = Request.blank('/')
iterable = wc._app_call(r.environ)
self.assertEqual(wc._response_status, '200 OK')
iterator = iter(iterable)
self.assertEqual(b'aaaaa', next(iterator))
self.assertEqual(b'bbbbb', next(iterator))
with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
def test_update_content_length(self):
statuses = ['200 Ok']
def app(env, start_response):
start_response(statuses.pop(0), [('Content-Length', '30')])
yield b'Ok\n'
wc = wsgi.WSGIContext(app)
r = Request.blank('/')
it = wc._app_call(r.environ)
self.assertEqual(wc._response_status, '200 Ok')
self.assertEqual(b''.join(it), b'Ok\n')
self.assertEqual(wc._response_headers, [('Content-Length', '35')])
def test_app_returns_headers_as_dict_items(self):
statuses = ['200 Ok']
def app(env, start_response):
start_response(statuses.pop(0), {'Content-Length': '3'}.items())
yield b'Ok\n'
wc = wsgi.WSGIContext(app)
r = Request.blank('/')
it = wc._app_call(r.environ)
wc._response_headers.append(('X-Trans-Id', 'txn'))
self.assertEqual(wc._response_status, '200 Ok')
self.assertEqual(b''.join(it), b'Ok\n')
self.assertEqual(wc._response_headers, [
('Content-Length', '3'),
('X-Trans-Id', 'txn'),
class TestPipelineWrapper(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = healthcheck catch_errors tempurl proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
paste.filter_factory = swift.common.middleware.tempurl:filter_factory
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
ctx = wsgi.loadcontext(loadwsgi.APP, conf_file, global_conf={})
self.pipe = wsgi.PipelineWrapper(ctx)
def _entry_point_names(self):
# Helper method to return a list of the entry point names for the
# filters in the pipeline.
return [c.entry_point_name for c in self.pipe.context.filter_contexts]
def test_startswith(self):
def test_startswith_no_filters(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
ctx = wsgi.loadcontext(loadwsgi.APP, conf_file, global_conf={})
pipe = wsgi.PipelineWrapper(ctx)
def test_insert_filter(self):
original_modules = ['healthcheck', 'catch_errors', None]
self.assertEqual(self._entry_point_names(), original_modules)
expected_modules = ['catch_errors', 'healthcheck',
'catch_errors', None]
self.assertEqual(self._entry_point_names(), expected_modules)
def test_str(self):
"healthcheck catch_errors tempurl proxy-server")
def test_str_unknown_filter(self):
del self.pipe.context.filter_contexts[0].__dict__['name']
self.pipe.context.filter_contexts[0].object = 'mysterious'
"<unknown> catch_errors tempurl proxy-server")
class TestPipelineModification(unittest.TestCase):
def pipeline_modules(self, app):
# This is rather brittle; it'll break if a middleware stores its app
# anywhere other than an attribute named "app", but it works for now.
pipe = []
for _ in range(1000):
if app.__class__.__module__ == \
if not hasattr(app, 'app'):
app = app.app
return pipe
def test_load_app(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = healthcheck proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
def modify_func(app, pipe):
new = pipe.create_filter('catch_errors')
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch(
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
exp = swift.common.middleware.catch_errors.CatchErrorMiddleware
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app, exp), app)
exp = swift.common.middleware.healthcheck.HealthCheckMiddleware
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app.app, exp), app.app)
exp = swift.proxy.server.Application
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app.app.app, exp), app.app.app)
# Everybody gets a reference to the final app, too
self.assertIs(app.app.app, app._pipeline_final_app)
self.assertIs(app.app.app, app.app._pipeline_final_app)
self.assertIs(app.app.app, app.app.app._pipeline_final_app)
# make sure you can turn off the pipeline modification if you want
def blow_up(*_, **__):
raise self.fail("needs more struts")
with mock.patch(
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={},
# the pipeline was untouched
exp = swift.common.middleware.healthcheck.HealthCheckMiddleware
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app, exp), app)
exp = swift.proxy.server.Application
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app.app, exp), app.app)
def test_proxy_unmodified_wsgi_pipeline(self):
# Make sure things are sane even when we modify nothing
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#gatekeeper
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
def test_proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = healthcheck proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
def test_proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline_recommended_pipelines(self):
to_test = [
# Version, filter-only pipeline, expected final pipeline
'catch_errors healthcheck cache ratelimit tempauth',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck memcache'
' listing_formats ratelimit tempauth copy dlo versioned_writes'),
'catch_errors healthcheck cache ratelimit tempauth proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck memcache ratelimit tempauth'
' proxy_logging listing_formats copy dlo versioned_writes'),
'catch_errors healthcheck proxy-logging cache slo ratelimit'
' tempauth container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats slo ratelimit tempauth copy dlo'
' versioned_writes container_quotas account_quotas'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors healthcheck proxy-logging cache bulk slo ratelimit'
' tempauth container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats bulk slo ratelimit tempauth copy dlo'
' versioned_writes container_quotas account_quotas'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk slo ratelimit tempauth container-quotas'
' account-quotas proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk slo ratelimit tempauth'
' copy dlo versioned_writes container_quotas account_quotas'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk slo dlo ratelimit tempauth'
' container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk slo dlo ratelimit'
' tempauth copy versioned_writes container_quotas account_quotas'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk tempurl slo dlo ratelimit tempauth'
' container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl slo dlo ratelimit'
' tempauth copy versioned_writes container_quotas account_quotas'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth container-quotas'
' account-quotas slo dlo proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth'
' copy container_quotas account_quotas slo dlo versioned_writes'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth container-quotas'
' account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth'
' copy container_quotas account_quotas slo dlo versioned_writes'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth copy'
' container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes'
' proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth'
' copy container_quotas account_quotas slo dlo versioned_writes'
' proxy_logging'),
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit'
' tempauth copy container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo'
' versioned_writes proxy-logging',
'catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy_logging memcache'
' listing_formats container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit'
' tempauth copy container_quotas account_quotas slo dlo'
' versioned_writes proxy_logging'),
config = """
swift_dir = %s
pipeline = %s proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#gatekeeper
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#memcache
use = egg:swift#listing_formats
use = egg:swift#container_sync
use = egg:swift#bulk
use = egg:swift#tempurl
use = egg:swift#ratelimit
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_test_tester = t%%sting .admin
use = egg:swift#copy
use = egg:swift#container_quotas
use = egg:swift#account_quotas
use = egg:swift#slo
use = egg:swift#dlo
use = egg:swift#versioned_writes
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
for version, pipeline, expected in to_test:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
to_write = contents % (t, pipeline)
# Sanity check that the password only has one % in it
self.assertIn('t%sting', to_write)
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
actual = ' '.join(m.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
for m in self.pipeline_modules(app)[:-1])
expected, actual,
'Pipeline mismatch for version %s: got\n %s\n'
'but expected\n %s' % (version, actual, expected))
def test_proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline_inserts_versioned_writes(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = slo dlo healthcheck proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
use = egg:swift#dlo
use = egg:swift#slo
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
def test_proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline_ordering(self):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = healthcheck proxy-logging bulk tempurl proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#bulk
use = egg:swift#tempurl
new_req_filters = [
# not in pipeline, no afters
{'name': 'catch_errors'},
# already in pipeline
{'name': 'proxy_logging',
'after_fn': lambda _: ['catch_errors']},
# not in pipeline, comes after more than one thing
{'name': 'container_quotas',
'after_fn': lambda _: ['catch_errors', 'bulk']}]
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
with mock.patch.object(swift.proxy.server, 'required_filters',
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
self.assertEqual(self.pipeline_modules(app), [
def _proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline(self, pipe):
config = """
swift_dir = TEMPDIR
pipeline = %s
use = egg:swift#proxy
conn_timeout = 0.2
use = egg:swift#healthcheck
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#gatekeeper
config = config % (pipe,)
contents = dedent(config)
with temptree(['proxy-server.conf']) as t:
conf_file = os.path.join(t, 'proxy-server.conf')
with open(conf_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(contents.replace('TEMPDIR', t))
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_file, global_conf={})
return app
def test_gatekeeper_insertion_catch_errors_configured_at_start(self):
# catch_errors is configured at start, gatekeeper is not configured,
# so gatekeeper should be inserted just after catch_errors
pipe = 'catch_errors healthcheck proxy-server'
app = self._proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline(pipe)
self.assertEqual(self.pipeline_modules(app), [
def test_gatekeeper_insertion_catch_errors_configured_not_at_start(self):
# catch_errors is configured, gatekeeper is not configured, so
# gatekeeper should be inserted at start of pipeline
pipe = 'healthcheck catch_errors proxy-server'
app = self._proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline(pipe)
self.assertEqual(self.pipeline_modules(app), [
def test_catch_errors_gatekeeper_configured_not_at_start(self):
# catch_errors is configured, gatekeeper is configured, so
# no change should be made to pipeline
pipe = 'healthcheck catch_errors gatekeeper proxy-server'
app = self._proxy_modify_wsgi_pipeline(pipe)
self.assertEqual(self.pipeline_modules(app), [
def test_loadapp_proxy(self, tempdir):
conf_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'proxy-server.conf')
conf_body = """
swift_dir = %s
pipeline = catch_errors cache proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
use = egg:swift#memcache
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
""" % tempdir
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
account_ring_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'account.ring.gz')
container_ring_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'container.ring.gz')
object_ring_paths = {}
for policy in POLICIES:
object_ring_paths[int(policy)] = os.path.join(
tempdir, policy.ring_name + '.ring.gz')
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
proxy_app = app._pipeline_final_app
for policy_index, expected_path in object_ring_paths.items():
object_ring = proxy_app.get_object_ring(policy_index)
self.assertEqual(expected_path, object_ring.serialized_path)
def test_loadapp_storage(self, tempdir):
expectations = {
'object': obj_server.ObjectController,
'container': container_server.ContainerController,
'account': account_server.AccountController,
for server_type, controller in expectations.items():
conf_path = os.path.join(
tempdir, '%s-server.conf' % server_type)
conf_body = """
swift_dir = %s
use = egg:swift#%s
""" % (tempdir, server_type)
with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
app = wsgi.loadapp(conf_path)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(app, controller))
if __name__ == '__main__':