We were playing a little fast & loose with types before; as a result, marker/end_marker weren't quite working right. In particular, we were checking whether a WSGI string was contained in a shard range, while ShardRange assumes all comparisons are against native strings. Now, get everything to native strings before making comparisons, and get them back to wsgi when we shove them in the params dict. Change-Id: Iddf9e089ef95dc709ab76dc58952a776246991fd
1512 lines
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1512 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import mock
import socket
import unittest
from eventlet import Timeout
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from swift.common.constraints import CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT
from swift.common.swob import Request, bytes_to_wsgi, str_to_wsgi, wsgi_quote
from swift.common.utils import ShardRange, Timestamp
from swift.proxy import server as proxy_server
from swift.proxy.controllers.base import headers_to_container_info, \
Controller, get_container_info
from test import annotate_failure
from test.unit import fake_http_connect, FakeRing, FakeMemcache, \
from swift.common.storage_policy import StoragePolicy
from swift.common.request_helpers import get_sys_meta_prefix
from test.unit import patch_policies, mocked_http_conn, debug_logger
from test.unit.common.ring.test_ring import TestRingBase
from test.unit.proxy.test_server import node_error_count
@patch_policies([StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', True, object_ring=FakeRing())])
class TestContainerController(TestRingBase):
def setUp(self):
self.logger = debug_logger()
self.container_ring = FakeRing(replicas=self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS,
self.app = proxy_server.Application(None, FakeMemcache(),
self.account_info = {
'status': 200,
'container_count': '10',
'total_object_count': '100',
'bytes': '1000',
'meta': {},
'sysmeta': {},
class FakeAccountInfoContainerController(
def account_info(controller, *args, **kwargs):
patch_path = 'swift.proxy.controllers.base.get_account_info'
with mock.patch(patch_path) as mock_get_info:
mock_get_info.return_value = dict(self.account_info)
return super(FakeAccountInfoContainerController,
*args, **kwargs)
_orig_get_controller = self.app.get_controller
def wrapped_get_controller(*args, **kwargs):
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.ContainerController',
return _orig_get_controller(*args, **kwargs)
self.app.get_controller = wrapped_get_controller
self.ts_iter = make_timestamp_iter()
def _make_callback_func(self, context):
def callback(ipaddr, port, device, partition, method, path,
headers=None, query_string=None, ssl=False):
context['method'] = method
context['path'] = path
context['headers'] = headers or {}
return callback
def _assert_responses(self, method, test_cases):
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
for responses, expected in test_cases:
with mock.patch(
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
resp = getattr(controller, method)(req)
'Expected %s but got %s. Failed case: %s' %
(expected, resp.status_int, str(responses)))
def test_container_info_got_cached(self):
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, body='')):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', {'PATH_INFO': '/v1/a/c'})
resp = controller.HEAD(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
# Make sure it's in both swift.infocache and memcache
self.assertIn("container/a/c", resp.environ['swift.infocache'])
from_memcache = self.app.memcache.get('container/a/c')
@mock.patch.object(Controller, 'make_requests')
def test_container_cache_cleared_after_PUT(
self, mock_make_requests, mock_clear_info_cache):
parent_mock = mock.Mock()
parent_mock.attach_mock(mock_make_requests, 'make_requests')
parent_mock.attach_mock(mock_clear_info_cache, 'clear_info_cache')
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
callback = self._make_callback_func({})
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, give_connect=callback)):
# Ensure cache is cleared after the PUT request
self.assertEqual(parent_mock.mock_calls[0][0], 'make_requests')
self.assertEqual(parent_mock.mock_calls[1][0], 'clear_info_cache')
def test_swift_owner(self):
owner_headers = {
'x-container-read': 'value', 'x-container-write': 'value',
'x-container-sync-key': 'value', 'x-container-sync-to': 'value'}
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, headers=owner_headers)):
resp = controller.HEAD(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in owner_headers:
self.assertNotIn(key, resp.headers)
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', environ={'swift_owner': True})
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, headers=owner_headers)):
resp = controller.HEAD(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in owner_headers:
self.assertIn(key, resp.headers)
def test_reseller_admin(self):
reseller_internal_headers = {
get_sys_meta_prefix('container') + 'sharding': 'True'}
reseller_external_headers = {'x-container-sharding': 'on'}
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
# Normal users, even swift owners, can't set it
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', method='PUT',
environ={'swift_owner': True})
with mocked_http_conn(*[201] * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS) as mock_conn:
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_internal_headers:
for captured in mock_conn.requests:
self.assertNotIn(key.title(), captured['headers'])
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', method='POST',
environ={'swift_owner': True})
with mocked_http_conn(*[204] * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS) as mock_conn:
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_internal_headers:
for captured in mock_conn.requests:
self.assertNotIn(key.title(), captured['headers'])
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', environ={'swift_owner': True})
# Heck, they don't even get to know
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200,
resp = controller.HEAD(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_external_headers:
self.assertNotIn(key, resp.headers)
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200,
resp = controller.GET(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_external_headers:
self.assertNotIn(key, resp.headers)
# But reseller admins can set it
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', method='PUT',
environ={'reseller_request': True})
with mocked_http_conn(*[201] * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS) as mock_conn:
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_internal_headers:
for captured in mock_conn.requests:
self.assertIn(key.title(), captured['headers'])
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', method='POST',
environ={'reseller_request': True})
with mocked_http_conn(*[204] * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS) as mock_conn:
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_internal_headers:
for captured in mock_conn.requests:
self.assertIn(key.title(), captured['headers'])
# And see that they have
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', environ={'reseller_request': True})
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200,
resp = controller.HEAD(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_external_headers:
self.assertIn(key, resp.headers)
self.assertEqual(resp.headers[key], 'True')
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200,
resp = controller.GET(req)
self.assertEqual(2, resp.status_int // 100)
for key in reseller_external_headers:
self.assertEqual(resp.headers[key], 'True')
def test_sys_meta_headers_PUT(self):
# check that headers in sys meta namespace make it through
# the container controller
sys_meta_key = '%stest' % get_sys_meta_prefix('container')
sys_meta_key = sys_meta_key.title()
user_meta_key = 'X-Container-Meta-Test'
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
context = {}
callback = self._make_callback_func(context)
hdrs_in = {sys_meta_key: 'foo',
user_meta_key: 'bar',
'x-timestamp': '1.0'}
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', headers=hdrs_in)
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, give_connect=callback)):
self.assertEqual(context['method'], 'PUT')
self.assertIn(sys_meta_key, context['headers'])
self.assertEqual(context['headers'][sys_meta_key], 'foo')
self.assertIn(user_meta_key, context['headers'])
self.assertEqual(context['headers'][user_meta_key], 'bar')
self.assertNotEqual(context['headers']['x-timestamp'], '1.0')
def test_sys_meta_headers_POST(self):
# check that headers in sys meta namespace make it through
# the container controller
sys_meta_key = '%stest' % get_sys_meta_prefix('container')
sys_meta_key = sys_meta_key.title()
user_meta_key = 'X-Container-Meta-Test'
controller = proxy_server.ContainerController(self.app, 'a', 'c')
context = {}
callback = self._make_callback_func(context)
hdrs_in = {sys_meta_key: 'foo',
user_meta_key: 'bar',
'x-timestamp': '1.0'}
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', headers=hdrs_in)
with mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect',
fake_http_connect(200, 200, give_connect=callback)):
self.assertEqual(context['method'], 'POST')
self.assertIn(sys_meta_key, context['headers'])
self.assertEqual(context['headers'][sys_meta_key], 'foo')
self.assertIn(user_meta_key, context['headers'])
self.assertEqual(context['headers'][user_meta_key], 'bar')
self.assertNotEqual(context['headers']['x-timestamp'], '1.0')
def test_node_errors(self):
self.app.sort_nodes = lambda n, *args, **kwargs: n
for method in ('PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST'):
def test_status_map(statuses, expected):
self.app._error_limiting = {}
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c', method=method)
with mocked_http_conn(*statuses) as fake_conn:
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, expected)
for req in fake_conn.requests:
self.assertEqual(req['method'], method)
base_status = [201] * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS
# test happy path
test_status_map(list(base_status), 201)
for i in range(self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS):
self.app, self.container_ring.devs[i]), 0)
# single node errors and test isolation
for i in range(self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS):
test_status_map(base_status[:i] + [503] + base_status[i:], 201)
for j in range(self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS):
expected = 1 if j == i else 0
self.app, self.container_ring.devs[j]), expected)
# timeout
test_status_map(base_status[:1] + [Timeout()] + base_status[1:],
self.app, self.container_ring.devs[1]), 1)
# exception
test_status_map([Exception('kaboom!')] + base_status, 201)
self.app, self.container_ring.devs[0]), 1)
# insufficient storage
test_status_map(base_status[:2] + [507] + base_status[2:], 201)
self.app, self.container_ring.devs[2]),
self.app.error_suppression_limit + 1)
def test_response_codes_for_GET(self):
nodes = self.app.container_ring.replicas
handoffs = self.app.request_node_count(nodes) - nodes
([socket.error()] * (nodes + handoffs), 503),
([500] * (nodes + handoffs), 503),
([200], 200),
([404, 200], 200),
([404] * nodes + [200], 200),
([Timeout()] * nodes + [404] * handoffs, 503),
([Timeout()] * (nodes + handoffs), 503),
([Timeout()] * (nodes + handoffs - 1) + [404], 503),
([Timeout()] * (nodes - 1) + [404] * (handoffs + 1), 404),
([500] * (nodes - 1) + [404] * (handoffs + 1), 503),
([503, 200], 200),
([507, 200], 200),
failures = []
for case, expected in GET_TEST_CASES:
with mocked_http_conn(*case):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, expected)
except AssertionError:
msg = '%r => %s (expected %s)' % (
case, resp.status_int, expected)
except AssertionError as e:
# left over status failure
msg = '%r => %s' % (case, e)
if failures:
self.fail('Some requests did not have expected response:\n' +
# One more test, simulating all nodes being error-limited
with mocked_http_conn(), mock.patch.object(self.app, 'iter_nodes',
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503)
def test_handoff_has_deleted_database(self):
nodes = self.app.container_ring.replicas
handoffs = self.app.request_node_count(nodes) - nodes
status = [Timeout()] * nodes + [404] * handoffs
timestamps = tuple([None] * nodes + ['1'] + [None] * (handoffs - 1))
with mocked_http_conn(*status, timestamps=timestamps):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404)
def test_response_code_for_PUT(self):
((201, 201, 201), 201),
((201, 201, 404), 201),
((201, 201, 503), 201),
((201, 404, 404), 404),
((201, 404, 503), 503),
((201, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('PUT', PUT_TEST_CASES)
def test_response_code_for_DELETE(self):
((204, 204, 204), 204),
((204, 204, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 503), 204),
((204, 404, 404), 404),
((204, 404, 503), 503),
((204, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('DELETE', DELETE_TEST_CASES)
def test_response_code_for_POST(self):
((204, 204, 204), 204),
((204, 204, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 503), 204),
((204, 404, 404), 404),
((204, 404, 503), 503),
((204, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('POST', POST_TEST_CASES)
def _make_shard_objects(self, shard_range):
if six.PY2:
lower = ord(shard_range.lower.decode('utf8')[0]
if shard_range.lower else '@')
upper = ord(shard_range.upper.decode('utf8')[0]
if shard_range.upper else u'\U0001ffff')
lower = ord(shard_range.lower[0] if shard_range.lower else '@')
upper = ord(shard_range.upper[0] if shard_range.upper
else '\U0001ffff')
objects = [{'name': six.unichr(i), 'bytes': i,
'hash': 'hash%s' % six.unichr(i),
'content_type': 'text/plain', 'deleted': 0,
'last_modified': next(self.ts_iter).isoformat}
for i in range(lower + 1, upper + 1)][:1024]
return objects
def _check_GET_shard_listing(self, mock_responses, expected_objects,
expected_requests, query_string='',
# mock_responses is a list of tuples (status, json body, headers)
# expected objects is a list of dicts
# expected_requests is a list of tuples (path, hdrs dict, params dict)
# sanity check that expected objects is name ordered with no repeats
def name(obj):
return obj.get('name', obj.get('subdir'))
for (prev, next_) in zip(expected_objects, expected_objects[1:]):
if reverse:
self.assertGreater(name(prev), name(next_))
self.assertLess(name(prev), name(next_))
container_path = '/v1/a/c' + query_string
codes = (resp[0] for resp in mock_responses)
bodies = iter([json.dumps(resp[1]).encode('ascii')
for resp in mock_responses])
exp_headers = [resp[2] for resp in mock_responses]
request = Request.blank(container_path)
with mocked_http_conn(
*codes, body_iter=bodies, headers=exp_headers) as fake_conn:
resp = request.get_response(self.app)
for backend_req in fake_conn.requests:
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_int)
actual_objects = json.loads(resp.body)
self.assertEqual(len(expected_objects), len(actual_objects))
self.assertEqual(expected_objects, actual_objects)
self.assertEqual(len(expected_requests), len(fake_conn.requests))
for i, ((exp_path, exp_headers, exp_params), req) in enumerate(
zip(expected_requests, fake_conn.requests)):
with annotate_failure('Request check at index %d.' % i):
# strip off /sdx/0/ from path
self.assertEqual(exp_path, req['path'][7:])
if six.PY2:
got_params = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(req['qs'], True))
got_params = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(
req['qs'], True, encoding='latin1'))
self.assertEqual(dict(exp_params, format='json'), got_params)
for k, v in exp_headers.items():
self.assertIn(k, req['headers'])
self.assertEqual(v, req['headers'][k])
self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Override-Delete', req['headers'])
return resp
def check_response(self, resp, root_resp_hdrs, expected_objects=None):
info_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
if expected_objects is None:
# default is to expect whatever the root container sent
expected_obj_count = root_resp_hdrs['X-Container-Object-Count']
expected_bytes_used = root_resp_hdrs['X-Container-Bytes-Used']
expected_bytes_used = sum([o['bytes'] for o in expected_objects])
expected_obj_count = len(expected_objects)
info_hdrs['X-Container-Bytes-Used'] = expected_bytes_used
info_hdrs['X-Container-Object-Count'] = expected_obj_count
self.assertEqual('sharded', resp.headers['X-Backend-Sharding-State'])
for k, v in root_resp_hdrs.items():
if k.lower().startswith('x-container-meta'):
self.assertEqual(v, resp.headers[k])
# check that info cache is correct for root container
info = get_container_info(resp.request.environ, self.app)
self.assertEqual(headers_to_container_info(info_hdrs), info)
def test_GET_sharded_container(self):
# Don't worry, ShardRange._encode takes care of unicode/bytes issues
shard_bounds = ('', 'ham', 'pie', u'\N{SNOWMAN}', u'\U0001F334', '')
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_%s' % upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in zip(shard_bounds[:-1], shard_bounds[1:])]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i, _ in enumerate(shard_ranges)]
all_objects = []
for objects in sr_objs:
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
num_all_objects = len(all_objects)
expected_objects = all_objects
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
# pretend root object stats are not yet updated
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects - 1,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects - 1,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
# GET all objects
# include some failed responses
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2]),
(200, sr_objs[3], shard_resp_hdrs[3]),
(200, sr_objs[4], shard_resp_hdrs[4]),
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 404
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', limit=str(limit),
states='listing')), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='\xe2\x98\x83\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='\xd1\xb0', end_marker='\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb4\x00',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1]
+ sr_objs[2])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='\xe2\xa8\x83', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1] + sr_objs[2]
+ sr_objs[3])))), # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs,
# GET all objects - sharding, final shard range points back to root
root_range = ShardRange('a/c', Timestamp.now(), 'pie', '')
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts[:2] + [dict(root_range)], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2] + sr_objs[3] + sr_objs[4], root_resp_hdrs)
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', limit=str(limit),
states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))), # 200
(root_range.name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'object'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs,
# GET all objects in reverse
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, list(reversed(sr_dicts)), root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[4])), shard_resp_hdrs[4]),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[3])), shard_resp_hdrs[3]),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[2])), shard_resp_hdrs[2]),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[1])), shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[0])), shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', reverse='true')),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb4', states='listing',
reverse='true', limit=str(limit))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb5', end_marker='\xe2\x98\x83',
states='listing', reverse='true',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[4])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='\xe2\x98\x84', end_marker='pie', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[4] + sr_objs[3])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='q', end_marker='ham', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[4] + sr_objs[3]
+ sr_objs[2])))), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='i', end_marker='', states='listing', reverse='true',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[4] + sr_objs[3] + sr_objs[2]
+ sr_objs[1])))), # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, list(reversed(expected_objects)),
expected_requests, query_string='?reverse=true', reverse=True)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs,
# GET with limit param
limit = len(sr_objs[0]) + len(sr_objs[1]) + 1
expected_objects = all_objects[:limit]
mock_responses = [
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2][:1], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(limit=str(limit), states='listing')), # 404
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(limit=str(limit), states='listing')), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='p', end_marker='\xe2\x98\x83\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))),
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
query_string='?limit=%s' % limit)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# GET with marker
marker = bytes_to_wsgi(sr_objs[3][2]['name'].encode('utf8'))
first_included = (len(sr_objs[0]) + len(sr_objs[1])
+ len(sr_objs[2]) + 2)
expected_objects = all_objects[first_included:]
mock_responses = [
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_dicts[3:], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_objs[3][2:], shard_resp_hdrs[3]),
(200, sr_objs[4], shard_resp_hdrs[4]),
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker=marker, states='listing')), # 404
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker=marker, states='listing')), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker=marker, end_marker='\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb4\x00',
states='listing', limit=str(limit))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker=marker, end_marker='\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb4\x00',
states='listing', limit=str(limit))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='\xe2\xa8\x83', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[3][2:])))),
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
query_string='?marker=%s' % marker)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# GET with end marker
end_marker = bytes_to_wsgi(sr_objs[3][6]['name'].encode('utf8'))
first_excluded = (len(sr_objs[0]) + len(sr_objs[1])
+ len(sr_objs[2]) + 6)
expected_objects = all_objects[:first_excluded]
mock_responses = [
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_dicts[:4], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2]),
(404, '', {}),
(200, sr_objs[3][:6], shard_resp_hdrs[3]),
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(end_marker=end_marker, states='listing')), # 404
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(end_marker=end_marker, states='listing')), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 404
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='p', end_marker='\xe2\x98\x83\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 404
dict(marker='\xd1\xb0', end_marker=end_marker, states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1]
+ sr_objs[2])))),
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker='\xd1\xb0', end_marker=end_marker, states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1]
+ sr_objs[2])))),
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
query_string='?end_marker=%s' % end_marker)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# marker and end_marker and limit
limit = 2
expected_objects = all_objects[first_included:first_excluded]
mock_responses = [
(200, sr_dicts[3:4], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[3][2:6], shard_resp_hdrs[1])
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', limit=str(limit),
marker=marker, end_marker=end_marker)), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker=marker, end_marker=end_marker, states='listing',
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
% (marker, end_marker, limit))
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# reverse with marker, end_marker
mock_responses = [
(200, sr_dicts[3:4], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[3][2:6])), shard_resp_hdrs[1])
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker=end_marker, reverse='true', end_marker=marker,
limit=str(limit), states='listing',)), # 200
{'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'}, # 200
dict(marker=end_marker, end_marker=marker, states='listing',
limit=str(limit), reverse='true')),
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
% (end_marker, marker, limit), reverse=True)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
def test_GET_sharded_container_with_delimiter(self):
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham'), ('ham', 'pie'), ('pie', ''))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_%s' % upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': 2,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': 4,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
# pretend root object stats are not yet updated
'X-Container-Object-Count': 6,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': 12,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
sr_0_obj = {'name': 'apple',
'bytes': 1,
'hash': 'hash',
'content_type': 'text/plain',
'deleted': 0,
'last_modified': next(self.ts_iter).isoformat}
sr_2_obj = {'name': 'pumpkin',
'bytes': 1,
'hash': 'hash',
'content_type': 'text/plain',
'deleted': 0,
'last_modified': next(self.ts_iter).isoformat}
subdir = {'subdir': 'ha/'}
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [sr_0_obj, subdir], shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [], shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [sr_2_obj], shard_resp_hdrs)
expected_requests = [
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', delimiter='/')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', limit=str(limit),
states='listing', delimiter='/')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='ha/', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - 2), delimiter='/')), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='ha/', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - 2), delimiter='/')) # 200
expected_objects = [sr_0_obj, subdir, sr_2_obj]
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
def test_GET_sharded_container_overlapping_shards(self):
# verify ordered listing even if unexpected overlapping shard ranges
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham', ShardRange.CLEAVED),
('', 'pie', ShardRange.ACTIVE),
('lemon', '', ShardRange.ACTIVE))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_' + upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper,
for lower, upper, state in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(3)]
all_objects = []
for objects in sr_objs:
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
num_all_objects = len(all_objects)
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
# pretend root object stats are not yet updated
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects - 1,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects - 1,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
# forwards listing
# expect subset of second shard range
objs_1 = [o for o in sr_objs[1] if o['name'] > sr_objs[0][-1]['name']]
# expect subset of third shard range
objs_2 = [o for o in sr_objs[2] if o['name'] > sr_objs[1][-1]['name']]
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, objs_1, shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, objs_2, shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + objs_1)))) # 200
expected_objects = sr_objs[0] + objs_1 + objs_2
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs,
# reverse listing
# expect subset of third shard range
objs_0 = [o for o in sr_objs[0] if o['name'] < sr_objs[1][0]['name']]
# expect subset of second shard range
objs_1 = [o for o in sr_objs[1] if o['name'] < sr_objs[2][0]['name']]
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, list(reversed(sr_dicts)), root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[2])), shard_resp_hdrs[2]),
(200, list(reversed(objs_1)), shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, list(reversed(objs_0)), shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='lemon', states='listing',
reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='m', end_marker='', reverse='true', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[2])))), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='A', end_marker='', reverse='true', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[2] + objs_1)))) # 200
expected_objects = list(reversed(objs_0 + objs_1 + sr_objs[2]))
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests,
query_string='?reverse=true', reverse=True)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs,
def test_GET_sharded_container_gap_in_shards(self):
# verify ordered listing even if unexpected gap between shard ranges
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham'), ('onion', 'pie'), ('rhubarb', ''))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_' + upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(3)]
all_objects = []
for objects in sr_objs:
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
num_all_objects = len(all_objects)
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, all_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
def test_GET_sharded_container_empty_shard(self):
# verify ordered listing when a shard is empty
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham'), ('ham', 'pie'), ('pie', ''))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_%s' % upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(3)]
empty_shard_resp_hdrs = {
'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': 0,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': 0,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
# empty first shard range
all_objects = sr_objs[1] + sr_objs[2]
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(all_objects),
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [], empty_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[1], shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker does not advance until an object is in the listing
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[1])))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, sr_objs[1] + sr_objs[2], expected_requests)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# empty last shard range, reverse
all_objects = sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1]
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(all_objects),
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, list(reversed(sr_dicts)), root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [], empty_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[1])), shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[0])), shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='pie', states='listing',
limit=str(limit), reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham', states='listing',
limit=str(limit), reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker=sr_objs[1][0]['name'], end_marker='',
states='listing', reverse='true',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[1])))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, list(reversed(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])),
expected_requests, query_string='?reverse=true', reverse=True)
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# empty second shard range
all_objects = sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[2]
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(all_objects),
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, [], empty_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[2], expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# marker in empty second range
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts[1:], root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [], empty_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker unchanged when getting from third range
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', marker='koolaid')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='koolaid', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='koolaid', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, sr_objs[2], expected_requests,
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
# marker in empty second range, reverse
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, list(reversed(sr_dicts[:2])), root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, [], empty_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, list(reversed(sr_objs[0])), shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker unchanged when getting from first range
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing', marker='koolaid', reverse='true')), # 200
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='koolaid', end_marker='ham', reverse='true',
states='listing', limit=str(limit))), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='koolaid', end_marker='', reverse='true',
states='listing', limit=str(limit))) # 200
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, list(reversed(sr_objs[0])), expected_requests,
query_string='?marker=koolaid&reverse=true', reverse=True)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
def _check_GET_sharded_container_shard_error(self, error):
# verify ordered listing when a shard is empty
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham'), ('ham', 'pie'), ('lemon', ''))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_%s' % upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
# empty second shard range
sr_objs[1] = []
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(3)]
all_objects = []
for objects in sr_objs:
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
num_all_objects = len(all_objects)
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0])] + \
[(error, [], {})] * 2 * self.CONTAINER_REPLICAS + \
[(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])]
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# path, headers, params
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit)))] \
+ [(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0]))))
+ [(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1]))))]
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, all_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
def test_GET_sharded_container_shard_errors(self):
def test_GET_sharded_container_sharding_shard(self):
# one shard is in process of sharding
shard_bounds = (('', 'ham'), ('ham', 'pie'), ('pie', ''))
shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('.shards_a/c_' + upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in shard_bounds]
sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(3)]
shard_1_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(shard_resp_hdrs[1])
shard_1_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
# second shard is sharding and has cleaved two out of three sub shards
shard_resp_hdrs[1]['X-Backend-Sharding-State'] = 'sharding'
sub_shard_bounds = (('ham', 'juice'), ('juice', 'lemon'))
sub_shard_ranges = [
ShardRange('a/c_sub_' + upper, Timestamp.now(), lower, upper)
for lower, upper in sub_shard_bounds]
sub_sr_dicts = [dict(sr) for sr in sub_shard_ranges]
sub_sr_objs = [self._make_shard_objects(sr) for sr in sub_shard_ranges]
sub_shard_resp_hdrs = [
{'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': len(sub_sr_objs[i]),
sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in sub_sr_objs[i]]),
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'flavour%d' % i,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
for i in range(2)]
all_objects = []
for objects in sr_objs:
size_all_objects = sum([obj['bytes'] for obj in all_objects])
num_all_objects = len(all_objects)
root_resp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'sharded',
'X-Container-Object-Count': num_all_objects,
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': size_all_objects,
'X-Container-Meta-Flavour': 'peach',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': 0}
root_shard_resp_hdrs = dict(root_resp_hdrs)
root_shard_resp_hdrs['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
mock_responses = [
# status, body, headers
(200, sr_dicts, root_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sr_objs[0], shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sub_sr_dicts + [sr_dicts[1]], shard_1_shard_resp_hdrs),
(200, sub_sr_objs[0], sub_shard_resp_hdrs[0]),
(200, sub_sr_objs[1], sub_shard_resp_hdrs[1]),
(200, sr_objs[1][len(sub_sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[1]):],
(200, sr_objs[2], shard_resp_hdrs[2])
# NB marker always advances to last object name
expected_requests = [
# get root shard ranges
('a/c', {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(states='listing')), # 200
# get first shard objects
(shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='', end_marker='ham\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit))), # 200
# get second shard sub-shard ranges
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='pie\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))),
# get first sub-shard objects
(sub_shard_ranges[0].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='h', end_marker='juice\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0])))),
# get second sub-shard objects
(sub_shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='j', end_marker='lemon\x00', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[0])))),
# get remainder of first shard objects
(shard_ranges[1].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'object'},
dict(marker='l', end_marker='pie\x00',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[0] +
sub_sr_objs[1])))), # 200
# get third shard objects
(shard_ranges[2].name, {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'auto'},
dict(marker='p', end_marker='', states='listing',
limit=str(limit - len(sr_objs[0] + sr_objs[1])))) # 200
expected_objects = (
sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[1] +
sr_objs[1][len(sub_sr_objs[0] + sub_sr_objs[1]):] + sr_objs[2])
resp = self._check_GET_shard_listing(
mock_responses, expected_objects, expected_requests)
# root object count will overridden by actual length of listing
self.check_response(resp, root_resp_hdrs)
[StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', True, object_ring=FakeRing(replicas=4))])
class TestContainerController4Replicas(TestContainerController):
def test_response_code_for_PUT(self):
((201, 201, 201, 201), 201),
((201, 201, 201, 404), 201),
((201, 201, 201, 503), 201),
((201, 201, 404, 404), 201),
((201, 201, 404, 503), 201),
((201, 201, 503, 503), 201),
((201, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((201, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((201, 404, 503, 503), 503),
((201, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 404, 503, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('PUT', PUT_TEST_CASES)
def test_response_code_for_DELETE(self):
((204, 204, 204, 204), 204),
((204, 204, 204, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 204, 503), 204),
((204, 204, 404, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 404, 503), 204),
((204, 204, 503, 503), 204),
((204, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((204, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((204, 404, 503, 503), 503),
((204, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 404, 503, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('DELETE', DELETE_TEST_CASES)
def test_response_code_for_POST(self):
((204, 204, 204, 204), 204),
((204, 204, 204, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 204, 503), 204),
((204, 204, 404, 404), 204),
((204, 204, 404, 503), 204),
((204, 204, 503, 503), 204),
((204, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((204, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((204, 404, 503, 503), 503),
((204, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((404, 404, 404, 404), 404),
((404, 404, 404, 503), 404),
((404, 404, 503, 503), 404),
((404, 503, 503, 503), 503),
((503, 503, 503, 503), 503)
self._assert_responses('POST', POST_TEST_CASES)
if __name__ == '__main__':