Tim Burke 3a9f3f8419 py3: port s3api
Drive-by: When passing a list or tuple to swob.Response as an app_iter,
check that it's full of byte strings.

Change-Id: Ifc35aacb2e45004f74c871f08ff3c52bc57c1463
2019-05-02 16:38:39 -07:00

238 lines
9.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
from swift.common import swob
from swift.common.swob import Request
from swift.common.utils import json
from test.unit.common.middleware.s3api.test_s3_acl import s3acl
from test.unit.common.middleware.s3api import S3ApiTestCase
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.etree import fromstring
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.subresource import ACL, Owner, encode_acl
def create_bucket_list_json(buckets):
Create a json from bucket list
:param buckets: a list of tuples (or lists) consist of elements orderd as
name, count, bytes
bucket_list = [{'name': item[0], 'count': item[1], 'bytes': item[2]}
for item in buckets]
return json.dumps(bucket_list)
class TestS3ApiService(S3ApiTestCase):
def setup_buckets(self):
self.buckets = (('apple', 1, 200), ('orange', 3, 430))
bucket_list = create_bucket_list_json(self.buckets)
self.swift.register('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test', swob.HTTPOk, {},
def setUp(self):
super(TestS3ApiService, self).setUp()
def test_service_GET_error(self):
code = self._test_method_error(
'GET', '', swob.HTTPUnauthorized, expected_xml_tags=(
'Code', 'Message', 'AWSAccessKeyId', 'StringToSign',
'StringToSignBytes', 'SignatureProvided'))
self.assertEqual(code, 'SignatureDoesNotMatch')
code = self._test_method_error('GET', '', swob.HTTPForbidden)
self.assertEqual(code, 'AccessDenied')
code = self._test_method_error('GET', '', swob.HTTPServerError)
self.assertEqual(code, 'InternalError')
def test_service_GET(self):
req = Request.blank('/',
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
all_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
listing = list(list(buckets)[0])
self.assertEqual(len(listing), 2)
names = []
for b in all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket'):
self.assertEqual(len(names), len(self.buckets))
for i in self.buckets:
self.assertTrue(i[0] in names)
def test_service_GET_subresource(self):
req = Request.blank('/?acl',
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
all_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
listing = list(list(buckets)[0])
self.assertEqual(len(listing), 2)
names = []
for b in all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket'):
self.assertEqual(len(names), len(self.buckets))
for i in self.buckets:
self.assertTrue(i[0] in names)
def test_service_GET_with_blind_resource(self):
buckets = (('apple', 1, 200), ('orange', 3, 430),
('apple+segment', 1, 200))
expected = buckets[:-1]
bucket_list = create_bucket_list_json(buckets)
self.swift.register('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test', swob.HTTPOk, {},
req = Request.blank('/',
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
all_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
listing = list(list(buckets)[0])
self.assertEqual(len(listing), 2)
names = []
for b in all_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket'):
self.assertEqual(len(names), len(expected))
for i in expected:
self.assertIn(i[0], names)
def _test_service_GET_for_check_bucket_owner(self, buckets):
self.s3api.conf.check_bucket_owner = True
bucket_list = create_bucket_list_json(buckets)
self.swift.register('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test', swob.HTTPOk, {},
req = Request.blank('/',
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'},
headers={'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
return self.call_s3api(req)
def test_service_GET_without_bucket(self):
bucket_list = []
for var in range(0, 10):
bucket = 'bucket%s' % var
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/%s' % bucket,
swob.HTTPNotFound, {}, None)
bucket_list.append((bucket, var, 300 + var))
status, headers, body = \
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
resp_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = resp_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
self.assertEqual(len(list(buckets)), 0)
def test_service_GET_without_owner_bucket(self):
bucket_list = []
for var in range(0, 10):
user_id = 'test:other'
bucket = 'bucket%s' % var
owner = Owner(user_id, user_id)
headers = encode_acl('container', ACL(owner, []))
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/%s' % bucket,
swob.HTTPNoContent, headers, None)
bucket_list.append((bucket, var, 300 + var))
status, headers, body = \
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
resp_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = resp_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
self.assertEqual(len(list(buckets)), 0)
def test_service_GET_bucket_list(self):
bucket_list = []
for var in range(0, 10):
if var % 3 == 0:
user_id = 'test:tester'
user_id = 'test:other'
bucket = 'bucket%s' % var
owner = Owner(user_id, user_id)
headers = encode_acl('container', ACL(owner, []))
# set register to get owner of buckets
if var % 3 == 2:
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/%s' % bucket,
swob.HTTPNotFound, {}, None)
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/%s' % bucket,
swob.HTTPNoContent, headers, None)
bucket_list.append((bucket, var, 300 + var))
status, headers, body = \
self.assertEqual(status.split()[0], '200')
elem = fromstring(body, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult')
resp_buckets = elem.find('./Buckets')
buckets = resp_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket')
listing = list(list(buckets)[0])
self.assertEqual(len(listing), 2)
names = []
for b in resp_buckets.iterchildren('Bucket'):
# Check whether getting bucket only locate in multiples of 3 in
# bucket_list which mean requested user is owner.
expected_buckets = [b for i, b in enumerate(bucket_list)
if i % 3 == 0]
self.assertEqual(len(names), len(expected_buckets))
for i in expected_buckets:
self.assertTrue(i[0] in names)
self.assertEqual(len(self.swift.calls_with_headers), 11)
if __name__ == '__main__':