Currently the in-process tests build a 2 replica, 4 partition,
2 device object ring. This patch allows an alternative policy
and ring to be specified for testing via environment variables
that may optionally be set.
SWIFT_TEST_IN_PROCESS_CONF_DIR - This points the test setup to a
directory which may have a swift.conf file and ring file. The
test setup will then prefer these conf files over the samples
in '/etc'.
SWIFT_TEST_POLICY - This causes the in-process test to
use the specified policy from the swift.conf file and its
associated ring for testing (first copying the conf and ring file
and modifying device parameters to suit in-process testing). If
not set, the tests will use the default policy.
The in-process tests now start sufficient object servers for the
ring file being tested against.
This should allow in-process functional testing of various policies
and rings (e.g. EC policies) without needing to reconfigure an SAIO
for each test scenario.
The refactoring of the in_process test setup code should also
allow easier addition of other 'hard-coded' test policies/rings
in the future.
Change-Id: I24f5a13de3d296b400da1691dcb53423a9f8a463