--- # Ensure we have facts about all hypervisors before scheduling begins. - hosts: hypervisors tags: - schedule gather_facts: true - hosts: localhost tags: - schedule tasks: - name: Check that all specified node types exist fail: msg: > The non-existent node type {{ item.type }} was specified in 'specs'. when: item.type not in node_types loop: "{{ specs }}" - name: Check if an existing state file exists stat: path: "{{ state_file_path }}" register: stat_result - name: Read existing state from file include_vars: file: "{{ state_file_path }}" name: current_state when: stat_result.stat.exists - name: Get updated state tenks_update_state: node_name_prefix: "{{ node_name_prefix | default(omit) }}" node_types: "{{ node_types }}" specs: "{{ specs }}" state: "{{ current_state | default(omit) }}" vol_name_prefix: "{{ vol_name_prefix | default(omit) }}" register: new_state - name: Write new state to file copy: # tenks_schedule lookup plugin outputs a dict. Pretty-print this to # persist it in a YAML file. # NOTE(mgoddard): Use .get to avoid a nasty error in ansible-lint # (cannot represent an object). content: "{{ new_state.get('result') | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: "{{ state_file_path }}"