Nova Flavors ============ This role manages flavors in Nova. If `flavors_state` is `present`, it will ensure the specified flavors eexist; if it is `absent`, it will ensure they do not. Requirements ------------ - *OS_\** environment variables for the OpenStack cloud in question present in the shell environment. These can be sourced from an OpenStack RC file, for example. Role Variables -------------- - `flavors`: A list of dicts of details for flavors that are to be created. The format for this is detailed in `defaults/main.yml`. - `flavors_virtualenv_path`: The path to the virtualenv in which to install the OpenStack clients. - `flavors_python_upper_constraints_url`: The URL of the upper constraints file to pass to pip when installing Python packages. - `flavors_state`: Whether the specified flavors should be `present` or `absent`. Default is `present`.