Veth Pair ========= This role manages a veth pair. Actions: * If `veth_pair_state` is `present`, it will create the veth pair and plug one end into the specified peer bridge. If `veth_pair_plug_into_source` is enabled, it will also plug the other end into/from a source Linux bridge. * If `veth_pair_state` is `absent`, it will ensure the veth pair does not exist; if `veth_pair_plug_into_source` is also enabled, it will ensure the veth pair is not plugged into the source bridge. Requirements ------------ The host should have the `ip` command available. If `veth_pair_peer_bridge_type` is `openvswitch`, or `veth_pair_source_link_name` is an OVS bridge, the `ovs-vsctl` command should also be accessible. Role Variables -------------- - `veth_pair_peer_bridge_type`: The type of the peer bridge. One of `openvswitch`, or `linuxbridge`. - `veth_pair_peer_link_name`: The name to give the veth link that plugs into the peer bridge. - `veth_pair_peer_bridge`: The name of the peer bridge to plug into. - `veth_pair_source_link_name`: The name to give the veth link that plugs into the source device. - `veth_pair_source_bridge`: The name of the source Linux bridge to plug into. Must be specified if and only if `veth_pair_plug_into_source` is enabled. - `veth_pair_plug_into_source`: Whether or not to plug the source end of the veth pair into a Linux bridge. If enabled, `veth_pair_source_bridge` must also be specified. Default is `false`. - `veth_pair_state`: Whether or not the veth pair should exist. Choose from `present` or `absent`. Default is `present`.