--- # Ensure we have facts about all hypervisors before scheduling begins. - name: Gather facts from hypervisors setup: delegate_to: "{{ item }}" delegate_facts: true loop: "{{ groups['hypervisors'] }}" # Creates a dict mapping each hypervisor's hostname to its hostvars, to be used # during scheduling. - name: Collect hypervisor hostvars set_fact: hypervisor_vars: >- {{ hypervisor_vars | default({}) | combine({item: hostvars[item]}) }} loop: "{{ groups['hypervisors'] }}" - name: Schedule VMs to hypervisors tenks_schedule: hypervisor_vars: "{{ hypervisor_vars }}" flavours: "{{ flavours }}" specs: "{{ specs }}" register: allocations - name: Write VM allocations to file copy: # tenks_schedule lookup plugin outputs a dict. Pretty-print this to persist # it in a YAML file. content: "{{ allocations.result | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: "{{ allocations_file_path }}"