--- - job: name: tenks-deploy-teardown-base description: | Creates the tenks virtual machines and sets up the virtual BMC daemon. This stops short of enrolling the machines in Ironic. The cluster is then destroyed again. pre-run: playbooks/tenks-deploy-teardown/pre.yml run: playbooks/tenks-deploy-teardown/run.yml post-run: playbooks/tenks-deploy-teardown/post.yml required-projects: - name: openstack/requirements - name: stackhpc/ansible-role-libvirt-vm - name: stackhpc/ansible-role-libvirt-host attempts: 1 timeout: 1800 irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^\.ansible-lint$ - ^doc/ - ^releasenotes/ - ^setup\.cfg$ - ^setup\.py$ - ^tenks/ - ^test-requirements\.txt$ - ^tests/ - ^tox\.ini$ - ^zuul\.d/ - job: name: tenks-deploy-teardown-ovs-bios-base parent: tenks-deploy-teardown-base vars: bridge_type: openvswitch boot_mode: bios - job: name: tenks-deploy-teardown-linuxbridge-uefi-base parent: tenks-deploy-teardown-base vars: bridge_type: linuxbridge boot_mode: uefi