2018-09-14 13:35:27 +00:00

311 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2018 StackHPC Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Avoid shadowing of system copy module by copy action plugin.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import abc
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
import re
from ansible.errors import AnsibleActionFail
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
import six
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
Produce a dict of Tenks state.
Actions include:
* Generating indices for physical networks for each hypervisor.
* Scheduling specifications of nodes by type onto hypervisors.
The following task vars are accepted:
:hypervisor_vars: A dict of hostvars for each hypervisor, keyed
by hypervisor hostname. Required.
:specs: A list of node specifications to be instantiated. Required.
:node_types: A dict mapping node type names to a dict of properties
of that type.
:node_name_prefix: A string with which to prefix all sequential
node names.
:vol_name_prefix: A string with which to prefix all sequential
volume names.
:state: A dict of existing Tenks state (as produced by a previous
run of this module), to be taken into account in this run.
:returns: A dict of Tenks state for each hypervisor, keyed by the
hostname of the hypervisor to which the state refers.
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
# Initialise our return dict.
result['result'] = {}
del tmp # tmp no longer has any effect
args = self._task.args
# Modify the state as necessary.
self._set_physnet_idxs(args['state'], args['hypervisor_vars'])
self._process_specs(task_vars['hostvars']['localhost'], args)
# Return the modified state.
result['result'] = args['state']
return result
def _set_physnet_idxs(self, state, hypervisor_vars):
Set the index of each physnet for each host.
Use the specified physnet mappings and any existing physnet indices to
ensure the generated indices are consistent.
for hostname, hostvars in six.iteritems(hypervisor_vars):
# The desired mappings given in the Tenks configuration. These do
# not include IDXs which are an implementation detail of Tenks.
specified_mappings = hostvars['physnet_mappings']
# The physnet indices currently in the state file.
old_idxs = state[hostname]['physnet_indices']
except KeyError:
# The hypervisor is new since the last run.
state[hostname] = {}
old_idxs = {}
new_idxs = {}
next_idx = 0
used_idxs = list(old_idxs.values())
for name, dev in six.iteritems(specified_mappings):
# We need to re-use the IDXs of any existing physnets.
idx = old_idxs[name]
except KeyError:
# New physnet requires a new IDX.
while next_idx in used_idxs:
next_idx += 1
idx = next_idx
new_idxs[name] = idx
state[hostname]['physnet_indices'] = new_idxs
def _process_specs(self, localhost_vars, args):
Ensure the correct nodes are present in `state`.
Remove unnecessary nodes by marking as 'absent' and schedule new nodes
to hypervisors such that the nodes in `state` match what's specified in
# Iterate through existing nodes, marking for deletion where necessary.
for hyp in args['state'].values():
# Anything already marked as 'absent' should no longer exist.
hyp['nodes'] = [n for n in hyp.get('nodes', [])
if n.get('state') != 'absent']
for node in hyp['nodes']:
if ((localhost_vars['cmd'] == 'teardown' or
not self._tick_off_node(args['specs'], node))):
# We need to delete this node, since it exists but does not
# fulfil any spec.
node['state'] = 'absent'
if localhost_vars['cmd'] != 'teardown':
# Now create all the required new nodes.
self._create_nodes(localhost_vars, args)
def _tick_off_node(self, specs, node):
Tick off an existing node as fulfilling a node specification.
If `node` is required in `specs`, decrement that spec's count and
return True. Otherwise, return False.
# Attributes that a spec and a node have to have in common for the node
# to count as an 'instance' of the spec.
MATCHING_ATTRS = {'type', 'ironic_config'}
for spec in specs:
if ((all(spec[attr] == node[attr] for attr in MATCHING_ATTRS) and
spec['count'] > 0)):
spec['count'] -= 1
return True
return False
def _create_nodes(self, localhost_vars, args):
Create new nodes to fulfil the specs.
scheduler = RoundRobinScheduler(args['hypervisor_vars'],
# Anything left in specs needs to be created.
for spec in args['specs']:
for _ in six.moves.range(spec['count']):
node = self._gen_node(localhost_vars, spec['type'],
args, spec.get('ironic_config'))
hostname, idx = scheduler.choose_host(node)
# Set node name based on its index.
node['name'] = "%s%d" % (args['node_name_prefix'], idx)
# Set IPMI port using its index as an offset from the lowest
# port.
node['ipmi_port'] = (
'ipmi_port_range_start'] + idx)
# Set up node list structure for this host.
args['state'].setdefault(hostname, {})
args['state'][hostname].setdefault('nodes', [])
def _gen_node(self, localhost_vars, type_name, args, ironic_config=None):
Generate a node description.
A name will not be assigned at this point because we don't know which
hypervisor the node will be scheduled to.
node_type = args['node_types'][type_name]
node = deepcopy(node_type)
# All nodes need an Ironic driver.
# Set the type name, for future reference.
node['type'] = type_name
# Sequentially number the volume names.
for vol_idx, vol in enumerate(node['volumes']):
vol['name'] = (
"%s%d" % (args['vol_name_prefix'], vol_idx))
# Ironic config is not mandatory.
if ironic_config:
node['ironic_config'] = ironic_config
return node
def _validate_args(self, args):
if args is None:
args = {}
REQUIRED_ARGS = {'hypervisor_vars', 'specs', 'node_types'}
# Var names and their defaults.
('node_name_prefix', 'tk'),
# state is optional, since if this is the first run there won't be
# any yet.
('state', {}),
('vol_name_prefix', 'vol'),
for arg in REQUIRED_ARGS:
if arg not in args:
e = "The parameter '%s' must be specified." % arg
raise AnsibleActionFail(to_text(e))
for arg in OPTIONAL_ARGS:
if arg[0] not in args:
args[arg[0]] = arg[1]
if not args['hypervisor_vars']:
e = ("There are no hosts in the 'hypervisors' group to which we "
"can schedule.")
raise AnsibleActionFail(to_text(e))
for spec in args['specs']:
if 'type' not in spec or 'count' not in spec:
e = ("All specs must contain a `type` and a `count`. "
"Offending spec: %s" % spec)
raise AnsibleActionFail(to_text(e))
class Scheduler():
Abstract class representing a 'method' of scheduling nodes to hosts.
def __init__(self, hostvars, state):
self.hostvars = hostvars
self.state = state
self._host_free_idxs = {}
def choose_host(self, node):
"""Abstract method to choose a host to which we can schedule `node`.
Returns a tuple of the hostname of the chosen host and the index of
this node on the host.
raise NotImplementedError()
def host_next_idx(self, hostname):
Return the next available index for a node on this host.
If the free indices are not cached for this host, they will be
:param hostname: The name of the host in question
:returns: The next available index, or None if none is available
if hostname not in self._host_free_idxs:
return self._host_free_idxs[hostname].pop(0)
except IndexError:
return None
def host_passes(self, node, hostname):
Perform checks to ascertain whether this host can support this node.
# Check that the host is connected to all physical networks that the
# node requires.
return all(pn in self.hostvars[hostname]['physnet_mappings'].keys()
for pn in node['physical_networks'])
def _calculate_free_idxs(self, hostname):
# The maximum number of nodes this host can have is the number of
# IPMI ports it has available.
all_idxs = six.moves.range(
self.hostvars[hostname]['ipmi_port_range_end'] -
self.hostvars[hostname]['ipmi_port_range_start'] + 1)
get_idx = (
lambda n: int(re.match(r'[A-Za-z]*([0-9]+)$', n).group(1)))
used_idxs = {get_idx(n['name']) for n in self.state[hostname]['nodes']
if n.get('state') != 'absent'}
self._host_free_idxs[hostname] = sorted([i for i in all_idxs
if i not in used_idxs])
class RoundRobinScheduler(Scheduler):
Schedule nodes in a round-robin fashion to hosts.
def __init__(self, hostvars, state):
super(RoundRobinScheduler, self).__init__(hostvars, state)
self.hostvars = hostvars
self._host_cycle = itertools.cycle(hostvars.keys())
def choose_host(self, node):
idx = None
count = 0
while idx is None:
# Ensure we don't get into an infinite loop if no hosts are
# available.
if count >= len(self.hostvars):
e = ("No hypervisors are left that can support the node %s."
% node)
raise AnsibleActionFail(to_text(e))
count += 1
hostname = next(self._host_cycle)
if self.host_passes(node, hostname):
idx = self.host_next_idx(hostname)
return hostname, idx